Exemplo n.º 1
def derive_mm_w_pm(GP, SD):
    GP["mm_w_pm"].value = (
        GP['mm_r_os'].value - GP["mm_d_bg_air"].value -
        (GP['mm_r_ri'].value + GP['mm_d_ri'].value)) / np.cos(
            GP['deg_alpha_vspm'].value) - GP['mm_d_pm'].value * np.tan(
    return GP["mm_w_pm"].value
def transmission(xvals, parms):
    #position=p[0];  intensity=p[1]; slit=p[2];  stth=p[3];  background=p[4];  thickness=p[5];  absorption=p[6]
    #x0=p[0];        i0=p[1];        w=p[2];     theta=p[3];  ib=p[4];    thick=p[5];   u=p[6];
    #th = np.deg2rad(theta)
    #p0 = w * np.cos(th)/np.cos(2*th)
    #out = []
    #for x in xvals:
    #    if x < (x0 - p0):
    #        val = ib
    #    elif ((x>=x0-p0) and (x < x0)):
    #        val = i0*(x-x0+p0)*(x-x0+p0)+ib
    #    elif ((x>=x0) and (x<(x0+p0))):
    #        val = i0*(2.0*p0*p0-(x0+p0-x)*(x0+p0-x))+ib
    #    elif (x>=x0+p0):
    #        val=2*i0*p0*p0 +ib
    #    out = out + [val]
    x0 = parms[0]
    i0 = parms[1]
    w = parms[2]
    theta = parms[3]
    ib = parms[4]
    thick = parms[5]
    u = parms[6]
    th = np.deg2rad(theta)
    p = w * np.cos(th)
    Atot = w * w / np.sin(2.0 * th)
    out = []
    for x in xvals:
        if (x <= (x0 - p)):
            val = ib
        elif ((x > (x0 - p)) and (x <= x0)):
            val = ib + i0 * ((x - (x0 - p)) * ((x -
                                                (x0 - p)) * np.tan(th))) / Atot
        elif ((x > x0) and (x <= x0 + p)):
            val = ib + i0 * (Atot - (x0 + p - x) *
                             (x0 + p - x) * np.tan(th)) / Atot
        elif (x > x0 + p):
            val = ib + i0
        out = out + [val]
    return np.array(out)
def wall(xvals, parms):
    #position=p[0];  intensity=p[1]; slit=p[2];  stth=p[3];  background=p[4];  thickness=p[5];  absorption=p[6]
    midpoint = parms[0]
    i0 = parms[1]
    w = parms[2]
    theta = parms[3]
    ib = parms[4]
    thick = parms[5]
    u = parms[6]
    midpoint = parms[0]
    x0 = midpoint - thick / 2.0
    th = np.deg2rad(theta)
    p = w * np.cos(th)
    Atot = w * w / np.sin(2.0 * th)
    out = []
    for x in xvals:
        if (x <= (x0 - p)):
            val = ib
        #elif ((x0-p) >= (x-thick)) and ((x0+p) >= x):         #Gauge volume is smaller than thickness
        if ((x > (x0 - p)) and (x0 - p > (x - thick)) and (x <= x0)):
            val = ib + i0 * ((x - (x0 - p)) * ((x -
                                                (x0 - p)) * np.tan(th))) / Atot
        elif ((x > x0) and (x <= x0 + p) and (x0 - p > (x - thick))):
            val = ib + i0 * (Atot - (x0 + p - x) *
                             (x0 + p - x) * np.tan(th)) / Atot
        elif (x0 - p > (x - thick)
              and (x0 + p < x)):  #Gauge volume is smaller than thickness
            val = ib + i0
        elif (x0 - p < (x - thick)
              and (x0 + p > x)):  #Gauge volume is larger than thickness
            A2 = (x0 + p - x) * (x0 + p - x) * np.tan(th)
            A3 = ((x - thick) - (x0 - p)) * (((x - thick) -
                                              (x0 - p)) * np.tan(th))
            val = ib + i0 * (Atot - A2 - A3) / Atot
        elif ((x0 - p) < (x - thick)) and ((x0 + p) < x) and (x0 >=
                                                              (x - thick)):
            A3 = ((x - thick) - (x0 - p)) * (((x - thick) -
                                              (x0 - p)) * np.tan(th))
            val = ib + i0 * (Atot - A3) / Atot
        elif (x0 < (x - thick) and ((x0 + p >= (x - thick)))):
            A2 = (x0 + p - (x - thick)) * ((x0 + p) - (x - thick)) * np.tan(th)
            val = ib + i0 * (A2 / Atot)
        elif (x0 + p < (x - thick)):
            val = ib

