Exemplo n.º 1
 def outer(self):
     if (not self.rnn_friendly and self._requires_reshape and
         (not isinstance(get_target_space(self), SequenceSpace) and
          not isinstance(get_target_space(self), SequenceDataSpace))):
         if isinstance(self.mlp.input_space, SequenceSpace):
             return SequenceSpace(get_target_space(self))
         elif isinstance(self.mlp.input_space, SequenceDataSpace):
             return SequenceDataSpace(get_target_space(self))
         return get_target_space(self)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_input_space(self, space):
        if ((not isinstance(space, SequenceSpace) and
                not isinstance(space, SequenceDataSpace)) or
                not isinstance(space.space, VectorSpace)):
            raise ValueError("Recurrent layer needs a SequenceSpace("
                             "VectorSpace) or SequenceDataSpace(VectorSpace)\
                             as input but received  %s instead"
                             % (space))

        self.input_space = space

        if self.indices is not None:
            if len(self.indices) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Only indices = [-1] is supported right now")
                self.output_space = CompositeSpace(
                    [VectorSpace(dim=self.dim) for _
                     in range(len(self.indices))]
                assert self.indices == [-1], "Only indices = [-1] works now"
                self.output_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.dim)
            if isinstance(self.input_space, SequenceSpace):
                self.output_space = SequenceSpace(VectorSpace(dim=self.dim))
            elif isinstance(self.input_space, SequenceDataSpace):
                self.output_space =\

        # Initialize the parameters
        rng = self.mlp.rng
        if self.irange is None:
            raise ValueError("Recurrent layer requires an irange value in "
                             "order to initialize its weight matrices")

        input_dim = self.input_space.dim

        # W is the input-to-hidden matrix
        W = rng.uniform(-self.irange, self.irange, (input_dim, self.dim * 4))

        # U is the hidden-to-hidden transition matrix
        U = np.zeros((self.dim, self.dim * 4))
        for i in xrange(4):
            u = rng.randn(self.dim, self.dim)
            U[:, i*self.dim:(i+1)*self.dim], _ = scipy.linalg.qr(u)

        # b is the bias
        b = np.zeros((self.dim * 4,))

        self._params = [
            sharedX(W, name=(self.layer_name + '_W')),
            sharedX(U, name=(self.layer_name + '_U')),
            sharedX(b + self.init_bias,
                    name=(self.layer_name + '_b'))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, which_dataset, which_set='train', stop=None):
        which_dataset : specify the dataset as 'short' or 'long'
        standardize option moves all data into the (0,1) interval.
        self.load_data(which_dataset, which_set)

        if which_dataset == 'midi':
            max_label = 108
        elif which_dataset == 'nottingham':
            max_label = 93
        elif which_dataset == 'muse':
            max_label = 105
        elif which_dataset == 'jsb':
            max_label = 96

        if stop is not None:
            assert stop <= len(self.raw_data)
            self.raw_data = self.raw_data[:stop]

        source = ('features', 'targets')
        space = CompositeSpace([

        X = np.asarray([
                self.list_to_nparray(time_step, max_label)
                for time_step in np.asarray(self.raw_data[i][:-1])
            ]) for i in xrange(len(self.raw_data))
        y = np.asarray([
                self.list_to_nparray(time_step, max_label)
                for time_step in np.asarray(self.raw_data[i][1:])
            ]) for i in xrange(len(self.raw_data))
        super(MusicSequence, self).__init__(data=(X, y),
                                            data_specs=(space, source))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, which_set, data_mode, context_len=None, shuffle=True):
        self._load_data(which_set, context_len, data_mode)
        source = ('features', 'targets')
        space = CompositeSpace([
            SequenceDataSpace(IndexSpace(dim=1, max_labels=self._max_labels)),
            SequenceDataSpace(IndexSpace(dim=1, max_labels=self._max_labels))

        if context_len is None:
            context_len = len(self._raw_data) - 1
        X = np.asarray([
            self._raw_data[:-1][i * context_len:(i + 1) * context_len,
            for i in range(
                int(np.ceil((len(self._raw_data) - 1) / float(context_len))))
        y = np.asarray([
            self._raw_data[1:][i * context_len:(i + 1) * context_len,
            for i in range(
                int(np.ceil((len(self._raw_data) - 1) / float(context_len))))
        super(PennTreebankSequences, self).__init__(data=(X, y),
                                                    data_specs=(space, source))
Exemplo n.º 5
            for _features, _speaker_id, d in all_features_and_durs:
                for f in _features:
                    feature_name = f[0]
                    feature_dict.setdefault(feature_name, len(feature_dict))

        if args.write_features_filename:
            log.info('.. Writing features to %s', args.write_features_filename)
                args.write_features_filename, feature_dict)

