Exemplo n.º 1
def main(fnAccept=None):
    `fnAccept` is a list of one or more files to test.  Otherwise runs all.
    poolSize = common.cpus()

    if pylintRun is None:
        print("make sure that 'sudo pip install pylint' is there. exiting.")

    mg = commonTest.ModuleGather()

    fnPathReject = [
        #'bar.py',  # used to crash pylint...
        #'repeat.py', # used to hang pylint...
        #'spanner.py', # used to hang pylint...
    disable = [  # These also need to be changed in MUSIC21BASE/.pylintrc
        'cyclic-import',  # we use these inside functions when there's a deep problem.
        'unnecessary-pass',  # nice, but not really a problem...
        'locally-disabled',  # test for this later, but hopefully will know what 
        # they're doing
        'duplicate-code',  # needs to ignore strings -- keeps getting doctests...
        'arguments-differ',  # someday...
        'abstract-class-instantiated',  # this trips on the fractions.Fraction() class.
        'multiple-imports',  # import os, sys -- fine...
        'fixme',  # known...
        'superfluous-parens',  # nope -- if they make things clearer...
        'too-many-statements',  # someday
        'no-member',  # important, but too many false positives
        'too-many-arguments',  # definitely! but takes too long to get a fix now...
        'too-many-public-methods',  # maybe, look 
        'too-many-branches',  # yes, someday
        'too-many-locals',  # no
        'too-many-lines',  # yes, someday.
        'bad-whitespace',  # maybe later, but "bad" isn't something I necessarily agree with
        'bad-continuation',  # never remove -- this is a good thing many times.
        'too-many-return-statements',  # we'll see
        'unpacking-non-sequence',  # gets it wrong too often.
        'too-many-instance-attributes',  # maybe later
        'too-many-boolean-expressions',  #AbstractDiatonicScale.__eq__ shows how this
        # can be fine...
        'misplaced-comparison-constant',  # sometimes 2 < x is what we want
        'unsubscriptable-object',  # unfortunately, thinks that Streams are unsubscriptable.
        'consider-iterating-dictionary',  # sometimes .keys() is a good test against
        # changing the dictionary size while iterating.
        'invalid-name',  # these are good music21 names; fix the regexp instead...
        'no-self-use',  # maybe later
        'too-few-public-methods',  # never remove or set to 1
        'trailing-whitespace',  # should ignore blank lines with tabs
        'trailing-newlines',  # just because something is easy to detect doesn't make it bad.
        'missing-docstring',  # gets too many well-documented properties
        'star-args',  # no problem with them...
        'protected-access',  # this is an important one, but for now we do a lot of
        # x = copy.deepcopy(self); x._volume = ... which is not a problem...
        'import-self',  # fix is either to get rid of it or move away many tests...
        'redefined-variable-type',  # this would be great! but too much.
        'simplifiable-if-statement',  # NO! NO! NO!
        #  if (x or y and z and q): return True, else: return False,
        #      is a GREAT paradigm -- over "return (x or y and z and q)" and
        #      assuming that it returns a bool...  it's no slower than
        #      the simplification and it's so much clearer.
        'consider-using-enumerate',  # good when i used only once, but
        # x[i] = y[i] is a nice paradigm, even if one can be simplified out.

    goodnameRx = {
        'argument-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'attr-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'class-rgx': r'[A-Z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'function-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'method-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'module-rgx': r'(([a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$',
        'variable-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',

    cmd = [
        '--max-args=7',  # should be 5 later, but baby steps
        '--bad-names="foo,shit,f**k,stuff"',  # definitely allow "bar" for barlines
        '-j ' + str(poolSize),  # multiprocessing!
        r'--ignore-long-lines="converter\.parse"',  # some tiny notation...
        '--max-line-length=100',  # tada
    for gn, gnv in goodnameRx.items():
        cmd.append('--' + gn + '="' + gnv + '"')


    for pyLintId in disable:
        cmd.append('--disable=%s' % pyLintId)

    # add entire package
    acceptable = []
    for fp in mg.modulePaths:
        rejectIt = False
        for rejectPath in fnPathReject:
            if rejectPath in fp:
                rejectIt = True
        if rejectIt:
        if fnAccept:
            rejectIt = True
            for acceptableName in fnAccept:
                if acceptableName in fp:
                    rejectIt = False
            if rejectIt:


    cmdFile = cmd + acceptable
    #print(' '.join(cmdFile))
    pylintRun(cmdFile, exit=False)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(fnAccept=None, strict=False):
    `fnAccept` is a list of one or more files to test.  Otherwise runs all.
    poolSize = common.cpus()

    if pylintRun is None:
        print("make sure that 'sudo pip3 install pylint' is there. exiting.")

