Exemplo n.º 1
class InFlux(Input):
    """Input to skip the magnetic module and start with the structural one"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Simulation.InFlux.gen_input
    gen_input = gen_input
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if time == -1:
            time = Import()
        if angle == -1:
            angle = Import()
        if Br == -1:
            Br = Import()
        if Bt == -1:
            Bt = Import()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["time", "angle", "Br", "Bt"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "time" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                time = init_dict["time"]
            if "angle" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                angle = init_dict["angle"]
            if "Br" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Br = init_dict["Br"]
            if "Bt" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Bt = init_dict["Bt"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # time can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(time, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = time.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.time = Import(init_dict=time)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.time = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=time)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for time")
            self.time = time
        # angle can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(angle, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = angle.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.angle = Import(init_dict=angle)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.angle = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=angle)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for angle")
            self.angle = angle
        # Br can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Br, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = Br.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.Br = Import(init_dict=Br)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.Br = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=Br)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for Br")
            self.Br = Br
        # Bt can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Bt, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = Bt.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.Bt = Import(init_dict=Bt)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.Bt = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=Bt)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for Bt")
            self.Bt = Bt
        # Call Input init
        super(InFlux, self).__init__()
        # The class is frozen (in Input init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        InFlux_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Input
        InFlux_str += super(InFlux, self).__str__() + linesep
        InFlux_str += "time = " + str(self.time.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InFlux_str += "angle = " + str(
            self.angle.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InFlux_str += "Br = " + str(self.Br.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InFlux_str += "Bt = " + str(self.Bt.as_dict())
        return InFlux_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Input
        if not super(InFlux, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.time != self.time:
            return False
        if other.angle != self.angle:
            return False
        if other.Br != self.Br:
            return False
        if other.Bt != self.Bt:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Input
        InFlux_dict = super(InFlux, self).as_dict()
        if self.time is None:
            InFlux_dict["time"] = None
            InFlux_dict["time"] = self.time.as_dict()
        if self.angle is None:
            InFlux_dict["angle"] = None
            InFlux_dict["angle"] = self.angle.as_dict()
        if self.Br is None:
            InFlux_dict["Br"] = None
            InFlux_dict["Br"] = self.Br.as_dict()
        if self.Bt is None:
            InFlux_dict["Bt"] = None
            InFlux_dict["Bt"] = self.Bt.as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        InFlux_dict["__class__"] = "InFlux"
        return InFlux_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        if self.time is not None:
        if self.angle is not None:
        if self.Br is not None:
        if self.Bt is not None:
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Input
        super(InFlux, self)._set_None()

    def _get_time(self):
        """getter of time"""
        return self._time

    def _set_time(self, value):
        """setter of time"""
        check_var("time", value, "Import")
        self._time = value

        if self._time is not None:
            self._time.parent = self

    # Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import
    # Type : Import
    time = property(
        doc=u"""Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import""",

    def _get_angle(self):
        """getter of angle"""
        return self._angle

    def _set_angle(self, value):
        """setter of angle"""
        check_var("angle", value, "Import")
        self._angle = value

        if self._angle is not None:
            self._angle.parent = self

    # Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import
    # Type : Import
    angle = property(
        doc=u"""Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import""",

    def _get_Br(self):
        """getter of Br"""
        return self._Br

    def _set_Br(self, value):
        """setter of Br"""
        check_var("Br", value, "Import")
        self._Br = value

        if self._Br is not None:
            self._Br.parent = self

    # Radial airgap flux density
    # Type : Import
    Br = property(fget=_get_Br,
                  doc=u"""Radial airgap flux density""")

    def _get_Bt(self):
        """getter of Bt"""
        return self._Bt

    def _set_Bt(self, value):
        """setter of Bt"""
        check_var("Bt", value, "Import")
        self._Bt = value

