Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
	# sample from model
	kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(
		transition_function, observation_function,


	# states, observations = kf.sample(50, initial_state_mean)

	observations = []

	import os
	dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

	with open(dir+'/data.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
		para = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
		for row in para:

	states = []
	cov = []
	for i in range(len(observations)):
		states.append([0, 0])
		cov.append([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
	states[0] = initial_state_mean
	print states[0]
	cov[0] = initial_state_covariance
	for i in range(len(observations)-1):
		states[i], cov[i] = kf.filter(observations[i+1])
		states[i+1], cov[i+1] = kf.filter_update(states[i], cov[i])

	# estimate state with filtering and smoothing
	# filtered_state_estimates = kf.filter(observations)[0]
	# smoothed_state_estimates = kf.smooth(observations)[0]

	# draw estimates
	lines_true = pl.plot(states, color='b')
	# lines_filt = pl.plot(filtered_state_estimates, color='r', ls='-')
	# lines_smooth = pl.plot(smoothed_state_estimates, color='g', ls='-.')
	#pl.legend((lines_true[0], lines_filt[0], lines_smooth[0]),
	#		  ('true', 'filt', 'smooth'),
	#		  loc='lower left'
class UnscentedKalmanFilterControl:
    def __init__(self, dimState, delay, arm, knoiseU, controller):
    	Initializes parameters to uses the function implemented below
    	inputs:		-dimState: dimension of the state, here the state correspond to the muscular activation vector U, int
    			-dimObs: dimension of the observation, here the observation is the position of the arm given by the model, int
    			-delay: the delay with which we give the observation to the filter, int
    			-arm, armModel, class object
                        -rs, ReadSetupFile, class object
        self.name = "UnscentedKalmanFilter"
        self.knoiseU = knoiseU
        self.dimState = dimState
        self.delay = delay
        self.arm = arm
        self.controller = controller

        #initialization of some parameters for the filter
        transition_covariance = np.eye(self.dimState) * 0.01
        initial_state_mean = np.zeros(self.dimState)
        observation_covariance = 1000 * np.eye(self.dimState)
        initial_state_covariance = np.eye(self.dimState)
        self.nextCovariance = np.eye(self.dimState) * 0.0001
        self.ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(self.transitionFunctionUKF,

    def initObsStore(self, state):
    	Initialization of the observation storage
    	Input:		-state: the state stored
        self.obsStore = []
        for i in range(self.delay):
        #print ("InitStore:", self.obsStore)

    def storeObs(self, state):
    	Stores the current state and returns the delayed state
    	Input:		-state: the state to store
        for i in range(self.delay - 1):
            self.obsStore[self.delay - i - 1] = self.obsStore[self.delay - i -
        self.obsStore[0] = state
        #print ("After store:", self.obsStore)
        #print ("retour:", self.obsStore[self.delay-1])
        return self.obsStore[self.delay - 1]

    def transitionFunctionUKF(self, state, transitionNoise=0):
    	Transition function used by the filter, function of the state and the transition noise at time t and produces the state at time t+1
    	Inputs:		-stateU: the state at time t, numpy array
    			-transitionNoise: transition noise at time t, numpy array
    	Output:		-nextStateUNoise: the next State with noise added, numpy array
        #print("UKF trans state :", state)
        U = self.controller.computeOutput(state)
        nextState = self.arm.computeNextState(U, state)
        return nextState + transitionNoise

    def observationFunctionUKF(self, state, observationNoise=0):
    	Observation function used by the filter, function of the state and the observation noise at time t and produces the observation at time t
    	Inputs:		-stateU: the state at time t, numpy array
    			-observationNoise: the observation noise at time t, numpy array
    	Output:		-nextObsNoise: observation at time t+1
        U = self.controller.computeOutput(state)
        nextObs = self.arm.computeNextState(U, state)
        nextObsNoise = nextObs + observationNoise
        return nextObsNoise

