Exemplo n.º 1
def wavelet(Y, dt, param, dj, s0, j1, mother):
    """Computes the wavelet continuous transform of the vector Y,
       by definition:

    W(a,b) = sum(f(t)*psi[a,b](t) dt)        a dilate/contract
    psi[a,b](t) = 1/sqrt(a) psi(t-b/a)       b displace

    Only Morlet wavelet (k0=6) is used
    The wavelet basis is normalized to have total energy = 1 at all scales

    Y - time series
    dt - sampling rate
    mother - the mother wavelet function
    param - the mother wavelet parameter

    ondaleta - wavelet bases at scale 10 dt
    wave - wavelet transform of Y
    period - the vector of "Fourier"periods ( in time units) that correspond
             to the scales
    scale - the vector of scale indices, given by S0*2(j*DJ), j =0 ...J1
    coi - cone of influence

    Call function:
    ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi = wavelet(Y,dt,mother,param)


    n1 = len(Y)  # time series length
    #s0 = 2 * dt  # smallest scale of the wavelet
    # dj = 0.25  # spacing between discrete scales
    # J1 = int(np.floor((np.log10(n1*dt/s0))/np.log10(2)/dj))
    J1 = int(np.floor(np.log2(n1 * dt / s0) / dj))  # J1+1 total os scales
    # print 'Nr of Scales:', J1
    # J1= 60
    # pad if necessary
    x = detrend_mean(Y)  # extract the mean of time series
    pad = 1
    if (pad == 1):
        base2 = nextpow2(n1)  # call det nextpow2
    n = base2
    # construct wavenumber array used in transform
    # simetric eqn 5
    k = np.arange(n / 2)
    import math
    k_pos, k_neg = [], []
    for i in range(0, n / 2 + 1):
        k_pos.append(i * ((2 * math.pi) / (n * dt)))  # frequencies as in eqn5
        k_neg = k_pos[::-1]  # inversion vector
        k_neg = [e * (-1) for e in k_neg]  # negative part
        # delete the first value of k_neg = last value of k_pos
        k_neg = k_neg[1:-1]
    k = np.concatenate((k_pos, k_neg), axis=1)  # vector of symmetric
    # compute fft of the padded time series
    f = np.fft.fft(x, n)
    scale = []
    for i in range(J1 + 1):
        scale.append(s0 * pow(2, (i) * dj))

    period = scale
    # print period
    wave = np.zeros((J1 + 1, n))  # define wavelet array
    wave = wave + 1j * wave  # make it complex
    # loop through scales and compute transform
    for a1 in range(J1 + 1):
        daughter, fourier_factor, coi, dofmin = wave_bases(
            mother, k, scale[a1], param)  # call wave_bases
        wave[a1, :] = np.fft.ifft(f * daughter)  # wavelet transform
        if a1 == 11:
            ondaleta = daughter
    # ondaleta = daughter
    period = np.array(period)
    period = period[:] * fourier_factor

    # cone-of-influence, differ for uneven len of timeseries:
    if (((n1) / 2.0).is_integer()) is True:
        # create mirrored array)
        mat = np.concatenate((range(1, n1 / 2), range(1, n1 / 2)[::-1]),
        # insert zero at the begining of the array
        mat = np.insert(mat, 0, 0)
        mat = np.append(mat, 0)  # insert zero at the end of the array
    elif (((n1) / 2.0).is_integer()) is False:
        # create mirrored array
        mat = np.concatenate((range(1, n1 / 2 + 1), range(1, n1 / 2)[::-1]),
        # insert zero at the begining of the array
        mat = np.insert(mat, 0, 0)
        mat = np.append(mat, 0)  # insert zero at the end of the array
    coi = [coi * dt * m for m in mat]  # create coi matrix
    # problem with first and last entry in coi added next to lines because
    # log2 of zero is not defined and cannot be plottet later:
    coi[0] = 0.1  # coi[0] is normally 0
    coi[len(coi) - 1] = 0.1  # coi[last entry] is normally 0 too
    wave = wave[:, 0:n1]
    return ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi, f
Exemplo n.º 2
    def fftransform(self, fancy=True, cutoff_freq=8.83):
        """fftransform(KeplerData kd)
      Perform the FFT of the data stored in self and return the same KeplerData
        object with the transformed data.
        #fancy = False

        print "________________________________________"
        if fancy:
            print "          performing fancy FFT          "
            print "             performing FFT             "

        if not self.is_fft:
            self.flux_data = copy.deepcopy(self.data)
            self.cadence_time = copy.deepcopy(self.time_data)

        dataT = self.data.T

        newdata = []

        for j in range(len(dataT)):

            pdc_data = dataT[j]
            #   print "pdc_data: ", pdc_data
            time = self.time_data