        X, y = create_raw_matrices(
            feature_dict, all_features_and_durs, nonsilence_phonemes)

        source = ('features', 'targets')
        space = CompositeSpace([

        from durmodel_elements import DurationSequencesDataset

        dataset = DurationSequencesDataset(
            data=(X, y),
            data_specs=(space, source))
        full_features_and_durs = reduce(
            lambda prev, curr: prev.extend(curr) or prev, gen_fearures)

        if args.read_features_filename:
            log.info('.. Reading features from %s',
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(
        name='',  # optional name

        # selectors
        subjects='all',  # optional selector (list) or 'all'
        trial_types='all',  # optional selector (list) or 'all'
        trial_numbers='all',  # optional selector (list) or 'all'
        conditions='all',  # optional selector (list) or 'all'     
        ),  # optional channel filter, default: keep all
        channel_names=None,  # optional channel names (for metadata)
        label_map=None,  # optional conversion of labels
        remove_dc_offset=False,  # optional subtraction of channel mean, usually done already earlier
        resample=None,  # optional down-sampling

        # optional sub-sequences selection
        stop_sample=None,  # optional for selection of sub-sequences

        # optional signal filter to by applied before spitting the signal

        # windowing parameters
        hop_size=-1,  # values > 0 will lead to windowing
        hop_fraction=None,  # alternative to specifying absolute hop_size

        # # optional spectrum parameters, n_fft = 0 keeps raw data
        # n_fft = 0,
        # n_freq_bins = None,
        # spectrum_log_amplitude = False,
        # spectrum_normalization_mode = None,
        # include_phase = False,
        # layout='tf',       # (0,1)-axes layout tf=time x features or ft=features x time

        # save_matrix_path = None,

        # save params
        self.params = locals().copy()
        del self.params['self']
        # print self.params

        # TODO: get the whole filtering into an extra class

        datafiles_metadata, metadb = load_datafiles_metadata(path)

        #         print datafiles_metadata

        def apply_filters(filters, node):
            if isinstance(node, dict):
                filtered = []
                keepkeys = filters[0]
                for key, value in node.items():
                    if keepkeys == 'all' or key in keepkeys:
                        filtered.extend(apply_filters(filters[1:], value))
                return filtered
                return node  # [node]

        # keep only files that match the metadata filters
        self.datafiles = apply_filters(
            [subjects, trial_types, trial_numbers, conditions],

        # copy metadata for retained files
        self.metadb = {}
        for datafile in self.datafiles:
            self.metadb[datafile] = metadb[datafile]

#         print self.datafiles
#         print self.metadb

        self.name = name

        if partitioner is not None:
            self.datafiles = partitioner.get_partition(self.name, self.metadb)

        # self.include_phase = include_phase
        # self.spectrum_normalization_mode = spectrum_normalization_mode
        # self.spectrum_log_amplitude = spectrum_log_amplitude

        self.sequence_partitions = [
        ]  # used to keep track of original sequences

        # metadata: [subject, trial_no, stimulus, channel, start, ]
        self.metadata = []

        sequences = []
        labels = []
        targets = []
        n_sequences = 0

        if frame_size > 0 and hop_size == -1 and hop_fraction is not None:
            hop_size = np.ceil(frame_size / hop_fraction)

        if target_mode == 'next':
            # get 1 more value per frame as target
            frame_size += 1
        # print 'frame size: {}'.format(frame_size)

        for i in xrange(len(self.datafiles)):
            with log_timing(log,
                            'loading data from {}'.format(self.datafiles[i])):

                # save start of next sequence

                data, metadata = load(os.path.join(path, self.datafiles[i]))
                # data, metadata = self.generate_test_data()

                label = metadata['label']
                if label_map is not None:
                    label = label_map[label]

                multi_channel_frames = []
                multi_channel_targets = []

