def regex_search():
    while True:
        # prompt = 'Please provide the path to the folder which contains the .txt files that you wish to search in:\n'
        # input_file_path = pyip.inputStr(prompt=prompt)
        input_file_path = r'C:'
        path = Path(input_file_path)
        if path.is_dir():
                'The given path either did not exist, or the path was not a folder.'

    regex_string_prompt = 'Please provide a regular expression to use to search the .txt files\n'
    regex_str = pyip.inputRegexStr(prompt=regex_string_prompt)
    for textFilePathObj in path.glob('*.txt'):
        file = open(textFilePathObj)
        user_regex = re.compile(regex_str)

            f'The following lines in {} matched the user provided regex of {regex_str} :'
        for line in file.readlines():
            if len(user_regex.findall(line)) > 0:
Exemplo n.º 2
def regexSearch():
    # Ask user for his expression
    expression = pyip.inputRegexStr("You want to search for: ")

    # Set counter for number of occurances
    expressionCounter = 0

    # Store all .txt files in a list
    directory = Path.cwd()
    allFiles = (list(directory.glob("*.txt")))
    for file in allFiles:
        # Open all .txt files in the folder
        currentFile = open(file, "r")
        content =

        # Search user expression in the file
        for match in re.finditer(expression, content):
            expressionCounter += 1

    print("The expression occured " + str(expressionCounter) + " times")
Exemplo n.º 3
A program that opens all .txt files in a folder
and searches for any line that matches a user-supplied
regular expression, and print to the screen.
import os, glob, re, pyinputplus as pyip

current_folder = os.getcwd()
for file in glob.glob("*.txt"):
    txt_obj = open(file, 'r')
    txt =
    user_supplied_regex_pattern = pyip.inputRegexStr(
        prompt=f'For file {file}: input the search regex pattern: ')
    regex = re.compile(user_supplied_regex_pattern)
    search_result = regex.findall(txt)

    # Print out result
    if search_result is not None:
        print(f"In file {file}: Found match(es): ")
        for i in range(len(search_result)):
            print(search_result[i] + " ")
        print("Not match found.")
Exemplo n.º 4
Chapter 9 Reading and Writing Files

Regex Search

Write a program that opens all .txt files in a folder and searches for any
line that matches a user-supplied regular expression. The results should
be printed to the screen.


from pathlib import Path
import pyinputplus as pyip
import re

# TODO: Bug in pyip??? inputRegexStr calls validateRegex instead of validateRegexStr
regex = pyip.inputRegexStr('Please input a regex: ')
pattern = re.compile(regex)

p = Path.cwd()
for txtFile in list(p.glob('*.txt')):
    with open(txtFile) as curFile:
        txtLines = curFile.readlines()
        for txtLine in txtLines:
            if (
Exemplo n.º 5
import pyinputplus as pyip
from pathlib import Path
import re

def get_dir(count=0):
    dir = pyip.inputFilepath(prompt='Enter a directory: ')
    if (Path(dir).is_dir()):
        return dir
        if (count > 5):
            raise Exception("Too many tries")
        get_dir(count + 1)

    dir = Path(get_dir())
    print('Too many tries')

regex = pyip.inputRegexStr(prompt='Enter the Regular Expression: ')
r = re.compile(regex)
files = list(dir.glob('*.txt'))
for file in files:
    file_handle = open(file)
    contents =
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# opens all .txt files in a folder and searches for any line that matches a user-supplied regular expression
# The results are printed to the screen

from pathlib import Path
import re, os
import pyinputplus as pyip

# Prompt user to input a path to be searched
file_path = input("Please enter a path to the folder you want to search:\n")
file_path_obj = Path(file_path)  # Now we have the file path as a string and Path object

if Path.is_dir(file_path_obj) == True:  # Check for valid directory
    # Prompt user to input a regular expression
    search_criteria = pyip.inputRegexStr(
        prompt="Enter a regular expression to search for:\n"
    text_files = os.listdir(file_path_obj)  # List all files in dir
    for text_file in text_files:  # Loop through all files
        try:  # This will prevent the program from crashing if it cannot open one of the files
            if text_file.endswith(".txt"):  # Find the text files
                contents = open(file_path_obj / text_file)  # Open the file
                list_of_lines = contents.readlines()  # Make a list of all the lines
                contents.close()  # Close the text file
                for (
                ) in list_of_lines:  # Loop through every item in the list of lines
                    if (
               != None
                    ):  # If the regex str finds a match
Exemplo n.º 7
from pathlib import Path
import re, os
import pyinputplus as pyip

#use glob to find txt files

p = Path(r'H:\The Folder of many text files')


txtFiles = list(p.glob('*.txt'))

regExUserInput = pyip.inputRegexStr(
    prompt='Please provide a regex to search for: ')


regExUser = regExUserInput

for fileN in txtFiles:
    curFile = open(fileN)
    curFileLines = list(curFile.readlines())
    for line in range(len(curFileLines)):
        if[line]) != None:
            print('Match found in line ' + str(line) + '.\nIn file: ' +
                  os.path.basename(fileN) + '. \nLine: ' + curFileLines[line])