def makeContourPlot(scores, average, HEIGHT, WIDTH, outputId, maskId, plt_title, outputdir, barcodeId=-1, vmaxVal=100): pylab.bone() #majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%.f %%') #ax = pylab.gca() #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) pylab.figure() ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_xlabel(str(WIDTH) + ' wells') ax.set_ylabel(str(HEIGHT) + ' wells') ax.autoscale_view() pylab.jet() pylab.imshow(scores,vmin=0, vmax=vmaxVal, origin='lower') pylab.vmin = 0.0 pylab.vmax = 100.0 ticksVal = getTicksForMaxVal(vmaxVal) pylab.colorbar(format='%.0f %%',ticks=ticksVal) print "'%s'" % average if(barcodeId!=-1): if(barcodeId==0): maskId = "No Barcode Match," else: maskId = "Barcode Id %d," % barcodeId if plt_title != '': maskId = '%s\n%s' % (plt_title,maskId) print "Checkpoint A" pylab.title('%s Loading Density (Avg ~ %0.f%%)' % (maskId, average)) pylab.axis('scaled') print "Checkpoint B" pngFn = outputdir+'/'+outputId+'_density_contour.png' print "Try save to", pngFn; pylab.savefig(pngFn, bbox_inches='tight') print "Plot saved to", pngFn;
def training(self, status): self.figure.clear() self.queue.get() ## 두번째 ## reading the dataset in the csv format = genfromtxt('iris6.csv', delimiter=',',dtype = float) = numpy.nan_to_num( ## data normalization = apply_along_axis(lambda x: x/linalg.norm(x),1, self.som.random_weights_init( print("Training...") self.som.train_random(,100) # random training bone() ## plotting the distance map as background pcolor(self.som.distance_map().T) colorbar() ## loadingthe labels target = genfromtxt('iris4_2.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(0), dtype=int) self.t = zeros(len(target),dtype=int) print("...ready to plot...") for i in range(len(target)): self.t[target == i] = i self.som.win_map( self.queue.task_done() ## 세번째
def som_plot_mapping(distance_map): bone() pcolor(distance_map.T) # plotting the distance map as background colorbar() #axis([0,som.weights.shape[0],0,som.weights.shape[1]]) ion() show() # show the figure
def testSOMs(): from sklearn import datasets from minisom import MiniSom d = datasets.load_iris() data = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x/np.linalg.norm(x), 1, d['data']) # data normalization som = MiniSom(7, 7, 4, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) som.random_weights_init(data) print("Training...") som.train_random(data, 1000) # random training print("\n...ready!") ### Plotting the response for each pattern in the iris dataset ### from pylab import plot,axis,show,pcolor,colorbar,bone bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # plotting the distance map as background colorbar() t = d['target'] # use different colors and markers for each label markers = ['o','s','D'] colors = ['r','g','b'] for cnt,xx in enumerate(data): w = som.winner(xx) # getting the winner # palce a marker on the winning position for the sample xx plot(w[0]+.5,w[1]+.5,markers[t[cnt]],markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor=colors[t[cnt]],markersize=12,markeredgewidth=2) axis([0,som.weights.shape[0],0,som.weights.shape[1]]) show() # show the figure
def Draw_figure(self): self.axes.cla() # Clear axis cols = self.columns[self.combobox.get_active()] data =[:, 0:len(cols)] #ion() # Turn on interactive mode. #hold(True) # Clear the plot before adding new data. #print som.distance_map().T #exit() bone() background = self.axes.pcolor(self.som.distance_map().T) # plotting the distance map as background #f.colorbar(a) t = np.zeros(len(,dtype=int) t[ == 'A'] = 0 t[ == 'B'] = 1 t[ == 'C'] = 2 t[ == 'D'] = 3 # use different colors and markers for each label markers = ['o','s','D', '+'] colors = ['r','g','b', 'y'] for cnt,xx in enumerate(data): w = self.som.winner(xx) # getting the winner # place a marker on the winning position for the sample xx tmp = self.axes.plot(w[0]+.5,w[1]+.5,markers[t[cnt]],markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor=colors[t[cnt]],markersize=12,markeredgewidth=2) self.axes.axis([0,self.som.weights.shape[0],0,self.som.weights.shape[1]])
def makeContourPlot(score, scores, average, HEIGHT, WIDTH, outputId, maskId, outputdir, barcodeId=-1, vmaxVal=100): pylab.bone() #majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%.f %%') #ax = pylab.gca() #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) pylab.figure() ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_xlabel('<--- Width = '+str(WIDTH)+' wells --->') ax.set_ylabel('<--- Height = '+str(HEIGHT)+' wells --->') ax.set_yticks([0,HEIGHT/INCREMENT]) ax.set_xticks([0,WIDTH/INCREMENT]) ax.autoscale_view() pylab.jet() #pylab.contourf(scores, 40,origin="lower") if vmaxVal=='auto': vmaxVal = autoGetVmaxFromAverage(average) pylab.imshow(scores,vmin=0, vmax=vmaxVal, origin='lower') pylab.vmin = 0.0 pylab.vmax = 100.0 ticksVal = getTicksForMaxVal(vmaxVal) pylab.colorbar(format='%.0f %%',ticks=ticksVal) string_value1 = getFormatForVal(average) % average if(barcodeId!=-1): if(barcodeId==0): maskId = "No Barcode Match," else: maskId = "Barcode Id %d," % barcodeId pylab.title(maskId+' Loading Density (Avg ~ '+string_value1+'%)') pylab.axis('scaled') pylab.axis([0,WIDTH/INCREMENT-1,0,HEIGHT/INCREMENT-1]) pngFn = outputdir+'/'+outputId+'_density_contour.png' pylab.savefig(pngFn) print "Plot saved to", pngFn;
def SOM(data,leninput,lentarget,alpha_som,omega_som): som = MiniSom(16,16,leninput,sigma=omega_som,learning_rate=alpha_som) som.random_weights_init(data) print("Training...") som.train_batch(data,20000) # training with 10000 iterations print("\n...ready!")'weight_som',som.weights) bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # distance map as background colorbar() t = zeros(lentarget,dtype=int) # use different colors and markers for each label markers = ['o','s','D'] colors = ['r','g','b'] outfile = open('cluster-result.csv','w') for cnt,xx in enumerate(data): w = som.winner(xx) # getting the winner for z in xx: outfile.write("%s " % str(z)) outfile.write("%s-%s \n" % (str(w[0]),str(w[1]))) outfile.close()