                # process 1 channel at a time
                for channel in xrange(data.shape[1]):
                    # filter channels
                    if not channel_filter.keep_channel(channel):

                    samples = data[:, channel]
                    # print samples

                    # subtract channel mean
                    if remove_dc_offset:
                        samples -= samples.mean()

                    # down-sample if requested
                    if resample is not None and resample[0] != resample[1]:
                        samples = librosa.resample(samples, resample[0],

                    # apply optional signal filter after down-sampling -> requires lower order
                    if signal_filter is not None:
                        samples = signal_filter.process(samples)

                    # get sub-sequence in resampled space
                    # log.info('using samples {}..{} of {}'.format(start_sample,stop_sample, samples.shape))
                    samples = samples[start_sample:stop_sample]
                    # print start_sample, stop_sample, samples.shape

                    # if n_fft is not None and n_fft > 0: # Optionally:
                    #     ### frequency spectrum branch ###
                    #     # transform to spectogram
                    #     hop_length = n_fft / 4;
                    #     '''
                    #     from http://theremin.ucsd.edu/~bmcfee/librosadoc/librosa.html
                    #     >>> # Get a power spectrogram from a waveform y
                    #     >>> S       = np.abs(librosa.stft(y)) ** 2
                    #     >>> log_S   = librosa.logamplitude(S)
                    #     '''
                    #     S = librosa.core.stft(samples, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length)
                    #     # mag = np.abs(S)        # magnitude spectrum
                    #     mag = np.abs(S)**2       # power spectrum
                    #     # include phase information if requested
                    #     if self.include_phase:
                    #         # phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(S))
                    #         phase = np.angle(S)
                    #     # Optionally: cut off high bands
                    #     if n_freq_bins is not None:
                    #         mag = mag[0:n_freq_bins, :]
                    #         if self.include_phase:
                    #             phase = phase[0:n_freq_bins, :]
                    #     if self.spectrum_log_amplitude:
                    #         mag = librosa.logamplitude(mag)
                    #     s = mag # for normalization
                    #     '''
                    #     NOTE on normalization:
                    #     It depends on the structure of a neural network and (even more)
                    #     on the properties of data. There is no best normalization algorithm
                    #     because if there would be one, it would be used everywhere by default...
                    #     In theory, there is no requirement for the data to be normalized at all.
                    #     This is a purely practical thing because in practice convergence could
                    #     take forever if your input is spread out too much. The simplest would be
                    #     to just normalize it by scaling your data to (-1,1) (or (0,1) depending
                    #     on activation function), and in most cases it does work. If your
                    #     algorithm converges well, then this is your answer. If not, there are
                    #     too many possible problems and methods to outline here without knowing
                    #     the actual data.
                    #     '''
                    #     ## normalize to mean 0, std 1
                    #     if self.spectrum_normalization_mode == 'mean0_std1':
                    #         # s = preprocessing.scale(s, axis=0);
                    #         mean = np.mean(s)
                    #         std = np.std(s)
                    #         s = (s - mean) / std
                    #     ## normalize by linear transform to [0,1]
                    #     elif self.spectrum_normalization_mode == 'linear_0_1':
                    #         s = s / np.max(s)
                    #     ## normalize by linear transform to [-1,1]
                    #     elif self.spectrum_normalization_mode == 'linear_-1_1':
                    #         s = -1 + 2 * (s - np.min(s)) / (np.max(s) - np.min(s))
                    #     elif self.spectrum_normalization_mode is not None:
                    #         raise ValueError(
                    #             'unsupported spectrum normalization mode {}'.format(
                    #                 self.spectrum_normalization_mode)
                    #          )
                    #     #print s.mean(axis=0)
                    #     #print s.std(axis=0)
                    #     # include phase information if requested
                    #     if self.include_phase:
                    #         # normalize phase to [-1.1]
                    #         phase = phase / np.pi
                    #         s = np.vstack([s, phase])
                    #     # transpose to fit pylearn2 layout
                    #     s = np.transpose(s)
                    #     # print s.shape
                    #     ### end of frequency spectrum branch ###
                    # else:
                    ### raw waveform branch ###

                    # normalize to max amplitude 1

                    s = librosa.util.normalize(samples)

