Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_bad_input_address(self):
        Ask to encode something that is not an address
        address = 'Something that is not an address'

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, '[Uu]nsupported'):
 def _to_data_bytes(self):
     data = BitArray('uint:16=%d, uint:16=%d' % (self.map_server_port, self.etr_port))
     data += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.global_etr_rloc)
     data += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.map_server_rloc)
     data += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.private_etr_rloc)
     for rtr_rloc in self.rtr_rlocs:
         data += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(rtr_rloc)
     return data
Exemplo n.º 3
    def to_bytes(self):
        Create bytes from properties
        # Verify that properties make sense

        # Start with the type
        bitstream = BitArray('uint:4=%d' % self.message_type)

        # Add the flags
        bitstream += BitArray('bool=%d' % self.is_reply)

        # Add reserved bits
        bitstream += self._reserved1

        # Add the nonce
        bitstream += BitArray(bytes=self.nonce)

        # Add the key-id and authentication data
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:16=%d, uint:16=%d, hex=%s'
                              % (self.key_id,

        # Add the TTL
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:32=%d' % self.ttl)

        # Add reserved bits
        bitstream += self._reserved2

        # Add the EID prefix mask length
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:8=%d' % self.eid_prefix.prefixlen)

        # Add the EID prefix
        bitstream += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.eid_prefix)

        # Add the reply
        bitstream += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.reply)

        return bitstream.bytes
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _to_data_bytes(self):
     data = BitArray('bool=%d, uint:15=%d, uint:8=%d, '
                     'uint:8=%d' % (self.north,
     data += BitArray('bool=%d, uint:15=%d, uint:8=%d, '
                      'uint:8=%d' % (self.east,
     data += BitArray('int:32=%d' % self.altitude)
     data += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.address)
     return data
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_afi_1_with_prefixlen(self):
        Test decoding of AFI 1 (IPv4) prefixes
        afi_address_hex = '0001c0000200'
        bitstream = ConstBitStream(hex=afi_address_hex)

        address = afi.read_afi_address_from_bitstream(bitstream, 24)

        self.assertEqual(address, IPv4Network(u''))
        self.assertEqual(bitstream.pos, bitstream.len,
                         'unprocessed bits remaining in bitstream')

        new_bitstream = afi.get_bitstream_for_afi_address(address)

        self.assertEqual(new_bitstream.tobytes(), bitstream.tobytes())
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_afi_0_without_prefixlen(self):
        Test en/decoding of empty AFI addresses
        afi_address_hex = '0000'
        bitstream = ConstBitStream(hex=afi_address_hex)

        address = afi.read_afi_address_from_bitstream(bitstream)

        self.assertIsNone(address, 'wrong address')
        self.assertEqual(bitstream.pos, bitstream.len,
                         'unprocessed bits remaining in bitstream')

        new_bitstream = afi.get_bitstream_for_afi_address(address)

        self.assertEqual(new_bitstream.tobytes(), bitstream.tobytes())
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_afi_2_with_prefixlen(self):
        Test decoding of AFI 2 (IPv6) prefixes
        afi_address_hex = '000220010db80102abcd0000000000000000'
        bitstream = ConstBitStream(hex=afi_address_hex)

        address = afi.read_afi_address_from_bitstream(bitstream, 64)

        self.assertEqual(address, IPv6Network(u'2001:db8:102:abcd::/64'))
        self.assertEqual(bitstream.pos, bitstream.len,
                         'unprocessed bits remaining in bitstream')

        new_bitstream = afi.get_bitstream_for_afi_address(address)

        self.assertEqual(new_bitstream.tobytes(), bitstream.tobytes())
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_afi_0_with_prefixlen_0(self):
        Although a prefix length of 0 is allowed (since that is how many
        implementations transmit it on the wire)
        afi_address_hex = '0000'
        bitstream = ConstBitStream(hex=afi_address_hex)

        address = afi.read_afi_address_from_bitstream(bitstream, 0)

        self.assertIsNone(address, 'wrong address')
        self.assertEqual(bitstream.pos, bitstream.len,
                         'unprocessed bits remaining in bitstream')

        new_bitstream = afi.get_bitstream_for_afi_address(address)

        self.assertEqual(new_bitstream.tobytes(), bitstream.tobytes())
Exemplo n.º 9
    def to_bitstream(self):
        Create bitstream from properties
        # Verify that properties make sense