def SOM(data,leninput,lentarget): som = MiniSom(5,5,leninput,sigma=1.0,learning_rate=0.5) som.random_weights_init(data) print("Training...") som.train_batch(data,10000) # training with 10000 iterations print("\n...ready!")'weight_som.txt',som.weights) bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # distance map as background colorbar() t = zeros(lentarget,dtype=int) # use different colors and markers for each label markers = ['o','s','D'] colors = ['r','g','b'] outfile = open('cluster-result.csv','w') for cnt,xx in enumerate(data): w = som.winner(xx) # getting the winner #print cnt #print xx #print w for z in xx: outfile.write("%s " % str(z)) outfile.write("%s-%s \n" % (str(w[0]),str(w[1]))) #outfile.write("%s %s\n" % str(xx),str(w)) # palce a marker on the winning position for the sample xx #plot(w[0]+.5,w[1]+.5,markers[t[cnt]],markerfacecolor='None', # markeredgecolor=colors[t[cnt]],markersize=12,markeredgewidth=2) outfile.close()
def show( self, maxIdx=None, indices=None): print( 'Exemplar projection') som = self.som if maxIdx == None: maxIdx = len( if indices ==None: data=[0:maxIdx] target = else: data=[indices] target=[indices] bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # plotting the distance map as background colorbar() t = zeros(len(target),dtype=int) t[target == 'A'] = 0 t[target == 'B'] = 1 # use different colors and markers for each label markers = ['o','s','D'] colors = ['r','g','b'] for cnt,xx in enumerate(data): w = som.winner(xx) # getting the winner # palce a marker on the winning position for the sample xx plot(w[0]+.5,w[1]+.5,markers[t[cnt]],markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor=colors[t[cnt]],markersize=12,markeredgewidth=2) axis([0,som.weights.shape[0],0,som.weights.shape[1]]) show() # show the figure
def vector_flow(output_file, i_factor=1): # DPI resolution of the image to be saved dpi = 200 file_path_x = "example/vector_field_x_0.csv" file_path_y = "example/vector_field_y_0.csv" vector_field_x = np.loadtxt(file_path_x, delimiter=",") vector_field_y = np.loadtxt(file_path_y, delimiter=",") x_steps, y_steps = vector_field_x.shape # Interpolation factor. For 1 no interpolation occurs. if i_factor > 1: vector_field_x = scipy.ndimage.zoom(vector_field_x, i_factor) vector_field_y = scipy.ndimage.zoom(vector_field_y, i_factor) x_steps *= i_factor y_steps *= i_factor # Putting data in the expected format vectors = np.zeros((x_steps, y_steps, 2), dtype=np.float32) vectors[...,0] += vector_field_y vectors[...,1] += vector_field_x texture = np.random.rand(x_steps,y_steps).astype(np.float32) kernellen=20 kernel = np.sin(np.arange(kernellen)*np.pi/kernellen) kernel = kernel.astype(np.float32) image = lic_internal.line_integral_convolution(vectors, texture, kernel) mag = np.hypot(vector_field_x, vector_field_y) plt.jet() plt.figure() plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(texture, interpolation='nearest') plt.savefig(output_file+"-texture.png",dpi=dpi) plt.figure() fig = plt.quiver(vector_field_y, vector_field_x, mag) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(output_file+".png",dpi=dpi) plt.bone() fig = plt.imshow(image, interpolation='nearest') # plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(output_file+"-flow.png",dpi=dpi)
def Draw_figure(self): # this function draws the exemplars on the best matching units self.axes.cla() # Clear axis cols = self.columns[self.combobox.get_active()] data =[:, 0:len(cols)] test_data = self.test_data[:, 0:len(cols)] #ion() # Turn on interactive mode. #hold(True) # Clear the plot before adding new data. #print som.distance_map().T #exit() bone() background = self.axes.pcolor(self.som.distance_map().T) # plotting the distance map as background #f.colorbar(a) t = np.zeros(len(,dtype=int) t[ == 'A'] = 0 t[ == 'B'] = 1 #t[ == 'C'] = 2 #t[ == 'D'] = 3 tTest = np.zeros(len(self.test_target),dtype=int) tTest[self.test_target == 'A'] = 2 #0 tTest[self.test_target == 'B'] = 3 #1 # use different colors and markers for each label markers = ['o','s','*', '+'] colors = ['r','g','b', 'y'] for cnt,xx in enumerate(data): # training data ( noisy simulation) w = self.som.winner(xx) # getting the winner # place a marker on the winning position for the sample xx tmp = self.axes.plot(w[0]+.5,w[1]+.5,markers[t[cnt]],markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor=colors[t[cnt]],markersize=12,markeredgewidth=2) # plot the test data (ideal input) for cnt,xx in enumerate(test_data): # test data ( ideal ) w = self.som.winner(xx) # getting the winner # place a marker on the winning position for the sample xx tmp = self.axes.plot(w[0]+.5,w[1]+.5,markers[tTest[cnt]],markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor=colors[tTest[cnt]],markersize=12,markeredgewidth=2) self.axes.axis([0,self.som.weights.shape[0],0,self.som.weights.shape[1]])
def scalogram_levels(data, fs, filename, wv='sym5' ): from pywt import WaveletPacket wp = WaveletPacket(data, wavelet=wv , maxlevel=2) pylab.bone() x = np.arange(len(data))/fs pylab.subplot(wp.maxlevel + 1, 1, 1) pylab.plot(x,data, 'k') cm = plt.get_cmap('PiYG') #pylab.xlim(0, len(data) - 1) pylab.title("Wavelet packet coefficients") #ax = pylab.subplot(wp.maxlevel + 1, 1, 1+1) for i in range(1, wp.maxlevel + 1): ax = pylab.subplot(wp.maxlevel + 1, 1, i + 1) nodes = wp.get_level(i, "freq") nodes.reverse() labels = [n.path for n in nodes] values = -abs(np.array([ for n in nodes])) pylab.imshow(values, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', origin="lower") #extent=[0,1,2,len(values)]) pylab.yticks(np.arange(len(labels) - 0.5, -0.5, -1), labels) pylab.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) pylab.savefig(filename+'_'+wv+'.pdf')
def plotsom(som, features, tostrfct=lambda i: str(i)): py.bone() py.pcolor(som.distance_map().T) py.colorbar() nb_samples,_ = features.shape lastPos = {} for i in range(nb_samples): w = som.winner(features[i,:]) if w in lastPos: pos = lastPos[w] pos[0] += 0.2 if pos[0] >= 1.0: pos[0] = 0 pos[1] += 0.2 else: pos = [0.0, 0.0]; lastPos[w] = pos if( pos[1] < 1.0): py.text(w[0]+pos[0], w[1]+(0.8-pos[1]),tostrfct(i))
