def __init__(self, queue): Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.status = '' self._m_queue = queue self._text_shift = 0 self._lcd = None self._manual_mode = False self._sleep_time = 0 self._but1 = None # Black self._but2 = None # Red self._params = self.get_lcd_parms() self._but1 = OneButton.OneButton( gv.scontrol.board_gpio, self._params['but1_pin'], activeLow=self._params['but1_NormalOpen']) # Black self._but2 = OneButton.OneButton( gv.scontrol.board_gpio, self._params['but2_pin'], activeLow=self._params['but2_NormalOpen']) # Red self._lcd = pylcd2.lcd(self._params['lcd_adress'], 1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0) self._but1.attachClick(self._butClick) self._but2.attachClick(self._butClick) self.start()
def update_lcd(line1, line2=None): """Print messages to LCD 16x2""" if lcd_options['address'] == 0: find_lcd_address() if lcd_options['address'] != 0: import pylcd2 # Library for LCD 16x2 PCF8574 lcd = pylcd2.lcd(lcd_options['address'], 0 if helpers.get_rpi_revision() == 1 else 1) # DF - alter RPi version test fallback to value that works on BBB else: lcd = dummy_lcd lcd.lcd_clear() sleep_time = 1 while line1 is not None: lcd.lcd_puts(line1[:16], 1) if line2 is not None: lcd.lcd_puts(line2[:16], 2) if max(len(line1), len(line2)) <= 16: break if line1 is not None: if len(line1) > 16: line1 = line1[1:] if line2 is not None: if len(line2) > 16: line2 = line2[1:] time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_time = 0.25
def get_LCD_print(self, report): """Print messages to LCD 16x2""" datalcd = get_lcd_options() adr = 0x20 if datalcd['adress'] == '0x20': # range adress from PCF8574 or PCF 8574A adr = 0x20 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x21': adr = 0x21 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x22': adr = 0x22 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x23': adr = 0x23 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x24': adr = 0x24 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x25': adr = 0x25 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x26': adr = 0x26 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x27': adr = 0x27 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x38': adr = 0x38 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x39': adr = 0x39 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3a': adr = 0x3a elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3b': adr = 0x3b elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3c': adr = 0x3c elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3d': adr = 0x3d elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3e': adr = 0x3e elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3f': adr = 0x3f else: self.status = '' self.add_status('Error: Address is not range 0x20-0x27 or 0x38-0x3F!') self._sleep(5) return import pylcd2 # Library for LCD 16x2 PCF8574 lcd = pylcd2.lcd(adr, 1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0) # Address for PCF8574 = example 0x20, Bus Raspi = 1 (0 = 256MB, 1=512MB) if report == 0: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Open Sprinkler", 1) lcd.lcd_puts("Irrigation syst.", 2) self.add_status('Open Sprinkler. / Irrigation syst.') elif report == 1: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Software ospi:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(gv.ver_date, 2) self.add_status('Software ospi: / ' + gv.ver_date) elif report == 2: lcd.lcd_clear() ip = get_ip() lcd.lcd_puts("My IP is:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(str(ip), 2) self.add_status('My IP is: / ' + str(ip)) elif report == 3: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Port IP:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts("8080", 2) self.add_status('Port IP: / 8080') elif report == 4: lcd.lcd_clear() temp = get_cpu_temp(['tu']) + ' ' +['tu'] lcd.lcd_puts("CPU temperature:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(temp, 2) self.add_status('CPU temperature: / ' + temp) elif report == 5: lcd.lcd_clear() da = time.strftime('%d.%m.%Y', time.gmtime( ti = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime( lcd.lcd_puts(da, 1) lcd.lcd_puts(ti, 2) self.add_status(da + ' ' + ti) elif report == 6: lcd.lcd_clear() up = uptime() lcd.lcd_puts("System run time:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(up, 2) self.add_status('System run time: / ' + up) elif report == 7: lcd.lcd_clear() if['rs']: rain_sensor = "Active" else: rain_sensor = "Inactive" lcd.lcd_puts("Rain sensor:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(rain_sensor, 2) self.add_status('Rain sensor: / ' + rain_sensor)