        #elif ((x0-p) < (x-thick)) and ((x0+p) >= x):         #Gauge volume is larger than thickness
        #    A2 = (x0+p-x)*(x0+p-x)*np.tan(th)
        #    A3 = ((x-thick)-(x0-p))*(((x-thick)-(x0-p))*np.tan(th))
        #    val = ib + i0*(Atot-A2-A3)/Atot

        out = out + [val]
    return np.array(out)
def reflection1(xvals, parms):
    #position=p[0];  intensity=p[1]; slit=p[2];  stth=p[3];  background=p[4];  thickness=p[5];  absorption=p[6]
    x0 = parms[0]
    i0 = parms[1]
    w = parms[2]
    theta = parms[3]
    ib = parms[4]
    thick = parms[5]
    u = parms[6]
    th = np.deg2rad(theta)
    p = w * np.sin(th)
    Atot = w * w / np.sin(2.0 * th)
    out = []
    ni = 5
    irng = np.array(range(1, ni + 1))

    for x in xvals:
        if x < (x0 - p):
            val = ib
        elif ((x0 - p) < x and x0 > x):
            l1 = x - (x0 - p)
            nrleft = int(np.ceil(l1 / (2 * p) * ni))
            if nrleft < 1: nrleft = 1
            irngleft = np.array(range(1, nrleft + 1))
            dl1 = l1 / float(nrleft)
            dl = irngleft * dl1
            triA = dl * dl / np.tan(th)  #triangle areas
            secA = [triA[0]
                    ] + [triA[i] - triA[i - 1]
                         for i in range(1, nrleft)]  #section areas
            secA = np.array(secA)
            m1 = np.linspace(
                x0 - p + dl1 / 2.0, x - dl1 / 2.0, nrleft
            )  #section midpoint position - path length calculated from this
            plen = np.abs(2 * m1 / np.sin(th))
            val = ib + np.sum(i0 * secA * np.exp(-u * plen))

        elif (x0 <= x) and (x0 + p >= x):
            l1 = p
            nrleft = int(np.ceil(l1 / (2 * p) * ni))
            if nrleft < 1: nrleft = 1
            irngleft = np.array(range(1, nrleft + 1))
            dl1left = l1 / float(nrleft)
            dlleft = irngleft * dl1left
            triAleft = dlleft * dlleft / np.tan(th)  #triangle areas
            secAleft = [triAleft[0]] + [
                triAleft[i] - triAleft[i - 1] for i in range(1, nrleft)
            ]  #section areas
            secAleft = np.array(secAleft)
            m1left = np.linspace(x0 - p + dl1left / 2.0, x0 - dl1left / 2.0,
                                 nrleft) + (x - x0)
            plenleft = np.abs(2 * m1left / np.sin(th))
            valleft = np.sum(i0 * secAleft * np.exp(-u * plenleft))

            l2 = x - x0
            nrright = int(np.ceil(x - x0 / (2 * p) * ni))
            if nrright < 1: nrright = 1
            irngright = np.array(range(1, nrright + 1))
            dl1right = l2 / float(nrright)
            dlright = p - np.append(0.0, dl1right * irngright)
            triAright = dlright * dlright / np.tan(th)
            secAright = [
                triAright[i] - triAright[i + 1] for i in range(nrright)
            secAright = np.array(secAright)
            m1right = np.linspace(x - x0 - dl1right / 2.0, dl1right / 2.0,
            plenright = np.abs(2 * m1right / np.sin(th))
            valright = np.sum(i0 * secAright * np.exp(-u * plenright))