# reading the iris dataset in the csv format # (downloaded from data = genfromtxt('iris.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3)) # normalization to unity of each pattern in the data data = apply_along_axis(lambda x: x / linalg.norm(x), 1, data) from minisom import MiniSom ### Initialization and training ### som = MiniSom(7, 7, 4, random_seed=10) som.random_weights_init(data) som.train_random(data=data, num_iteration=100) from pylab import plot, axis, show, pcolor, colorbar, bone bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # distance map as background colorbar() # loading the labels target = genfromtxt('iris.csv', delimiter=',', usecols=(4), dtype=str) t = zeros(len(target), dtype=int) t[target == 'setosa'] = 0 t[target == 'versicolor'] = 1 t[target == 'virginica'] = 2 # use different colors and markers for each label markers = ['o', 's', 'D'] colors = ['r', 'g', 'b'] for cnt, xx in enumerate(data): w = som.winner(xx) # getting the winner
som = SOM(grid_size[0], grid_size[1], dim=n_dim, num_iterations=num_iterations, learning_rate=learning_rate, sigma=sigma) # Malla con el MID de cada unidad distance_matrix = som.distance_map().T # ============================================================================= # 3. Visualización de resultados # ============================================================================= from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar bone() # Inicializo la ventana de visualizacion pcolor( distance_matrix ) # Para pintar el som. El .T para poner la matriz traspuesta. Lo que pinto es el MID de los nodos colorbar( ) # Para tener la leyenda de colores. Veré que los MID van de 0 a 1, porque están escalados max_value = np.amax(distance_matrix) min_value = np.amin(distance_matrix) list_mid = list(np.reshape(distance_matrix, (grid_size[0] * grid_size[1], ))) list_mid.sort() list_mid = [j for j in list_mid if j > 1.48] list_idx = [np.where(distance_matrix == j) for j in list_mid] list_idx = [[idx_max[0][0], idx_max[1][0]] for idx_max in list_idx]
xs = np.linspace(-1,1,size).astype(np.float32)[None,:] ys = np.linspace(-1,1,size).astype(np.float32)[:,None] vectors = np.zeros((size,size,2),dtype=np.float32) #for (x,y) in vortices: # rsq = (xs-x)**2+(ys-y)**2 # vectors[...,0] += (ys-y)/rsq # vectors[...,1] += -(xs-x)/rsq print np.shape(vectors) asdf() texture = np.random.rand(size,size).astype(np.float32) plt.bone() frame=0 kernellen=100 kernel = np.arange(kernellen) #np.sin(np.arange(kernellen)*np.pi/kernellen) kernel = kernel.astype(np.float32) image = lic_internal.line_integral_convolution(vectors, texture, kernel) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.figimage(image) plt.gcf().set_size_inches((size/float(dpi),size/float(dpi))) plt.savefig("flow-image.png",dpi=dpi)
X = sc.fit_transform(X) # Training the SOM from minisom import MiniSom som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) """x and y has the 10*10 grid(As we don't have much inspections so a medium size map).input_len for features in X here which is 15 (ID has been included to distinguish the frauds) sigma to determine the radius, learning_rate how much the weight of the neighbourhood will be updated faster the learning faster will be the convergence decay_function can be tuned to get improved convergence """ som.random_weights_init(X) # Randomly intializing the weights. som.train_random( data=X, num_iteration=100) # Step-4 to Step-9 repeatedly upto 100 times. # Visualising the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # To get the figure window pcolor( som.distance_map().T ) # som.distance_map() will return the MIDs in a matrix for all the winning nodes and T for transpose to have the correct order for pcolor function. colorbar() # To get the Legend # We know where the potential frauds are bu=y looking at the highest MID values markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, x in enumerate(X): # Here i is row index and x is ith customer vector w = som.winner(x) # Getting the winner node plot( w[0] + 0.5, # To reach the middle x co-ordinate of winner node w[1] + 0.5, # To reach the middle y co-ordinate of winner node markers[y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor=None,
from minisom import MiniSom from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show ''' Importing the dataset ''' dataset = pd.read_csv('Credit_Card_Applications.csv') x = dataset.iloc[:, :-1].values y = dataset.iloc[:, -1].values ''' Feature Scaling ''' sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) x = sc.fit_transform(x) ''' Training the Self Organizing Map ''' #15 no of col #default val som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) som.random_weights_init(x) # randomly initializing weights by giving data som.train_random(data=x, num_iteration=100) ''' Visualizing the results ''' bone() # initializing the window of graphical representation pcolor( som.distance_map().T ) # plotting trained mean-neuron distance to visualize and taking transpose as well colorbar( ) # showing the colorbar to differentiate lower and higher values color markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, ex in enumerate( x): # i is the index number, ex is the values in each index w = som.winner(ex) # finding the winning node for each customer data plot( w[0] + 0.5, # plotting the values of point x,y (w[0],w[1]), and adding with 0.5 to mark in the center w[1] + 0.5, markers[y[
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) X = sc.fit_transform(X) #Training SOM from minisom import MiniSom som = MiniSom( x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) #10 X 10 Grid, Sigma is the circle radius parameter som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) #Visualizing the Data from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() #The window pcolor( som.distance_map().T ) #Plot the colors according to the mean internueron distances given by the "distance_map" function [.T means transpose] colorbar() # Here if you run the plot...the white one have HIGH interneuron distance and hence are the frauds.... # Now we will mark the customers who were approved and who were not approved for further clarity markers = ['o', 's'] # o-> circle || s->square colors = ['r', 'g'] # red and green for i, x in enumerate(X): #i is the index...x is the vector of each customer W = som.winner(x) #Winner node for customer X plot( W[0] + 0.5, #W[0] and W[1] are the coordinates of the corner of the winning node....hence we added the values to find the center