                    # add 2nd data dimension
                    # s = s.reshape(s.shape[0], 1)
                    # print s.shape

                    ### end of raw waveform branch ###

                    s = np.asfarray(s, dtype='float32')

                    if frame_size > 0 and hop_size > 0:
                        # print 'frame size: {}'.format(frame_size)
                        s = s.copy(
                        frames = compute_frames(s,
                        # frames = librosa.util.frame(s, frame_length=frame_size, hop_length=hop_size)
                        frames = s
                    del s
                    # print frames.shape

                    if target_mode == 'next':
                        frame_targets = np.empty(len(frames))
                        tmp = []
                        for f, frame in enumerate(frames):
                            frame_targets[f] = frame[-1]
                        frames = np.asarray(tmp)

                        # print frames.shape
                        # for f, frm in enumerate(frames):
                        #     print frm, frame_targets[f]
                        # # FIXME: OK so far

                    if flatten_channels:
                        # add artificial channel dimension
                        frames = frames.reshape(
                            (frames.shape[0], frames.shape[1], frames.shape[2],
                        # print frames.shape


                        # increment counter by new number of frames
                        n_sequences += frames.shape[0]

                        if keep_metadata:
                            # determine channel name
                            channel_name = None
                            if channel_names is not None:
                                channel_name = channel_names[channel]
                            elif 'channels' in metadata:
                                channel_name = metadata['channels'][channel]

                                metadata['subject'],  # subject
                                metadata['trial_type'],  # trial_type
                                metadata['trial_no'],  # trial_no
                                metadata['condition'],  # condition
                                channel,  # channel
                                self.sequence_partitions[-1],  # start
                                n_sequences  # stop

                        for _ in xrange(frames.shape[0]):

                        if target_mode == 'next':
                            for next in frame_targets:
                        if target_mode == 'next':

                    ### end of channel iteration ###

                    # print np.asarray(multi_channel_frames, dtype=np.int)
                    # # FIXME: OK so far

                if not flatten_channels:
                    # turn list into array
                    multi_channel_frames = np.asfarray(multi_channel_frames,
                    # [channels x frames x time x freq] -> cb01
                    # [channels x frames x time x 1] -> cb0.

                    # move channel dimension to end
                    multi_channel_frames = np.rollaxis(
                        multi_channel_frames, 0,
                    # print multi_channel_frames.shape


                    # increment counter by new number of frames
                    n_sequences += multi_channel_frames.shape[0]

                    if keep_metadata:
                            metadata['subject'],  # subject
                            metadata['trial_type'],  # trial_type
                            metadata['trial_no'],  # trial_no
                            metadata['condition'],  # condition
                            'all',  # channel
                            self.sequence_partitions[-1],  # start
                            n_sequences  # stop

                    for _ in xrange(multi_channel_frames.shape[0]):

                    if target_mode == 'next':
                        multi_channel_targets = np.asfarray(
                            multi_channel_targets, dtype='float32')

                ### end of datafile iteration ###

        # print sequences[0].shape
        # print np.asarray(sequences[0], dtype=np.int)
        # # FIXME: looks OK

        # turn into numpy arrays
        sequences = np.vstack(sequences)
        # sequences = np.asarray(sequences).squeeze()

        # sequences = sequences.reshape(sequences.shape[0]*sequences.shape[1], sequences.shape[2])

        print('sequences: {}'.format(sequences.shape))

        labels = np.hstack(labels)
        self.labels = labels
        print('labels: {}'.format(labels.shape))

        if target_mode == 'label':
            targets = labels.copy()

            ## copy targets to fit SequenceDataSpace(VectorSpace) structure (*, frame_size, 12)
            # targets = targets.reshape((targets.shape[0], 1))
            # targets = np.repeat(targets, frame_size, axis=1)
            # print targets.shape
            # one_hot_formatter = OneHotFormatter(max(targets.max() + 1, len(label_map)), dtype=np.int)
            # one_hot_y = one_hot_formatter.format(targets)
            # print one_hot_y.shape

            ## copy targets to fit SequenceDataSpace(IndexSpace) structure -> (*, frame_size, 1)
            targets = targets.reshape((targets.shape[0], 1))
            targets = np.repeat(targets, frame_size, axis=1)
            targets = targets.reshape((targets.shape[0], targets.shape[1], 1))

        elif target_mode == 'next':
            targets = np.concatenate(targets)
            targets = targets.reshape((targets.shape[0], 1, targets.shape[1]))
        print('targets: {}'.format(targets.shape))

        n_channels = sequences.shape[2]
        print('number of channels: {}'.format(n_channels))

