Exemplo n.º 1
def calc_vavg(tau,A,m,n,N0,Nz,c,phi,sigma=False):
    """Calculating average sediment velocities.
    tau: basal shear stress
    A: flow law factor
    m: exponent of effective pressure
    n: exponent of basal shear stress
    N0: effective pressure
    Nz: effective pressure gradient
    c: cohesion
    phi: angle of internal friction"""

    za = calc_za(tau,N0,Nz,c,phi)
    v = numpy.zeros(len(tau),numpy.float)
    if sigma:
        f = flow2
        f = flow1

    for i in range(0,len(v)):
        sys = integrate.gsl_function(f,[tau[i],A,m,n,N0,Nz,c,phi,0.])
        flag,result,error,num = integrate.qng(sys,za[i],0.,1e-6, 1e-6)
        if flag != 0:
            print flag
        if za[i]!=0:
            v[i] = -result/za[i]
    return v    
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_qng(self):
     def f1(x,y):
         return Numeric.sin(x)
     sys = integrate.gsl_function(f1, None)
     flag, result, error, method = integrate.qng(sys, 0, Numeric.pi, 1e-8, 1e-8)
     assert(Numeric.absolute(result - 2) < 1e-7)
Exemplo n.º 3
def calc_vsld(tau,A,m,n,N0,Nz,c,phi,sigma=False):

    za = calc_za(tau,N0,Nz,c,phi)
    v = numpy.zeros(len(tau),numpy.float)

    if sigma:
        f = flow2
        f = flow1

    for i in range(0,len(v)):
        sys = integrate.gsl_function(f,[tau[i],A,m,n,N0,Nz,c,phi,None])
        flag,result,error,num = integrate.qng(sys,za[i],0.,1e-8, 1e-8)
        if flag != 0:
            print flag
        v[i] = result
    return v
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_fail():
    """Demonstrates pygsl capabilites in finding problems with callbacks
    def f1(x, *args):
        return None

    import pygsl

    sys = integrate.gsl_function(f1, None)

    # Enables printing debug messages. The higher the level the more information
    # will be displayed

    # Quite a few functions add traceback frames when they propage the error
    # through the different levels. If you can not understand the error messages
    # directly, looking at the source where the error occured can help.
    flag, result, error, method = integrate.qng(sys, 0, numx.pi, 1e-8, 1e-8)