dataset = pd.read_csv('Credit_Card_Applications.csv') X = dataset.iloc[:, :-1].values y = dataset.iloc[:, -1].values #Feature Scaling sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) X = sc.fit_transform(X) #Training the SOM #Initialize 10*10 grid, input_len = features number som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) #Visualizing the results bone() #initialize the window #distance_map: return all Mean Interneuron Distances in one matrix pcolor(som.distance_map().T) colorbar() #add legend #From the output we can find the outlier: white block markers = ['o', 's'] #o: circle, s: square colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, x in enumerate(X): w = som.winner(x) plot( w[0] + 0.5, #x coordinates, 0.5 put in center w[1] + 0.5, #y coordinates markers[y[i]], #y[i]: label markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor='None',
sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) X = sc.fit_transform(X) """##Training the SOM""" from minisom import MiniSom som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) #the grid size is 10*10 , input length is the # of features in X, sigma is the #neighborhood size som.random_weights_init(X) #initializing the weights som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) """##Visualizing the results""" from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() #initializing the window pcolor(som.distance_map().T) #returns transpose of the matrix of the distance #of all the winning nodes colorbar() #adding the legend markers = ['o', 's'] #circles and squares colors = ['r', 'g'] #red if customer did't get approval and vice versa for i, x in enumerate(X): # i is the # of rows, x is the vector of the rows w = som.winner(x) #getting the winning nodes plot( w[0] + 0.5, #to put the marker in the center of the square of the SOM w[1] + 0.5, markers[y[i]], #y contains the labels if customers got approval or no markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], #for each customer, adding the color #only coloring the edge of the marker markerfacecolor='None', #inside color of the marker markersize=10, #size of the marker
import numpy as np import pylab as py a = np.loadtxt('blur.txt') py.imshow(a) py.bone()
X_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X) # Entrainement from minisom import MiniSom # pour creer la carte, on choisit ici 10x10=100 valeurs (~suffisant pour 690 observations ...) som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15) # 15 dimensions # initialiser aleatoirement les poids som.random_weights_init(X_scaled) som.train_random(X_scaled, num_iteration=100) # Visualisation des résultats from pylab import plot, colorbar, pcolor, show, bone bone() # initialisation graphe #pcolor(som.distance_map().T) colorbar(pcolor(som.distance_map().T)) # add a color bar markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, x in enumerate(X_scaled): w = som.winner(x) plot(w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, markers[y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor="None", markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2)
# Feature Scaling from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) X = sc.fit_transform(X) # Training the SOM from minisom import MiniSom # requires file in the same folder som = MiniSom( x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5 ) # SOM will be a 10 by 10 grid (arbitrary choice); 15 features are present in training data X; radius is 1; higher the LR, faster the convergence som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) # Visualizing the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # initializes the window containing the map pcolor(som.distance_map().T ) # adds the inter-neuron distance for all the winning nodes of the SOM colorbar() # add the legend of the colors added above # adding markers (red circles and green squares) to the winning nodes to check if they got approval or not markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, x in enumerate(X): # loop over each customer w = som.winner(x) # obtain winning node for the customer plot( w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, markers[y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor='None', markersize=10,
y = df.iloc[:, -1].values #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Feature Scaling from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) X = sc.fit_transform(X) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Training the SOM from minisom import MiniSom som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) som.random_weights_init(X) # to initialize the weights randomly. som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) # to train SOM. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Visualizing the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # this is the window that will contain the map. pcolor(som.distance_map().T ) # all the different colors corresponding to the MID's. colorbar() # white colors are the outliers (frauds). markers = ['o', 's'] # red circles(r, o) : the customers who didn't get approval. colors = ['r', 'g'] # green squares(g, s) : the customers who got approval. for i, j in enumerate( X): # i : indexes, j : all the vectors of customers at i. w = som.winner(j) # winning node. plot( w[0] + 0.5, # we want to put the marker at the center of the square. w[1] + 0.5, # we want to put the marker at the center of the square. markers[y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor='None',