            # Ensure that no NaNs exist
            for i in range(len(pdc_data)):
                if pylab.isnan(pdc_data[i]):
                    pdc_data[i] = pdc_data[i - 1]

            # Ensure that time starts from zero
            # Time is now in days
            time = time - time[0]

            pdc_data = pylab.detrend_mean(pdc_data)

            pdc_data = pdc_data / np.std(pdc_data)

            # Do FFT
            n = len(pdc_data)
            if fancy:
                fft_pdc = abs(10 *
                              np.fft.fft(pdc_data, 10 * n))  # More data points
                fft_pdc = abs(np.fft.fft(pdc_data, n))  # Normal FFT
            n = len(fft_pdc)
            timediffs = [self.cadence_time[i + 1] - self.cadence_time[i] for i in \
                                                    range(len(self.cadence_time) - 1)]
            spacing = np.mean(
            freq = np.fft.fftfreq(n, spacing)
            half_n = np.floor(n / 2.0)
            fft_pdc_half = (2.0 / n) * fft_pdc[:half_n]
            freq_half = freq[:half_n]

            # Low pass filter
            # Use frequency of 8.83: exoplanet with highest frequency is 2.207 / day
            #    Capture two harmonics
            if fancy:
                wherefq = np.where(freq_half > cutoff_freq)
                cutoff = wherefq[0][0]
                freq_half = freq_half[:cutoff]
                fft_pdc_half = fft_pdc_half[:cutoff]

            if newdata == []:
                newdata = np.zeros((dataT.shape[0], len(fft_pdc_half)))

            newdata[j] = fft_pdc_half
        #  print "newdata[%d]: " % j, newdata[j]
        #  print "newdata[0]: ", newdata[0]
        #  print "j: ", j
        #  Time.sleep(5)

        self.time_data = freq_half
        self.xvals = freq_half
        self.data = newdata.T
        self.is_fft = True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def read_kepler_dir(cls, kd, filepath, extension):
        """read_kepler_dir(filepath, extension)
    Read in all files with given extension in the folder given by filepath and save to a pickle.
    The pickle is called filepath/kepler.extension.pkl

        import pyfits

        files = glob.glob(str(filepath) + "*" + str(extension))

        print "found %d files with extension %s in %s:" % (len(files),
                                                           extension, filepath)
        assert len(files) > 0

        numfiles = len(files)
        seen = 0
        percent = 0.0
        printed = [False for foo in range(1000)]

        cadence = []
        flux = []
        data = []
        labels = []

        for filename in files:

            hdulist = pyfits.open(filename)
            d = np.array([(t,cad,s,pdc,q) for  \
                              mom1,mom1_err,mom2,mom2_err,pc1,pc2) in

            #     print "Read in %s" % filename

            use = ((d[:, 2] > 0).nonzero())[0]
            #data = d[use,2]  # ignore all nans
            time_data = d[:, 0]
            cadence_data = d[:, 1]
            flux_data = d[:, 2]
            pdc_data = d[:, 3]

            keplerid = int(hdulist[0].header['KEPLERID'])
            obsmode = hdulist[0].header['OBSMODE'].split()[0]

            # Replace nan with predecessor (fill)
            # Need to do this to use "detrend" below
            # Temporary and breaks value of "missingmethod" in demud
            for i in range(len(flux_data)):
                if pylab.isnan(flux_data[i]):
                    flux_data[i] = flux_data[i - 1]

            for i in range(len(pdc_data)):
                if pylab.isnan(pdc_data[i]):
                    pdc_data[i] = pdc_data[i - 1]

            # Make sure all sources have same cadence (they should)
            if cadence == []:
                cadence = cadence_data
            assert (cadence == cadence_data).all()

