Exemplo n.º 1
def test_vectorized():
    """See that heatindex and windchill can do lists"""
    temp = datatypes.temperature([0, 10], "F")
    sknt = datatypes.speed([30, 40], "MPH")
    val = meteorology.windchill(temp, sknt).value("F")
    assert abs(val[0] - -24.50) < 0.01

    t = datatypes.temperature([80.0, 90.0], "F")
    td = datatypes.temperature([70.0, 60.0], "F")
    hdx = meteorology.heatindex(t, td)
    assert abs(hdx.value("F")[0] - 83.93) < 0.01

    tmpf = np.array([80.0, 90.0]) * units("degF")
    dwpf = np.array([70.0, 60.0]) * units("degF")
    smps = np.array([10.0, 20.0]) * units("meter per second")
    feels = meteorology.mcalc_feelslike(tmpf, dwpf, smps)
    assert abs(feels.to(units("degF")).magnitude[0] - 83.15) < 0.01

    tmpf = masked_array([80.0, np.nan], units("degF"), mask=[False, True])
    feels = meteorology.mcalc_feelslike(tmpf, dwpf, smps)
    assert abs(feels.to(units("degF")).magnitude[0] - 83.15) < 0.01
    assert feels.mask[1]
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_vectorized():
    """See that heatindex and windchill can do lists"""
    temp = datatypes.temperature([0, 10], 'F')
    sknt = datatypes.speed([30, 40], 'MPH')
    val = meteorology.windchill(temp, sknt).value('F')
    assert abs(val[0] - -24.50) < 0.01

    t = datatypes.temperature([80.0, 90.0], 'F')
    td = datatypes.temperature([70.0, 60.0], 'F')
    hdx = meteorology.heatindex(t, td)
    assert abs(hdx.value("F")[0] - 83.93) < 0.01

    tmpf = np.array([80., 90.]) * units('degF')
    dwpf = np.array([70., 60.]) * units('degF')
    smps = np.array([10., 20.]) * units('meter per second')
    feels = meteorology.mcalc_feelslike(tmpf, dwpf, smps)
    assert abs(feels.to(units("degF")).magnitude[0] - 83.15) < 0.01

    tmpf = masked_array([80., np.nan], units('degF'), mask=[False, True])
    feels = meteorology.mcalc_feelslike(tmpf, dwpf, smps)
    assert abs(feels.to(units("degF")).magnitude[0] - 83.15) < 0.01
    assert feels.mask[1]
Exemplo n.º 3
def computeOthers(d):
    r = {}
    # Need something to compute other values needed for output
    for sid in d.keys():
        ob = d[sid]
        ob["ticks"] = calendar.timegm(ob['utc_valid'].timetuple())
        if ob['sknt'] is not None:
            ob["sped"] = ob["sknt"] * 1.17
        if ob.get('tmpf') is not None and ob.get('dwpf') is not None:
            tmpf = temperature(ob['tmpf'], 'F')
            dwpf = temperature(ob['dwpf'], 'F')
            ob["relh"] = meteorology.relh(tmpf, dwpf).value('%')
            ob['relh'] = None
        if ob['relh'] == 'M':
            ob['relh'] = None

        if (ob.get('tmpf') is not None and ob.get('dwpf') is not None and
                ob.get('sped') is not None):
            ob['feel'] = meteorology.mcalc_feelslike(
                masked_array([ob['tmpf'], ], units('degF'), mask=[False, ]),
                masked_array([ob['dwpf'], ],  units('degF'), mask=[False, ]),
                masked_array([ob['sped'], ], units('mile per hour'),
                             mask=[False, ])
            ob['feel'] = None
        if ob['feel'] == 'M':
            ob['feel'] = None