data = genfromtxt('data5.csv', delimiter=',',dtype = float) data = numpy.nan_to_num(data) print (data) data = apply_along_axis(lambda x: x/linalg.norm(x),1,data) # data normalization ### Initialization and training ### som = MiniSom(40,40,136,sigma=1.0,learning_rate=0.5) som.random_weights_init(data) print("Training...") som.train_random(data,10000) # random training print("\n...ready!") ### Plotting the response for each pattern in the iris dataset ### from pylab import plot,axis,show,pcolor,colorbar,bone bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # plotting the distance map as background colorbar() target = genfromtxt('class5.csv',delimiter=',',usecols=(0),dtype=int) # loadingthe labels t = zeros(len(target),dtype=int) print (target) t[target == 0] = 0 t[target == 1] = 1 t[target == 2] = 2 t[target == 3] = 3 t[target == 4] = 4 t[target == 5] = 5 t[target == 6] = 6 t[target == 7] = 7
X = sc.fit_transform(X) # Training the SOM ### Importing MiniSom function from file and training it on X from minisom import MiniSom som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) ### Initialising the weights and training the SOM som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) # Visualizing the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # Initialising the diagram screen pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # Converting MID to color colorbar() # Providing color legend markers = ['o', 's'] # Defining marker shape colors = ['r', 'g'] # Defining marker color for i, x in enumerate(X): # Looping over X, each row becoming a vector w = som.winner(x) # Getting winning node for each row plot( w[0] + 0.5, # Plotting marker at center of each node (x coordinate) w[1] + 0.5, # and y coordinate markers[y[ i]], # Deciding marker shape based on output (marker[0] or marker[1]) markeredgecolor=colors[y[ i]], # Getting marker edge color based on output (color[0] or color[1]) markerfacecolor='None', # Putting no color for marker center markersize=10, # Defining size of each marker
def plot_distance_map(self): '''Plots distance map. Need to call get_mid before calling this.''' bone() pcolor( colorbar() show()
Y = dataset.iloc[:, -1].values #Feature Scaling from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler Mc = MinMaxScaler() X = Mc.fit_transform(X) from minisom import MiniSom #A Library used for traning the SOM som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) som.random_weights_init(X) #Randomly Inizializing the weights som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) #Training the Som with 100 iterations #Visualize the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # white window pcolor(som.distance_map( ).T) #will return all the mean inter nueron distances for the winning nodes colorbar() #the colorbar on the right markers = [ 'o', 's' ] #the circle shows normal people and the s is for square which shows fraud colors = ['r', 'g'] #red and green color for i, x in enumerate( X ): #i is the index of all the customes and x is the detail of each customer who will be assigned a red or a green color based on the MID w = som.winner(x) #will fetch the winning node for the customer x plot(w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, markers[Y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[Y[i]],
def som_with_data(): data = np.genfromtxt( "", delimiter=",", names=True, ) # Define what columns are considered features for # describing the cells feature_names = [ "clump_thickness", 'uniform_cell_size', 'uniform_cell_shape', 'marginal_adhesion', 'single_epi_cell_size', 'bare_nuclei', 'bland_chromation', 'normal_nucleoli', 'mitoses' ] # Gather features into one matrix (this is the "X" matrix in task) features = [] for feature_name in feature_names: features.append(data[feature_name]) features = np.stack(features, axis=1) # Do same for class classes = data["class"] # Remove non-numeric values (appear as NaNs in the data). # If any feature in a sample is nan, drop that sample (row). cleaned_features = [] cleaned_classes = [] for i in range(features.shape[0]): if not np.any(np.isnan(features[i])): cleaned_features.append(features[i]) cleaned_classes.append(classes[i]) cleaned_features = np.stack(cleaned_features, axis=0) cleaned_classes = np.array(cleaned_classes) # Rename to match the exercises X = cleaned_features y = cleaned_classes # Standardize features with standard scaling ([x - mean] / std) X = (X - X.mean(axis=0)) / X.std(axis=0) # Transform y into {0,1} label array. # Turn 2 into 0 and 4 into 1 y = (y == 4).astype(np.int64) data, target = X, y som = MiniSom(x=30, y=20, input_len=data.shape[1], sigma=1, learning_rate=0.5) som.random_weights_init(data) som.train_random(data, 500) bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) colorbar() markers = ['o', 's', 'D'] colors = ['r', 'g', 'b'] for cnt, xx in enumerate(data): w = som.winner(xx) plot(w[0] + .5, w[1] + .5, markers[target[cnt]], markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor=colors[target[cnt]], markersize=12, markeredgewidth=2) axis([0, som._weights.shape[0], 0, som._weights.shape[1]]) show()
som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100000) som_distance = som.distance_map().T mappings = som.win_map(X) print('size of the SOM map', len(mappings)) text_file = open("mappings_individual.txt", "w") text_file.write("winning map is %s" % mappings) text_file.close() # List of fake review user IDs faker_list = [] faker_id = [] for i in xrange(len(som_distance)): for j in xrange(len(som_distance[0])): if som_distance[i][j] > 0.8: fake_reviewers = mappings[(i, j)] for user in fake_reviewers: faker_id.append(user[0]) faker_list.append(mapping[user[0]]) print('list of fake user IDs is\n', faker_list) # Visualizing the results (SOM in a 2-D plot) from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # creates a white window pcolor(som.distance_map().T) colorbar() markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] show()