        if self._Bt is not None:
            self._Bt.parent = self

    # Tangential airgap flux density
    # Type : Import
    Bt = property(fget=_get_Bt,
                  doc=u"""Tangential airgap flux density""")
Exemplo n.º 2
class InCurrent(Input):
    """Input to skip the electrical module and start with the magnetic one"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Simulation.InCurrent.gen_input
    gen_input = gen_input
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if time == -1:
            time = Import()
        if angle == -1:
            angle = Import()
        if Is == -1:
            Is = Import()
        if Ir == -1:
            Ir = Import()
        if angle_rotor == -1:
            angle_rotor = Import()
        if Nr == -1:
            Nr = Import()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "time" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                time = init_dict["time"]
            if "angle" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                angle = init_dict["angle"]
            if "Is" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Is = init_dict["Is"]
            if "Ir" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Ir = init_dict["Ir"]
            if "angle_rotor" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                angle_rotor = init_dict["angle_rotor"]
            if "Nr" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Nr = init_dict["Nr"]
            if "rot_dir" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                rot_dir = init_dict["rot_dir"]
            if "angle_rotor_initial" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                angle_rotor_initial = init_dict["angle_rotor_initial"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # time can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(time, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = time.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.time = Import(init_dict=time)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.time = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=time)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name in init_dict for time")
            self.time = time
        # angle can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(angle, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = angle.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.angle = Import(init_dict=angle)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.angle = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=angle)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name in init_dict for angle")
            self.angle = angle
        # Is can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Is, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = Is.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.Is = Import(init_dict=Is)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.Is = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=Is)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name in init_dict for Is")
            self.Is = Is
        # Ir can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Ir, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = Ir.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.Ir = Import(init_dict=Ir)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.Ir = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=Ir)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name in init_dict for Ir")
            self.Ir = Ir
        # angle_rotor can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(angle_rotor, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = angle_rotor.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.angle_rotor = Import(init_dict=angle_rotor)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.angle_rotor = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=angle_rotor)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for angle_rotor"
            self.angle_rotor = angle_rotor
        # Nr can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Nr, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = Nr.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.Nr = Import(init_dict=Nr)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.Nr = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=Nr)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name in init_dict for Nr")
            self.Nr = Nr
        self.rot_dir = rot_dir
        self.angle_rotor_initial = angle_rotor_initial
        # Call Input init
        super(InCurrent, self).__init__()
        # The class is frozen (in Input init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        InCurrent_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Input
        InCurrent_str += super(InCurrent, self).__str__() + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "time = " + str(self.time.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "angle = " + str(self.angle.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "Is = " + str(self.Is.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "Ir = " + str(self.Ir.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += (
            "angle_rotor = " + str(self.angle_rotor.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "Nr = " + str(self.Nr.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "rot_dir = " + str(self.rot_dir) + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "angle_rotor_initial = " + str(self.angle_rotor_initial)
        return InCurrent_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Input
        if not super(InCurrent, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.time != self.time:
            return False
        if other.angle != self.angle:
            return False
        if other.Is != self.Is:
            return False
        if other.Ir != self.Ir:
            return False
        if other.angle_rotor != self.angle_rotor:
            return False
        if other.Nr != self.Nr:
            return False
        if other.rot_dir != self.rot_dir:
            return False
        if other.angle_rotor_initial != self.angle_rotor_initial:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Input
        InCurrent_dict = super(InCurrent, self).as_dict()
        if self.time is None:
            InCurrent_dict["time"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["time"] = self.time.as_dict()
        if self.angle is None:
            InCurrent_dict["angle"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["angle"] = self.angle.as_dict()
        if self.Is is None:
            InCurrent_dict["Is"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["Is"] = self.Is.as_dict()
        if self.Ir is None:
            InCurrent_dict["Ir"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["Ir"] = self.Ir.as_dict()
        if self.angle_rotor is None:
            InCurrent_dict["angle_rotor"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["angle_rotor"] = self.angle_rotor.as_dict()
        if self.Nr is None:
            InCurrent_dict["Nr"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["Nr"] = self.Nr.as_dict()
        InCurrent_dict["rot_dir"] = self.rot_dir
        InCurrent_dict["angle_rotor_initial"] = self.angle_rotor_initial
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        InCurrent_dict["__class__"] = "InCurrent"
        return InCurrent_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        if self.time is not None:
        if self.angle is not None:
        if self.Is is not None:
        if self.Ir is not None:
        if self.angle_rotor is not None:
        if self.Nr is not None:
        self.rot_dir = None
        self.angle_rotor_initial = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Input
        super(InCurrent, self)._set_None()

