Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
        self._V = mesh.V()
        self._F = mesh.F()
        self._precomputed = False

        if signType == 'fast_winding_number':
            self._signType = igl.SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_FAST_WINDING_NUMBER
            if doPrecompute:
                self._tree = igl.AABB()
                self._fwn_bvh = igl.FastWindingNumberBVH()
                # print("[INFO] Precomuting bvh trees...")
                self._tree.init(self._V, self._F)
                igl.fast_winding_number(self._V, self._F, 2, self._fwn_bvh)
                # print("[INFO] Done precomputing")
                self._precomputed = True
        elif signType == 'pseudonormal':
            self._signType = igl.SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_PSEUDONORMAL
            raise ("Invalid signing type given")
Exemplo n.º 2
import sys, os
import math

# Add the igl library to the modules search path
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd() + "/../")
import pyigl as igl

from shared import TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH, check_dependencies

dependencies = ["glfw"]

V = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
F = igl.eigen.MatrixXi()
T = igl.eigen.MatrixXi()
tree = igl.AABB()
FN = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
VN = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
EN = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
E = igl.eigen.MatrixXi()
EMAP = igl.eigen.MatrixXi()

max_distance = 1
slice_z = 0.5
overlay = False

viewer = igl.glfw.Viewer()

def append_mesh(C_vis, F_vis, V_vis, V, F, color):
    F_vis.conservativeResize(F_vis.rows() + F.rows(), 3)
Exemplo n.º 3
def undeform(path_ref, path_mov, path_morph, outdir):
    global Vref, Sref, Fref, Smov, Fmov
    global vecs, k
    global UxLUx, Ux, UyLUy, Uy, UzLUz, Uz, L
    global it
    Specific paths
    path_vref = path_ref + "/surf.ply"
    path_vmov = path_mov + "/surf.ply"
    path_sref = path_ref + "/surf.sphere.ply"
    path_smov = path_mov + "/surf.sphere.ply"
    path_rotref = path_ref + "/rotation.txt"
    path_rotmov = path_mov + "/rotation.txt"
    Load meshes
    Vref = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
    Vmov = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
    Sref = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
    Smov = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
    Smor = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
    Fref = igl.eigen.MatrixXi()
    Fmov = igl.eigen.MatrixXi()
    TMP1 = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
    TMP2 = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()

    # load meshes
    igl.readPLY(path_vref, Vref, Fref, TMP1, TMP2)
    igl.readPLY(path_vmov, Vmov, Fmov, TMP1, TMP2)
    igl.readPLY(path_sref, Sref, Fref, TMP1, TMP2)
    igl.readPLY(path_smov, Smov, Fmov, TMP1, TMP2)
    igl.readPLY(path_morph, Smor, Fmov, TMP1, TMP2)

    # load and apply rotations
    rot = np.loadtxt(path_rotref)
    rot = p2e(rot).leftCols(3).topRows(3)
    Sref = (rot.transpose() * Sref.transpose()).transpose()

    rot = np.loadtxt(path_rotmov)
    rot = p2e(rot).leftCols(3).topRows(3)
    Smov = (rot.transpose() * Smov.transpose()).transpose()
    Compute uniform Laplacian matrix
    A = igl.eigen.SparseMatrixi()
    igl.adjacency_matrix(Fmov, A)
    pA = e2p(A).astype('float64')
    pL = scipy.sparse.csgraph.laplacian(pA).astype(float).tocsc()
    L = p2e(pL)
    Eigenpairs of the uniform Laplacian
    k = 25
    print("Using " + str(k) + " eigenvectors")
    vals, vecs = eigsh(pL, k, sigma=0, which='LM')
    evecs = p2e(vecs)
    Initial deformation field guess
    delta = Smor - Smov
    a = delta.col(0).transpose() * evecs  # 1 row, k columns
    b = delta.col(1).transpose() * evecs
    c = delta.col(2).transpose() * evecs
    abc = np.concatenate((a, b, c), axis=1).T[:, 0]
    Constant part of the deformation energy function
    Ux = Vmov.col(0)
    Uy = Vmov.col(1)
    Uz = Vmov.col(2)
    UxLUx = Ux.transpose() * L * Ux
    UyLUy = Uy.transpose() * L * Uy
    UzLUz = Uz.transpose() * L * Uz
    Initialise AABB tree for finding closest vertices
    tree = igl.AABB()
    tree.init(Sref, Fref)
    Call the minimisation algorithm
    it = 0
    x, f, d = fmin_l_bfgs_b(energy,
    Save the resulting morph sphere and the resulting projected mesh
    sph = sphere(x)
    igl.writePLY(outdir + "/surf.sphere.ply", sphere(x), Fmov)
    igl.writePLY(outdir + "/surf.ply", project(sph), Fmov)