def _lcd_print(self, report, txt=None): self._lcd.acquire() """Print messages to LCD 16x2""" datalcd = get_lcd_options() adr = 0x20 if datalcd[ 'adress'] == '0x20': # range adress from PCF8574 or PCF 8574A adr = 0x20 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x21': adr = 0x21 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x22': adr = 0x22 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x23': adr = 0x23 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x24': adr = 0x24 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x25': adr = 0x25 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x26': adr = 0x26 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x27': adr = 0x27 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x38': adr = 0x38 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x39': adr = 0x39 elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3a': adr = 0x3a elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3b': adr = 0x3b elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3c': adr = 0x3c elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3d': adr = 0x3d elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3e': adr = 0x3e elif datalcd['adress'] == '0x3f': adr = 0x3f else: self.status = '' self.add_status( 'Error: Address is not range 0x20-0x27 or 0x38-0x3F!') self._sleep(5) return import pylcd2 # Library for LCD 16x2 PCF8574 lcd = pylcd2.lcd( adr, 1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0 ) # Address for PCF8574 = example 0x20, Bus Raspi = 1 (0 = 256MB, 1=512MB) if report == 'name': lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts(['name'], 1) lcd.lcd_puts("Irrigation syst.", 2) self.add_status('SIP. / Irrigation syst.') elif report == 'd_sw_version': lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Software SIP:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(gv.ver_date, 2) self.add_status('Software SIP: / ' + gv.ver_date) elif report == 'd_ip': lcd.lcd_clear() ip = get_ip() lcd.lcd_puts("My IP is:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(str(ip), 2) self.add_status('My IP is: / ' + str(ip)) elif report == 'd_port': lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Port IP:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(str(['htp']), 2) self.add_status('Port IP: / {}'.format(['htp'])) elif report == 'd_cpu_temp': lcd.lcd_clear() temp = get_cpu_temp(['tu']) + ' ' +['tu'] lcd.lcd_puts("CPU temperature:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(temp, 2) self.add_status('CPU temperature: / ' + temp) elif report == 'd_date_time': lcd.lcd_clear() da = time.strftime('%d.%m.%Y', time.gmtime( ti = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime( lcd.lcd_puts(da, 1) lcd.lcd_puts(ti, 2) self.add_status(da + ' ' + ti) elif report == 'd_uptime': lcd.lcd_clear() up = uptime() lcd.lcd_puts("System run time:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(up, 2) self.add_status('System run time: / ' + up) elif report == 'd_rain_sensor': lcd.lcd_clear() if['rs']: rain_sensor = "Active" else: rain_sensor = "Inactive" lcd.lcd_puts("Rain sensor:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(rain_sensor, 2) self.add_status('Rain sensor: / ' + rain_sensor) elif report == 'd_running_stations': # Report running Stations lcd.lcd_clear() if gv.pon is None: prg = 'Idle' elif gv.pon == 98: # something is running prg = 'Run-once' elif gv.pon == 99: prg = 'Manual Mode' else: prg = "Prog: {}".format(gv.pon) s = "" if prg != "Idle": # Get Running Stations from for i in range(len( p, d =[i] if p != 0: s += "S{} ".format(str(i)) lcd.lcd_puts(prg, 1) lcd.lcd_puts(s, 2) elif report == 'd_alarm_signal': # ALARM!!!! lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("ALARM", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(txt, 2) self.add_status('Alarm! / ' + txt) elif report == 'd_stat_schedule_signal': # A program has been scheduled lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("New Program", 1) txt = "Running" # Do not Know what else to display lcd.lcd_puts(txt, 2) self.add_status('New Program Running / ' + txt) self._lcd.release()
#!/bin/python import pylcd2 lcd = pylcd2.lcd(0x21,0,2) lcd.lcd_clear() #while(1): lcd.lcd_puts(" hello ! ",1) lcd.lcd_puts(" raspberry pi",2)
def get_LCD_print(self, report): """Print messages to LCD 16x2""" find_i2c = 'True' lcd_adr = 0 pcf_type = 'None' import pylcd2 # Library for LCD 16x2 PCF8574 import smbus bus = smbus.SMBus(1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0) # find i2c adress for addr in range(32, 39): # PCF8574 range 0x20-0x27 if (find_i2c == 'True'): try: bus.write_quick(addr) lcd_adr = addr find_i2c = 'False' pcf_type = 'PCF8574' self.add_status('Find: ' + pcf_type + ' on adress 0x' + ('%02x' % lcd_adr)) except: find_i2c = 'True' for addr in range(56, 63): # PCF8574A range 0x38-0x3F if (find_i2c == 'True'): try: bus.write_quick(addr) lcd_adr = addr find_i2c = 'False' pcf_type = 'PCF8574A' self.add_status('Find: ' + pcf_type + ' on adress 0x' + ('%02x' % lcd_adr)) except: find_i2c = 'True' if (find_i2c == 'False'): lcd = pylcd2.lcd(lcd_adr, 1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0) # Address for PCF8574 = example 0x20, Bus Raspi = 1 (0 = 256MB, 1=512MB) if report == 0: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Open Sprinkler", 1) lcd.lcd_puts("Irrigation syst.", 2) self.add_status('Open Sprinkler / Irrigation syst.') elif report == 1: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Software OSPy:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(gv.ver_date, 2) self.add_status('Software OSPy: / ' + gv.ver_date) elif report == 2: lcd.lcd_clear() ip = get_ip() lcd.lcd_puts("My IP is:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(str(ip), 2) self.add_status('My IP is: / ' + str(ip)) elif report == 3: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Port IP:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts("8080", 2) self.add_status('Port IP: / 8080') elif report == 4: lcd.lcd_clear() temp = get_cpu_temp(['tu']) + ' ' +['tu'] lcd.lcd_puts("CPU temperature:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(temp, 2) self.add_status('CPU temperature: / ' + temp) elif report == 5: lcd.lcd_clear() da = time.strftime('%d.