    def _get_time(self):
        """getter of time"""
        return self._time

    def _set_time(self, value):
        """setter of time"""
        check_var("time", value, "Import")
        self._time = value

        if self._time is not None:
            self._time.parent = self

    # Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import
    # Type : Import
    time = property(
        doc=u"""Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import""",

    def _get_angle(self):
        """getter of angle"""
        return self._angle

    def _set_angle(self, value):
        """setter of angle"""
        check_var("angle", value, "Import")
        self._angle = value

        if self._angle is not None:
            self._angle.parent = self

    # Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import
    # Type : Import
    angle = property(
        doc=u"""Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import""",

    def _get_Is(self):
        """getter of Is"""
        return self._Is

    def _set_Is(self, value):
        """setter of Is"""
        check_var("Is", value, "Import")
        self._Is = value

        if self._Is is not None:
            self._Is.parent = self

    # Stator currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import
    # Type : Import
    Is = property(
        doc=u"""Stator currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import""",

    def _get_Ir(self):
        """getter of Ir"""
        return self._Ir

    def _set_Ir(self, value):
        """setter of Ir"""
        check_var("Ir", value, "Import")
        self._Ir = value

        if self._Ir is not None:
            self._Ir.parent = self

    # Rotor currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import
    # Type : Import
    Ir = property(
        doc=u"""Rotor currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import""",

    def _get_angle_rotor(self):
        """getter of angle_rotor"""
        return self._angle_rotor

    def _set_angle_rotor(self, value):
        """setter of angle_rotor"""
        check_var("angle_rotor", value, "Import")
        self._angle_rotor = value

        if self._angle_rotor is not None:
            self._angle_rotor.parent = self

    # Rotor angular position as a function of time (if None computed according to Nr) to import
    # Type : Import
    angle_rotor = property(
        doc=u"""Rotor angular position as a function of time (if None computed according to Nr) to import""",

    def _get_Nr(self):
        """getter of Nr"""
        return self._Nr

    def _set_Nr(self, value):
        """setter of Nr"""
        check_var("Nr", value, "Import")
        self._Nr = value

        if self._Nr is not None:
            self._Nr.parent = self

    # Rotor speed as a function of time to import
    # Type : Import
    Nr = property(
        doc=u"""Rotor speed as a function of time to import""",

    def _get_rot_dir(self):
        """getter of rot_dir"""
        return self._rot_dir

    def _set_rot_dir(self, value):
        """setter of rot_dir"""
        check_var("rot_dir", value, "float", Vmin=-1, Vmax=1)
        self._rot_dir = value

    # Rotation direction of the rotor 1 trigo, -1 clockwise
    # Type : float, min = -1, max = 1
    rot_dir = property(
        doc=u"""Rotation direction of the rotor 1 trigo, -1 clockwise""",

    def _get_angle_rotor_initial(self):
        """getter of angle_rotor_initial"""
        return self._angle_rotor_initial

    def _set_angle_rotor_initial(self, value):
        """setter of angle_rotor_initial"""
        check_var("angle_rotor_initial", value, "float")
        self._angle_rotor_initial = value

    # Initial angular position of the rotor at t=0
    # Type : float
    angle_rotor_initial = property(
        doc=u"""Initial angular position of the rotor at t=0""",
Exemplo n.º 3
class InForce(Input):
    """Input to start with the structural one """