    def runUKF(self, state):
    	Function used to compute the next state approximation with the filter
    	Inputs:		-Unoisy: the state to feed the filter, here its the muscular activation vector U, numpy array of dimension (x, 1), here x = 6
    			    -state: the state of the arm
    	Output:		-stateApprox: the next state approximation, numpy array of dimension (x, 1), here x = 4
        #store the state of the arm to feed the filter with a delay on the observation
        oldstate = self.storeObs(state)
        #print("UKF old state :", oldstate)
        #compute the nextState approximation ie here the next muscular activation
        nextState, nextCovariance = self.ukf.filter_update(
            state, self.nextCovariance, oldstate)
        #compute the nextState i.e. the next position vector from the approximation of the next muscular activation vector given by the filter
        return nextState

    def debugStore(self):
        state = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
        for i in range(5):
            tmp = [rd.random() for x in range(4)]
class UnscentedKalmanFilterControl:
    def __init__(self, dimState, delay, arm, knoiseU, controller):
    	Initializes parameters to uses the function implemented below
    	inputs:		-dimState: dimension of the state, here the state correspond to the muscular activation vector U, int
    			-dimObs: dimension of the observation, here the observation is the position of the arm given by the model, int
    			-delay: the delay with which we give the observation to the filter, int
    			-arm, armModel, class object
                        -rs, ReadSetupFile, class object
        self.name = "UnscentedKalmanFilter"
        self.knoiseU = knoiseU
        self.dimState = dimState
        self.delay = delay
        self.arm = arm
        self.controller = controller

        #initialization of some parameters for the filter
        transition_covariance = np.eye(self.dimState)*0.01
        initial_state_mean = np.zeros(self.dimState)
        observation_covariance = 1000*np.eye(self.dimState) 
        initial_state_covariance = np.eye(self.dimState)
        self.nextCovariance = np.eye(self.dimState)*0.0001
        self.ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(self.transitionFunctionUKF, self.observationFunctionUKF,
                                    transition_covariance, observation_covariance,
                                    initial_state_mean, initial_state_covariance)
    def initObsStore(self, state):
    	Initialization of the observation storage
    	Input:		-state: the state stored
        self.obsStore = []
        for i in range(self.delay):
        #print ("InitStore:", self.obsStore)
    def storeObs(self, state):
    	Stores the current state and returns the delayed state
    	Input:		-state: the state to store
        for i in range (self.delay-1):
        #print ("After store:", self.obsStore)
        #print ("retour:", self.obsStore[self.delay-1])
        return self.obsStore[self.delay-1]
    def transitionFunctionUKF(self, state, transitionNoise = 0):
    	Transition function used by the filter, function of the state and the transition noise at time t and produces the state at time t+1
    	Inputs:		-stateU: the state at time t, numpy array
    			-transitionNoise: transition noise at time t, numpy array
    	Output:		-nextStateUNoise: the next State with noise added, numpy array
        #print("UKF trans state :", state)
        U = self.controller.computeOutput(state)
        nextState = self.arm.computeNextState(U, state)
        return nextState + transitionNoise
    def observationFunctionUKF(self, state, observationNoise = 0):
    	Observation function used by the filter, function of the state and the observation noise at time t and produces the observation at time t
    	Inputs:		-stateU: the state at time t, numpy array
    			-observationNoise: the observation noise at time t, numpy array
    	Output:		-nextObsNoise: observation at time t+1
        U = self.controller.computeOutput(state)
        nextObs = self.arm.computeNextState(U, state)
        nextObsNoise = nextObs + observationNoise
        return nextObsNoise
    def runUKF(self, state):
    	Function used to compute the next state approximation with the filter
    	Inputs:		-Unoisy: the state to feed the filter, here its the muscular activation vector U, numpy array of dimension (x, 1), here x = 6
    			    -state: the state of the arm
    	Output:		-stateApprox: the next state approximation, numpy array of dimension (x, 1), here x = 4
        #store the state of the arm to feed the filter with a delay on the observation
        oldstate = self.storeObs(state)
        #print("UKF old state :", oldstate)
        #compute the nextState approximation ie here the next muscular activation
        nextState, nextCovariance = self.ukf.filter_update(state, self.nextCovariance, oldstate)
        #compute the nextState i.e. the next position vector from the approximation of the next muscular activation vector given by the filter
        return nextState
    def debugStore(self):
        state = np.array([1,2,3,4])
        for i in range(5):
            tmp = [rd.random() for x in range(4)]
Exemplo n.º 4
class Fusion(object):
    def __init__(self, x, v, w):
        self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(0)
        self.transition_covariance = np.array([[0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0],\
                                                [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],\
                                                [0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0],\
                                                [0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0],\
                                                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001],\
        self.observation_covariance = np.array([[0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0],\
                                               [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],\
                                               [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0],\
                                               [0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0],\
                                               [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001],\
        self.initial_state_mean = [x, 0.1, v, np.pi / 2, w]
        # self.initial_state_mean = [0, 0, 20, 0, np.pi / 180]
        self.transition_state = self.initial_state_mean
        self.obs = self.initial_state_mean
        self.pre_parabola_param = [0, 0, 1.75]
        self.initial_state_covariance = np.array([[0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0],\
                                                  [0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0],\
                                                  [0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0],\
                                                  [0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0],\
                                                  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001],\
        self.T = 0.5
        self.estimate_state = [
            self.initial_state_mean, self.initial_state_covariance
        self.kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(self.transition_function,
        self.timestamp = time.time()