%m.%Y', time.gmtime( ti = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime( lcd.lcd_puts(da, 1) lcd.lcd_puts(ti, 2) self.add_status(da + ' ' + ti) elif report == 6: lcd.lcd_clear() up = uptime() lcd.lcd_puts("System run time:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(up, 2) self.add_status('System run time: / ' + up) elif report == 7: lcd.lcd_clear() if['rs']: rain_sensor = "Active" else: rain_sensor = "Inactive" lcd.lcd_puts("Rain sensor:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts(rain_sensor, 2) self.add_status('Rain sensor: / ' + rain_sensor) elif report == 8: lcd.lcd_clear() try: from pressure_adj import get_check_pressure state_press = get_check_pressure() if state_press: lcd.lcd_puts("Pressure sensor:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts("GPIO is HIGH", 2) self.add_status('Pressure sensor: / GPIO is HIGH') else: lcd.lcd_puts("Pressure sensor:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts("GPIO is LOW", 2) self.add_status('Pressure sensor: / GPIO is LOW') except: lcd.lcd_puts("Pressure sensor:", 1) lcd.lcd_puts("Not used", 2) self.add_status('Pressure sensor: / Not used') elif report == 9: lcd.lcd_clear() if gv.lrun[1] == 98: pgr = 'Run-once' elif gv.lrun[1] == 99: pgr = 'Manual' else: pgr = str(gv.lrun[1]) stop = time.gmtime(gv.lrun[2]) if pgr != '0': logline2 = 'P' + pgr + ' ' + timestr(gv.lrun[2]) else: logline2 = 'None' lcd.lcd_puts('Last program', 1) lcd.lcd_puts(logline2, 2) self.add_status('Last program / ' + logline2) #------- end text to 16x2 ----------------- elif report == 100: # start text to 16x1 lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Open Sprinkler", 1) self.add_status('Open Sprinkler') elif report == 101: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Irrigation syst.", 1) self.add_status('Irrigation syst.') elif report == 102: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Software OSPy:", 1) self.add_status('Software OSPy:') elif report == 103: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts(gv.ver_date, 1) self.add_status(gv.ver_date) elif report == 104: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("My IP is:", 1) self.add_status('My IP is:') elif report == 105: lcd.lcd_clear() ip = get_ip() lcd.lcd_puts(str(ip), 1) self.add_status(str(ip)) elif report == 106: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Port IP:", 1) self.add_status('Port IP:') elif report == 107: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("8080", 1) self.add_status('8080') elif report == 108: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("CPU temperature:", 1) self.add_status('CPU temperature:') elif report == 109: lcd.lcd_clear() temp = get_cpu_temp(['tu']) + ' ' +['tu'] lcd.lcd_puts(temp, 1) self.add_status(temp) elif report == 110: lcd.lcd_clear() da = time.strftime('%d.%m.%Y', time.gmtime( lcd.lcd_puts("Date: " + da, 1) self.add_status('Date: ' + da) elif report == 111: lcd.lcd_clear() ti = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime( lcd.lcd_puts("Time: " + ti, 1) self.add_status('Time: ' + ti) elif report == 112: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("System run time:", 1) self.add_status('System run time:') elif report == 113: lcd.lcd_clear() up = uptime() lcd.lcd_puts(up, 1) self.add_status(up) elif report == 114: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Rain sensor:", 1) self.add_status('Rain sensor:') elif report == 115: lcd.lcd_clear() if['rs']: rain_sensor = "Active" else: rain_sensor = "Inactive" lcd.lcd_puts(rain_sensor, 1) self.add_status(rain_sensor) elif report == 116: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts('Last program', 1) self.add_status('Last program') elif report == 117: lcd.lcd_clear() if gv.lrun[1] == 98: pgr = 'Run-once' elif gv.lrun[1] == 99: pgr = 'Manual' else: pgr = str(gv.lrun[1]) stop = time.gmtime(gv.lrun[2]) if pgr != '0': logline2 = 'P' + pgr + ' ' + timestr(gv.lrun[2]) else: logline2 = 'none' lcd.lcd_puts(logline2, 1) self.add_status(logline2) elif report == 118: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_puts("Pressure sensor:", 1) self.add_status('Pressure sensor:') elif report == 119: lcd.lcd_clear() try: from pressure_adj import get_check_pressure state_press = get_check_pressure() if state_press: lcd.lcd_puts("GPIO is HIGH", 1) self.add_status('GPIO is HIGH') else: lcd.lcd_puts("GPIO is LOW", 1) self.add_status('GPIO is LOW') except: lcd.lcd_puts("Not used", 1) self.add_status('Not used') else: self.add_status('No find PCF8574 controller.')