Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_1d_two_channels_roundtrip(self):
        """ roundtrip test call with two channels in a frame """
        a = Fr.frgetvect1d("./test.dat", "Adc1")
        Fr.frputvect('writetest.gwf', [{
            'name': 'Adc1',
            'data': a[0],
            'start': a[1],
            'dx': a[3],
            'kind': 'ADC',
            'x_unit': a[4],
            'y_unit': a[5]
        }, {
            'name': 'reverse',
            'data': a[0][::-1],
            'start': a[1],
            'dx': a[3],
            'kind': 'ADC',
            'x_unit': a[4],
            'y_unit': a[5]
        b = Fr.frgetvect1d("writetest.gwf", "Adc1")
        self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[0] == b[0]))
        self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[1:] == b[1:]))

        c = Fr.frgetvect1d("writetest.gwf", "reverse")
        self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[0][::-1] == c[0]))
        self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[1:] == c[1:]))
def add_noise_frames_to_signal_frames(noise_frame_files, noise_frame_channel, inj_frame_file, inj_frame_channel, ifo, outfile):
	Take noise frame and time-sorted injection frames, and write a single output frame containing both channels between start and stop of noise frame
	#Load in injection frame and create value and time arrays
	inj_value_array, inj_start_time, __, inj_dt, __, __ = Fr.frgetvect1d(filename=inj_frame_file,channel='%s:%s'%(ifo,inj_frame_channel))
	len_inj_array = len(inj_value_array)
	inj_time_array = np.arange(inj_start_time, inj_start_time + inj_dt*len_inj_array, inj_dt)
	#Initialize noise times to actually add
	noise_final_array = np.zeros(len(inj_value_array))

	#Load in inj frames and create value and time arrays
	for i,noise_frame_file in enumerate(noise_frame_files):
		#Load in noise information for this frame
		noise_value_array, noise_start_time, __, noise_dt, __, __ = Fr.frgetvect1d(filename=noise_frame_file,channel='%s:%s'%(ifo,noise_frame_channel))
		len_noise_array = len(noise_value_array)
		noise_time_array = np.arange(noise_start_time, noise_start_time + noise_dt*len_noise_array, noise_dt)
		#Keep on injection information contained within the noise frame
		tmp_truth_array = (noise_time_array >= inj_time_array[0]) * (noise_time_array <= inj_time_array[-1])
		tmp_value_array = noise_value_array[tmp_truth_array]
		tmp_time_array = noise_time_array[tmp_truth_array]
		noise_final_array[ (inj_time_array >= tmp_time_array[0]) * (inj_time_array <= tmp_time_array[-1]) ] += tmp_value_array
	#Save the final noise + inj array
	frames_dic = {}
	frames_dic['noise'] = dict(name='%s:%s'%(ifo,noise_frame_channel), data=noise_final_array, start=inj_start_time, dx=inj_dt, type=1)
	frames_dic['inj'] = dict(name='%s:%s'%(ifo,inj_frame_channel), data=inj_value_array, start=inj_start_time, dx=inj_dt, type=1)

	Fr.frputvect(outfile, frames_dic.values())
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_1d_default_roundtrip(self):
     """ roundtrip test call with default values """
     a = Fr.frgetvect1d("./test.dat","Adc1")
     Fr.frputvect('writetest.gwf', [{'name':'Adc1', 'data':a[0],
         'start':a[1], 'dx':a[3], 'kind':'ADC', 'x_unit':a[4],
     b = Fr.frgetvect1d("writetest.gwf", "Adc1")
     self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[0] == b[0]))
     self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[1:] == b[1:]))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_1d_two_channels_roundtrip(self):
        """ roundtrip test call with two channels in a frame """
        a = Fr.frgetvect1d("./test.dat","Adc1")
        Fr.frputvect('writetest.gwf', [{'name':'Adc1', 'data':a[0],
        'start':a[1], 'dx':a[3], 'kind':'ADC', 'x_unit':a[4],
        'y_unit':a[5]},{'name':'reverse', 'data':a[0][::-1], 'start':a[1],
        'dx':a[3], 'kind':'ADC', 'x_unit':a[4], 'y_unit': a[5]}])
        b = Fr.frgetvect1d("writetest.gwf", "Adc1")
        self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[0] == b[0]))
        self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[1:] == b[1:]))