    mg = commonTest.ModuleGather()

    fnPathReject = [
        # 'demos/',
        # 'test/timeGraphs.py',
        # 'bar.py',   # used to crash pylint...
        # 'repeat.py',  # used to hang pylint...
        # 'spanner.py',  # used to hang pylint...

    disable_unless_strict = [
        'too-many-statements',  # someday
        'too-many-arguments',  # definitely! but takes too long to get a fix now...
        'too-many-public-methods',  # maybe, look
        'too-many-branches',  # yes, someday
        'too-many-lines',    # yes, someday.
        'too-many-return-statements',  # we'll see
        'too-many-instance-attributes',  # maybe later
        'inconsistent-return-statements',  # would be nice
        'protected-access',  # this is an important one, but for now we do a lot of
        # x = copy.deepcopy(self); x._volume = ... which is not a problem...
        # also, test suites need to be exempt.
        'keyword-arg-before-vararg',  # a good thing to check for new code, but
        # requires rewriting function signatures in old code

    disable = [  # These also need to be changed in MUSIC21BASE/.pylintrc
        'arguments-differ',  # -- no -- should be able to add additional arguments so long
        # as initial ones are the same.
        'multiple-imports',  # import os, sys -- fine...
        'redefined-variable-type',  # would be good, but currently
        # lines like: if x: y = note.Note() ; else: y = note.Rest()
        # triggers this, even though y doesn't change.
        'no-else-return',  # these are unnecessary but can help show the flow of thinking.
        'cyclic-import',  # we use these inside functions when there's a deep problem.
        'unnecessary-pass',  # nice, but not really a problem...
        'locally-disabled',  # test for this later, but hopefully will know what
        # they're doing
        'consider-using-get',  # if it can figure out that the default value is something
        # simple, we will turn back on, but until then, no.
        'chained-comparison',  # sometimes simpler that way
        # 'duplicate-code',  # needs to ignore strings -- keeps getting doctests...
        'too-many-ancestors',  # -- 8 is okay.
        'abstract-class-instantiated',  # this trips on the fractions.Fraction() class.
        'fixme',  # known...
        'superfluous-parens',  # nope -- if they make things clearer...
        'no-member',  # important, but too many false positives
        'too-many-locals',   # no
        'bad-whitespace',  # maybe later, but "bad" isn't something I necessarily agree with
        'bad-continuation',  # never remove -- this is a good thing many times.
        'unpacking-non-sequence',  # gets it wrong too often.

        # AbstractDiatonicScale.__eq__ shows how this
        # can be fine...

        'misplaced-comparison-constant',  # sometimes 2 < x is what we want
        'unsubscriptable-object',  # unfortunately, thinks that Streams are unsubscriptable.

        # sometimes .keys() is a good test against
        # changing the dictionary size while iterating.

        'invalid-name',      # these are good music21 names; fix the regexp instead...
        'no-self-use',       # maybe later
        'too-few-public-methods',  # never remove or set to 1

        'trailing-whitespace',  # should ignore blank lines with tabs

        # just because something is easy to detect doesn't make it bad.

        'missing-docstring',    # gets too many well-documented properties
        'star-args',  # no problem with them...
        'import-self',  # fix is either to get rid of it or move away many tests...

        'simplifiable-if-statement',  # NO! NO! NO!
        #  if (x or y and z and q): return True, else: return False,
        #      is a GREAT paradigm -- over "return (x or y and z and q)" and
        #      assuming that it returns a bool...  it's no slower than
        #      the simplification and it's so much clearer.
        'consider-using-enumerate',  # good when i used only once, but
        # x[i] = y[i] is a nice paradigm, even if one can be simplified out.
        'not-callable',  # false positives, for instance on x.next()

        'raise-missing-from',  # later.

    if not strict:
        disable = disable + disable_unless_strict

    goodNameRx = {'argument-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'attr-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'class-rgx': r'[A-Z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'function-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'method-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'module-rgx': r'(([a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$',
                  'variable-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',

    maxArgs = 7 if not strict else 5
    maxBranches = 20 if not strict else 10

    cmd = ['--output-format=parseable',
           '--max-args=' + str(maxArgs),  # should be 5 later, but baby steps
           '--bad-names="foo,shit,f**k,stuff"',  # definitely allow "bar" for barlines
           '--max-branches=' + str(maxBranches),
           '-j ' + str(poolSize),  # multiprocessing!
           r'--ignore-long-lines="converter\.parse"',  # some tiny notation...
    for gn, gnv in goodNameRx.items():
        cmd.append('--' + gn + '="' + gnv + '"')

    for pyLintId in disable:

    # add entire package
    acceptable = []
    for fp in mg.modulePaths:
        rejectIt = False
        for rejectPath in fnPathReject:
            if rejectPath in fp:
                rejectIt = True
        if rejectIt:
        if fnAccept:
            rejectIt = True
            for acceptableName in fnAccept:
                if acceptableName in fp:
                    rejectIt = False
            if rejectIt:


    cmdFile = cmd + acceptable
    if not acceptable:
        print('No matching files were found.')

    # print(fnAccept)
    # print(' '.join(cmdFile))
    # print(fp)

        # noinspection PyArgumentList,PyCallingNonCallable
        pylintRun(cmdFile, exit=False)
    except TypeError:
        # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
        pylintRun(cmdFile, do_exit=False)  # renamed in recent versions
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(fnAccept=None):
    `fnAccept` is a list of one or more files to test.  Otherwise runs all.
    poolSize = common.cpus()
    if pylintRun is None:
        print("make sure that 'sudo pip install pylint' is there. exiting.")

    mg = commonTest.ModuleGather()

    fnPathReject = [
                    #'bar.py',  # used to crash pylint...
                    #'repeat.py', # used to hang pylint...
                    #'spanner.py', # used to hang pylint...
    disable = [
                'cyclic-import', # we use these inside functions when there's a deep problem.
                'unnecessary-pass', # nice, but not really a problem...
                'locally-disabled', # test for this later, but hopefully will know what 
                            # they're doing

                'duplicate-code', # needs to ignore strings -- keeps getting doctests...

                'arguments-differ', # someday...
                'abstract-class-instantiated', # this trips on the fractions.Fraction() class.
                'fixme', # known...
                'superfluous-parens', # nope -- if they make things clearer...
                'too-many-statements', # someday
                'no-member', # important, but too many false positives
                'too-many-arguments', # definitely! but takes too long to get a fix now...
                'too-many-public-methods', # maybe, look 
                'too-many-branches', # yes, someday
                'too-many-locals',   # no
                'too-many-lines',    # yes, someday.
                'bad-whitespace', # maybe later, but "bad" isn't something I necessarily agree with
                'bad-continuation',  # never remove -- this is a good thing many times.
                'too-many-return-statements', # we'll see
                'unpacking-non-sequence', # gets it wrong too often.
                'too-many-instance-attributes', # maybe later
                'invalid-name',      # these are good music21 names; fix the regexp instead...
                'no-self-use',       # maybe later
                'too-few-public-methods', # never remove or set to 1
                'trailing-whitespace',  # should ignore blank lines with tabs
                'missing-docstring',    # gets too many well-documented properties
                'star-args', # no problem with them...
                'protected-access', # this is an important one, but for now we do a lot of
                           # x = copy.deepcopy(self); x._volume = ... which is not a problem...
                'import-self', # fix is either to get rid of it or move away many tests...

    goodnameRx = {'argument-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'attr-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'class-rgx': r'[A-Z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'function-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'method-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'module-rgx': r'(([a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$',
                  'variable-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',

    cmd = ['--output-format=parseable',
           '--max-args=7',  # should be 5 later, but baby steps
           '--bad-names="foo,shit,f**k,stuff"', # definitely allow "bar" for barlines
           '-j ' + str(poolSize), # multiprocessing!
           r'--ignore-long-lines="converter\.parse"', # some tiny notation...
           '--max-line-length=100', # tada
    for gn, gnv in goodnameRx.items():
        cmd.append('--' + gn + '="' + gnv + '"')

    for pyLintId in disable:
        cmd.append('--disable=%s' % pyLintId)

    # add entire package
    acceptable = []
    for fp in mg.modulePaths:
        rejectIt = False
        for rejectPath in fnPathReject:
            if rejectPath in fp:
                rejectIt = True
        if rejectIt:
        if fnAccept:
            rejectIt = True
            for acceptableName in fnAccept:
                if acceptableName in fp:
                    rejectIt = False
            if rejectIt:


    cmdFile = cmd + acceptable
    #print(' '.join(cmdFile))
    pylintRun(cmdFile, exit=False)
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(fnAccept=None):
    `fnAccept` is a list of one or more files to test.  Otherwise runs all.
    poolSize = multiprocessing.cpu_count()  # @UndefinedVariable
    if poolSize > 2:
        poolSize = poolSize - 1

    if pylintRun is None:
        print("make sure that 'sudo pip install pylint' is there. exiting.")