            # Subtract mean from data
            pdc_data = pylab.detrend_mean(pdc_data)
            flux_data = pylab.detrend_mean(flux_data)

            flux += [[float(x) for x in pdc_data]]
            labels.append(str(keplerid) + '-' + obsmode)

            seen += 1

            # output read-in progress
            if percent < 100:
                if (round((seen / float(numfiles)) * 100, 1) >=
                        percent) and (printed[int(percent * 10)] == False):
                    print "...%3.1f%%..." % percent
                    printed[int(percent * 10)] == True
                    percent = round(((seen / float(numfiles)) * 100), 1) + 0.1
        print "...100%..."
        data = np.array(flux).T

        # Output the pickle
        outf = open(kd.archive, 'w')
        pickle.dump((data, time_data, cadence, labels), outf)
        print "Wrote pickle to " + kd.archive
Exemplo n.º 4
  def read_kepler_dir(cls, kd, filepath, extension):
    """read_kepler_dir(filepath, extension)
    Read in all files with given extension in the folder given by filepath and save to a pickle.
    The pickle is called filepath/kepler.extension.pkl
    import pyfits
    files = glob.glob(str(filepath) + "*" + str(extension))
    print "found %d files with extension %s in %s:" % (len(files), extension, filepath)
    assert len(files) > 0
    numfiles = len(files)
    seen = 0
    percent = 0.0
    printed = [False for foo in range(1000)]
    cadence = []
    flux = []
    data = []
    labels = []
    for filename in files:
      hdulist = pyfits.open(filename)
      d = np.array([(t,cad,s,pdc,q) for  \
                        mom1,mom1_err,mom2,mom2_err,pc1,pc2) in 
 #     print "Read in %s" % filename
      use = ((d[:,2] > 0).nonzero())[0]
      #data = d[use,2]  # ignore all nans
      time_data = d[:,0]
      cadence_data = d[:,1]
      flux_data = d[:,2]
      pdc_data = d[:,3]
      keplerid = int(hdulist[0].header['KEPLERID'])
      obsmode = hdulist[0].header['OBSMODE'].split()[0]
      # Replace nan with predecessor (fill)
      # Need to do this to use "detrend" below
      # Temporary and breaks value of "missingmethod" in demud
      for i in range(len(flux_data)):
        if pylab.isnan(flux_data[i]):
          flux_data[i] = flux_data[i-1]
      for i in range(len(pdc_data)):
        if pylab.isnan(pdc_data[i]):
          pdc_data[i] = pdc_data[i-1]

      # Make sure all sources have same cadence (they should)
      if cadence == []:
        cadence = cadence_data
      assert (cadence == cadence_data).all()