        # Start with the TTL
        bitstream = BitArray("uint:32=%d" % self.ttl)

        # Add the locator count
        bitstream += BitArray("uint:8=%d" % len(self.locator_records))

        # Add the EID prefix mask length
        bitstream += BitArray("uint:8=%d" % self.eid_prefix.prefixlen)

        # Add the NMR action
        bitstream += BitArray("uint:3=%d" % self.action)

        # Add the authoritative flag
        bitstream += BitArray("bool=%d, bool=%d" % (self.authoritative, self.incomplete))

        # Add reserved bits
        bitstream += self._reserved1

        # Add sigcount
        bitstream += BitArray("uint:4=%d" % len(self.signatures))

        # Add the map version
        bitstream += BitArray("uint:12=%d" % self.map_version)

        # Add the EID prefix
        bitstream += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.eid_prefix)

        # Add the locator records
        for locator_record in self.locator_records:
            bitstream += locator_record.to_bitstream()

        # TODO: Can't handle signatures yet! [LISP-Security]
        if self.signatures:
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot handle signatures yet")

        return bitstream
Exemplo n.º 10
    def to_bitstream(self):
        Create bitstream from properties
        # Verify that properties make sense

        # Start with the TTL
        bitstream = BitArray('uint:32=%d' % self.ttl)

        # Add the locator count
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:8=%d' % len(self.locator_records))

        # Add the EID prefix mask length
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:8=%d' % self.eid_prefix.prefixlen)

        # Add the NMR action
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:3=%d' % self.action)

        # Add the authoritative flag
        bitstream += BitArray('bool=%d' % self.authoritative)

        # Add reserved bits
        bitstream += self._reserved1

        # Add the map version
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:12=%d' % self.map_version)

        # Add the EID prefix
        bitstream += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.eid_prefix)

        # Add the locator records
        for locator_record in self.locator_records:
            bitstream += locator_record.to_bitstream()

        return bitstream
 def _to_data_bytes(self):
     data = BitArray('uint:32=%d' % self.asn)
     data += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.address)
     return data
Exemplo n.º 12
    def to_bytes(self):
        Create bytes from properties

        >>> message = MapRequestMessage(itr_rlocs=[IPv4Address(u'')],
        ...                       eid_prefixes=[IPv6Network(u'2001:db8::/32')])
        >>> hex = message.to_bytes().encode('hex')
        >>> hex[:40]
        >>> hex[40:]
        # Verify that properties make sense

        # Start with the type
        bitstream = BitArray('uint:4=%d' % self.message_type)

        # Add the flags
        bitstream += BitArray('bool=%d, bool=%d, bool=%d, bool=%d, '
                              'bool=%d, bool=%d' % (self.authoritative,
                                                    self.map_reply is not None,

        # Add padding
        bitstream += self._reserved1

        # Add IRC
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:5=%d' % (len(self.itr_rlocs) - 1))

        # Add record count
        bitstream += BitArray('uint:8=%d' % len(self.eid_prefixes))

        # Add the nonce
        bitstream += BitArray(bytes=self.nonce)

        # Add the source EID
        bitstream += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.source_eid)

        # Add the ITR RLOCs
        for itr_rloc in self.itr_rlocs:
            bitstream += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(itr_rloc)

        # Add the EIDs
        for eid_prefix in self.eid_prefixes:
            # Make sure it is a network
            eid_prefix = ip_network(eid_prefix)

            # Add padding and prefix length
            bitstream += BitArray('uint:8=0, '
                                  'uint:8=%d' % eid_prefix.prefixlen)

            # Add the address
            bitstream += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(eid_prefix)

        # Add the map-reply record if present
        if self.map_reply is not None:
            bitstream += self.map_reply.to_bitstream()

        return bitstream.bytes
Exemplo n.º 13
 def _to_data_bytes(self):
     data = BitArray()
     for address in self.addresses:
         data += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(address)
     return data
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _to_data_bytes(self):
     data = BitArray('uint:32=%d' % self.instance_id)
     data += get_bitstream_for_afi_address(self.address)
     return data