Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, source, batchsize=500, queuesize=20):
        - source: the source to iterate
        - batchsize: the number of rows passed from the worker process each
          time it passes on a batch of rows. Must be positive. Default: 500
        - queuesize: the maximum number of batches that can wait in a queue
          between the processes. 0 means unlimited. Default: 20
     if not isinstance(batchsize, int) or batchsize < 1:
         raise ValueError('batchsize must be a positive integer')
     self.__source = source
     self.__batchsize = batchsize
     self.__queue = Queue(queuesize)
     p = Process(target=self.__worker)
     p.name = "Process for ProcessSource"
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, seq, callee):
        - seq: a sequence with the elements for each of which a unique source
          must be created. the elements are given (one by one) to callee.
        - callee: a function f(e) that must accept elements as those in the
          seq argument. the function should return a source which then will
          be iterated by this source. the function is called once for every
          element in seq.
     self.__queue = Queue()  # a multiprocessing.Queue
     if not callable(callee):
         raise TypeError('callee must be callable')
     self.__callee = callee
     for e in seq:
         # put them in a safe queue such that this object can be used from
         # different fork'ed processes