      # Subtract mean from data
      pdc_data = pylab.detrend_mean(pdc_data)
      flux_data = pylab.detrend_mean(flux_data)

      flux += [[float(x) for x in pdc_data]]
      labels.append(str(keplerid) + '-' + obsmode)
      seen += 1
      # output read-in progress
      if percent < 100:
        if (round((seen / float(numfiles)) * 100, 1) >= percent) and (printed[int(percent * 10)] == False):
          print "...%3.1f%%..." % percent
          printed[int(percent * 10)] == True
          percent = round(((seen / float(numfiles)) * 100), 1) + 0.1
    print "...100%..."
    data = np.array(flux).T
    # Output the pickle
    outf = open(kd.archive, 'w')
    pickle.dump((data, time_data, cadence, labels), outf)
    print "Wrote pickle to " + kd.archive
Exemplo n.º 5
 def  fftransform(self, fancy=True, cutoff_freq=8.83):
   """fftransform(KeplerData kd)
     Perform the FFT of the data stored in self and return the same KeplerData
       object with the transformed data.
   #fancy = False
   print "________________________________________"
   if fancy:
     print "          performing fancy FFT          "
     print "             performing FFT             "
   if not self.is_fft:
     self.flux_data = copy.deepcopy(self.data)
     self.cadence_time = copy.deepcopy(self.time_data)
   dataT = self.data.T
   newdata = []
   for j in range(len(dataT)):  
     pdc_data = dataT[j]
  #   print "pdc_data: ", pdc_data
     time = self.time_data 
     # Ensure that no NaNs exist
     for i in range(len(pdc_data)):
         if pylab.isnan(pdc_data[i]):
           pdc_data[i] = pdc_data[i-1]
     # Ensure that time starts from zero
     # Time is now in days
     time = time - time[0]
     pdc_data = pylab.detrend_mean(pdc_data)
     pdc_data = pdc_data / np.std(pdc_data)
     # Do FFT
     n = len(pdc_data)
     if fancy:
       fft_pdc = abs(10 * np.fft.fft(pdc_data, 10 * n))   # More data points
       fft_pdc = abs(np.fft.fft(pdc_data, n))               # Normal FFT
     n = len(fft_pdc)
     timediffs = [self.cadence_time[i + 1] - self.cadence_time[i] for i in \
                                             range(len(self.cadence_time) - 1)]
     spacing = np.mean(np.array(timediffs)[np.where(~np.isnan(timediffs))])
     freq = np.fft.fftfreq(n, spacing)
     half_n = np.floor(n / 2.0)
     fft_pdc_half = (2.0 / n) * fft_pdc[:half_n]
     freq_half = freq[:half_n]
     # Low pass filter
     # Use frequency of 8.83: exoplanet with highest frequency is 2.207 / day
     #    Capture two harmonics
     if fancy:
       wherefq = np.where(freq_half > cutoff_freq)
       cutoff = wherefq[0][0]
       freq_half = freq_half[:cutoff]
       fft_pdc_half = fft_pdc_half[:cutoff]
     if newdata == []:
       newdata = np.zeros((dataT.shape[0], len(fft_pdc_half)))
     newdata[j] = fft_pdc_half
   #  print "newdata[%d]: " % j, newdata[j]
   #  print "newdata[0]: ", newdata[0]
   #  print "j: ", j
   #  Time.sleep(5)
   self.time_data = freq_half
   self.xvals = freq_half
   self.data = newdata.T
   self.is_fft = True
Exemplo n.º 6
def wavelet(Y, dt, param, dj, s0, j1, mother):
    """Computes the wavelet continuous transform of the vector Y,
       by definition:

    W(a,b) = sum(f(t)*psi[a,b](t) dt)        a dilate/contract
    psi[a,b](t) = 1/sqrt(a) psi(t-b/a)       b displace

    Only Morlet wavelet (k0=6) is used
    The wavelet basis is normalized to have total energy = 1 at all scales

    Y - time series
    dt - sampling rate
    mother - the mother wavelet function
    param - the mother wavelet parameter

    ondaleta - wavelet bases at scale 10 dt
    wave - wavelet transform of Y
    period - the vector of "Fourier"periods ( in time units) that correspond
             to the scales
    scale - the vector of scale indices, given by S0*2(j*DJ), j =0 ...J1
    coi - cone of influence

    Call function:
    ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi = wavelet(Y,dt,mother,param)


    n1 = len(Y)  # time series length
    #s0 = 2 * dt  # smallest scale of the wavelet
    # dj = 0.25  # spacing between discrete scales
    # J1 = int(np.floor((np.log10(n1*dt/s0))/np.log10(2)/dj))
    J1 = int(np.floor(np.log2(n1 * dt / s0) / dj))  # J1+1 total os scales
    # print 'Nr of Scales:', J1
    # J1= 60
    # pad if necessary
    x = detrend_mean(Y)  # extract the mean of time series
    pad = 1
    if (pad == 1):
        base2 = nextpow2(n1)  # call det nextpow2
    n = base2
    print ("n")
    # construct wavenumber array used in transform
    # simetric eqn 5
    #k = np.arange(n / 2)
    import math
    k_pos, k_neg = [], []
    for i in range(0, int(n / 2)):
        k_pos.append(i * ((2 * math.pi) / (n * dt)))  # frequencies as in eqn5
        k_neg = k_pos[::-1]  # inversion vector
        k_neg = [e * (-1) for e in k_neg]  # negative part
        # delete the first value of k_neg = last value of k_pos
        #k_neg = k_neg[1:-1]
    k = np.concatenate((k_pos, k_neg), axis=0)  # vector of symmetric
    # compute fft of the padded time series
    f = np.fft.fft(x, n)
    scale = []
    for i in range(J1 + 1):
        scale.append(s0 * pow(2, (i) * dj))

    period = scale
    # print period
    wave = np.zeros((J1 + 1, n))  # define wavelet array
    wave = wave + 1j * wave  # make it complex
    # loop through scales and compute transform
    for a1 in range(J1 + 1):
        daughter, fourier_factor, coi, dofmin = wave_bases(
            mother, k, scale[a1], param)  # call wave_bases
        wave[a1, :] = np.fft.ifft(f * daughter)  # wavelet transform
        if a1 == 11:
            ondaleta = daughter
    # ondaleta = daughter
    period = np.array(period)
    period = period[:] * fourier_factor