    mg = commonTest.ModuleGather()

    fnPathReject = [
        #'bar.py',  # used to crash pylint...
        #'repeat.py', # used to hang pylint...
        #'spanner.py', # used to hang pylint...
    disable = [
        'cyclic-import',  # we use these inside functions when there's a deep problem.
        'unnecessary-pass',  # nice, but not really a problem...
        'locally-disabled',  # test for this later, but hopefully will know what 
        # they're doing
        'duplicate-code',  # needs to ignore strings -- keeps getting doctests...
        'arguments-differ',  # someday...
        'abstract-class-instantiated',  # this trips on the fractions.Fraction() class.
        'fixme',  # known...
        'superfluous-parens',  # nope -- if they make things clearer...
        'too-many-statements',  # someday
        'no-member',  # important, but too many false positives
        'too-many-arguments',  # definitely! but takes too long to get a fix now...
        'too-many-public-methods',  # maybe, look 
        'too-many-branches',  # yes, someday
        'too-many-locals',  # no
        'too-many-lines',  # yes, someday.
        'bad-whitespace',  # maybe later, but "bad" isn't something I necessarily agree with
        'bad-continuation',  # never remove -- this is a good thing many times.
        'too-many-return-statements',  # we'll see
        'unpacking-non-sequence',  # gets it wrong too often.
        'too-many-instance-attributes',  # maybe later
        'invalid-name',  # these are good music21 names; fix the regexp instead...
        'no-self-use',  # maybe later
        'too-few-public-methods',  # never remove or set to 1
        'trailing-whitespace',  # should ignore blank lines with tabs
        'missing-docstring',  # gets too many well-documented properties
        'star-args',  # no problem with them...
        'protected-access',  # this is an important one, but for now we do a lot of
        # x = copy.deepcopy(self); x._volume = ... which is not a problem...
        'import-self',  # fix is either to get rid of it or move away many tests...

    goodnameRx = {
        'argument-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'attr-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'class-rgx': r'[A-Z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'function-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'method-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
        'module-rgx': r'(([a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$',
        'variable-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',

    cmd = [
        '--max-args=7',  # should be 5 later, but baby steps
        '--bad-names="foo,shit,f**k,stuff"',  # definitely allow "bar" for barlines
        '-j ' + str(poolSize),  # multiprocessing!
        r'--ignore-long-lines="converter\.parse"',  # some tiny notation...
        '--max-line-length=100',  # tada
    for gn, gnv in goodnameRx.items():
        cmd.append('--' + gn + '="' + gnv + '"')


    for pyLintId in disable:
        cmd.append('--disable=%s' % pyLintId)

    # add entire package
    acceptable = []
    for fp in mg.modulePaths:
        rejectIt = False
        for rejectPath in fnPathReject:
            if rejectPath in fp:
                rejectIt = True
        if rejectIt:
        if fnAccept:
            rejectIt = True
            for acceptableName in fnAccept:
                if acceptableName in fp:
                    rejectIt = False
            if rejectIt:


    cmdFile = cmd + acceptable
    #print(' '.join(cmdFile))
    pylintRun(cmdFile, exit=False)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(fnAccept=None, strict=False):
    `fnAccept` is a list of one or more files to test.  Otherwise runs all.
    poolSize = common.cpus()

    if pylintRun is None:
        print("make sure that 'sudo pip3 install pylint' is there. exiting.")

    mg = commonTest.ModuleGather()

    fnPathReject = [
                    #'bar.py',  # used to crash pylint...
                    #'repeat.py', # used to hang pylint...
                    #'spanner.py', # used to hang pylint...