            val = ib + valleft + valright

        elif (x > x0 + p):
            l1 = p
            #nrleft = int(np.ceil(l1/(x-(x0-p))*ni));
            nrleft = int(np.ceil(l1 / (2 * p) * ni))
            if nrleft < 1: nrleft = 1
            irngleft = np.array(range(1, nrleft + 1))
            dl1left = l1 / float(nrleft)
            dlleft = irngleft * dl1left
            triAleft = dlleft * dlleft / np.tan(th)  #triangle areas
            secAleft = [triAleft[0]] + [
                triAleft[i] - triAleft[i - 1] for i in range(1, nrleft)
            ]  #section areas
            secAleft = np.array(secAleft)
            m1left = np.linspace(x0 - p + dl1left / 2.0, x0 - dl1left / 2.0,
                                 nrleft) + (x - x0)
            plenleft = np.abs(2 * m1left / np.sin(th))
            valleft = np.sum(i0 * secAleft * np.exp(-u * plenleft))

            l2 = p
            nrright = int(np.ceil(l2 / (2 * p) * ni))
            if nrright < 1: nrright = 1
            irngright = np.array(range(1, nrright + 1))
            dl1right = l2 / float(nrright)
            dlright = p - np.append(0.0, dl1right * irngright)
            triAright = dlright * dlright / np.tan(th)
            secAright = [
                triAright[i] - triAright[i + 1] for i in range(nrright)
            secAright = np.array(secAright)
            m1right = np.linspace(dlright[0] - dl1right / 2.0, dlright[-1] +
                                  dl1right / 2.0, nrright) + (x - (x0 + p))
            plenright = np.abs(2 * m1right / np.sin(th))
            valright = np.sum(i0 * secAright * np.exp(-u * plenright))

            val = ib + valleft + valright

        out = out + [val]
    return np.array(out)
Exemplo n.º 5
def walltransmission(xvals, parms):
    #position=p[0];  intensity=p[1]; slit=p[2];  stth=p[3];  background=p[4];  thickness=p[5];  absorption=p[6]
    midpoint = parms[0]
    i0 = parms[1]
    w = parms[2]
    theta = parms[3]
    ib = parms[4]
    thick = parms[5]
    u = parms[6]
    midpoint = parms[0]
    x0 = midpoint - thick / 2.0
    th = np.deg2rad(theta)
    p = w * np.cos(th)
    t = thick
    Atot1 = w * w / np.sin(2.0 * th)
    Atot = 2 * w * np.sin(th) * w * np.cos(th)
    out = []

    baselength = 2 * p
    Gvol_area = 2 * w * w * np.sin(th) * np.cos(th)
    if baselength > thick:
        Ar = 0.5 * (p - thick / 2.0) * (p - thick / 2.0) * np.tan(th)
        maxbeam = Gvol_area - 4.0 * Ar
        maxbeam = Gvol_area

    for x in xvals:
        x1 = x
        x2 = x - thick

        if (x1 <= (x0 - p)) and (x2 <= x0 - p):
            val = ib
        elif (x0 - p) >= x2 and (x0 - p <= x1) and (x0 > x1):
            A = (x1 - (x0 - p))
            val = ib + A * A * np.tan(th) / maxbeam * i0
        elif (x0 - p <= x2) and (x0 >= x1):
            C = (x1 - (x0 - p))
            B = (x2 - (x0 - p))
            val = ib + (C * C * np.tan(th) - B * B * np.tan(th)) / maxbeam * i0
        elif (x2 <= (x0 - p)) and (x0 >= x2) and (x0 <= x1) and (x1 <=
                                                                 (x0 + p)):
            A = (x1 - (x0 + p))
            val = ib + (Gvol_area - A * A * np.tan(th)) / maxbeam * i0
        elif (x2 <= (x0 - p)) and (x0 >= x2) and (x0 <= x1) and (x1 >=
                                                                 (x0 + p)):
            val = ib + i0
        elif (x2 >= (x0 - p)) and (x0 >= x2) and (x0 <= x1) and (x1 <=
                                                                 (x0 + p)):
            A = (x1 - (x0 + p))
            B = (x2 - (x0 - p))
            val = ib + (Gvol_area - A * A * np.tan(th) -
                        B * B * np.tan(th)) / maxbeam * i0
        elif (x2 >= (x0 - p)) and (x0 >= x2) and (x0 <= x1) and (x1 >=
                                                                 (x0 + p)):
            B = (x2 - (x0 - p))
            val = ib + (Gvol_area - B * B * np.tan(th)) / maxbeam * i0
        elif (x0 + p >= x1) and (x0 <= x2):
            A = (x1 - (x0 + p))
            C = (x2 - (x0 + p))
            val = ib + (C * C * np.tan(th) - A * A * np.tan(th)) / maxbeam * i0
        elif (x2 >= (x0 - p)) and (x0 <= x2) and (x0 <= x1) and (
                x1 >= (x0 + p)) and (x2 <= (x0 + p)):
            A = (x0 + p - x2)
            val = ib + A * A * np.tan(th) / maxbeam * i0
        elif (x0 - p) >= x2 and (x0 + p) <= x2:
            val = ib
        out = out + [val]
    return np.array(out)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def redraw_cross_section_outline_with_pyx(tool_tikz, no_repeat_stator,
        # PyX
        tool_tikz.c = pyx.canvas.canvas(
        )  # clear the canvas because we want to redraw 90 deg with the data tool_tikz.track_path