    # cone-of-influence, differ for uneven len of timeseries:
    if (((n1) / 2.0).is_integer()) is True:
        # create mirrored array)
        mat = np.concatenate(
            (arange(1,int( n1 / 2)), arange(1,int( n1 / 2))[::-1]), axis=0)
        # insert zero at the begining of the array
        mat = np.insert(mat, 0, 0)
        mat = np.append(mat, 0)  # insert zero at the end of the array
    elif (((n1) / 2.0).is_integer()) is False:
        # create mirrored array
        mat = np.concatenate(
            (arange(1,int( n1 / 2) + 1), arange(1, int(n1 / 2))[::-1]), axis=0)
        # insert zero at the begining of the array
        mat = np.insert(mat, 0, 0)
        mat = np.append(mat, 0)  # insert zero at the end of the array
    coi = [coi * dt * m for m in mat]  # create coi matrix
    # problem with first and last entry in coi added next to lines because 
    # log2 of zero is not defined and cannot be plottet later:
    coi[0] = 0.1  # coi[0] is normally 0
    coi[len(coi)-1] = 0.1 # coi[last entry] is normally 0 too
    wave = wave[:, 0:n1]
    return ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi, f
Exemplo n.º 7
def wavelet(Y, dt, mother, param, dj):  #,pad,s0,J1,mother,param):
    import warnings
    """Computes the wavelet continuous transform of the vector Y, by definition:

           W(a,b) = sum(f(t)*psi[a,b](t) dt)               a dilate/contract
           psi[a,b](t) = 1/sqrt(a) psi(t-b/a)              b displace

           Only Morlet wavelet (k0=6) is used
           The wavelet basis is normalized to have total energy = 1 at all scales

           	Y - time series
	   	dt - sampling rate
           	mother - the mother wavelet function
           	param - the mother wavelet parameter
            dj - spacing between scales

           	ondaleta - wavelet bases at scale 10 dt
           	wave - wavelet transform of Y
           	period - the vector of "Fourier"periods ( in time units) that correspond to the scales
           	scale - the vector of scale indices, given by S0*2(j*DJ), j =0 ...J1
           	coi - cone of influence

           Call function:
           ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi = wavelet(Y,dt,mother,param)

    # if(param == -1): param == -1
    # if ~exist(c,var) || isempty(c):  c = 10
    """CAUTION : default values"""
    n1 = len(Y)  # time series length
    s0 = 2 * dt  # smallest scale of the wavelet
    #dj = 0.25						# spacing between discrete scales ## 0.25 --> now taken as input arg
    J1 = int(np.floor(
        (np.log10(n1 * dt / s0)) / np.log10(2) / dj))  # J1+1 total os scales
    #mother = 'Morlet'
    # pad if necessary
    x = detrend_mean(Y)  #extract the mean of time series
    pad = 1
    if (pad == 1):
        base2 = nextpow2(n1)  #call det nextpow2
    n = base2
    # construct wavenumber array used in transform
    # simetric eqn 5
    k = np.arange(n / 2)
    import math
    k_pos, k_neg = [], []
    for i in range(0, n / 2 + 1):
        k_pos.append(i * ((2 * math.pi) / (n * dt)))  # frequencies as in eqn5
        k_neg = k_pos[::-1]  # inversion vector
        k_neg = [e * (-1) for e in k_neg]  # negative part
        k_neg = k_neg[
            1:-1]  # delete the first value of k_neg = last value of k_pos
    k = np.concatenate((k_pos, k_neg), axis=0)  # vector of symmetric
    # compute fft of the padded time series
    f = np.fft.fft(x, n)
    scale = []
    for i in range(J1 + 1):
        scale.append(s0 * pow(2, (i) * dj))
    period = scale
    wave = np.zeros((J1 + 1, n))  #define wavelet array
    wave = wave + 1j * wave  # make it complex
    #loop through scales and compute transform
    for a1 in range(J1 + 1):
        daughter, fourier_factor, coi, dofmin = wave_bases(
            mother, k, scale[a1], param)  #call wave_bases
        #zf = np.zeros(len(f))
        #zf[len(f)/2:len(f)*3/2] = daughter        		#wavelet in the middle of the zero vector
        wave[a1, :] = np.fft.ifft(f * daughter)  # wavelet transform
        if a1 == 11: ondaleta = daughter
    period = np.array(period)
    period = period[:] * fourier_factor
    mat = np.concatenate((range(1, n1 / 2), range(1, n1 / 2)[::-1]),
                         axis=0)  # create mirrored array
    mat = np.insert(mat, 0, 0)  # insert zero at the begining of the array
    mat = np.append(mat, 0)  # insert zero at the end of the array
    coi = [coi * dt * m for m in mat]  # create coi matrix
    wave = wave[:, 0:n1]
    return ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi, f
def wavelet(Y,dt,mother,param):#,pad,dj,s0,J1,mother,param):
        """Computes the wavelet continuous transform of the vector Y, by definition:
           W(a,b) = sum(f(t)*psi[a,b](t) dt)               a dilate/contract 
           psi[a,b](t) = 1/sqrt(a) psi(t-b/a)              b displace 

