def delay_and_amplitude_correct(event, ra, dec):
    # retrieve station metadata

    detector = inject.cached_detector[inject.prefix_to_name[event.ifo]]

    # delay-correct the event to the geocentre

    delay = date.XLALTimeDelayFromEarthCenter(detector.location, ra, dec,
    event.peak -= delay
    event.start -= delay
    event.ms_start -= delay

    # amplitude-correct the event using the polarization-averaged
    # antenna response

    fp, fc = inject.XLALComputeDetAMResponse(
        detector.response, ra, dec, 0,
    mean_response = math.sqrt(fp**2 + fc**2)
    event.amplitude /= mean_response
    event.ms_hrss /= mean_response

    # done

    return event
Exemplo n.º 2
def hrss_in_instrument(sim, instrument, offsetvector):
	Given an injection and an instrument, compute and return the h_rss
	of the injection as should be observed in the instrument.  That is,
	project the waveform onto the instrument, and return the root
	integrated strain squared.
    # FIXME:  this function is really only correct for sine-Gaussian
    # injections.  that's OK because I only quote sensitivities in
    # units of hrss when discussing sine-Gaussians.
    # the problem is the following.  first,
    #	h = F+ h+ + Fx hx
    # so
    #	h^{2} = F+^2 h+^2 + Fx^2 hx^2 + 2 F+ Fx h+ hx
    # which means to calculate the hrss in the instrument you need to
    # know:  mean-square h in the + polarization, mean-square h in the
    # x polarization, and the correlation between the polarizations <h+
    # hx>.  these could be recorded in the sim_burst table, but they
    # aren't at present.

    # semimajor and semiminor axes of polarization ellipse

    a = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0 - sim.pol_ellipse_e**2)
    b = a * math.sqrt(1.0 - sim.pol_ellipse_e**2)

    # hrss in plus and cross polarizations

    hplusrss = sim.hrss * (a * math.cos(sim.pol_ellipse_angle) -
                           b * math.sin(sim.pol_ellipse_angle))
    hcrossrss = sim.hrss * (b * math.cos(sim.pol_ellipse_angle) +
                            a * math.sin(sim.pol_ellipse_angle))

    # antenna response factors

    fplus, fcross = inject.XLALComputeDetAMResponse(
        sim.ra, sim.dec, sim.psi,
            time_at_instrument(sim, instrument, offsetvector)))

    # hrss in detector

    return math.sqrt((fplus * hplusrss)**2 + (fcross * hcrossrss)**2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def string_amplitude_in_instrument(sim, instrument, offsetvector):
	Given a string cusp injection and an instrument, compute and return
	the amplitude of the injection as should be observed in the
    assert sim.waveform == "StringCusp"

    # antenna response factors

    fplus, fcross = inject.XLALComputeDetAMResponse(
        sim.ra, sim.dec, sim.psi,
            time_at_instrument(sim, instrument, offsetvector)))

    # amplitude in detector

    return fplus * sim.amplitude
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_delta_D_rss(pt, coinc):
  compute the rms difference in the ratio of the difference of the squares of Deff to
  the sum of the squares of Deff between the measured values and a "marginalized" effective
  distance this is just the squared Deff integrated over inclination and polarization which
  is proportional to (F+^2 + Fx^2)^(-1)
    latitude, longitude = pt
    gmst = {}
    D_marg_sq = {}
    F_plus = {}
    F_cross = {}
    for ifo in coinc.ifo_list:
        gmst[ifo] = date.XLALGreenwichMeanSiderealTime(coinc.gps[ifo])
        F_plus[ifo], F_cross[ifo] = inject.XLALComputeDetAMResponse(detector_responses[ifo],\
        D_marg_sq[ifo] = 1 / (F_plus[ifo] * F_plus[ifo] +
                              F_cross[ifo] * F_cross[ifo])

    delta_D = {}
    effD_diff = 0.0
    effD_sum = 0.0
    Dmarg_diff = 0.0
    Dmarg_sum = 0.0
    delta_D_rss = 0.0
    for ifos in coinc.ifo_coincs:
        effD_diff = coinc.eff_distances[ifos[0]] * coinc.eff_distances[ifos[0]]\
                    - coinc.eff_distances[ifos[1]] * coinc.eff_distances[ifos[1]]
        effD_sum = coinc.eff_distances[ifos[0]] * coinc.eff_distances[ifos[0]]\
                   + coinc.eff_distances[ifos[1]] * coinc.eff_distances[ifos[1]]
        Dmarg_diff = D_marg_sq[ifos[0]] - D_marg_sq[ifos[1]]
        Dmarg_sum = D_marg_sq[ifos[0]] + D_marg_sq[ifos[1]]
        delta_D[ifos[0] +
                ifos[1]] = (effD_diff / effD_sum) - (Dmarg_diff / Dmarg_sum)
        delta_D_rss += delta_D[ifos[0] + ifos[1]] * delta_D[ifos[0] + ifos[1]]

    return sqrt(delta_D_rss)
Exemplo n.º 5
def response(gpsTime, rightAscension, declination, inclination, polarization,
             unit, det):
  response( gpsTime, rightAscension, declination, inclination,
              polarization, unit, detector )
  Calculates the antenna factors for a detector 'detector' (e.g. 'H1')
  at a given gps time (as integer) for a given sky location
  (rightAscension, declination) in some unit (degree/radians).
  This computation also takes into account a specific inclination
  and polarization.
  The returned values are: (f-plus, f-cross, f-average, q-value).
  Example: antenna.response( 854378604.780, 11.089, 42.308, 0, 0, 'radians', 'H1' )

    # check the input arguments
    if unit == 'radians':
        ra_rad = rightAscension
        de_rad = declination
        psi_rad = polarization
        iota_rad = inclination
    elif unit == 'degree':
        ra_rad = rightAscension / 180.0 * pi
        de_rad = declination / 180.0 * pi
        psi_rad = polarization / 180.0 * pi
        iota_rad = inclination / 180.0 * pi
        raise ValueError, "Unknown unit %s" % unit

    # calculate GMST if the GPS time
    gps = LIGOTimeGPS(gpsTime)
    gmst_rad = GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(gps)

    # create detector-name map
    detMap = {
        'H1': 'LHO_4k',
        'H2': 'LHO_2k',
        'L1': 'LLO_4k',
        'G1': 'GEO_600',
        'V1': 'VIRGO',
        'T1': 'TAMA_300'
        detector = detMap[det]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError, "ERROR. Key %s is not a valid detector name."\
              % (det)

    # get detector
    if detector not in inject.cached_detector.keys():
        raise ValueError, "%s is not a cached detector.  "\
              "Cached detectors are: %s" \
              % (det, inject.cached_detector.keys())

    # get the correct response data
    response = inject.cached_detector[detector].response

    # actual computation of antenna factors
    f_plus, f_cross = inject.XLALComputeDetAMResponse(response, ra_rad, de_rad,
                                                      psi_rad, gmst_rad)

    f_ave = sqrt((f_plus * f_plus + f_cross * f_cross) / 2.0)
    ci = cos(iota_rad)
    cc = ci * ci

    # calculate q-value, e.g. ratio of effective to real distance
    # ref: Duncans PhD, eq. (4.3) on page 57
    f_q = sqrt(f_plus * f_plus * (1 + cc) * (1 + cc) / 4.0 +
               f_cross * f_cross * cc)

    # output
    return f_plus, f_cross, f_ave, f_q