        print('Index   | Path data')
        p_stator = None  #pyx.path.path()
        p_rotor = None  #pyx.path.path()
        for index, path in enumerate(
        ):  # track_path is passed by reference and is changed by mirror
            # Failed to fill the closed path, because there is no arc-like path available.
            # p = pyx.path.line(4, 0, 5, 0) << pyx.path.line(5, 0, 5, 1) << pyx.path.line(5, 1, 4, 1)
            # p.append(path.closepath())
            # tool_tikz.c.stroke(p)
            # tool_tikz.c.stroke(path.rect(0, 0, 1, 1), [pyx.style.linewidth.Thick,
            #                      pyx.color.rgb.red,
            #                      pyx.deco.filled([pyx.color.rgb.green])])

            path_mirror = deepcopy(path)
            # for mirror copy (along x-axis)
            path_mirror[1] = path[1] * -1
            path_mirror[3] = path[3] * -1
            # for mirror copy (along y-axis)
            # path_mirror[0] = path[0]*-1
            # path_mirror[2] = path[2]*-1

            bool_exclude_path = False

            # rotate path and plot
            if is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length):
                Q = no_repeat_stator
                Q = no_repeat_rotor * 2

            EPS = 1e-6
            if is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length):
                # 按照Eric的要求,把不必要的线给删了。
                if abs(path[1] + path[3]) < EPS:  # 镜像对称线
                    bool_exclude_path = True
                if abs(path[0] - path[2]) + np.cos(
                        2 * np.pi / Q / 2) < EPS:  # 旋转对称线(特别情况,tan(90°) = ∞
                    bool_exclude_path = True
                    if abs(
                            abs((path[1] - path[3]) / (path[0] - path[2])) -
                            abs(np.tan(2 * np.pi / Q / 2))) < EPS:  # 旋转对称线
                        bool_exclude_path = True

            if not is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius,
                # 按照Eric的要求,把不必要的线给删了。
                if  (abs(np.sqrt(path[0]**2+path[1]**2) - mm_rotor_inner_radius)<EPS or abs(np.sqrt(path[2]**2+path[3]**2) - mm_rotor_inner_radius)<EPS) \
                    and (len(path)==4): # 转子铁芯内径到外径的直线(len(path)==4)
                    bool_exclude_path = True

            #     # 特别的是,画永磁体的时候,边界要闭合哦。
            #     if abs(np.sqrt(path[0]**2+path[1]**2) - mm_rotor_outer_steel_radius) < EPS or abs(np.sqrt(path[2]**2+path[3]**2) - mm_rotor_outer_steel_radius) < EPS:
            #         bool_exclude_path = False

            # A trick that makes sure models with different outer diameters have the same scale.
            # tool_tikz.draw_arc([125,0], [-125,0], relangle=sign*180, untrack=True)
                pyx.path.circle(0, 0, 125), [pyx.color.transparency(1)]
            )  # use this if THICK is used. <- Warn: Transparency not available in PostScript, proprietary ghostscript extension code inserted. (save as eps format)
            # tool_tikz.c.fill(pyx.path.circle(0, 0, 125), [pyx.color.rgb.white]) # use this if THICK is used. <- this will over-write everthing... how to change zorder?