           Only Morlet wavelet (k0=6) is used
           The wavelet basis is normalized to have total energy = 1 at all scales 
           	Y - time series 
	   	dt - sampling rate
           	mother - the mother wavelet function
           	param - the mother wavelet parameter

           	ondaleta - wavelet bases at scale 10 dt
           	wave - wavelet transform of Y
           	period - the vector of "Fourier"periods ( in time units) that correspond to the scales
           	scale - the vector of scale indices, given by S0*2(j*DJ), j =0 ...J1
           	coi - cone of influence   		  
           Call function:
           ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi = wavelet(Y,dt,mother,param)  

        # if(param == -1): param == -1
        # if ~exist(c,var) || isempty(c):  c = 10
        """CAUTION : default values"""  
	n1 = len(Y)							# time series length 
	s0 = 2*dt							# smallest scale of the wavelet
	dj = 0.25							# spacing between discrete scales
	J1= int(np.floor((np.log10(n1*dt/s0))/np.log10(2)/dj)) 		# J1+1 total os scales
	#mother = 'Morlet'
	# pad if necessary
	x = detrend_mean(Y)						#extract the mean of time series
	pad = 1
	if (pad ==1) :
    		base2 = nextpow2(n1)					#call det nextpow2
	n = base2			
        # construct wavenumber array used in transform
	# simetric eqn 5  
	k = np.arange(n/2)
	import math
	for i in range(0,n/2+1):
    		k_pos.append(i*((2*math.pi)/(n*dt)))			# frequencies as in eqn5
    		k_neg = k_pos[::-1]					# inversion vector
    		k_neg = [e * (-1) for e in k_neg]			# negative part 
    		k_neg = k_neg[1:-1]					# delete the first value of k_neg = last value of k_pos
	k = np.concatenate((k_pos,k_neg), axis =1)  			# vector of symmetric
	# compute fft of the padded time series
	f = np.fft.fft(x,n)
	for i in range(J1+1):
	period = scale
	wave = np.zeros((J1+1,n))					#define wavelet array
	wave = wave+1j * wave						# make it complex
	#loop through scales and compute transform
        for a1 in range(J1+1):
    		daughter,fourier_factor,coi,dofmin = wave_bases(mother,k,scale[a1],param)	#call wave_bases
    		#zf = np.zeros(len(f))
    		#zf[len(f)/2:len(f)*3/2] = daughter        		#wavelet in the middle of the zero vector
    		wave[a1,:] = np.fft.ifft(f*daughter)			# wavelet transform
                if a1==11 : ondaleta =daughter
	period = np.array(period)
        period = period[:]*fourier_factor
        mat = np.concatenate((range(1,n1/2),range(1,n1/2)[::-1]), axis=1)	# create mirrored array
        mat = np.insert(mat,0,0)						# insert zero at the begining of the array
        mat = np.append(mat,0)						# insert zero at the end of the array
        coi = [coi*dt*m for m in mat] 						# create coi matrix
        wave = wave[:,0:n1]
        return ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi, f