        c = Fr.frgetvect1d("writetest.gwf", "reverse")
        self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[0][::-1] == c[0]))
        self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[1:] == c[1:]))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_1d_keywords_roundtrip(self):
     """ roundtrip test call with keyword arguments """
     a = Fr.frgetvect1d("./test.dat", "Adc1", span=1)
     Fr.frputvect('writetest.gwf', [{
         'name': 'Adc1',
         'data': a[0],
         'start': a[1],
         'dx': a[3],
         'kind': 'ADC',
         'x_unit': a[4],
         'y_unit': a[5]
     b = Fr.frgetvect1d("writetest.gwf", "Adc1")
     self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[0] == b[0]))
     self.assert_(numpy.alltrue(a[1:] == b[1:]))
Exemplo n.º 6
def frames2vect(frames, channel, start=-np.infty, stop=np.infty):
    digs out the correct data from a list of frames
    assumes contiguous frames, constant dt, etc.
    returns vect, time
    frames = [(extract_start_dur(frame), frame) for frame in frames]
    frames.sort(key=lambda l: l[0][0])

    v = np.array([])
    t = np.array([])
    for (s, d), frame in frames:
        frame_start = max(s, start)
        frame_stop = min(s + d, stop)
        frame_span = frame_stop - frame_start

        vect, s, _, dt, _, _ = Fr.frgetvect1d(frame, channel, start=frame_start, span=frame_span)
        N = len(vect)
        v = np.concatenate((v, vect))
        t = np.concatenate((t, np.arange(s, s + dt * N, dt)))

    if not len(v):
        raise ValueError("no Data found!")

    truth = (start <= t) * (t <= stop)
    t = t[truth]
    return v[truth], t[0], t[1] - t[0]
def fromframefile(filename, channel, start=None, end=None):

    Extract 1D data for given channel from the GWF format frame filename.
    Returns (x, data) pair of numpy arrays (x is array of times or frequencies.


      filename : string
        path to GWF frame file
      channel : string
        channel name to extract

    Keyword arguments:

      start : float
        GPS start time (s) or minimum frequency (Hz) to return
      end : float
        GPS end time (s) or maximum frequency (Hz) to return

  # try to extract data from frame
  y, fstart, offset, dt = Fr.frgetvect1d(filename, str(channel))[:4]
  x = fstart+dt*numpy.arange(len(y))+offset

  # apply constraint on x-axis
  if start or end:
    if not start: start=-numpy.infty
    if not end:   end=numpy.infty
    condition = (x>=start) & (x<end)
    y = y[condition]
    x = x[condition]

  return x,y
Exemplo n.º 8
def extract_scisegs(frames, channel, bitmask, start, stride):
	extract scisegs from channel in frames using bitmask
	if not frames: ### empty list, so no segments
		return []

	### extract vectors and build segments
	segset = []
	for frame in frames:
		### extract the vector from the frame
		vect, s, ds, dt, xunit, yunit = Fr.frgetvect1d(frame, channel)		
		n = len(vect)

		### build time vector        add starting time
		t = np.arange(0, dt*n, dt) + s+ds

		### determine whether state acceptable
		### add "False" buffers to set up the computation of start and end time
#		state = np.concatenate( ([False], vect == bitmask, [False])) ### exact integer match
		state = np.concatenate( ([False], (vect >> bitmask) & 1, [False])) ### bitwise operation

		### determine beginning of segments
		###      i=False      i+1 = True  strip the trailing buffer
		b = ( (1-state[:-1])*(state[1:]) )[:-1].astype(bool)
		b = t[b] ### select out times

