Exemplo n.º 1
    def next(self):
        Get the next subset of the dataset during dataset iteration.

        Converts index selections for batches to boolean selections that
        are supported by HDF5 datasets.
        next_index = self._subset_iterator.next()

        # convert to boolean selection
        sel = np.zeros(self.num_examples, dtype=bool)
        sel[next_index] = True
        next_index = sel

        rval = []
        for data, fn in safe_izip(self._raw_data, self._convert):
                this_data = data[next_index]
            except TypeError:
                this_data = data[next_index, :]
            if fn:
                this_data = fn(this_data)
            assert not contains_nan(this_data)
        rval = tuple(rval)
        if not self._return_tuple and len(rval) == 1:
            rval, = rval
        return rval
Exemplo n.º 2
    def next(self):
        next_index = self._subset_iterator.next()

        # convert to boolean selection
        sel = np.zeros(self.num_examples, dtype=bool)
        sel[next_index] = True
        next_index = sel

        rval = []
        for data, fn in safe_izip(self._raw_data, self._convert):
                this_data = data[next_index]
            except TypeError:
                this_data = data[next_index, :]
            if fn:
                this_data = fn(this_data)
            if self._preprocessor is not None:
                d = DenseDesignMatrix(X=this_data)
                this_data = d.get_design_matrix()
            assert not np.any(np.isnan(this_data))
        rval = tuple(rval)
        if not self._return_tuple and len(rval) == 1:
            rval, = rval
        return rval    
Exemplo n.º 3
    def next(self):
        Get the next subset of the dataset during dataset iteration.

        Converts index selections for batches to boolean selections that
        are supported by HDF5 datasets.
        next_index = self._subset_iterator.next()

        # convert to boolean selection
        sel = np.zeros(self.num_examples, dtype=bool)
        sel[next_index] = True
        next_index = sel

        rval = []
        for data, fn in safe_izip(self._raw_data, self._convert):
                this_data = data[next_index]
            except TypeError:
                # FB: Why this try..except is there? I think this is useless.
                # Do not hide the original if we can't fall back.
                # FV: This is triggered if the shape of next_index is
                # incompatible with the shape of the dataset. See for an
                # example test_hdf5_topo_view(), where where i
                # next.index.shape = (10,) and data is 'data': <HDF5
                # dataset "y": shape (10, 3), type "<f8">
                # I think it would be better to explicitly check if
                # next_index.shape is incompatible with data.shape, for
                # instance checking if next_index.ndim == data.ndim
                if data.ndim > 1:
                    this_data = data[next_index, :]
            # Check if the dataset data is a vector and transform it into a
            # one-column matrix. This is needed to automatically convert the
            # shape of the data later (in the format_as method of the
            # Space.)
            if fn:
                this_data = fn(this_data)
            assert not contains_nan(this_data)
        rval = tuple(rval)
        if not self._return_tuple and len(rval) == 1:
            rval, = rval
        return rval
Exemplo n.º 4
    def next(self):
        Get the next subset of the dataset during dataset iteration.

        Converts index selections for batches to boolean selections that
        are supported by HDF5 datasets.
        next_index = self._subset_iterator.next()

        # convert to boolean selection
        sel = np.zeros(self.num_examples, dtype=bool)
        sel[next_index] = True
        next_index = sel

        rval = []
        for data, fn in safe_izip(self._raw_data, self._convert):
                this_data = data[next_index]
            except TypeError:
                # FB: Why this try..except is there? I think this is useless.
                # Do not hide the original if we can't fall back.
                # FV: This is triggered if the shape of next_index is
                # incompatible with the shape of the dataset. See for an
                # example test_hdf5_topo_view(), where where i
                # next.index.shape = (10,) and data is 'data': <HDF5
                # dataset "y": shape (10, 3), type "<f8">
                # I think it would be better to explicitly check if
                # next_index.shape is incompatible with data.shape, for
                # instance checking if next_index.ndim == data.ndim
                if data.ndim > 1:
                    this_data = data[next_index, :]
            # Check if the dataset data is a vector and transform it into a
            # one-column matrix. This is needed to automatically convert the
            # shape of the data later (in the format_as method of the
            # Space.)
            if fn:
                this_data = fn(this_data)
            assert not contains_nan(this_data)
        rval = tuple(rval)
        if not self._return_tuple and len(rval) == 1:
            rval, = rval
        return rval
    def next(self):
        Get the next subset of the dataset during dataset iteration.