            _ = 2 * np.pi / Q

            if True:  # full model
                for counter in range(Q):

                    # 转子:旋转复制
                    if not is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius,
                        path[0], path[1] = rotate(_, path[0], path[1])
                        path[2], path[3] = rotate(_, path[2], path[3])
                        路径 = tool_tikz.pyx_draw_path(
                        if 路径 is not None:
                            if p_rotor is None:
                                p_rotor = 路径
                                p_rotor = p_rotor << 路径

                    # 定子:镜像+旋转复制
                    if is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius,

                        path[0], path[1] = rotate(_, path[0], path[1])
                        path[2], path[3] = rotate(_, path[2], path[3])
                        路径 = tool_tikz.pyx_draw_path(
                        # print(index, '\t|', ',\t'.join(['%g'%(el) for el in path]))
                        if 路径 is not None:
                            if p_stator is None:
                                p_stator = 路径
                                p_stator = p_stator << 路径

                        path_mirror[0], path_mirror[1] = rotate(
                            _, path_mirror[0], path_mirror[1])
                        path_mirror[2], path_mirror[3] = rotate(
                            _, path_mirror[2], path_mirror[3])
                        路径 = tool_tikz.pyx_draw_path(
                        if 路径 is not None:
                            if p_stator is None:
                                p_stator = 路径
                                p_stator = p_stator << 路径

                    # break
            else:  # backup

                # 转子:旋转复制
                if not is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius,
                    path[0], path[1] = rotate(0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * 0.5 * _,
                                              path[0], path[1])
                    path[2], path[3] = rotate(0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * 0.5 * _,
                                              path[2], path[3])
                    # print(index, '\t|', ',\t'.join(['%g'%(el) for el in path]))

                    # path[0], path[1] = rotate(0.5*np.pi - 0*0.5*_, path[0], path[1])
                    # path[2], path[3] = rotate(0.5*np.pi - 0*0.5*_, path[2], path[3])
                    # pyx_draw_path(tool_tikz, path, sign=1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path)

                # 定子:镜像+旋转复制
                if is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius,

                    path[0], path[1] = rotate(0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * _, path[0],
                    path[2], path[3] = rotate(0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * _, path[2],
                    # print(index, '\t|', ',\t'.join(['%g'%(el) for el in path]))

                    path_mirror[0], path_mirror[1] = rotate(
                        0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * _, path_mirror[0], path_mirror[1])
                    path_mirror[2], path_mirror[3] = rotate(
                        0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * _, path_mirror[2], path_mirror[3])

                    # 注意,所有 tack_path 中的 path 都已经转动了90度了!
                    # for mirror copy (along y-axis)
                    path[0] *= -1
                    path[2] *= -1

                    path_mirror[0] *= -1
                    path_mirror[2] *= -1
Exemplo n.º 7
    def ModifiedBianchi2006(self, fea_config_dict, SD, GP, OP):

        air_gap_flux_density_B = SD['guess_air_gap_flux_density_B']
        # air_gap_flux_density_B = 0.9
        stator_tooth_flux_density_B_ds = SD[
        # stator_tooth_flux_density_B_ds = 1.5

        stator_yoke_flux_density_Bys = SD['guess_stator_yoke_flux_density_Bys']

        if SD['p'] >= 2:
            alpha_rm_over_alpha_rp = 1.0
            # stator_yoke_flux_density_Bys = 1.2
            # penalty for p=1 motor, i.e., large yoke height
            alpha_rm_over_alpha_rp = 0.75
            # stator_yoke_flux_density_Bys = 1.5

        stator_outer_diameter_Dse = 0.128  # m
        stator_outer_radius_r_os = 0.5 * stator_outer_diameter_Dse

        speed_rpm = SD['ExcitationFreqSimulated'] * 60 / SD['p']  # rpm

        split_ratio = 0.5  # refer to 2020-MLMS-0953@Fig. 5
        stator_inner_radius_r_is = stator_outer_radius_r_os * split_ratio
        stator_inner_diameter_Dis = stator_inner_radius_r_is * 2

        mm_sleeve_length = 0.5
        mm_airgap_plus_sleeve_length = SD[
            'minimum_mechanical_air_gap_length_mm'] + mm_sleeve_length

        rotor_outer_radius_r_or = stator_inner_radius_r_is - mm_airgap_plus_sleeve_length * 1e-3  # m
        rotor_outer_diameter_Dr = rotor_outer_radius_r_or * 2