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Simulation.InForce.gen_input
    gen_input = gen_input
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if time == -1:
            time = Import()
        if angle == -1:
            angle = Import()
        if Prad == -1:
            Prad = Import()
        if Ptan == -1:
            Ptan = Import()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["time", "angle", "Prad", "Ptan"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "time" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                time = init_dict["time"]
            if "angle" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                angle = init_dict["angle"]
            if "Prad" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Prad = init_dict["Prad"]
            if "Ptan" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Ptan = init_dict["Ptan"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # time can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(time, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = time.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.time = Import(init_dict=time)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.time = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=time)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for time")
            self.time = time
        # angle can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(angle, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = angle.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.angle = Import(init_dict=angle)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.angle = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=angle)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for angle")
            self.angle = angle
        # Prad can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Prad, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = Prad.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.Prad = Import(init_dict=Prad)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.Prad = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=Prad)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for Prad")
            self.Prad = Prad
        # Ptan can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Ptan, dict):
            # Call the correct constructor according to the dict
            load_dict = {
                "ImportMatlab": ImportMatlab,
                "ImportMatrix": ImportMatrix,
                "ImportMatrixVal": ImportMatrixVal,
                "ImportMatrixXls": ImportMatrixXls,
                "ImportGenVectSin": ImportGenVectSin,
                "ImportGenMatrixSin": ImportGenMatrixSin,
                "ImportGenVectLin": ImportGenVectLin,
                "Import": Import,
            obj_class = Ptan.get("__class__")
            if obj_class is None:
                self.Ptan = Import(init_dict=Ptan)
            elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):
                self.Ptan = load_dict[obj_class](init_dict=Ptan)
            else:  # Avoid generation error or wrong modification in json
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name in init_dict for Ptan")
            self.Ptan = Ptan
        # Call Input init
        super(InForce, self).__init__()
        # The class is frozen (in Input init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        InForce_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Input
        InForce_str += super(InForce, self).__str__() + linesep
        InForce_str += "time = " + str(self.time.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InForce_str += "angle = " + str(
            self.angle.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InForce_str += "Prad = " + str(self.Prad.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InForce_str += "Ptan = " + str(self.Ptan.as_dict())
        return InForce_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Input
        if not super(InForce, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.time != self.time:
            return False
        if other.angle != self.angle:
            return False
        if other.Prad != self.Prad:
            return False
        if other.Ptan != self.Ptan:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Input
        InForce_dict = super(InForce, self).as_dict()
        if self.time is None:
            InForce_dict["time"] = None
            InForce_dict["time"] = self.time.as_dict()
        if self.angle is None:
            InForce_dict["angle"] = None
            InForce_dict["angle"] = self.angle.as_dict()
        if self.Prad is None:
            InForce_dict["Prad"] = None
            InForce_dict["Prad"] = self.Prad.as_dict()
        if self.Ptan is None:
            InForce_dict["Ptan"] = None
            InForce_dict["Ptan"] = self.Ptan.as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        InForce_dict["__class__"] = "InForce"
        return InForce_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        if self.time is not None:
        if self.angle is not None:
        if self.Prad is not None:
        if self.Ptan is not None:
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Input
        super(InForce, self)._set_None()

    def _get_time(self):
        """getter of time"""
        return self._time

    def _set_time(self, value):
        """setter of time"""
        check_var("time", value, "Import")
        self._time = value

        if self._time is not None:
            self._time.parent = self

    # Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import
    # Type : Import
    time = property(
        doc=u"""Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import""",

    def _get_angle(self):
        """getter of angle"""
        return self._angle

    def _set_angle(self, value):
        """setter of angle"""
        check_var("angle", value, "Import")
        self._angle = value

        if self._angle is not None:
            self._angle.parent = self

    # Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import
    # Type : Import
    angle = property(
        doc=u"""Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import""",

    def _get_Prad(self):
        """getter of Prad"""
        return self._Prad

    def _set_Prad(self, value):
        """setter of Prad"""
        check_var("Prad", value, "Import")
        self._Prad = value

        if self._Prad is not None:
            self._Prad.parent = self

    # Radial magnetic air-gap surface force
    # Type : Import
    Prad = property(fget=_get_Prad,
                    doc=u"""Radial magnetic air-gap surface force""")

    def _get_Ptan(self):
        """getter of Ptan"""
        return self._Ptan

    def _set_Ptan(self, value):
        """setter of Ptan"""
        check_var("Ptan", value, "Import")
        self._Ptan = value

        if self._Ptan is not None:
            self._Ptan.parent = self

    # Tangential magnetic air-gap surface force
    # Type : Import
    Ptan = property(
        doc=u"""Tangential magnetic air-gap surface force""",