        Converts index selections for batches to boolean selections that
        are supported by HDF5 datasets.
        next_index = self._subset_iterator.next()

        # convert to boolean selection
        #sel = np.zeros(self.num_examples, dtype=bool)
        sel = np.zeros(NUM_TRAINING_SAMPLES, dtype=bool)
        sel[next_index] = True
        next_index = sel

        rval = []
        for data, fn in safe_izip(self._raw_data, self._convert):
                this_data = data[next_index]
            except TypeError:
                this_data = data[next_index, :]
            if fn:
                #import IPython
                this_data = fn(this_data)

            assert not np.any(np.isnan(this_data))
        rval = tuple(rval)
        if not self._return_tuple and len(rval) == 1:
            rval, = rval

        #import IPython
        rval = (np.rollaxis(rval[0], 1), rval[1])
        return rval
    def __init__(self, dataset, subset_iterator, data_specs=None,
                 return_tuple=False, convert=None):
        self._data_specs = data_specs
        self._dataset = dataset
        self._subset_iterator = subset_iterator
        self._return_tuple = return_tuple

        # Keep only the needed sources in self._raw_data.
        # Remember what source they correspond to in self._source
        assert is_flat_specs(data_specs)

        dataset_space, dataset_source = self._dataset.get_data_specs()
        assert is_flat_specs((dataset_space, dataset_source))

        # the dataset's data spec is either a single (space, source) pair,
        # or a pair of (non-nested CompositeSpace, non-nested tuple).
        # We could build a mapping and call flatten(..., return_tuple=True)
        # but simply putting spaces, sources and data in tuples is simpler.
        if not isinstance(dataset_source, tuple):
            dataset_source = (dataset_source,)

        if not isinstance(dataset_space, CompositeSpace):
            dataset_sub_spaces = (dataset_space,)
            dataset_sub_spaces = dataset_space.components
        assert len(dataset_source) == len(dataset_sub_spaces)

        all_data = self._dataset.get_data()
        if not isinstance(all_data, tuple):
            all_data = (all_data,)

        space, source = data_specs
        if not isinstance(source, tuple):
            source = (source,)
        if not isinstance(space, CompositeSpace):
            sub_spaces = (space,)
            sub_spaces = space.components
        assert len(source) == len(sub_spaces)

        self._raw_data = tuple(all_data[dataset_source.index(s)]
                               for s in source)
        self._source = source

        if convert is None:
            self._convert = [None for s in source]
            assert len(convert) == len(source)
            self._convert = convert

        for i, (so, sp, dt) in enumerate(safe_izip(source,
            idx = dataset_source.index(so)
            dspace = dataset_sub_spaces[idx]

            init_fn = self._convert[i]
            fn = init_fn

            # If there is an init_fn, it is supposed to take
            # care of the formatting, and it should be an error
            # if it does not. If there was no init_fn, then
            # the iterator will try to format using the generic
            # space-formatting functions.
            if init_fn is None:
                # "dspace" and "sp" have to be passed as parameters
                # to lambda, in order to capture their current value,
                # otherwise they would change in the next iteration
                # of the loop.

                if fn is None:

                    def fn(batch, dspace=dspace, sp=sp):
                              return dspace.np_format_as(batch, sp)
                        except ValueError as e:
                            msg = str(e) + '\nMake sure that the model and '\
                                           'dataset have been initialized with '\
                                           'correct values.'
                            raise ValueError(msg)
                    fn = (lambda batch, dspace=dspace, sp=sp, fn_=fn:
                          dspace.np_format_as(fn_(batch), sp))

            self._convert[i] = fn