Exemplo n.º 1
def ellipse(width, height):

    horpow = 2
    verpow = horpow
    # to produce a Ellipse with horizontal axis == ceil(2*hor semi axis)
    width = width + 0.5
    #to produce a Ellipse with vertical axis == ceil(2*vert semi axis)
    height = height + 0.5
    [x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-width, width + 1),
                        np.arange(-height, height + 1))
    #print width, height, x.shape, y.shape
    bll = (abs(x / width) ** horpow + abs(y / height) ** verpow) < 1
    xs = plt.find(bll.sum(0) == 0)
    ys = plt.find(bll.sum(1) == 0)
    bll = bll[ys[0] + 1:ys[1], :]
    bll = bll[:, xs[0] + 1:xs[1]]
    bll = bll.T
    mask_inds = np.where(bll > 0)
    mask_inds = np.array(mask_inds).T
    inv_mask_inds = np.where(bll == 0)
    inv_mask_inds = np.array(inv_mask_inds).T
    box_inds = np.array(np.where(bll != 5555)).T
    box_edges = np.array(
                [[box_inds[:, 0].min(), box_inds[:, 1].min()],
                [box_inds[:, 0].max(), box_inds[:, 1].max()]])
    return mask_inds, inv_mask_inds, box_edges
Exemplo n.º 2
def vl_test_hikmeans():
    """ VL_TEST_HIKMEANS Test VL_HIKMEANS function
    K = 3
    nleaves = 100
    data = numpy.array(numpy.random.rand(2, 1000) * 255, 'uint8')
    datat = numpy.array(numpy.random.rand(2, 10000) * 255, 'uint8')

    [tree, A] = vlfeat.vl_hikmeans(data, K, nleaves, verb=1)
    AT = vlfeat.vl_hikmeanspush(tree, datat)

    pylab.xlim(0, 255)
    pylab.ylim(0, 255)

    gen = color_gen()
    for k in range(K * K):
        color = next(gen)
        sel = pylab.find(A[-1, :] == k)
        pylab.plot(data[0, sel], data[1, sel], '.', color=color)
        sel = pylab.find(AT[-1, :] == k)
        pylab.plot(datat[0, sel], datat[1, sel], '+', color=color)

    plottree(tree, linewidth=4)
    pylab.xlim(0, 255)
    pylab.ylim(0, 255)
Exemplo n.º 3
def lognormal_cdf(x, mu, sigma):
    if sigma > 0:
        small = 0.5 + 0.5 * special.erf(
            (np.log(1e-6) - mu) / (np.sqrt(2.0) * sigma))
        if x.__class__ == np.ndarray:
            lp = np.zeros(len(x))
            I = pp.find(x > 1e-6)
            J = pp.find(x <= 1e-6)
            lp[I] = 0.5 + 0.5 * special.erf(
                (np.log(x) - mu) / (np.sqrt(2.0) * sigma))
            lp[J] = small
            return lp
            if x > 1e-6:
                return 0.5 + 0.5 * special.erf(
                    (np.log(x) - mu) / (np.sqrt(2.0) * sigma))
                return small
        if x.__class__ == np.ndarray:
            logx = np.log(x + 1e-6)
            lp = 0.5 * np.ones(len(x))
            I1 = pp.find(logx < mu)
            I2 = pp.find(logx > mu)

            lp[I1] = 0
            lp[I2] = 1
            return lp
            if np.log(x) < mu:
                return 0
            elif np.log(x) > mu:
                return 1
                return 0.5
Exemplo n.º 4
 def logpdf(x, mu, sigma):
     if type(x) == np.ndarray:
         if sigma > 0:
             small = np.log(0.5 + 0.5 * special.erf((np.log(1e-6) - mu) /
                            (np.sqrt(2.0) * sigma)))
             I = pp.find(x > 1e-6)
             log_x = np.log(x[I])
             lp = small * np.ones(x.shape)
             lp[I] = -log_x - 0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi) - np.log(sigma) - \
                 0.5 * ((log_x - mu) ** 2) / (sigma ** 2)
             I = pp.find(x == mu)
             lp = -np.inf * np.ones(x.shape)
             lp[I] = 0
         if sigma > 0:
             if x > 1e-6:
                 log_x = np.log(x)
                 lp = - log_x - 0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi) - \
                     np.log(sigma) - \
                     0.5 * ((log_x - mu) ** 2) / (sigma ** 2)
                 lp = np.log(0.5 + 0.5 * special.erf((np.log(1e-6) - mu) /
                             (np.sqrt(2.0) * sigma)))
             if x == mu:
                 lp = 0
                 lp = -np.inf
     return lp
Exemplo n.º 5
    def psd(self, bin_w = 5., nmax = 4000, time_range = [], pop_id = 'all'):
      spikes = self.events['spikes']
      pop_id,spikes,neuron_nr = self.get_pop_spikes(spikes,nmax,pop_id)
      if len(spikes) == 0:
	print 'psd: spike array is empty'
	return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
      if time_range!=[]:
	    idx = (spikes[:,1]>time_range[0]) & (spikes[:,1]<=time_range[1])
	    spikes = spikes[idx]
      if time_range==[]:
	total_time = self.pars['T_total']
	total_time = time_range[1] - time_range[0]
      if len(spikes) == 0:
	print 'psd: spike array is empty'
	return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
      ids = np.unique(spikes[:,0])[:nmax]
      nr_neurons = len(ids)
      #psd, max_value, freq,h = misc2.psd_sp(spikes[:,1],nr_bins,nr_neurons)
      bins = np.arange(time_range[0],time_range[1],bin_w)
      a,b = np.histogram(spikes[:,1], bins)
      ff = abs(np.fft.fft(a- np.mean(a)))**2
      Fs = 1./(bin_w*0.001)
      freq2 = np.fft.fftfreq(len(bins))[0:len(bins/2)+1]
      freq = np.linspace(0,Fs/2,len(ff)/2+1)
      px = ff[0:len(ff)/2+1]
      max_px = np.max(px[1:])
      idx = px == max_px
      corr_freq = freq[pl.find(idx)]
      new_px = px
      max_pow = new_px[pl.find(idx)]
      return new_px,freq, freq2, corr_freq[0], max_pow
Exemplo n.º 6
def solve(p):
    rr = p.T[0]
    x = p.T[1].astype('int')
    N = len(x)

    i1 = find(rr == 'B')
    i2 = find(rr == 'O')
    assert (len(rr) == (len(i2) + len(i1)))

    tt = zeros(N, dtype='int')

    tt[i1] = computeTravelTimes(x[i1])
    tt[i2] = computeTravelTimes(x[i2])

    totalTime = tt[0] + 1
    prev = rr[0]
    bonus = totalTime

    for r, t in zip(rr[1:], tt[1:]):
        if prev == r:
            #print "same robot", t
            bonus += (t + 1)
            totalTime += (t + 1)
            t = max(0, t - bonus)
            #print "other", t
            bonus = t + 1
            totalTime += (t + 1)
        prev = r

    return totalTime
Exemplo n.º 7
def computeBalancedLogisticAndExponentialCosts(x, y):
    x = np.array(x, float)
    y = np.array(y, float)
    # If specified, limit ourselves to data for which tag == 1
    idxs1 = pylab.find(y == 1)
    idxs0 = pylab.find(y == 0)
    n1 = len(idxs1)
    n0 = len(idxs0)
    logisticCost = 0
    exponentialCost = 0
    for idx in idxs1:
        p = convertLLRtoProb(x[idx], 0)
        if p * (
                1 - p
        ) == 0:  # Precision error -- return "inf" as infinite cost so that, in optimization, we don't use the parameters that got us here
            return (float("inf"), float("inf"))
        logisticCost -= 0.5 / n1 * math.log(p)
        exponentialCost += 0.5 / n1 * abs(1 - p) / math.sqrt(p * (1 - p))
    for idx in idxs0:
        p = convertLLRtoProb(x[idx], 0)
        if p * (
                1 - p
        ) == 0:  # Precision error -- return "inf" as infinite cost so that, in optimization, we don't use the parameters that got us here
            return (float("inf"), float("inf"))
        logisticCost -= 0.5 / n0 * math.log(1 - p)
        exponentialCost += 0.5 / n0 * abs(0 - p) / math.sqrt(p * (1 - p))
    return (logisticCost, exponentialCost)
Exemplo n.º 8
def detect_saccades(orientations, timestep):
    orientations = orientations[~numpy.isnan(orientations)]

    unwrappedOrientations = numpy.unwrap(orientations, 180)
    smoothWindow = int(round(SMOOTH_TIME / timestep))
    smoothedOrientations = tools.smooth(unwrappedOrientations, smoothWindow)
    angSpds = abs(numpy.diff(smoothedOrientations)) / timestep
    MIN_PEAK_SPD = 30
    sacInds = tools.local_minima(-angSpds) & (angSpds > MIN_PEAK_SPD)
    sacSpds = angSpds[sacInds]