    def transition_function(self, state, noise):
        t = self.T
        if state[4] == 0:
            a = state[2] * np.cos(state[3]) + state[0]
            b = state[2] * np.sin(state[3]) + state[1]
            c = state[2]
            d = np.pi / 2  #state[4] * t + state[3]
            e = state[4]
            r = state[2] / state[4]
            a = r * np.sin(state[4] * t + state[3]) - r * np.sin(
                state[3])  # + state[0]
            b = -r * np.cos(state[4] * t + state[3]) + r * np.cos(
                state[3]) + state[1]
            c = state[2]
            d = np.pi / 2  #state[4] * t + state[3]
            e = state[4]  # + np.sin(debug_index / 10) * 0.01
            # e = states_i + np.sin(debug_index / 10) * 10 * np.pi / 180
        #adjust x from parabola param(down-right coordinate)
        pixl_b = b * (IMAGE_HEI / 40)
        parabola_y1 = self.pre_parabola_param[0] * (
            -pixl_b)**2 + self.pre_parabola_param[1] * (
                -pixl_b) + self.pre_parabola_param[2]
        dalta_y = parabola_y1 - self.pre_parabola_param[2]
        # a = dalta_y * (3.5 / lane_wid) + a
        pixl_y = parabola_y1 * (3.5 / lane_wid)
        a = pixl_y - a
        b = b - state[1]
        if self.obs[0] - a > 3.5 / 2:
            a += 3.5
        elif self.obs[0] - a < -3.5 / 2:
            a -= 3.5
        self.transition_state = np.array([a, b, c, d, e]) + noise
        # print ("self.transition_state:" + str(self.transition_state))
        return self.transition_state

    def observation_function(self, state, noise):
        # C = np.array([[-1, 0.5], [0.2, 0.1]])
        # C = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
        C = np.eye(5)
        # return np.dot(C, state) + noise
        return state + noise

    def update(self, obs):
        self.estimate_state = self.kf.filter_update(
            self.estimate_state[0], self.estimate_state[1], obs,
            self.transition_function, self.transition_covariance,
            self.observation_function, self.observation_covariance)
        print("estimate X:" + str(self.estimate_state[0]))
        return self.estimate_state

    def update_step(self, x, v, w, t, parabola_param):
        print("update_step1:({},{},{},{},{})".format(x, v, w, t,
        self.T = t
        self.parabola_param = parabola_param
        # obs = [x, y, v, theta, w]
        # we didn't have obs_y so use predict obs_y(we didn't use y)
        if w == 0 or self.transition_state[4] == 0:
            y = self.transition_state[2] * np.sin(
                self.transition_state[3]) + self.transition_state[1]
            r = self.transition_state[2] / self.transition_state[4]
            y = -r * np.cos(
                self.transition_state[4] * t + self.transition_state[3]
            ) + r * np.cos(self.transition_state[3]) + self.transition_state[1]
        self.obs = [x, y, v, np.pi / 2, w]
        self.timestamp = time.time()
        self.pre_parabola_param = parabola_param
        return self.estimate_state[0][0]

    def get_estimate(self):
        return self.estimate_state[0][0]

    def get_predict(self):
        return self.transition_state[0]