Exemplo n.º 1
def test_factlist_retract_matching():
    """ Test retract_matching method """

    from pyknow.factlist import FactList
    from pyknow.fact import Fact
    flist = FactList()
    assert getattr(flist, "_fidx") == 0
    assert not flist.facts
    assert getattr(flist, "_fidx") == 1
    assert isinstance(flist.facts[0], Fact)
    assert flist.retract_matching(Fact()) == [0]
    assert not flist.facts
Exemplo n.º 2
class KnowledgeEngine:
    This represents a clips' ``module``, wich is an ``inference engine``
    holding a set of ``rules`` (as :obj:`pyknow.rule.Rule` objects),
    an ``agenda`` (as :obj:`pyknow.agenda.Agenda` object)
    and a ``fact-list`` (as :obj:`pyknow.factlist.FactList` objects)

    This could be considered, when inherited from, as the

    __strategy__ = Depth

    def __init__(self):
        self.context = Context()
        self._fixed_facts = []
        self.facts = FactList()
        self.running = False
        self.agenda = Agenda()
        self.strategy = self.__strategy__()
        self._parent = False
        self.shared_attributes = {}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.shared_attributes)

    def set_shared_attributes(self, **shared_attributes):
        Stablises a dict with shared attributes to be used
        by this KE's childs on a tree


    def parent(self):
        Parent Knowledge Engine. Used in tree-like KEs.
        :return: KnowledgeEngine

        return self._parent

    def parent(self, parent):
        Set a parent for later use.
        It must inherit from ``pyknow.engine.KnowledgeEngine``

        if not isinstance(parent, KnowledgeEngine):
            raise ValueError("Parent must descend from KnowledgeEngine")

        self._parent = parent

    def declare(self, *facts):
        Declare from inside a fact, equivalent to ``assert`` in clips.

        .. note::

            This updates the agenda.

        if not self.running:
            logging.warning("Declaring fact while not run()")
        self.strategy.update_agenda(self.agenda, self.get_activations())

    def __declare(self, *facts):
        Internal declaration method. Used for ``declare`` and ``deffacts``

        def _declare_facts(facts):
            """ Declare facts """
            for fact in facts:
                for value in fact.value.values():
                    if not isinstance(value, L):
                        raise TypeError("Can only use ``L`` tipe on declare")
                yield self.facts.declare(fact)
        return list(_declare_facts(facts))

    def deffacts(self, *facts):
        Declare a Fact from OUTSIDE the engine.
        Equivalent to clips' deffacts.

        if self.running:
            logging.warning("Declaring fixed facts while run()")


    def retract(self, idx):
        Retracts a specific fact, using its index

        .. note::
            This updates the agenda

        idx = self.facts.retract(idx)
        self.strategy.update_agenda(self.agenda, self.get_activations())

    def retract_matching(self, fact):
        Retracts a specific fact, comparing against another fact

        .. note::
            This updates the agenda

        for idx in self.facts.retract_matching(fact):
        self.strategy.update_agenda(self.agenda, self.get_activations())

    def modify(self, fact, result_fact):
        Modifies a fact.
        Facts are inmutable in Clips, thus, as documented in clips reference
        manual, this retracts a fact and then re-declares it


    def get_rules(self):
        When instanced as a knowledge-base, this will return
        each of the rules that are assigned to it (the rule-base).

        def _rules():
            for _, obj in getmembers(self):
                if isinstance(obj, Rule):
                    obj.ke = self
                    yield obj
        return list(_rules())

    def get_activations(self):
        Matches the rule-base (see :func:`pyknow.engine.get_rules`)
        with the fact-list and returns each match

        for rule in self.get_rules():
            capturations = rule.get_capturations(self.facts)
            for act in rule.get_activations(self.facts, capturations):
                if act:
                    act.rule = rule
                    yield act


    def run(self, steps=None):
        Execute agenda activations

        self.running = True
        while steps is None or steps > 0:
            activation = self.agenda.get_next()
            if activation is None:
                if steps is not None:
                    steps -= 1
                activation.rule(self, activation=activation)
        self.running = False

    def load_initial_facts(self):
        Declares all fixed_facts

        if self._fixed_facts:

    def reset(self):
        Performs a reset as per CLIPS behaviour (resets the
        agenda and factlist and declares InitialFact())

        .. note:: If persistent facts have been added, they'll be

        self.agenda = Agenda()
        self.facts = FactList()
        self.strategy.update_agenda(self.agenda, self.get_activations())