    MIN_SAC_SPD = 5
    inSac = angSpds > MIN_SAC_SPD
    startInds = pylab.find(numpy.diff(inSac.view(dtype=int8)) == 1)
    stopInds = pylab.find(numpy.diff(inSac.view(dtype=int8)) == -1)
    if stopInds[-1] < startInds[-1]:
        l = stopInds.tolist()
        l.append(len(inSac) - 1)
        stopInds = numpy.array(l)
    if startInds[0] > stopInds[0]:
        l = startInds.tolist()
        l.insert(0, 0)
        startInds = numpy.array(l)

    angDisp = numpy.zeros(len(angSpds))
    for i, startInd in enumerate(startInds):
        stopInd = stopInds[i]
        angDisp[startInd:stopInd] = smoothedOrientations[stopInd] - smoothedOrientations[startInd]

    sacAmps = angDisp[sacInds]
    return sacAmps
Exemplo n.º 9
    def extract_time_series(self, filename, node_yxz):
        dis = self.parent.get_package('DIS')
        if (dis != None):
            yy, xx, zz = dis.get_node_coordinates()

            times, heads, strings = self.read_all(filename)

            if self.silent == 0: print ('Please wait. Extracting time series.')
            ht = np.empty((1, len(node_yxz)))
            rr = 0
            for h in heads:
                if (rr > 0):
                    ht = np.vstack((ht, np.empty(len(node_yxz))))
                cc = 0
                for yxz in node_yxz:
                    y = yxz[0]
                    x = yxz[1]
                    z = yxz[2]
                    r = find(abs(yy - y) < abs(y) / 1e6)[0]
                    c = find(abs(xx - x) < abs(x) / 1e6)[0]
                    l = find(abs(zz[r, c] - z) < abs(z) / 1e6)[0]
                    ht[rr, cc] = h[r, c, l]
                    cc = cc + 1
                rr = rr + 1
            return times, ht
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, path):
        file1 = path + 'scow_taux_climatology.nc'
        file2 = path + 'scow_tauy_climatology.nc'
        file3 = path + 'scow_wind_stress_curl_climatology.nc'

        variables = ['taux', 'tauy', 'stress_curl']

        data1 = Dataset(file1, 'r')
        data2 = Dataset(file2, 'r')
        data3 = Dataset(file3, 'r')

        # Coordinates systems - South Atlantic Coordinates
        latitude = data1.variables.pop('latitude')[:].squeeze()
        longitude = data1.variables.pop('longitude')[:].squeeze()

        jgood = (longitude >= (-69.5 + 360.)) | (longitude <= 24.5)
        jgood = py.find(jgood)

        shift = len(longitude[longitude >= (-69.5 + 360.)])
        jgood = np.roll(jgood, shift)

        igood = (latitude >= -74.5) & (latitude <= 9.5)
        igood = py.find(igood)

        latitude = latitude[igood]
        longitude = longitude[jgood]
        longitude[longitude > 180] = longitude[longitude > 180] - 360.

        igood, jgood = np.meshgrid(igood, jgood)

        # Organizing the data
        months = data1.variables.keys()

        data = np.ones((len(variables), len(months), latitude.shape[0],
                        longitude.shape[0])) * np.nan

        for i in xrange(len(months)):
            taux = data1[months[i]][:][igood, jgood].transpose()
            tauy = data2[months[i]][:][igood, jgood].transpose()
            curl = data3[months[i]][:][igood, jgood].transpose()

            # Replacing the missing filling number -9999.0 by nan
            ibad = taux == -9999.0
            taux[ibad] = np.nan
            ibad = tauy == -9999.0
            tauy[ibad] = np.nan
            ibad = curl == -9999.0
            curl[ibad] = np.nan

            # Fixing units (everything should be in the SI)
            curl = curl * 1.e-7

            month = np.array([taux, tauy, curl])
            data[:, i, :, :] = month

        self.data = data
        self.months = months
        self.variables = variables
        self.latitude = latitude
        self.longitude = longitude
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_affine_inliers_RANSAC(num_m, xy1_m, xy2_m,\
                              acd1_m, acd2_m, xy_thresh_sqrd, sigma_thresh_sqrd=None):
    '''Computes initial inliers by iteratively computing affine transformations
    between matched keypoints'''
    aff_inliers = []
    # Enumerate All Hypothesis (Match transformations)
    for mx in xrange(num_m): 
        xy1  = xy1_m[:,mx].reshape(2,1) #  XY Positions
        xy2  = xy2_m[:,mx].reshape(2,1) 
        A1   = matrix(insert(acd1_m[:,mx], [1.], 0.)).reshape(2,2)
        A2   = matrix(insert(acd2_m[:,mx], [1.], 0.)).reshape(2,2)
        # Compute Affine Tranform 
        # from img1 to img2 = (E2\E1) 
        Aff  = linalg.inv(A2).dot(A1)
        # Transform XY-Positions
        xy1_mAt = xy2 + Aff.dot( (xy1_m - xy1) ) 
        xy_err_sqrd = sum( power(xy1_mAt - xy2_m, 2) , 0)
        _inliers = find(xy_err_sqrd < xy_thresh_sqrd)
        # Transform Ellipse Geometry (solved on paper)
        if not sigma_thresh_sqrd is None:
            scale1_mAt = (acd1_m[0]*Aff[0,0]) *\
            scale2_m   = acd2_m[0] * acd2_m[2]
            scale_err  = np.abs(scale1_mAt - scale2_m)
            _inliers_scale = find(scale_err < sigma_thresh_sqrd)
            _inliers = np.bitwise_and(_inliers, _inliers_scale)
        #If this hypothesis transformation is better than the ones we have
        #previously seen then set it as the best
        if len(_inliers) > len(aff_inliers):
            aff_inliers = _inliers
            #bst_xy_err  = xy_err_sqrd 
    return aff_inliers
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, paramfile):
        for row in paramfile:

            if row[0]=='BIAS_COMBINE': self.BIAS_COMBINE = row[1]
            if row[0]=='COMP_COMBINE': self.COMP_COMBINE = row[1]
            if row[0]=='FLAT_COMBINE': self.FLAT_COMBINE = row[1]
            if row[0]=='FIBER_TRACE': self.FIBER_TRACE = row[1]
            if row[0]=='BIAS_SUBTRACT': self.BIAS_SUBTRACT = row[1]
            if row[0]=='LAMBDA_SOLVE': self.LAMBDA_SOLVE = row[1]
            if row[0]=='COSMIC_RAYS': self.COSMIC_RAYS = row[1]
            if row[0]=='WRITE_SPECTRA': self.WRITE_SPECTRA = row[1]
            if row[0]=='FIBERS_TOTAL': self.FIBERS_TOTAL = int(row[1])
            if row[0]=='FIBERS_EXCLUDE':
                fibs = pl.array( [ int(i) for i in row[1].split(',') ] )
                fibs = fibs[ pl.find( 0<fibs ) ]
                fibs = fibs[ pl.find( fibs<self.FIBERS_TOTAL+1 ) ]
                self.FIBERS_EXCLUDE = fibs
            if row[0]=='FIBER_WIDTH': self.FIBER_WIDTH = int(row[1])
            if row[0]=='FIBER_SEP': self.FIBER_SEP = int(row[1])
            if row[0]=='LO_BUFFER': self.LO_BUFFER = int(row[1])
            if row[0]=='HI_BUFFER': self.HI_BUFFER = int(row[1])
            if row[0]=='COMP_HEADER': self.COMP_HEADER = row[1]
            if row[0]=='COMP_NAME': self.COMP_NAME = row[1]
            if row[0]=='POLYFIT_ORDER': self.POLYFIT_ORDER = int(row[1])
            if row[0]=='CR_SCAN_DX': self.CR_SCAN_DX = int(row[1])
Exemplo n.º 13
def detect_signals():
    vector, label = weeklydataset_sg_ndata(
        "/media/4AC0AB31C0AB21E5/Documents and Settings/Claudio/Documenti/Thesis/Workloads/MSClaudio/ews/access_log-20110805.csv",
    x, target = aggregatebymins_sg_ndata(vector[1])

    starttime = time.time()
    y = array(target)
    t = array(x)
    thr = max(y) * 2 / 3
    print thr
    I = pylab.find(y > thr)
    #    print I
    #    pylab.plot(t,y, 'b',label='signal')
    #    pylab.plot(t[I], y[I],'ro',label='detections')
    #    pylab.plot([0, t[len(t)-1]], [thr,thr], 'g--')

