Exemplo n.º 1
 def scenario_content_changed(self):
     Edit the content (events) of the selected scenario
     # check if there is some text
     if self.scenario_content.currentItem():
         newline = self.scenario_content.currentItem().text()
         if newline != '':
             newline = newline.split(' ')
             # remove space if it is the last character
             while newline[-1] == "":
                 newline = newline[:-1]
             # there is new text on the last line, so we create a new event
             if self.scenario_content.currentRow() + 1 == self.scenario_content.count():
                 # create a new event
                 if newline[0] == "OSC":
                     newline = newline[1:]
                     print("creating event of type OSC")
                     new_event = self.new_event('Osc', newline)
                 elif newline[0] == "SP":
                     newline = newline[1:]
                     print("creating event of type ScenarioPlay")
                     new_event = self.new_event('ScenarioPlay', newline)
                 elif isinstance(checkType(newline[0]), float) or isinstance(checkType(newline[0]), int):
                     print("creating event of type WAIT")
                     new_event = self.new_event('Wait', checkType(newline[0]))
                 elif newline[0] == "MN":
                     newline = newline[1:]
                     print("creating event of type MidiNote")
                     new_event = self.new_event('MidiNote', newline)
                     print("creating event of type OSC")
                     new_event = self.new_event('Osc', newline)
                 # add the event to the scenario
                 # display the current scenario (refresh)
                 # This is an edit of an existing event
                 self.scenario_selected.events[self.scenario_content.currentRow()].command = newline
     # we need to refresh the duration item on the scenrio_table
     #don't understant why but with this line, the name is changed too… weird
     #item = self.scenario_list.item(self.scenario_list.currentRow(),1)
     row = self.scenario_list.currentRow()
     #duration = str(self.scenario_selected.getduration())
     self.scenario_list.setCurrentCell(row, 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def output_table_changed(self, row, col):
     An output has been edited
     if self.protocol_table.currentItem():
         protocol = self.protocol.currentText()
         outs = self.project.outputs
         out = outs[row]
         attr = self.protocol_table.horizontalHeaderItem(col).text()
         value = self.protocol_table.currentItem().text()
         # just to be sure that an int won't be encoded as a symbol
         value = checkType(value)
         setattr(out, attr, value)
         if attr == 'name':