        # Bianchi2006@(1)--(3)
        stator_yoke_height_h_ys = air_gap_flux_density_B * np.pi * stator_inner_diameter_Dis * alpha_rm_over_alpha_rp / (
            2 * stator_yoke_flux_density_Bys * 2 * SD['p'])
        stator_tooth_height_h_ds = (
            stator_outer_diameter_Dse -
            stator_inner_diameter_Dis) / 2 - stator_yoke_height_h_ys
        stator_slot_height_h_ss = stator_tooth_height_h_ds
        stator_tooth_width_b_ds = air_gap_flux_density_B * np.pi * stator_inner_diameter_Dis / (
            stator_tooth_flux_density_B_ds * SD['Qs'])

        # Bianchi2006@(4)
        OP['stator_slot_area'] = stator_slot_area = np.pi / (4 * SD['Qs']) * (
            (stator_outer_diameter_Dse - 2 * stator_yoke_height_h_ys)**2 -
            2) - stator_tooth_width_b_ds * stator_tooth_height_h_ds

        # Bianchi2006@(5)
        slot_pitch_pps = np.pi * (stator_inner_diameter_Dis +
                                  stator_slot_height_h_ss) / SD['Qs']
        kov = 1.8  # \in [1.6, 2.0]
        OP['end_winding_length_Lew'] = end_winding_length_Lew = np.pi * 0.5 * (
            slot_pitch_pps + stator_tooth_width_b_ds
        ) + slot_pitch_pps * kov * (SD['coil_pitch_y'] - 1)

        Q = SD['Qs']
        p = SD['p']
        # STATOR
        GP['deg_alpha_st'].value = 360 / Q - 2  # deg
        GP['deg_alpha_so'].value = GP[
            'deg_alpha_st'].value / 2  # im_template uses alpha_so as 0.
        GP['mm_r_si'].value = 1e3 * stator_inner_radius_r_is  # mm
        GP['mm_r_os'].value = 1e3 * stator_outer_diameter_Dse / 2  # mm
        GP['mm_d_so'].value = 1  # mm
        GP['mm_d_sp'].value = 1.5 * GP['mm_d_so'].value
        GP['mm_d_st'].value = 1e3 * (
            0.5 * stator_outer_diameter_Dse - stator_yoke_height_h_ys
        ) - GP['mm_r_si'].value - GP['mm_d_sp'].value  # mm
        GP['mm_d_sy'].value = 1e3 * stator_yoke_height_h_ys  # mm
        GP['mm_w_st'].value = 1e3 * stator_tooth_width_b_ds  # mm
        # ROTOR
        GP['mm_d_sleeve'].value = mm_sleeve_length
        GP['mm_d_fixed_air_gap'].value = SD[
        GP['split_ratio'].value = split_ratio
        GP['mm_d_pm'].value = 4  # mm
        GP['mm_d_ri'].value = 1e3 * ROTOR_STATOR_YOKE_HEIGHT_RATIO * stator_yoke_height_h_ys  # TODO:This ratio (0.75) is randomly specified
        GP['mm_r_or'].value = 1e3 * rotor_outer_radius_r_or
        GP['mm_r_ri'].value = 1e3 * stator_inner_radius_r_is - GP[
            'mm_d_pm'].value - GP['mm_d_ri'].value - GP[
                'mm_d_sleeve'].value - GP['mm_d_fixed_air_gap'].value
        # Vernier specific
        GP["deg_alpha_vspm"].value = 20.3
        GP["mm_d_bg_air"].value = 1.5
        GP["mm_d_bg_magnet"].value = 1.5
        GP["mm_w_pm"].value = (
            GP['mm_r_os'].value - GP["mm_d_bg_air"].value -
            (GP['mm_r_ri'].value + GP['mm_d_ri'].value)) / np.cos(
                GP['deg_alpha_vspm'].value) - GP['mm_d_pm'].value * np.tan(