    J = pylab.find(diff(I) > 1)
    argpeak = []
    targetpeak = []
    for K in split(I, J + 1):
        ytag = y[K]
        peak = pylab.find(ytag == max(ytag))
        #        pylab.plot(peak+K[0],ytag[peak],'sg',ms=7)
        argpeak.append(peak + K[0])

    eta = time.time() - starttime
    print "time elapsed %f" % eta
    return list(itertools.chain(*argpeak)), list(itertools.chain(*targetpeak))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def find_continuum(self):
	Creates a list of el states that are in the continuum.
	Stores the list as an instance variable.
	f = tables.openFile(self.name_el_couplings)
	#Electronic basis state energies.
	r_grid = f.root.R_grid[:]
	index_middle = argmin(abs(r_grid - 4))
	energies = f.root.E[:,index_middle]
	continuum = []
	#Looping the q's.
	for i in range(max(self.index_array[:,1])+1):

	    #Get the indices corresponding to  given q.
	    temp_ind = find(self.index_array[:,1] == i)
	    #Corresponding energies.
	    temp_E = energies[temp_ind]
	    #Checks if there are positive energies.
	    if temp_E[-1] > 0:
		#The continuum starts when gap between energies increases.
		border_value = temp_ind[argmin(diff(temp_E))] + 0
		continuum.append(temp_ind[find((temp_ind > border_value))])
	self.continuum = [item for sublist in continuum for item in sublist]
Exemplo n.º 15
def dct_cut_downsampled(data, cutoff, spacing=0.4):
    like dctCut but also lowers the sampling rate, creating a compact
    representation from which the whole downsampled data could be
    h, w = np.shape(data)[:2]
    f1 = fft.fftfreq(h * 2, spacing)
    f2 = fft.fftfreq(w * 2, spacing)
    wl = 1. / np.abs(reshape(f1, (2 * h, 1)) + 1j * f2.reshape(1, 2 * w))
    mask = np.int32(wl >= cutoff)
    mirror = reflect2D(data)
    ff = fft.fft2(mirror, axes=(0, 1))
    cut = (ff.T * mask.T).T  # weird shape broadcasting constraints
    empty_cols = find(np.all(mask == 0, 0))
    empty_rows = find(np.all(mask == 0, 1))
    delete_col = len(empty_cols) / 2  #idiv important here
    delete_row = len(empty_rows) / 2  #idiv important here
    keep_cols = w - delete_col
    keep_rows = h - delete_row
    col_mask = np.zeros(w * 2)
    col_mask[:keep_cols] = 1
    col_mask[-keep_cols:] = 1
    col_mask = col_mask == 1
    row_mask = np.zeros(h * 2)
    row_mask[:keep_rows] = 1
    row_mask[-keep_rows:] = 1
    row_mask = row_mask == 1
    cut = cut[row_mask, ...][:, col_mask, ...]
    w, h = keep_cols, keep_rows
    result = fft.ifft2(cut, axes=(0, 1))[:h, :w, ...]
    return result
def plt_annual_WBCt(fign):

	fig = plt.figure(num=fign,figsize=(8,5),facecolor='w')
	ax = plt.gca()

	argo = np.ones(soest_gs.latitude.shape[0])*np.nan
	wind = np.ones(scow_gs.latitude.shape[0])*np.nan

	d = py.find(soest_gs.depth == 1200)[0]
	for i in xrange(argo.shape[0]):
		gs = soestgs_annual_Ipsi[d,i,:]
		good  = py.find(~np.isnan(gs))

		if len(good) > 0:
			argo[i] = gs[good[0]]

		del gs, good

	for i in xrange(wind.shape[0]):
		gs = scowgs_annual_psi[i,:]
		good  = py.find(~np.isnan(gs))

		if len(good) > 0:		
			wind[i] = gs[good[0]]

		del gs, good

	ax.plot(scow_gs.latitude,wind,'r',lw=3.5,label='Sverdrup - Ekman')




	labels = [ur'5$^{\circ}$S',ur'10$^{\circ}$S',ur'15$^{\circ}$S',ur'20$^{\circ}$S',



	ax.set_ylabel('Transport at X$_{w}$ (Sv)',fontsize=30,fontweight='demibold')


	return fig
Exemplo n.º 17
    def res2_name_consistency(em, res):
        '''Score a single query for name consistency
            res - query result
        Returns: Dict
            error_chip - degree of chip error
            name_error - degree of name error
            gt_pos_name - 
            gt_pos_chip - 
        # Defaults to -1 if no ground truth is in the top results
        cm, nm = em.hs.get_managers('cm','nm')
        qcx  = res.rr.qcx
        qnid = res.rr.qnid
        qnx   = nm.nid2_nx[qnid]
        ret = {'name_error':-1, 'chip_error':-1,
               'gt_pos_chip':-1, 'gt_pos_name':-1, 
               'chip_precision': -1, 'chip_recall':-1}
        if qnid == nm.UNIDEN_NID: exec('return ret')
        # ----
        # Score Top Chips
        top_cx = res.cx_sort()
        gt_pos_chip_list = (1+pylab.find(qnid == cm.cx2_nid(top_cx)))
        # If a correct chip was in the top results
        # Reward more chips for being in the top X
        if len(gt_pos_chip_list) > 0:
            # Use summation formula sum_i^n i = n(n+1)/2
            ret['gt_pos_chip'] = gt_pos_chip_list.min()
            _N = len(gt_pos_chip_list)
            _SUM_DENOM = float(_N * (_N + 1)) / 2.0
            ret['chip_error'] = float(gt_pos_chip_list.sum())/_SUM_DENOM
        # Calculate Precision / Recall (depends on the # threshold/max_results)
        ground_truth_cxs = np.setdiff1d(np.array(nm.nx2_cx_list[qnx]), np.array([qcx]))
        true_positives  = top_cx[gt_pos_chip_list-1]
        false_positives = np.setdiff1d(top_cx, true_positives)
        false_negatives = np.setdiff1d(ground_truth_cxs, top_cx)

        nTP = float(len(true_positives)) # Correct result
        nFP = float(len(false_positives)) # Unexpected result
        nFN = float(len(false_negatives)) # Missing result
        #nTN = float( # Correct absence of result

        ret['chip_precision'] = nTP / (nTP + nFP)
        ret['chip_recall']    = nTP / (nTP + nFN)
        #ret['true_negative_rate'] = nTN / (nTN + nFP)
        #ret['accuracy'] = (nTP + nFP) / (nTP + nTN + nFP + nFN)
        # ----
        # Score Top Names
        (top_nx, _) = res.nxcx_sort()
        gt_pos_name_list = (1+pylab.find(qnid == nm.nx2_nid[top_nx]))
        # If a correct name was in the top results
        if len(gt_pos_name_list) > 0: 
            ret['gt_pos_name'] = gt_pos_name_list.min() 
            # N should always be 1
            _N = len(gt_pos_name_list)
            _SUM_DENOM = float(_N * (_N + 1)) / 2.0
            ret['name_error'] = float(gt_pos_name_list.sum())/_SUM_DENOM
        # ---- 
        return ret
def psd(act, total_time, bin_w=5., time_range=[]):
    evs = act[:, 0]
    ts = act[:, 1]

    if time_range != []:
        idx = (ts > time_range[0]) & (ts <= time_range[1])
        spikes = ts[idx]
    if time_range == []:
        total_time = total_time
        total_time = time_range[1] - time_range[0]

    if len(spikes) == 0:
        print 'psd: spike array is empty'
        return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan

    ids = np.unique(evs)
    nr_neurons = len(ids)
    #psd, max_value, freq,h = misc2.psd_sp(spikes[:,1],nr_bins,nr_neurons)
    bins = np.arange(time_range[0], time_range[1], bin_w)
    a, b = np.histogram(spikes, bins)
    ff = abs(np.fft.fft(a - np.mean(a)))**2
    Fs = 1. / (bin_w * 0.001)
    freq2 = np.fft.fftfreq(len(bins))[0:len(bins / 2) + 1]
    freq = np.linspace(0, Fs / 2, len(ff) / 2 + 1)
    px = ff[0:len(ff) / 2 + 1]
    max_px = np.max(px[1:])
    idx = px == max_px
    corr_freq = freq[pl.find(idx)]
    new_px = px
    max_pow = new_px[pl.find(idx)]
    return new_px, freq, freq2, corr_freq[0], max_pow
Exemplo n.º 19
def nCR2(data, tau, q, off, bp, bo):
    t, fc, b = data
    to = 1.0  # to=1.0 : sheath trailing edge
    cc = t[1:-1] <= to  # la recuperacion ocurre despues de 'to'
    cx = find(cc)
    dt = t[1:-1] - t[0:-2]
    nCR = np.nan * np.ones(t.size)
    fcc = fc[1:-1]
    bc = b[1:-1] - bo
    bc[bc <= 0.0] = 0.0
    #---- zona sheath
    for i in cx:
        ind = cx[:(i + 1)]
        nCR[i + 1] = q * np.sum(fcc[:(i + 1)] * dt[:(i + 1)])

    cy = find(~cc)
    no = cx[-1]
    #---- despues de sheath
    for i in cy:
        # termino rms
        nCR[i + 1] = q * sum(fcc[:(i + 1)] * dt[:(i + 1)])
        # termino recovery-after-sheath
        nCR[i + 1] += (-1.0 / tau) * sum(nCR[1:-1][no:i] * dt[no:i])
        nCR[i + 1] += 1.0 * off  # offset
        nCR[i + 1] += bp * sum(bc[no:i] * dt[no:i])

    return nCR
Exemplo n.º 20
def ellipse(width, height):

    horpow = 2
    verpow = horpow
    # to produce a Ellipse with horizontal axis == ceil(2*hor semi axis)
    width = width + 0.5
    #to produce a Ellipse with vertical axis == ceil(2*vert semi axis)
    height = height + 0.5
    [x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-width, width + 1),
                         np.arange(-height, height + 1))
    #print width, height, x.shape, y.shape
    bll = (abs(x / width)**horpow + abs(y / height)**verpow) < 1
    xs = plt.find(bll.sum(0) == 0)
    ys = plt.find(bll.sum(1) == 0)
    bll = bll[ys[0] + 1:ys[1], :]
    bll = bll[:, xs[0] + 1:xs[1]]
    bll = bll.T
    mask_inds = np.where(bll > 0)
    mask_inds = np.array(mask_inds).T
    inv_mask_inds = np.where(bll == 0)
    inv_mask_inds = np.array(inv_mask_inds).T
    box_inds = np.array(np.where(bll != 5555)).T
    box_edges = np.array([[box_inds[:, 0].min(), box_inds[:, 1].min()],
                          [box_inds[:, 0].max(), box_inds[:, 1].max()]])
    return mask_inds, inv_mask_inds, box_edges
    def make_continuum_list(self):
	Creates a list of the states that are in the continuum, 
	based on the density of states. 
	energies = diag(self.input_function.H_0)
	self.energies = energies
	continuum = []
	border_value_list = []

	#Looping the q's.
	for i in range(max(self.input_function.index_array[:,1])+1):

	    #Get the indices corresponding to  given q.
	    temp_ind = find(self.input_function.index_array[:,1] == i)
	    #Corresponding energies.
	    temp_E = energies[temp_ind]
	    #The continuum starts when gap between energies increases.
	    border_value = temp_ind[argmin(diff(temp_E))]

	    continuum.append(temp_ind[find((temp_ind > border_value))])
	self.continuum = [item for sublist in continuum for item in sublist]
	self.continuum_limit_dos = mean(border_value_list)
    def energy_spectrum(self, psi, energy_grid):
	energy_grid, spectrum = energy_spectrum(psi, energy_grid)

	Creates the energy spectrum on the <energy_grid>.

	all_energies = diag(self.input_function.H_0)
	all_population = abs(psi)**2

	spectrum = zeros(len(energy_grid))
	#Density of states.
	for q in range(max(self.input_function.index_array[:,1])+1):
	    q_indices = find(self.input_function.index_array[:,1] == q)
	    energies = all_energies[q_indices]
	    population = all_population[q_indices]
	    dos = 1 / diff(energies)
	    if True:
		#Choose an appropriate output grid.
		start_index = find(energy_grid > energies[0])[0]
		end_index = find(energy_grid < energies[-1])[-1] + 1 

		spectrum[start_index:end_index] += UnivariateSpline(energies[1:], 
		    population[1:] * dos, s=0)(energy_grid[start_index:end_index])	
		spectrum += UnivariateSpline(energies[1:], 
		    population[1:] * dos, s=0)(energy_grid)
	return energy_grid, spectrum
Exemplo n.º 23
def lognormal_cdf( x, mu, sigma ):
  if sigma > 0:
    small = 0.5 + 0.5*special.erf( (np.log(1e-6)-mu)/(np.sqrt(2.0)*sigma))
    if x.__class__ == np.ndarray:
      lp = np.zeros( len(x) )
      I = pp.find( x > 1e-6 )
      J = pp.find( x <= 1e-6)
      lp[I] = 0.5 + 0.5*special.erf( (np.log(x)-mu)/(np.sqrt(2.0)*sigma))
      lp[J] = small
      return lp
      if x > 1e-6:
        return 0.5 + 0.5*special.erf( (np.log(x)-mu)/(np.sqrt(2.0)*sigma))
        return small
    if x.__class__ == np.ndarray:
      logx = np.log(x+1e-6)
      lp = 0.5*np.ones( len(x))
      I1 = pp.find( logx < mu )
      I2 = pp.find( logx > mu )
      lp[I1] = 0
      lp[I2] = 1
      return lp
      if np.log(x) < mu:
        return 0
      elif np.log(x) > mu:
        return 1
        return 0.5
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _CalculateMaxActivity(self,
     """Calculates the maximal promoter activity.
         culture_levels: the culture levels.
         activities: the activities computed.
         The maximal (smoothed) reporter level within the
         allowed range of culture levels.
     abovemin_i = pylab.find(culture_levels >= self.min_culture_level)
     abovemax_i = pylab.find(culture_levels >= self.max_culture_level)
     if not abovemin_i.any() or not abovemax_i.any():
         return numpy.NAN
     lower_i = numpy.min(abovemin_i)
     upper_i = numpy.min(abovemax_i)
     if lower_i >= upper_i:
         return numpy.NAN
     window_size = upper_i - lower_i
     activities_window = activities[lower_i:lower_i+window_size]
     diff_activities = self._MovingAverage(activities_window)        
     max_activity = numpy.max(diff_activities)
     if max_activity < 0:
         return numpy.NAN        
     return max_activity   
Exemplo n.º 25
    def chop(self, start=None, stop=None):
        restrict the spectrum to only this wavelength range
        (start and stop are in nm)
        if start is None:
            start = self.wavelen[0]

        if stop is None:
            stop = self.wavelen[-1]

        if start < self.wavelen[0] or stop > self.wavelen[-1]:
            raise ValueError("wavelength range is not contained within\
                                the spectrum.")

        self.lum = self.lum[pylab.find(self.wavelen > start)]
        self.wavelen = self.wavelen[find(self.wavelen > start)]

        self.lum = self.lum[pylab.find(self.wavelen < stop)]
        self.wavelen = self.wavelen[find(self.wavelen < stop)]

        self.lum -= max(self.lum)
        #        return self.lum
        #        return [self.wavelen, self.lum]
        return [array(self.wavelen),
                array(self.lum)]  # returns a copy of the chopped data
Exemplo n.º 26
 def logpdf(x, mu, sigma):
     if type(x) == np.ndarray:
         if sigma > 0:
             small = np.log(0.5 + 0.5 * special.erf((np.log(1e-6) - mu) /
                                                    (np.sqrt(2.0) * sigma)))
             I = pp.find(x > 1e-6)
             log_x = np.log(x[I])
             lp = small * np.ones(x.shape)
             lp[I] = -log_x - 0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi) - np.log(sigma) - \
                 0.5 * ((log_x - mu) ** 2) / (sigma ** 2)
             I = pp.find(x == mu)
             lp = -np.inf * np.ones(x.shape)
             lp[I] = 0
         if sigma > 0:
             if x > 1e-6:
                 log_x = np.log(x)
                 lp = - log_x - 0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi) - \
                     np.log(sigma) - \
                     0.5 * ((log_x - mu) ** 2) / (sigma ** 2)
                 lp = np.log(0.5 +
                             0.5 * special.erf((np.log(1e-6) - mu) /
                                               (np.sqrt(2.0) * sigma)))
             if x == mu:
                 lp = 0
                 lp = -np.inf
     return lp
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _CalculateMaxActivity(self, culture_levels, activities):
        """Calculates the maximal promoter activity.
            culture_levels: the culture levels.
            activities: the activities computed.
            The maximal (smoothed) reporter level within the
            allowed range of culture levels.
        abovemin_i = pylab.find(culture_levels >= self.min_culture_level)
        abovemax_i = pylab.find(culture_levels >= self.max_culture_level)
        if not abovemin_i.any() or not abovemax_i.any():
            return numpy.NAN