		### determine end of segments
                ###     i=True     i+1=False      strip the leading buffer
		e = ( (state[:-1])*(1-state[1:]) )[1:].astype(bool) 
		e = t[e] + dt ### select out times
		              ### extra dt moves these markers to the end of segments

		### stitch together start and end times, append to global list
		segset += list( np.transpose( np.array( [b, e] ) ) )

	if not segset: ### empty list
		return []

	### clean up segs!
	segs = []
	seg1 = segset[0]
	for seg2 in segset[1:]:
		if seg1[1] == seg2[0]:
			seg1[1] = seg2[1] ### join the segments
			### check segment for sanity
			append_seg = check_seg( seg1, (start, start+stride) )
			if append_seg:
				segs.append( append_seg )
			seg1 = seg2
	append_seg = check_seg( seg1, (start, start+stride) )
	if append_seg:
    		segs.append( append_seg )

	### return final list of lists!
	return segs
Exemplo n.º 9
def read_frame(filename, channels, start=None, end=None):
    if start is not None and end is not None:
        if type(start) is _lal.LIGOTimeGPS:
            if start.gpsNanoSeconds != 0:
                raise ValueError('start and end times must be integer valued')
                start = start.gpsSeconds
            if int(start) != start:
                raise ValueError('start and end times must be integer valued')
                start = int(start)                
        if type(end) is _lal.LIGOTimeGPS:
            if end.gpsNanoSeconds != 0:
                raise ValueError('start and end times must be integer valued')
                end = end.gpsSeconds
            if int(end) != end:
                raise ValueError('start and end times must be integer valued')
                end = int(end)             
        span = end - start
        if span <= 0:
            raise ValueError('beginning must be before end')
        start = -1
        span = -1

    if type(channels) is list:
        ts = []
        for channel in channels:
            frdata = Fr.frgetvect1d(filename, channel, start, span)
        frdata = Fr.frgetvect1d(filename, channels, start, span)
        ts = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(initial_array=frdata[0],
    return ts
Exemplo n.º 10
def vec_from_frames(frames, start, stop, verbose=False):
	returns a numpy array of the data inculded in frames between start and stop
	CURRENTLY ASSUME CONTIGUOUS DATA, but we should check this

	meant to be used with files_from_cache
	vecs = []
	dt = 0
	for frame, strt, dur in frames:
		if verbose: print frame
		s = max(strt, start)
		d = min(start+dur,stop) - s
		vec, gpstart, offset, dt, _, _ = Fr.frgetvect1d(frame, ifo_chan, start=s, span=d)
		vecs.append( vec )
	vec = np.concatenate(vecs)
	return vec, dt
Exemplo n.º 11
def checkDQ(framecache_file, chname, abs_start, abs_stop, ifo, bitmask):
	Takes a file containing the data quality state vetor and converts it to segments of a desired bitmask, returning injection status
	#Initialize data-quality veto status as False (will change if 'No veto' bits are off)
	DQV_flag = False
	#Open framecache file
	cache = open(framecache_file, 'rt')

	#Loop over frames in the cache
	for line in cache:
		#Get frame_start, frame_stride, and frame_file
		words = line.split()
		frame_start = int(words[2])
		frame_stride = int(words[3])
		frame_file = words[4].split('file://localhost')[1]
		#Open state vector as array
		state_array = Fr.frgetvect1d(filename=frame_file,channel='%s:%s'%(ifo,chname))[0]
		#Calculate sample rate
		samp_rate = len(state_array)/float(frame_stride)
		#Loop over state vetor
		for i, value in enumerate(state_array):
			#Check to make sure we've passed the absolute start
			if (frame_start + i/float(samp_rate)) < abs_start:
			#Check to make sure we haven't passed the absolute stop
			elif (frame_start + i/float(samp_rate)) > abs_stop:
			#Check if DQ vector denotes that a veto is present
			if ((int(value) & bitmask) != bitmask) or (int(value)<0):  #(e.g., we might want bits ??, ??, or ?? to be on if there are no data-quality vetoes)
				DQV_flag = True