som = MiniSom( x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5 ) #object som trained on X// X & y are dimension of SOM(MORE THE DATA i.e no of CUSTOMER more will be dimension)/// here input_len is the no of feature in training dataset i.e X(14) and +1 for customer id som.random_weights_init( X ) #sigma is the radious of different neighbourhood i.e default value is 1.0// learning_rate will decide how much weight updated in each learning rate so default value is 0.5 so higher will be the learning_rate faster will be convergence, lower the learning_rate, longer the self organising map take time to build.// decay_function can be use to improve convergence som.train_random( data=X, num_iteration=100) #num_iteration is no of time it need to repeate #random_weights_init IS THE method initialize the weight mention by developer i.e by Minisom1.0 #train_random method use to train # ---------Visualizing the results #here we will calculate mean interneuron distance(MID) i.e mean of euclian distance between study neuron and neighbourhood so we can detect outlier which will be far from the nieghbour neuron on basis of euclian distance #larger the mid closer to white in colour from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show #BUILDING self organising map bone() #initlizee the figure i.e window contain map pcolor( som.distance_map().T ) #use different colour for different MID/// distance_map WILL RETURN ALL mid IN MAPS.// ".T" will take transpose of MID matrics colorbar() # that is legend for all colour markers = ['o', 's'] # 'o', 's' circle and squire as markers colors = [ 'r', 'g' ] # red circle if customer did not get approval and green squire if customer got approval for i, x in enumerate( X): # enumerate(X) all vector of customer in all iteration w = som.winner(x) # winner get winning nodes of all customer plot( w[0] + 0.5, #adding markers and color in each winner nodes w[1] + 0.5, #0.5 to put at centre of marker markers[y[
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy import pylab from pywt import WaveletPacket x = numpy.arange(612 - 80, 20, -0.5) / 150.0 data = numpy.sin(20 * pylab.log(x)) * numpy.sign((pylab.log(x))) from sample_data import ecg as data wp = WaveletPacket(data, "sym5", maxlevel=4) pylab.bone() pylab.subplot(wp.maxlevel + 1, 1, 1) pylab.plot(data, "k") pylab.xlim(0, len(data) - 1) pylab.title("Wavelet packet coefficients") for i in range(1, wp.maxlevel + 1): ax = pylab.subplot(wp.maxlevel + 1, 1, i + 1) nodes = wp.get_level(i, "freq") nodes.reverse() labels = [n.path for n in nodes] values = -abs(numpy.array([ for n in nodes])) pylab.imshow(values, interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto") pylab.yticks(numpy.arange(len(labels) - 0.5, -0.5, -1), labels) pylab.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
X= dataset.iloc[:,:-1].values #only the last collumn y= dataset.iloc[:,-1].values #Feature scaling from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler sc=MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0,1)) X=sc.fit_transform(X) from minisom import MiniSom som=MiniSom(x=10, y=10 , input_len=15,sigma=1.0,learning_rate=0.5 ) som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(data=X,num_iteration=100) from pylab import bone, pcolor,colorbar,plot,show bone()#in order to initialize the window #get the mean neuron distance between the nodes(winning nodes)(neighbourhood of nodes) #by the distance we can identify the frauds because if there is high #flactuation then we may have a fraud #in the graph we can say that it is formed neighbourhoods according to the color #For example if we have a very different in a neighbourhood which is based #on black then we have a possible fraud pcolor(som.distance_map().T) colorbar() markers=['o','s'] colors=['r','g'] #detection of id for frauds for i,x in enumerate(X): #think the winning node as the visual represantation of a customer in a 2D plot #get the winning node for current customer w=som.winner(x)
def plot_distances(som_model): from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar bone() pcolor(som_model.distance_map().T) colorbar()
X = sc.fit_transform(X) # Training Self Organizing Map from minisom import MiniSom som = MiniSom( x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.01 ) # x,y for grid dimms ; input_len for x attributes; sigma default; l_r default som.random_weights_init(X) # initialize weights with random small number som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) # Visualizing the results (higher mid, higher chance for outlayer - fraud) from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show ## Map of SOM nodes bone() ## window for a map pcolor(som.distance_map( ).T) ## matrix of all the node distances/different colors (T for transpose), colorbar() ## color legend ## Customers markers = ['o', 's'] ## circles & squares colors = ['r', 'g'] ## colors for i, x in enumerate( X): ## i for row, x for customer attributes in form of vector w = som.winner(x) ## returns winning node for customer x plot( w[0] + 0.5, ## plot the marker into center of the winning node (0.5 to move to the middle) w[1] + 0.5, ## y-cord markers[y[i]], ## did customer got approval class
x = sc.fit_transform(x) # Training SOM from minisom import MiniSom som = MiniSom(x=20, y=20, input_len=15, learning_rate=0.5, sigma=1) # Initializing the Input Weights som.random_weights_init(x) # Training the Model som.train_random(x, num_iteration=100) # Visualising the Data from pylab import bone, show, pcolor, colorbar, plot bone() # Initializes the window containing the figure pcolor(som.distance_map().T ) # Putting the different inter neuron distance on the map colorbar() markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, x in enumerate(x): w = som.winner(x) # Returns the winning node of the map plot(w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, markers[y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor=None, markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pywt import WaveletPacket import pylab import numpy x = numpy.arange(612 - 80, 20, -0.5) / 150. data = numpy.sin(20 * pylab.log(x)) * numpy.sign((pylab.log(x))) from sample_data import ecg as data wp = WaveletPacket(data, 'sym5', maxlevel=4) pylab.bone() pylab.subplot(wp.maxlevel + 1, 1, 1) pylab.plot(data, 'k') pylab.xlim(0, len(data) - 1) pylab.title("Wavelet packet coefficients") for i in range(1, wp.maxlevel + 1): ax = pylab.subplot(wp.maxlevel + 1, 1, i + 1) nodes = wp.get_level(i, "freq") nodes.reverse() labels = [n.path for n in nodes] values = -abs(numpy.array([ for n in nodes])) pylab.imshow(values, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') pylab.yticks(numpy.arange(len(labels) - 0.5, -0.5, -1), labels) pylab.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