        lower_i = numpy.min(abovemin_i)
        upper_i = numpy.min(abovemax_i)
        if lower_i >= upper_i:
            return numpy.NAN

        window_size = upper_i - lower_i

        activities_window = activities[lower_i:lower_i + window_size]
        diff_activities = self._MovingAverage(activities_window)
        max_activity = numpy.max(diff_activities)
        if max_activity < 0:
            return numpy.NAN

        return max_activity
Exemplo n.º 28
 def ConditionalNRLHist(self, nrls, labels):
      Analyze method
     :param nrls: 
     :type nrls: 
     :param labels:
     :type labels:
     :rtype: Resultlist of figures 
     figures = []
     for m in range(0, self.scen.M):
         q = labels[m, 1, :]
         ind = find(q >= 0.5)
         ind2 = find(q < 0.5)
         r = nrls[ind]
         xmin, xmax = min(nrls), max(nrls)
         lnspc = linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)
         m, s = stats.norm.fit(r)
         pdf_g = stats.norm.pdf(lnspc, m, s)
         r = nrls[ind2]
         # xmin, xmax = min(r), max(r)
         lnspc2 = linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)  # len(r)
         m, s = stats.norm.fit(r)
         pdf_g2 = stats.norm.pdf(lnspc2, m, s)
         fg = figure()
         plot(lnspc, pdf_g / len(pdf_g), label="Norm")
         plot(lnspc2, pdf_g2 / len(pdf_g2), 'k', label="Norm")
         legend(['Posterior: Activated', 'Posterior: Non Activated'])
         # xmin, xmax = min(xt), max(xt)
         # ind2 = find(q <= 0.5)
     if self.shower:
     return figures
Exemplo n.º 29
    def named_state_population(self, psi, name_list):
	populations = named_state_population(psi, name_list)

	Returns the population in a set of named states.

	psi : 2D complex array. The wavefunction to be analyzed.
	name_list : string list, e.g. ["2p", "3d"].

	populations : 1D float array, the population of the basis states. 

	angular_names = {"s":0, "p":1, "d":2, "f":3}

	el_indices = []

	for i in name_list:
	    q_matches = find(self.index_array[:,1] == (angular_names[i[1]]))
	    n_matches = find(self.index_array[:,2] == int(i[0]) - angular_names[i[1]] -1)
	    el_indices.append(intersect1d(q_matches, n_matches))
	el_indices = list(ravel(array(el_indices)))
	populations = self.state_population(psi, el_indices)

	return populations
Exemplo n.º 30
    def extract_time_series(self, filename, node_yxz):
        dis = self.parent.get_package('DIS')
        if (dis != None):
            yy, xx, zz = dis.get_node_coordinates()

            times, heads, strings = self.read_all(filename)

            if self.silent == 0: print('Please wait. Extracting time series.')
            ht = np.empty((1, len(node_yxz)))
            rr = 0
            for h in heads:
                if (rr > 0):
                    ht = np.vstack((ht, np.empty(len(node_yxz))))
                cc = 0
                for yxz in node_yxz:
                    y = yxz[0]
                    x = yxz[1]
                    z = yxz[2]
                    r = find(abs(yy - y) < abs(y) / 1e6)[0]
                    c = find(abs(xx - x) < abs(x) / 1e6)[0]
                    l = find(abs(zz[r, c] - z) < abs(z) / 1e6)[0]
                    ht[rr, cc] = h[r, c, l]
                    cc = cc + 1
                rr = rr + 1
            return times, ht
Exemplo n.º 31
def vl_test_hikmeans():
	K = 3
	nleaves = 100
	data = numpy.array(numpy.random.rand(2, 1000) * 255, 'uint8')
	datat = numpy.array(numpy.random.rand(2, 10000) * 255, 'uint8')
	[tree, A] = vlfeat.vl_hikmeans(data, K, nleaves, verb=1)
	AT = vlfeat.vl_hikmeanspush(tree, datat)
	pylab.xlim(0, 255)
	pylab.ylim(0, 255)
	print('hikmeans-tree') ;
	gen = color_gen()
	for k in range(K*K):
		color = next(gen)
		sel = pylab.find(A[-1, :] == k)
		pylab.plot(data[0, sel], data[1, sel], '.', color=color)
		sel = pylab.find(AT[-1, :] == k)
		pylab.plot(datat[0, sel], datat[1, sel], '+', color=color)
	plottree(tree, linewidth=4)
	pylab.xlim(0, 255)
	pylab.ylim(0, 255)
	print('hikmeans-clusters') ;
def life_time(Zpy, ns):
    life-time criterion for automatic selection of the number of clusters
    [porting from life-time implementation on matlab]
        Zpy (array): input data array of shape (number samples x number features).
        ns (int): number of samples. 
        res (dict): output dict with indexes for each cluster determined. 
                    Example: res = {'-1': noise indexes list,
                                    '0': cluster 0 indexes list,
                                    '1': cluster 1 indexes list}
    Configurable fields:{"name": "cluster.dbscan", "config": {"min_samples": "10", "eps": "0.95", "metric": "euclidean"}, "inputs": ["data"], "outputs": ["core_samples", "labels"]}
    See Also:
        .. [1]    

    Z = hierarchy.to_mlab_linkage(Zpy)
    dif = np.diff(Z[:, 2])
    indice = np.argmax(dif)
    maximo = dif[indice]

    indice = Z[find(Z[:, 2] > Z[indice, 2]), 2]
    if indice == []:
        cont = 1
        cont = len(indice) + 1

    # th = maximo

    #testing the situation when only 1 cluster is present
    #max>2*min_interval -> nc=1
    minimo = np.min(dif[pl.find(dif != 0)])
    if minimo != maximo:  #se maximo=minimo e' porque temos um matriz de assocs perfeita de 0s e 1s
        if maximo < 2 * minimo:
            cont = 1

    nc_stable = cont
    if nc_stable > 1:
        labels = hierarchy.fcluster(hierarchy.from_mlab_linkage(Z), nc_stable,

    else:  #ns_stable=1
        labels = np.arange(ns, dtype="int")

    return labels
Exemplo n.º 33
def climatology(t, z, w=None, result='year'):
    """Returns monthly climatology of a time-series.

        t (array like) :
            Time in matplotlib time format.
        z (array like) :
            The data to calculate climatology.
        w (array like) :
            Data weight, should have same dimensions as 'z'.
        result (string) :
            If set to 'year', returns only one year of data. If set to
            'full', returns the climatology for every time t.

        z_clim (array like) :
            Climatological averages.

    # Checks for proper dimensions
    shape = z.shape
    if len(shape) == 1:
        z = z[:, None, None]
    c, b, a = z.shape

    if w != None:
        if w.shape != z.shape:
            raise Warning, 'Data and weight arrays are not the same.'

    # Starts converting time to datetime format. Determines the start and end
    # of the relevant dataset to ensure that only whole years are used.
    # Initializes climatology variable and calculates the averages.
    Time = common.num2ymd
        start = pylab.find(Time[:, 1] == 1)[0]
        start = None
        end = pylab.find(Time[:, 1] == 12)[-1]
        end = None
    time_clim = numpy.arange(12) + 1
    z_clim = numpy.ma.zeros([12, b, a])
    for i in range(12):
        selt = pylab.find(Time[start:end+1, 1] == i + 1) + start
        if w == None:
            z_clim[i, :, :] = z[selt, :, :].mean(axis=0)
            z_clim[i, :, :] = ((z[selt, :, :] * w[selt, :, :]).sum(axis=0) /
                w[selt, :, :].sum(axis=0))
    z_clim.mask = z_clim.mask | numpy.isnan(z_clim.data)

    if result == 'full':
        z_clim = z_clim[Time[:, 1]-1]

    return z_clim, Time
    def __init__(self, name, version, zclust, sigmaz, alpha=50):
        self.name = name  # e.g. "NEP 200"
        self.version = version  # e.g. "nep200_v0.0.4"
        self.zclust = zclust  # cluster redshift
        self.sigmaz = sigmaz  # 1sigma scatter in (zphot-zspec)/(1+zspec)
        self.zspec_lo = 0  # lower redshift bound for specz
        self.zspec_hi = 0  # upper redshift bound for specz
        self.substructures = []

        self.cat = gunzip_read_gzip('%s/%s/%s.cat.gz' %
                                    (data_dir, version, version),
        self.zout = gunzip_read_gzip('%s/%s/%s.zout.gz' %
                                     (data_dir, version, version),
        self.fout = gunzip_read_gzip('%s/%s/%s.fout.gz' %
                                     (data_dir, version, version),

        chi2red = self.zout.chi_p / (self.zout.nfilt - 1.)
        cinds = pylab.find(chi2red > 10)
        self.cat.use[cinds] = 0.

