Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_parser_get_physical_coordinates(data_path, parse_lib):
        parser = ImzMLParser(data_path, parse_lib=parse_lib)

        x, y = parser.get_physical_coordinates(0)
        assert x == 100.0
        assert y == 100.0
Exemplo n.º 2
    def write_msi_to_hdf(self, h5f_fname_w_path, imzml_fname_w_path, norm=''):
        Converts imzML data to HDF5 format. Iterates through imzML and, one 
        spectrum at a time, reads and writes spectral data to h5 as new raw
        dataset. Spectra are stored to HDF5 dataset in the order in which
        they are read from imzML file.
        imzml = ImzMLParser(imzml_fname_w_path)
        #Infer dataset dimensions from first spectrum in imzML
        samp_mz, samp_int = imzml.getspectrum(0)
        length = len(samp_mz)
        self.mzsaxis = np.asarray(samp_mz)
        height = len(imzml.mzOffsets)
        del samp_int, samp_mz
        #Create and open hdf5 file
        hf = h5py.File(h5f_fname_w_path, 'w')
        print('\n%i spectra x %i mz data points'%(height, length))
        grp = hf.create_group('MALDI_001')

        dset1 = grp.create_dataset('Intensities', shape=(height, length),
                                   chunks=(1, 1024), dtype='float64')
        grp.create_dataset('m_over_z', data=self.mzsaxis)
        dset3 = grp.create_dataset('Coordinates', shape=(height,2))
        grp.create_group('Normalization Factors')
        # Iterates through spectra contained in .ibd binary using getspectrum()
        # For each spectrum, writes mz axis and intensity list as line in
        # appropriate datasets in group "MALDI_001"
        summed_ints = np.zeros(length)
        max_int = 0
        for i in range(height):
            mz, intensity = imzml.getspectrum(i)
                coordinates = imzml.get_physical_coordinates(i)
            except KeyError:
                imzml.imzmldict['pixel size y'] = imzml.imzmldict['pixel size x']
                coordinates = imzml.get_physical_coordinates(i)
            point = np.asarray([coordinates[0], coordinates[1]])
            dset1[i] = intensity
            dset3[i] = point
            if max(intensity) > max_int:
                max_int = max(intensity)
            summed_ints = summed_ints + intensity
            if self.log and i > 0:
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                    print('%i / %i'%((i, height)))
        average_spectrum = summed_ints / height
        grp.create_dataset('Average spectrum', data=(average_spectrum), dtype='float64')
        del summed_ints, mz, intensity, coordinates, point, max_int
        #Revert Numpy error handling to default setting (print)
        np.seterr(all = 'print')
        # Clean up, flush buffer, close file
        print('Finished importing!')
        if norm=='' or norm.upper()=='NONE':
            self._calculate_new_normalization_(norm, hf)