def som_train(): # importing the dataset print("导入数据...") dataset = pd.read_csv('data_train.csv') # get the matrix of features X = dataset.iloc[:, :-1].values # get the label of each sample Y = dataset.iloc[:, -1].values # get the labels labels = list(set(Y)) print(labels) print(type(labels[0])) print(len(X), len(labels)) # feature scaling print("归一化数据...") sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) X = sc.fit_transform(X) # training the SOM print("训练数据...") from minisom import MiniSom # this can be changed: som = MiniSom(x=7, y=7, input_len=len(X[0]), sigma=3.0, learning_rate=0.5, neighborhood_function='triangle', random_seed=10) som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=4000) # visualizing the result print("画图并记录日志") if os.path.exists('logs'): os.remove('logs') else: filelogs = open('logs', 'w', encoding="utf-8") bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) colorbar() markers = ['o', 'D', 'h', 'H', '_', '8', 'p', ',', '+', '.', 's', '*', 'd', '3', '0', '1', '2', 'v', '<', '7', '4', '5', '6'] colors = ['#F0F8FF', '#FAEBD7', '#00FFFF', '#7FFFD4', '#F0FFFF', '#F5F5DC', '#FFE4C4', '#000000', '#FFEBCD', '#0000FF', '#8A2BE2', '#A52A2A', '#DEB887', '#5F9EA0', '#7FFF00', '#D2691E', '#FF7F50', '#6495ED', '#FFF8DC', '#DC143C', '#00FFFF', '#00008B', '#008B8B'] for i, x in enumerate(X): w = som.winner(x) filelogs.write("第" + str(i) + "数据对应的优胜神经元为:(" + str(w[0]) + "," + str(1) + "),攻击类型的数据标识为: " + str(Y[i]) + "\n") plot(w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, markers[labels.index(Y[i])], markeredgecolor=colors[labels.index(Y[i])], markerfacecolor='None', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=3) filelogs.close() print("日志录入完毕请查看logs文件") show() print("测试模型...") test_cases = pd.read_csv('testcases.csv') print(test_cases) test_cases_X = test_cases.iloc[:, :-1].values print(len(test_cases_X)) test_cases_Y = test_cases.iloc[:, -1].values print(len(test_cases_Y)) test_cases_X = sc.fit_transform(test_cases_X) test_result_file = open('testresult', 'w', encoding="utf-8") for i, x in enumerate(test_cases_X): w = som.winner(x) test_result_file.write("第" + str(i) + "数据对应的优胜神经元为:(" + str(w[0]) + "," + str(1) + "),正确的攻击类型的数据标识为: " + str(test_cases_Y[i]) + "\n") print("模型测试完毕,请查看testlog文件")
if -extra_factor < x < extra_factor and -extra_factor < y < extra_factor ] xs = np.linspace(-1, 1, size).astype(np.float32)[None, :] ys = np.linspace(-1, 1, size).astype(np.float32)[:, None] vectors = np.zeros((size, size, 2), dtype=np.float32) for (x, y) in vortices: rsq = (xs - x) ** 2 + (ys - y) ** 2 vectors[..., 0] += (ys - y) / rsq vectors[..., 1] += -(xs - x) / rsq texture = np.random.rand(size, size).astype(np.float32) plt.bone() frame = 0 if video: kernellen = 31 for t in np.linspace(0, 1, 16 * 5): kernel = np.sin(np.arange(kernellen) * np.pi / kernellen) * ( 1 + np.sin(2 * np.pi * 5 * (np.arange(kernellen) / float(kernellen) + t)) ) kernel = kernel.astype(np.float32) image = lic_internal.line_integral_convolution(vectors, texture, kernel) plt.clf() plt.axis("off")
som.random_weights_init(X) # train som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=1000) # reinforcement learning, update the weights after each observation # Visualizing the result # We ll see the 2D grid that will contain all final winning nodes and we will get MIDs for the specific nodes # MID of a node - mean of the distances of all the neurons around the winning node based on sigma (radius of the neighbourhood). # The higher is MID the further the winning node will be from it s neoigbours. So the more the MID - the more it is an outlier, cauz it s the furthest from general behaviour pattern # We ll use colors. The larger the MID, the closer to white the color will be from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # init the window for the map # put the different winning nodes on the map. put info about the MIDs # different colors correspond to the different values of MIDs pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # som.dist will return a matrix of distances but we transpose the matrix # add legend colorbar() # white are frauds # now we ll distiguish between those who got approval # more interested in the ones who got the approval and are frauds # red squares - who didnt, green - did
to make, since we start with a high dimensional dataset with lots of non-linear relationships and it will be much easier for the model to be trained if features are scaled. ''' # Training the SOM from minisom import MiniSom # the other python file containing the class som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) '''10x10 grid, 15 features in the dataset, sigma-radius of neighbourhood, 0.5-by how much the weights are updated during each iteration, the higher, the faster there will be convergence the lower, the slower it will be built ''' som.random_weights_init(X) # initialise weights som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) # Visualizing the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # the window that will contain the map pcolor(som.distance_map().T ) # all the values of the MID for all the winning nodes of the SOM # the T takes the transpose of this MID matrix colorbar() # leyend of colours '''The white squares represent where the frauds are. Frauds are identified by outlying winning nodes, the ones that are far from the general rules. We want to find the customers who are a fraud but got approved (class 1)''' markers = ['o', 's'] # o - circle, s - square colors = ['r', 'g'] # red, green for i, x in enumerate(X): # 2 looping variables (i and x) '''i - the different values of all the indexes of dataset 0 - 689 //rows x - the different vectors of customers (first customer, then second customer, etc...) //columns enumerate(X) - X is the dataset ''' w = som.winner(x) # winning node of customer x