        #print '  reading: %s_voronoi.pickle' % name
        #self.voronoi = pickle.load(open('../data/%s_voronoi.pickle' % name, 'rb'))

        xyrd1 = self.cat.x[0], self.cat.y[0], self.cat.ra[0], self.cat.dec[0]
        xyrd2 = self.cat.x[1], self.cat.y[1], self.cat.ra[1], self.cat.dec[1]
        d_arcsec = mypy.radec_sep(xyrd1[2], xyrd1[3], xyrd2[2], xyrd2[3])
        d_pixel = ((xyrd1[0] - xyrd2[0])**2 + (xyrd1[1] - xyrd2[1])**2)**0.5
        self.px_scale = d_arcsec / d_pixel

        ### getting z band magnitude
            self.zmagnitude = 25 - 2.5 * pylab.log10(self.cat.fluxauto_z)
            self.zmagnitude = 25 - 2.5 * pylab.log10(self.cat.fluxauto_Zplus)

        ###  setting spatial flag based on Convex Hull method
        #zspecinds = pylab.find(self.cat.z_spec > 0)
        #self.spatial_flag = checkPoint(self.cat.ra[zspecinds], self.cat.dec[zspecinds], self.cat.ra, self.cat.dec)
        #self.inds_spatial = pylab.find(self.spatial_flag == 1)

        ###  setting spatial flag based on Concave Hull method (creates a "tighter" spatial selection than Cnvex Hull)
        zspecinds = pylab.find(self.cat.z_spec > 0)
        points = pylab.array(zip(self.cat.x[zspecinds], self.cat.y[zspecinds]))
        self.concave_hull, self.edge_points = alpha_shape(points, alpha)
        self.inds_spatial = CheckPoints(self.concave_hull.buffer(10),
                                        self.cat.x, self.cat.y)
        self.area_pix2 = self.concave_hull.buffer(10).area
        self.area_arcmin2 = self.area_pix2 * (self.px_scale / 60.)**2
        print ''
Exemplo n.º 35
def GetAverageRange(X, lower_lim, domainheight):
# get range of X for averaging such that lower_lim<X<h0
  try: start_val = pylab.find(numpy.array(X)>lower_lim)[0]
  except IndexError: print "not enough values of X, \n lower lim = " + str(lower_lim) + "\n X = " + str(X); sys.exit(1)
  try: end_val = pylab.find(numpy.array(X)>0.4-domainheight)[0]
  except IndexError: end_val = len(X)
  return start_val, end_val
Exemplo n.º 36
def climatology(t, z, w=None, result='year'):
    """Returns monthly climatology of a time-series.

        t (array like) :
            Time in matplotlib time format.
        z (array like) :
            The data to calculate climatology.
        w (array like) :
            Data weight, should have same dimensions as 'z'.
        result (string) :
            If set to 'year', returns only one year of data. If set to
            'full', returns the climatology for every time t.

        z_clim (array like) :
            Climatological averages.

    # Checks for proper dimensions
    shape = z.shape
    if len(shape) == 1:
        z = z[:, None, None]
    c, b, a = z.shape

    if w != None:
        if w.shape != z.shape:
            raise Warning, 'Data and weight arrays are not the same.'

    # Starts converting time to datetime format. Determines the start and end
    # of the relevant dataset to ensure that only whole years are used.
    # Initializes climatology variable and calculates the averages.
    Time = common.num2ymd
        start = pylab.find(Time[:, 1] == 1)[0]
        start = None
        end = pylab.find(Time[:, 1] == 12)[-1]
        end = None
    time_clim = numpy.arange(12) + 1
    z_clim = numpy.ma.zeros([12, b, a])
    for i in range(12):
        selt = pylab.find(Time[start:end + 1, 1] == i + 1) + start
        if w == None:
            z_clim[i, :, :] = z[selt, :, :].mean(axis=0)
            z_clim[i, :, :] = ((z[selt, :, :] * w[selt, :, :]).sum(axis=0) /
                               w[selt, :, :].sum(axis=0))
    z_clim.mask = z_clim.mask | numpy.isnan(z_clim.data)

    if result == 'full':
        z_clim = z_clim[Time[:, 1] - 1]

    return z_clim, Time
Exemplo n.º 37
def pdf_from_cv(cv, origin, roundoff=1e-9):
    Returns a gaussian pdf from a given covariance matrix
    @param cv (n-by-n): covariance matrix
    @param origin (n-by-1): origin
    @param roundoff (float): ratio of largest to smallest eigenvalue 
        s.th. smallest eigenvalue is not considered 0 (degenerate case)
    @return Returns a pdf function        
    if not np.allclose(cv - cv.T, 0):
        raise ValueError("argument must be a positive definite symmetric "
                "covariance matrix")
    dim = cv.shape[0]
    x_ref = np.array(origin)
    if len(x_ref) != dim:
        raise ValueError("x_ref dimension must match covariance dimension")
    # this is numerically stable here since cv is symmetric
    # -> eigenvectors are normal
    eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(cv) 
    if not all(eigvals > 0):
        raise ValueError("argument must be a positive definite "
                "symmetric covariance matrix")
    max_ev = max(eigvals)
    small_ev = find(eigvals < roundoff*max_ev)
    large_ev = find(eigvals >= roundoff*max_ev)
    eigvals_i = eigvals.copy()
    eigvals_i[small_ev] = 0
    eigvals_i[large_ev] = 1./eigvals_i[large_ev]
    # compute the pseudo-inverse using eigenvalues
    # (numerically stable here, see above)
    cv_i = np.dot(eigvecs, 
               np.dot(np.diag(eigvals_i), eigvecs.T))
    p_det = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, eigvals[large_ev]) # pseudo-determinant
    scale = (1. / np.sqrt((2*np.pi)**dim * p_det))
    projector = np.dot(cv, cv_i)
    def fun(xp, threshold=1e-10, debug=False):
        x = np.dot(projector, xp)
        if np.linalg.norm(x - xp) > threshold:
            if debug:
                print "debug:", svd(projector, 0, 0)
                print "threshold exceeded:", x, xp
                print ("(norm of", x - xp, ":", np.linalg.norm(x - xp), " > ",
                        threshold, ") ")

            return 0
        return scale * np.exp(-0.5 * np.dot(x - x_ref, np.dot(cv_i, x - x_ref)))
    return fun
Exemplo n.º 38
 def get_max_counts_in_histogram2D(self):
     high_Gbins = abs(np.log10(self.Gbins) - -2)
     low_Gbins = abs(np.log10(self.Gbins) - -6)
     low_idx = pl.find(min(low_Gbins) == low_Gbins)[0]
     high_idx = pl.find(min(high_Gbins) == high_Gbins)[0]
     tmp = self.histo2D_breaking_sum[low_idx:high_idx, :]
     Cmax = 0
     for y in range(0, high_idx - low_idx):
         Cmax = max(max(tmp[y, :]), Cmax)
     return int(Cmax)
Exemplo n.º 39
def assign_woe_discrete(woes, bins, values):
    results = np.zeros(values.shape[0])
    others = np.ones(values.shape[0])
    for i in range(len(woes)-1):
        inds = values==bins[i]
        others[plb.find(inds==True)] = 0
        if inds.shape[0] > 0:
            results[inds] = woes[i]
        results[plb.find(others==1)] = woes[-1]
    return results
Exemplo n.º 40
def nonna_select_data(data, outlier_threshold, level='high'):
	This function returns a list of indexed after identifying the main outliers. It applies
	a cut on the data to remove exactly a fraction (1-outlier_threshold) of all data points.
	By default the cut is applied only at the higher end of the data values, but the 
	parameter level can be used to change this
	Input arguments:
	data              = vector containing all data points
	outlier_threshold = remove outliers until we are left with exactly this fraction of the
	                    original data
	level             = 'high|low|both' determines if the outliers are removed only from the
					    high values end, the low values end of both ends.
	idx               = index of selected (good) data
	# histogram all the data values
	n,x = scipy.histogram(data, len(data)/10)
	# compute the cumulative distribution and normalize
	nn = scipy.cumsum(n)
	nn = nn / float(max(nn))
	if level=='high':
		# select the value such that a fraction outlier_threshold of the data lies below it
		if outlier_threshold < 1:
			val = x[pylab.find(nn/float(max(nn)) >= outlier_threshold)[0]]
			val = max(data)
		# use that fraction of data only
		idx = data <= val 
	elif level=='low':
		# select the value such that a fraction outlier_threshold of the data lies above it
		if outlier_threshold < 1:
			val = x[pylab.find(nn/float(max(nn)) <= (1-outlier_threshold))[-1]]
			val = min(data)
		# use that fraction of data only
		idx = data >= val 
	elif level=='both':		
		# select the value such that a fraction outlier_threshold/2 of the data lies below it
		if outlier_threshold < 1:
			Hval = x[pylab.find(nn/float(max(nn)) >= 1-(1-outlier_threshold)/2)[0]]
			Hval = max(data)	
		# select the value such that a fraction outlier_threshold/2 of the data lies above it
		if outlier_threshold < 1:
			Lval = x[pylab.find(nn/float(max(nn)) <= (1-outlier_threshold)/2)[-1]]
			Lval = min(data)
  		# use that fraction of data only
		idx = scipy.logical_and(data >= Lval, data <= Hval) 
	return idx
Exemplo n.º 41
def positive_normal_rand( mu, stddevs, N = 1 ):
  X = mu + stddevs*np.random.randn( N )
  I = pp.find( X <= 0 )
  i = 0
  while len(I) > 0:
    X[I] = mu + stddevs*np.random.randn( len(I) )
    J = pp.find( X[I] <= 0 )
    I = I[J]
  return X
Exemplo n.º 42
def positive_normal_rand(mu, stddevs, N=1):
    X = mu + stddevs * np.random.randn(N)