        ob["altiTend"] = 'S'
        ob["drctTxt"] = util.drct2text(ob["drct"])
        if ob["max_drct"] is None:
            ob["max_drct"] = 0
        ob["max_drctTxt"] = util.drct2text(ob["max_drct"])
        ob["20gu"] = 0
        if ob['gust'] is not None:
            ob["gmph"] = ob["gust"] * 1.17
        if ob['max_gust'] is not None:
            ob["max_sped"] = ob["max_gust"] * 1.17
            ob['max_sped'] = 0
        ob['pday'] = 0 if ob['pday'] is None else ob['pday']
        ob['pmonth'] = 0 if ob['pmonth'] is None else ob['pmonth']
        ob["gtim"] = "0000"
        ob["gtim2"] = "12:00 AM"
        if ob["max_gust_ts"] is not None and ob["max_gust_ts"] != "null":
            ob["gtim"] = ob["max_gust_ts"].strftime("%H%M")
            ob["gtim2"] = ob["max_gust_ts"].strftime("%-I:%M %p")
        r[sid] = ob
    return r
Exemplo n.º 4
def process_metar(mstr, now):
    """ Do the METAR Processing """
    mtr = None
    while mtr is None:
            mtr = Metar(mstr, now.month, now.year)
        except MetarParserError as exp:
            msg = str(exp)
            tokens = ERROR_RE.findall(str(exp))
            orig_mstr = mstr
            if tokens:
                for token in tokens[0].split():
                    mstr = mstr.replace(" %s" % (token, ), "")
                if orig_mstr == mstr:
                    LOG.info("Can't fix badly formatted metar: %s", mstr)
                    return None
                LOG.info("MetarParserError: %s", msg)
                return None
        except Exception as exp:
            LOG.info("Double Fail: %s %s", mstr, exp)
            return None
    if mtr is None or mtr.time is None:
        return None

    ob = OB()
    ob.metar = mstr[:254]
    ob.valid = now

    if mtr.temp:
        ob.tmpf = mtr.temp.value("F")
    if mtr.dewpt:
        ob.dwpf = mtr.dewpt.value("F")

    if mtr.wind_speed:
        ob.sknt = mtr.wind_speed.value("KT")
    if mtr.wind_gust:
        ob.gust = mtr.wind_gust.value("KT")

    # Calc some stuff
    if ob.tmpf is not None and ob.dwpf is not None:
        ob.relh = (relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(
            ob.tmpf * units("degF"),
            ob.dwpf * units("degF")).to(units("percent")).magnitude)
        if ob.sknt is not None:
            ob.feel = (mcalc_feelslike(
                ob.tmpf * units.degF,
                ob.dwpf * units.degF,
                ob.sknt * units("knots"),

    if mtr.wind_dir and mtr.wind_dir.value() != "VRB":
        ob.drct = mtr.wind_dir.value()

    if mtr.vis:
        ob.vsby = mtr.vis.value("SM")

    # see pull request #38
    if mtr.press and mtr.press != mtr.press_sea_level:
        ob.alti = mtr.press.value("IN")

    if mtr.press_sea_level:
        ob.mslp = mtr.press_sea_level.value("MB")

    if mtr.precip_1hr:
        ob.p01i = mtr.precip_1hr.value("IN")

    # Do something with sky coverage
    for i in range(len(mtr.sky)):
        (c, h, _) = mtr.sky[i]
        setattr(ob, "skyc%s" % (i + 1), c)
        if h is not None:
            setattr(ob, "skyl%s" % (i + 1), h.value("FT"))

    if mtr.max_temp_6hr:
        ob.max_tmpf_6hr = mtr.max_temp_6hr.value("F")
    if mtr.min_temp_6hr:
        ob.min_tmpf_6hr = mtr.min_temp_6hr.value("F")
    if mtr.max_temp_24hr:
        ob.max_tmpf_24hr = mtr.max_temp_24hr.value("F")
    if mtr.min_temp_24hr:
        ob.min_tmpf_6hr = mtr.min_temp_24hr.value("F")
    if mtr.precip_3hr:
        ob.p03i = mtr.precip_3hr.value("IN")
    if mtr.precip_6hr:
        ob.p06i = mtr.precip_6hr.value("IN")
    if mtr.precip_24hr:
        ob.p24i = mtr.precip_24hr.value("IN")

    # Presentwx
    if mtr.weather:
        pwx = []
        for wx in mtr.weather:
            val = "".join([a for a in wx if a is not None])
            if val == "" or val == len(val) * "/":
        ob.wxcodes = pwx

    return ob