    disable_unless_strict = [
                'too-many-statements', # someday
                'too-many-arguments', # definitely! but takes too long to get a fix now...
                'too-many-public-methods', # maybe, look
                'too-many-branches', # yes, someday
                'too-many-lines',    # yes, someday.
                'too-many-return-statements', # we'll see
                'too-many-instance-attributes', # maybe later
                'inconsistent-return-statements', # would be nice
                'protected-access', # this is an important one, but for now we do a lot of
                           # x = copy.deepcopy(self); x._volume = ... which is not a problem...
                           # also, test suites need to be exempt.
                'keyword-arg-before-vararg', # a good thing to check for new code, but
                           # requires rewriting function signatures in old code

    disable = [  # These also need to be changed in MUSIC21BASE/.pylintrc
                'arguments-differ', # -- no -- should be able to add additional arguments so long
                    # as initial ones are the same.
                'multiple-imports', # import os, sys -- fine...
                'redefined-variable-type', # would be good, but currently
                # lines like: if x: y = note.Note() ; else: y = note.Rest()
                # triggers this, even though y doesn't change.
                'no-else-return', # these are unnessary but can help show the flow of thinking.
                'cyclic-import', # we use these inside functions when there's a deep problem.
                'unnecessary-pass', # nice, but not really a problem...
                'locally-disabled', # test for this later, but hopefully will know what
                            # they're doing
                'consider-using-get', # if it can figure out that the default value is something
                            # simple, we will turn back on, but until then, no.
                'chained-comparison', # sometimes simpler that way
                #'duplicate-code', # needs to ignore strings -- keeps getting doctests...
                'too-many-ancestors', # -- 8 is okay.
                'abstract-class-instantiated', # this trips on the fractions.Fraction() class.
                'fixme', # known...
                'superfluous-parens', # nope -- if they make things clearer...
                'no-member', # important, but too many false positives
                'too-many-locals',   # no
                'bad-whitespace', # maybe later, but "bad" isn't something I necessarily agree with
                'bad-continuation',  # never remove -- this is a good thing many times.
                'unpacking-non-sequence', # gets it wrong too often.
                'too-many-boolean-expressions', #AbstractDiatonicScale.__eq__ shows how this
                    # can be fine...
                'misplaced-comparison-constant', # sometimes 2 < x is what we want
                'unsubscriptable-object', # unfortunately, thinks that Streams are unsubscriptable.
                'consider-iterating-dictionary', # sometimes .keys() is a good test against
                    # changing the dictionary size while iterating.

                'invalid-name',      # these are good music21 names; fix the regexp instead...
                'no-self-use',       # maybe later
                'too-few-public-methods', # never remove or set to 1

                'trailing-whitespace',  # should ignore blank lines with tabs
                'trailing-newlines', # just because something is easy to detect doesn't make it bad.

                'missing-docstring',    # gets too many well-documented properties
                'star-args', # no problem with them...
                'import-self', # fix is either to get rid of it or move away many tests...

                'simplifiable-if-statement', # NO! NO! NO!
                #  if (x or y and z and q): return True, else: return False,
                #      is a GREAT paradigm -- over "return (x or y and z and q)" and
                #      assuming that it returns a bool...  it's no slower than
                #      the simplification and it's so much clearer.
                'consider-using-enumerate', # good when i used only once, but
                    # x[i] = y[i] is a nice paradigm, even if one can be simplified out.
    if not strict:
        disable = disable + disable_unless_strict

    goodnameRx = {'argument-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'attr-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'class-rgx': r'[A-Z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'function-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'method-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',
                  'module-rgx': r'(([a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$',
                  'variable-rgx': r'[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}$',

    maxArgs = 7 if not strict else 5
    maxBranches = 20 if not strict else 10

    cmd = ['--output-format=parseable',
           '--max-args=' + str(maxArgs),  # should be 5 later, but baby steps
           '--bad-names="foo,shit,f**k,stuff"', # definitely allow "bar" for barlines
           '--max-branches=' + str(maxBranches),
           '-j ' + str(poolSize), # multiprocessing!
           r'--ignore-long-lines="converter\.parse"', # some tiny notation...
           '--max-line-length=100', # tada
    for gn, gnv in goodnameRx.items():
        cmd.append('--' + gn + '="' + gnv + '"')

    for pyLintId in disable:
        cmd.append('--disable=%s' % pyLintId)

    # add entire package
    acceptable = []
    for fp in mg.modulePaths:
        rejectIt = False
        for rejectPath in fnPathReject:
            if rejectPath in fp:
                rejectIt = True
        if rejectIt:
        if fnAccept:
            rejectIt = True
            for acceptableName in fnAccept:
                if acceptableName in fp:
                    rejectIt = False
            if rejectIt:


    cmdFile = cmd + acceptable
    #print(' '.join(cmdFile))
        pylintRun(cmdFile, exit=False)
    except TypeError:
        pylintRun(cmdFile, do_exit=False) # renamed in recent versions