    I = pp.find(X <= 0)
    i = 0
    while len(I) > 0:
        X[I] = mu + stddevs * np.random.randn(len(I))
        J = pp.find(X[I] <= 0)
        I = I[J]

    return X
Exemplo n.º 43
def plot_partition(data, datat, C, A, AT):
	K = C.shape[1]	
	colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y', '#444444']
	for k in range(K):
		sel = pylab.find(A==k)
		selt = pylab.find(AT==k)
		vl_plotframe(data[:,sel],  color=colors[k])
		vl_plotframe(datat[:,selt], color=colors[k])

	pylab.plot(C[0,:],C[1,:],'ko', markersize=14, linewidth=6)
	pylab.plot(C[0,:],C[1,:],'yo', markersize=10, linewidth=1)
Exemplo n.º 44
def plot_partition(data, datat, C, A, AT):
    K = C.shape[1]
    colors = ["r", "g", "b", "y", "#444444"]
    for k in range(K):
        sel = pylab.find(A == k)
        selt = pylab.find(AT == k)
        vl_plotframe(data[:, sel], color=colors[k])
        vl_plotframe(datat[:, selt], color=colors[k])

    pylab.plot(C[0, :], C[1, :], "ko", markersize=14, linewidth=6)
    pylab.plot(C[0, :], C[1, :], "yo", markersize=10, linewidth=1)
Exemplo n.º 45
def mixing_stats():

    pylab.figure(num=2, figsize=(16.5, 11.5))

    times = []
    mixing_stats_lower = []
    mixing_stats_mixed = []
    mixing_stats_upper = []

    stat_files, time_index_end = le_tools.GetstatFiles('./')
    for sf in stat_files:
        stat = stat_parser(sf)
        for i in range(
                time_index_end[pylab.find(numpy.array(stat_files) == sf)]):

    pylab.plot(times, mixing_stats_lower, label='T < -0.4')
    pylab.plot(times, mixing_stats_mixed, label='-0.4 < T < 0.4')
    pylab.plot(times, mixing_stats_upper, label='0.4 < T')

    time = le_tools.ReadLog('diagnostics/logs/time.log')
    X_ns = [x - 0.4 for x in le_tools.ReadLog('diagnostics/logs/X_ns.log')]
    X_fs = [0.4 - x for x in le_tools.ReadLog('diagnostics/logs/X_fs.log')]
        index = pylab.find(numpy.array(X_ns) < 0.4 - 1E-3)[-1]
        pylab.fill_between([time[index], time[index + 1]], [0, 0], [0.5, 0.5],
        index = pylab.find(numpy.array(X_fs) < 0.4 - 1E-3)[-1]
        pylab.fill_between([time[index], time[index + 1]], [0, 0], [0.5, 0.5],
    except IndexError:
        print 'not plotting shaded regions on mixing plot as front has not reached end wall'

    pylab.axis([0, times[-1], 0, 0.5])
        times[-1] - (times[-1] / 5),
        'shaded regions show when \nfronts near the end wall \ndark: free-slip, light: no-slip',
        bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black'))
    pylab.xlabel('time (s)')
    pylab.ylabel('domain fraction')


Exemplo n.º 46
def get_edges(signal):
    Assuming a binary signal, get the start and stop times of each
    treatch of "1s"
    if len(signal) < 1:
        return np.array([[], []])
    starts = list(find(np.diff(np.int32(signal)) == 1))
    stops = list(find(np.diff(np.int32(signal)) == -1))
    if signal[0]: starts = [0] + starts
    if signal[-1]: stops = stops + [len(signal)]
    return np.array([starts, stops])
Exemplo n.º 47
    def print_batch(self, X, b):
        from pylab import find

        if len(X[0][0])==1:
            M = X
            ans = ['01'[int(m[b].asarray())] for m in M]
            inds = [int(find(x[b].asarray())) for x in X
                    if len(find(x[b].asarray()))>0]
            ans = [self.chars_inv_dict[i] for i in inds]

        return ''.join(ans).replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ')
Exemplo n.º 48
def align_spike_peaks(waveform, threshold_mv):
  """Align each spike by its peak and scrunch down length apropriately"""
  #waveform -= pylab.matrix(waveform[:,:10].mean(axis=1)).T*pylab.matrix(pylab.ones((1,waveform.shape[1])))
  idx = pylab.find(waveform.max(axis=1) < threshold_mv)
  waveform = waveform[idx,:]
  peak_idx = waveform.argmin(axis=1)#a row vector of the peak indices for each spike
  idx = pylab.find((peak_idx > 5) & (peak_idx < 15))
  wv = pylab.zeros((idx.size,30))
  for n in range(idx.size):
    wv[n,:] = waveform[idx[n],peak_idx[idx[n]]-6:peak_idx[idx[n]]+24]
  return wv
def get_files():
    if os.name == 'nt':
        sep = "\\"  #windows
        sep = "/"  #unix, MacOs, Java, others
    header_loc, arousal_loc, signal_loc, is_training = [], [], [], []
    rootDir = p_DATASET_DIR
    print("eseguo phic get files: " + str(rootDir))
    for dirName, subdirList, fileList in sorted(
            os.walk(rootDir, followlinks=True)):  #sorted(
        if dirName != rootDir and dirName != rootDir + sep + 'test' and dirName != rootDir + sep + 'training':
            if dirName.startswith(rootDir + '' + sep + 'training' + sep + ''):
                #print("TRAIN### :   "+dirName)
                for fname in fileList:
                    if '.hea' in fname:
                        header_loc.append(dirName + sep + fname)
                    if '-arousal.mat' in fname:
                        arousal_loc.append(dirName + sep + fname)
                    if 'mat' in fname and 'arousal' not in fname:
                        signal_loc.append(dirName + sep + fname)

            elif dirName.startswith(rootDir + '' + sep + 'test' + sep + ''):
                #print("TEST### :   " + dirName)

                for fname in fileList:
                    if '.hea' in fname:
                        header_loc.append(dirName + sep + fname)
                    if 'mat' in fname and 'arousal' not in fname:
                        signal_loc.append(dirName + sep + fname)

    # combine into a data frame
    data_locations = {
        'header': header_loc,
        'arousal': arousal_loc,
        'signal': signal_loc,
        'is_training': is_training

    #print (data_locations)
    # Convert to a data-frame
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=data_locations)