        # if layout == 'ft': # swap axes to (batch, feature, time, channels)
        #     sequences = sequences.swapaxes(1, 2)

        log.debug('final dataset shape: {} (b,0,1,c)'.format(sequences.shape))

        source = ('features', 'targets')
        # space = CompositeSpace([
        #     # VectorSequenceSpace(dim=64),
        #     SequenceSpace(VectorSpace(dim=64)),
        #     VectorSpace(dim=12),
        # ])

        if target_mode == 'label':
            space = CompositeSpace([
                # SequenceDataSpace(VectorSpace(dim=12)),
                SequenceDataSpace(IndexSpace(dim=1, max_labels=12)),
                # SequenceDataSpace(IndexSpace(dim=512, max_labels=12)),
        elif target_mode == 'next':
            space = CompositeSpace([
                # does not work with VectorSpacesDataset
                # SequenceSpace(VectorSpace(dim=64)),
                # SequenceSpace(VectorSpace(dim=64))
                # VectorSpace(dim=n_channels)

        # source = ('features')
        # space = SequenceSpace(VectorSpace(dim=64))

        print('sequences: {}'.format(sequences.shape))
        print('targets: {}'.format(targets.shape))

        # for i, seq in enumerate(sequences):
        #     print np.asarray(seq, dtype=np.int)
        #     print np.asarray(targets[i], dtype=np.int)
        #     break
        #     # FIXME: looks OK

        # SequenceDataSpace(IndexSpace(dim=1, max_labels=self._max_labels)),
        if target_mode == 'label':
            super(MultiChannelEEGSequencesDataset, self).__init__(
                # data=(sequences, one_hot_y),  # works with vectorspace-target
                data=(sequences, targets),  # works with indexspace-target
                # data=sequences,
                data_specs=(space, source))
        elif target_mode == 'next':
            super(MultiChannelEEGSequencesDataset, self).__init__(
                # data=(sequences, one_hot_y),  # works with vectorspace-target
                data=(sequences, targets),  # works with indexspace-target
                # data=sequences,
                data_specs=(space, source))
Exemplo n.º 7
class ChainDataset(Dataset):
    """Training data generator.

    Supports the PyLearn2 dataset interface.

    num_states = 3
    trans_prob = numpy.array([[0.1, 0.5, 0.4],
                              [0.1, 0.9, 0.0],
                              [0.3, 0.3, 0.4]])
    values, vectors = numpy.linalg.eig(trans_prob.T)
    equilibrium = vectors[:, values.argmax()]
    equilibrium = equilibrium / equilibrium.sum()
    trans_entropy = trans_prob * numpy.log(trans_prob + 1e-6)
    entropy = equilibrium.dot(trans_entropy).sum()

    data_specs = (SequenceDataSpace(IndexSpace(max_labels=num_states,

    def __init__(self, rng, seq_len):
        update_instance(self, locals())

    def iterator(self, batch_size, data_specs,
                 return_tuple, mode, num_batches, rng=None):
        """Returns a PyLearn2 compatible iterator."""
        assert return_tuple

        dataset = self

        class Iterator(six.Iterator):
            # This is not true, but let PyLearn2 think that this
            # iterator is not stochastic.
            # Makes life easier for now.
            stochastic = False
            num_examples = num_batches * batch_size

            def __init__(self, **kwargs):
                self.batches_retrieved = 0

            def __iter__(self):
                return self

            def __next__(self):
                if self.batches_retrieved < num_batches:
                    self.batches_retrieved += 1
                    return (dataset._next_batch(batch_size)[..., None],)
                raise StopIteration()
        return Iterator()

    def get_num_examples(self):
        """Part of the PyLearn2 Dataset interface."""
        return float('inf')

    def _next_single(self):
        states = [0]
        while len(states) != self.seq_len:
                1, self.trans_prob[states[-1]]).argmax())
        return states

    def _next_batch(self, batch_size):
        """Generate random sequences from the family."""
        x = numpy.zeros((self.seq_len, batch_size), dtype='int64')
        for i in range(batch_size):
            x[:, i] = self._next_single()
        return x