	#Return injection flag
	return DQV_flag
	# Are we looking outside the range rather than inside?
	if min_threshold is not None and max_threshold is not None:
		invert = min_threshold >= max_threshold
		invert = False
	if opts.verbose:
		print "Inverted? %s"% str(invert)

	seglist = segmentlist([])
	for path in cache.pfnlist():
		# Read data
		data, start, _, dt, _, _ = Fr.frgetvect1d(path, channel)

		# Apply conditions and transform samples to segments
		if equals is not None:
			seglist.extend(dqsegs.equality_data_to_seglist(data, start, dt, equality=equals))
		if bit_mask is not None:
			seglist.extend(dqsegs.mask_data_to_seglist(data, start, dt, mask_on=bit_mask))
			seglist.extend(dqsegs.threshold_data_to_seglist(data, start, dt, min_threshold=min_threshold, max_threshold=max_threshold, invert=invert))

	all_segs["%s: %s" % (channel, str(opthresholds))] = seglist

	if opts.verbose:
Exemplo n.º 13
def framecache2segs(framecache_file, chname, abs_start, abs_stop, outdir, ifo, run_bitmask, inj_bitmask):
	Takes a file containing the data quality state vetor and converts it to segments of a desired bitmask, returning injection status
	#Initialize injection status as False (will change if 'No injection' bits are off)
	inj_flag = False
	#Open framecache file and segment file to write to
	cache = open(framecache_file, 'rt')
	segfile = open(outdir+'/%s_%s_%s.seg'%(ifo,abs_start,abs_stop),'wt')

	#Define start and stop of current segment
	current_start = None
	current_stop = None

	#Loop over frames in the cache
	for line in cache:
		#Get frame_start, frame_stride, and frame_file
		words = line.split()
		frame_start = int(words[2])
		frame_stride = int(words[3])
		frame_file = words[4].split('file://localhost')[1]
		#Open state vector as array
		state_array = Fr.frgetvect1d(filename=frame_file,channel='%s:%s'%(ifo,chname))[0]
		#Calculate sample rate
		samp_rate = len(state_array)/float(frame_stride)
		#Loop over state vetor
		for i, value in enumerate(state_array):
			#Check to make sure we've passed the absolute start
			if (frame_start + i/float(samp_rate)) < abs_start:
			#Check to make sure we haven't passed the absolute stop
			elif (frame_start + i/float(samp_rate)) > abs_stop:
			#Check if state vector corresponds to desired bitmask
			elif ((int(value) & run_bitmask) == run_bitmask) and (int(value)>=0):  #(e.g., 0b00011 = 3 and we want bits 0 and 1 to be on, so we do & with 3)
				#Data is good, start new seg if needed
				if not current_start:
					current_start = int(np.ceil(frame_start + i/float(samp_rate) ))  #data good starting at ith sample, use ceiling so don't underestimate start
				#Data not good, end current seg if needed
				if current_start:
					current_stop = int(np.floor(frame_start + i/float(samp_rate) ))  #data goes bad at ith sample but good until then, use floor so don't overestimate stop
					if current_start < current_stop:
						segfile.write('%s %s\n'%(current_start, current_stop))
					#Wait to start next segment until find good data
					current_start = None
					current_stop = None

			#Check if state vector denotes that an injection is present
			if ((int(value) & inj_bitmask) != inj_bitmask):  #(e.g., we might want bits 5, 6, 7, or 8 to be on if there are no HW injections)
				inj_flag = True

		#Write final segment for this frame if needed
		if current_start:
			if (current_start < int(frame_start+frame_stride)) and (int(frame_start+frame_stride) < abs_stop):
				segfile.write('%s %s\n'%(current_start, int(frame_start+frame_stride)))
			elif (current_start < int(frame_start+frame_stride)) and (current_start < abs_stop):
				segfile.write('%s %s\n'%(current_start, int(abs_stop)))
			#Wait to start next segment until find good data
			current_start = None
			current_stop = None

	#Return injection flag
	return inj_flag