    # Split the data frame into training and testing sets.
    tr_ind = list(find(df.is_training.values))
    te_ind = list(find(df.is_training.values == False))

    training_files = df.loc[tr_ind, :]
    testing_files = df.loc[te_ind, :]

    return training_files, testing_files
Exemplo n.º 50
    def print_batch(self, X, b):
        from pylab import find

        if len(X[0][0])==1:
            M = X
            ans = ['01'[int(m[b].asarray())] for m in M]
            inds = [int(find(x[b].asarray())) for x in X
                    if len(find(x[b].asarray()))>0]
            ans = [self.chars_inv_dict[i] for i in inds]

        return ''.join(ans).replace('\n', ' ').replace('\t', ' ')
def svdInverse(mat,maxEig=1e10,minEig=1e-10): #1e10,1e-10
    u,w,vt = scipy.linalg.svd(mat)
    if any(w==0.):
        raise ZeroDivisionError, "Singular matrix."
    wInv = w ** -1
    largeIndices = pylab.find( abs(wInv) > maxEig )
    if len(largeIndices) > 0: print "svdInverse:",len(largeIndices),"large singular values out of",len(w)
    wInv[largeIndices] = maxEig*scipy.sign(wInv[largeIndices])
    smallIndices = pylab.find( abs(wInv) < minEig )
    if len(smallIndices) > 0: print "svdInverse:",len(smallIndices),"small singular values out of",len(w)
    wInv[smallIndices] = minEig*scipy.sign(wInv[smallIndices])
    return scipy.dot( scipy.dot(vt.T,scipy.diag(wInv)), u.T )
Exemplo n.º 52
def normal_drawer(plane_normal, plane_seed):
    print( " Drawing plane Normals")
    for plane in range(len(plane_normal)):

        pl= plane_seed[plane]
        pl=pl[pl.find('(') :]
        pl=pl[pl.find('[')+1 :]
        pl=pl[: pl.find(']')]
        p0 = [p0x, p0y, p0z]
        p1 = [p0x+pn[0], p0y+pn[1], p0z+pn[2]]

        # Create a vtkPoints object and store the points in it
        points = vtk.vtkPoints()

        # Create a cell array to store the lines in and add the lines to it
        lines = vtk.vtkCellArray()

        line = vtk.vtkLine()

        # Create a polydata to store everything in
        linesPolyData = vtk.vtkPolyData()
        # Add the points to the dataset
        # Add the lines to the dataset
        # Setup actor and mapper
        mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
        if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:
        actor = vtk.vtkActor()
Exemplo n.º 53
def homogAnalyze(merged,numRuns=10,genFigs=False,maintainNetwork=False):
    ethnicitysets=[tmp[1].ethnicity.tolist() for tmp in iter(agroups)]

    # Testing for homogeneous sets

    homog=lambda x:np.all([tmp==x[0] for tmp in x])
    homogs=[homog(tmp) for tmp in ethnicitysets if len(tmp)>1]

    mainlyhomog=lambda x:pd.value_counts(x).iloc[0] >= 0.75*len(x)
    mainlyhomogs=[mainlyhomog(tmp) for tmp in ethnicitysets if len(tmp)>1]


    # Randomly generated sets


    for count in range(numRuns):

        if not maintainNetwork:
            for length in [len(tmp) for tmp in ethnicitysets]:
                randomsets.append([elist.pop() for tmp in range(length)])

        else: # Shuffle in a way which maintains the overall structure of the network
            shuffledict={mixedauthors[tmp]:mixedauthors[tmp+1] for tmp in range(0,len(mixedauthors)/2)}
        randomhomogs=[homog(tmp) for tmp in randomsets if len(tmp)>1]

        randommainlyhomogs=[mainlyhomog(tmp) for tmp in randomsets if len(tmp)>1]


    return homogcount,mainlyhomogcount,randomhomogcount,randommainlyhomogcount
def normal_drawer(plane_normal, plane_seed):
    print(" Drawing plane Normals")
    for plane in range(len(plane_normal)):

        pl = plane_seed[plane]
        pl = pl[pl.find('('):]
        pl = pl[pl.find('[') + 1:]
        pl = pl[:pl.find(']')]
        pt = pl.split(',')
        p0x = float(pt[0])
        p0y = float(pt[1])
        p0z = float(pt[2])

        pn = plane_normal[plane]
        p0 = [p0x, p0y, p0z]
        p1 = [p0x + pn[0], p0y + pn[1], p0z + pn[2]]

        # Create a vtkPoints object and store the points in it
        points = vtk.vtkPoints()

        # Create a cell array to store the lines in and add the lines to it
        lines = vtk.vtkCellArray()

        line = vtk.vtkLine()
        line.GetPointIds().SetId(0, 0)
        line.GetPointIds().SetId(1, 1)

        # Create a polydata to store everything in
        linesPolyData = vtk.vtkPolyData()

        # Add the points to the dataset

        # Add the lines to the dataset

        # Setup actor and mapper
        mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
        if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:

        actor = vtk.vtkActor()
        actor.GetProperty().SetColor(1, 0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 55
def radialprofile_errors(odprofiles, angles, od_prof, od_cutoff, \
                         showfig=False, savefig_name=None, report=True):
    """Calculate errors in radial profiles as a function of angle


      * odprofiles: 2D array, containing radial OD profiles along angles
      * angles: 1D array, angles at which radial profiles are taken
                          (zero is postive x-axis)
      * od_prof: 1D array, radially averaged optical density
      * od_cutoff: integer, index of profiles at which maximum fit-OD is reached


      * av_err: float, sum of absolute values of errors in errsum

    **Optional inputs**

      * showfig: bool, determines if a figure is shown with density profile
                 and fit
      * report: bool, if True print the sums of the mean and rms errors
      * savefig_name: string, if not None and showfig is True, the figure is
                      not shown but saved as png with this string as filename.


    err = (odprofiles[od_cutoff:, :].transpose() - \

    av_err = np.abs(err).mean()

    if report:
        print 'mean error is ', err.mean()
        print 'rms error is ', av_err

    if showfig:
        # angular plot of errors, red for positive, blue for negative values
        poserr = pylab.find(err > 0)
        negerr = pylab.find(err < 0)

        pylab.polar(angles[negerr], np.abs(err[negerr]), 'ko', \
                    angles[poserr], np.abs(err[poserr]), 'wo')
        pylab.title('Angular dependence of fit error')
        pylab.text(np.pi/2+0.3, np.abs(err).max()*0.85, \
        if not savefig_name:
            pylab.savefig(''.join([os.path.splitext(savefig_name)[0], '.png']))

    return av_err
Exemplo n.º 56
def radialprofile_errors(odprofiles, angles, od_prof, od_cutoff, \
                         showfig=False, savefig_name=None, report=True):
    """Calculate errors in radial profiles as a function of angle


      * odprofiles: 2D array, containing radial OD profiles along angles
      * angles: 1D array, angles at which radial profiles are taken
                          (zero is postive x-axis)
      * od_prof: 1D array, radially averaged optical density
      * od_cutoff: integer, index of profiles at which maximum fit-OD is reached


      * av_err: float, sum of absolute values of errors in errsum

    **Optional inputs**

      * showfig: bool, determines if a figure is shown with density profile
                 and fit
      * report: bool, if True print the sums of the mean and rms errors
      * savefig_name: string, if not None and showfig is True, the figure is
                      not shown but saved as png with this string as filename.


    err = (odprofiles[od_cutoff:, :].transpose() - \

    av_err = np.abs(err).mean()

    if report:
        print 'mean error is ', err.mean()
        print 'rms error is ', av_err

    if showfig:
        # angular plot of errors, red for positive, blue for negative values
        poserr = pylab.find(err > 0)
        negerr = pylab.find(err < 0)

        pylab.polar(angles[negerr], np.abs(err[negerr]), 'ko', \
                    angles[poserr], np.abs(err[poserr]), 'wo')
        pylab.title('Angular dependence of fit error')
        pylab.text(np.pi/2+0.3, np.abs(err).max()*0.85, \
        if not savefig_name:
            pylab.savefig(''.join([os.path.splitext(savefig_name)[0], '.png']))

    return av_err
Exemplo n.º 57
def GetAverageRange(X, lower_lim, domainheight):
# get range of X for averaging such that lower_lim<X<h0
    start_val = pylab.find(numpy.array(X)>lower_lim)[0]
    end_val = pylab.find(numpy.array(X)>0.4-domainheight)[0]
    average = True
  except IndexError: 
    start_val = 0 
    end_val = 0
    average = False
  return start_val, end_val, average
Exemplo n.º 58
def GetAverageRange(X, lower_lim, domainheight):
    # get range of X for averaging such that lower_lim<X<h0
        start_val = pylab.find(numpy.array(X) > lower_lim)[0]
        end_val = pylab.find(numpy.array(X) > 0.4 - domainheight)[0]
        average = True
    except IndexError:
        start_val = 0
        end_val = 0
        average = False
    return start_val, end_val, average