X = sc.fit_transform(X) # Training the SOM using MiniSOM from minisom import MiniSom map_dims = (10, 10) num_of_iters = 100 som = MiniSom(*map_dims, X.shape[1]) som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(X, num_of_iters) # Plot the resulting map from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() # Makes blank plot window pcolor(som.distance_map().T) # Adds distance map colorbar() # Adds a color bar to explain what the colors in the map represent markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, x in enumerate(X): w = som.winner(x) plot( w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, markers[Y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[Y[i]], markerfacecolor='None', markersize=10,
# Feature Scaling from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) X = sc.fit_transform(X) # Training the SOM from minisom import MiniSom #minisom is a package for Self Organising Maps, not on pip som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) #x,y are diemensions of som. in input we keep customer id so that we can identify customers later som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) # Visualizing the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() #initialize figure pcolor( som.distance_map().T ) #pcolor makes a color range,and distance_map will return all mean inter neuron distances and we take transpose. colorbar() markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, x in enumerate(X): w = som.winner(x) #returns cordinates of neuran with least MID plot(w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, markers[y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor='None', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2)
def spline_subtract_counts(file1, file2, outfile, outplot=None, soffset=0.0): # given two gr files, do a spline fit to find the best mapping of file2 to file1, and then subtract from file1 # the fitted value at each point # write the difference to outfile # soffset is added to all of the fitted values prior to subtraction # This is basically designed for finding differences between log scaled data sets (e.g., ipod vs inp log ratio files) print "entering spline_subtract_counts with %s %s %s %s %s" % ( file1, file2, outfile, outplot, soffset) locs1, vals1 = read_grfile(file1) locs2, vals2 = read_grfile(file2) sortord = numpy.argsort(vals2) v1_forfit = vals1[sortord] v2_forfit = vals2[sortord] # apply a correction to prevent negative rnapol values to correspond to positive expected ipod occupancies v1_forfit[v2_forfit < 0.0] = 0.0 myspl = growthcurves.fit_bspline(v2_forfit, v1_forfit, numknots=5) xmin = numpy.min(vals2) xmax = numpy.max(vals2) xvals_test_plot = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax) print "done with fit" predvals = growthcurves.eval_bspline(vals2, myspl) predvals_forplot = growthcurves.eval_bspline(xvals_test_plot, myspl) print xvals_test_plot pylab.figure() pylab.bone() pylab.hexbin(vals2, vals1, gridsize=50, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', bins='log') #pylab.plot(vals2,vals1,'bo') pylab.plot(xvals_test_plot, predvals_forplot, 'g-') pylab.plot(xvals_test_plot, 1 + predvals_forplot, 'b-') pylab.plot(xvals_test_plot, predvals_forplot - 1, 'r-') pylab.plot(xvals_test_plot, soffset + predvals_forplot, 'y-') pylab.xlabel(file2) pylab.ylabel(file1) if (outplot is not None): pylab.savefig(outplot + "_2dhist.png") #pylab.figure() #pylab.hist(numpy.log2( v1_forloess / v2_forloess), bins=25) #if (outplot is not None): # pylab.savefig(outplot + "_1dhist.png") print "A" pylab.figure() tmpvals = vals1 - (predvals + soffset) print "B" pylab.hist(tmpvals, bins=25) if (outplot is not None): pylab.savefig(outplot + "_1dhist_subvals.png") print "C" print vals1.shape print predvals.shape predvals.shape = vals1.shape newvals = vals1 - (predvals + soffset) write_grfile(locs1, newvals, outfile)
output_fn_fig = output_fn_base + 'frame%d.png' % (frame) print "Saving to file: ", output_fn_dat np.savetxt(output_fn_dat, output_arrays[frame]) print "Plotting frame: ", frame fig = pylab.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, axisbg=bg_color) ax.set_xlabel('$x$') ax.set_ylabel('$y$') ax.set_title('Spatial activity readout') # for gid in xrange(n_cells): # compute color # simple colormap norm = matplotlib.mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=z_max) cax = ax.pcolor(output_arrays[frame], norm=norm)#, edgecolor='k', linewidths='1') pylab.colorbar(cax, cmap=pylab.bone()) print "Saving figure: ", output_fn_fig pylab.savefig(output_fn_fig) # let's make a movie! print 'Creating the movie in file:', output_fn_movie fps = 8 # frames per second input_fn = output_fn_base + 'frame%d.png' command = "ffmpeg -f image2 -r %f -i %s -b 72000 %s" % (fps, input_fn, output_fn_movie) os.system("rm %s" % output_fn_movie) # remove old one os.system(command) show = False
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler sc = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) X = sc.fit_transform(X) # Training the SOM from minisom import MiniSom som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) #x,y is dimension of som #input len is feature here 15 because to catch faruad so use ID also,sigma is radius ,l_r is how much weight iterate for each iteration #higher l_r fastely get O/P som.random_weights_init(X) #ransom weights som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) # Visualizing the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() #get blank window pcolor(som.distance_map().T) #transpose of dis vector colorbar() #legend highest distance then 1 markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] #red circle not approved for i, x in enumerate(X): #i is 1,2,3...,x is vector of values w = som.winner(x) plot( w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, #centre markers[y[i]], #gives approved or not markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor='None', #inside color markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2) show()