Exemplo n.º 1
class RuntimeBuilder(object):
    '''Builds the anaconda runtime image.'''
    def __init__(self,
        root = dbo.conf.installroot
        # use a copy of product so we can modify it locally
        product = product.copy()
        product.name = product.name.lower()
        self.vars = DataHolder(arch=arch,
        self.dbo = dbo
        self._runner = LoraxTemplateRunner(inroot=root,
        self.add_templates = add_templates or []
        self.add_template_vars = add_template_vars or {}
        self._installpkgs = installpkgs or []
        self._runner.defaults = self.vars

    def _install_branding(self):
        release = None
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        a = q.available()
        for pkg in a.filter(provides='/etc/system-release'):
            if pkg.name.startswith('generic'):
                release = pkg.name

        if not release:
            logger.error('could not get the release')

        # release
        logger.info('got release: %s', release)

        # logos
        release, _suffix = release.split('-', 1)
        self._runner.installpkg('%s-logos' % release)

    def install(self):
        '''Install packages and do initial setup with runtime-install.tmpl'''
        if len(self._installpkgs) > 0:
        for tmpl in self.add_templates:
            self._runner.run(tmpl, **self.add_template_vars)

    def writepkglists(self, pkglistdir):
        '''debugging data: write out lists of package contents'''
        if not os.path.isdir(pkglistdir):
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        for pkgobj in q.installed():
            with open(joinpaths(pkglistdir, pkgobj.name), "w") as fobj:
                for fname in pkgobj.files:

    def postinstall(self):
        '''Do some post-install setup work with runtime-postinstall.tmpl'''
        # copy configdir into runtime root beforehand
        configdir = joinpaths(self._runner.templatedir, "config_files")
        configdir_path = "tmp/config_files"
        fullpath = joinpaths(self.vars.root, configdir_path)
        if os.path.exists(fullpath):
        copytree(configdir, fullpath)
        self._runner.run("runtime-postinstall.tmpl", configdir=configdir_path)

    def cleanup(self):
        '''Remove unneeded packages and files with runtime-cleanup.tmpl'''

    def verify(self):
        '''Ensure that contents of the installroot can run'''
        status = True

        ELF_MAGIC = b'\x7fELF'

        # Iterate over all files in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
        # For ELF files, gather them into a list and we'll check them all at
        # the end. For files with a #!, check them as we go
        elf_files = []
        usr_bin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/bin')
        usr_sbin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/sbin')
        for path in (str(x) for x in itertools.chain(usr_bin.iterdir(), usr_sbin.iterdir()) \
                     if x.is_file()):
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                magic = f.read(4)
                if magic == ELF_MAGIC:
                    # Save the path, minus the chroot prefix
                elif magic[:2] == b'#!':
                    # Reopen the file as text and read the first line.
                    # Open as latin-1 so that stray 8-bit characters don't make
                    # things blow up. We only really care about ASCII parts.
                    with open(path, "rt", encoding="latin-1") as f_text:
                        # Remove the #!, split on space, and take the first part
                        shabang = f_text.readline()[2:].split()[0]

                    # Does the path exist?
                    if not os.path.exists(self.vars.root + shabang):
                        logger.error('%s, needed by %s, does not exist',
                                     shabang, path)
                        status = False

        # Now, run ldd on all the ELF files
        # Just run ldd once on everything so it isn't logged a million times.
        # At least one thing in the list isn't going to be a dynamic executable,
        # so use execWithCapture to ignore the exit code.
        filename = ''
        for line in execWithCapture('ldd',
            if line and not line[0].isspace():
                # New filename header, strip the : at the end and save
                filename = line[:-1]
            elif 'not found' in line:
                logger.error('%s, needed by %s, not found',
                             line.split()[0], filename)
                status = False

        return status

    def writepkgsizes(self, pkgsizefile):
        '''debugging data: write a big list of pkg sizes'''
        fobj = open(pkgsizefile, "w")
        getsize = lambda f: os.lstat(f).st_size if os.path.exists(f) else 0
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        for p in sorted(q.installed()):
            pkgsize = sum(
                getsize(joinpaths(self.vars.root, f)) for f in p.files)
            fobj.write("{0.name}.{0.arch}: {1}\n".format(p, pkgsize))

    def generate_module_data(self):
        root = self.vars.root
        moddir = joinpaths(root, "lib/modules/")
        for kver in os.listdir(moddir):
            ksyms = joinpaths(root, "boot/System.map-%s" % kver)
            logger.info("doing depmod and module-info for %s", kver)
            runcmd(["depmod", "-a", "-F", ksyms, "-b", root, kver])
            generate_module_info(moddir + kver, outfile=moddir + "module-info")

    def create_runtime(self,
        # make live rootfs image - must be named "LiveOS/rootfs.img" for dracut
        compressargs = compressargs or []
        workdir = joinpaths(os.path.dirname(outfile), "runtime-workdir")
        os.makedirs(joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS"))

                             joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS/rootfs.img"),

        # squash the live rootfs and clean up workdir
        imgutils.mksquashfs(workdir, outfile, compression, compressargs)

    def finished(self):
        """ Done using RuntimeBuilder

        Close the dnf base object
Exemplo n.º 2
class RuntimeBuilder(object):
    '''Builds the anaconda runtime image.'''
    def __init__(self, product, arch, dbo, templatedir=None,
                 installpkgs=None, excludepkgs=None,
        root = dbo.conf.installroot
        self.dbo = dbo
        self._runner = LoraxTemplateRunner(inroot=root, outroot=root,
                                           dbo=dbo, templatedir=templatedir)
        self.add_templates = add_templates or []
        self.add_template_vars = add_template_vars or {}
        self._installpkgs = installpkgs or []
        self._excludepkgs = excludepkgs or []

        # use a copy of product so we can modify it locally
        product = product.copy()
        product.name = product.name.lower()
        self._branding = self.get_branding(skip_branding, product)
        self.vars = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, dbo=dbo, root=root,
                               basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir,
        self._runner.defaults = self.vars

    def get_branding(self, skip, product):
        """Select the branding from the available 'system-release' packages
        The *best* way to control this is to have a single package in the repo provide 'system-release'
        When there are more than 1 package it will:
        - Make a list of the available packages
        - If variant is set look for a package ending with lower(variant) and use that
        - If there are one or more non-generic packages, use the first one after sorting

        Returns the package names of the system-release and release logos package
        if skip:
            return DataHolder(release=None, logos=None)

        release = None
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        a = q.available()
        pkgs = sorted([p.name for p in a.filter(provides='system-release')
                                    if not p.name.startswith("generic")])
        if not pkgs:
            logger.error("No system-release packages found, could not get the release")
            return DataHolder(release=None, logos=None)

        logger.debug("system-release packages: %s", pkgs)
        if product.variant:
            variant = [p for p in pkgs if p.endswith("-"+product.variant.lower())]
            if variant:
                release = variant[0]
        if not release:
            release = pkgs[0]

        # release
        logger.info('got release: %s', release)

        # logos uses the basename from release (fedora, redhat, centos, ...)
        logos, _suffix = release.split('-', 1)
        return DataHolder(release=release, logos=logos+"-logos")

    def install(self):
        '''Install packages and do initial setup with runtime-install.tmpl'''
        if self._branding.release:
        if self._branding.logos:

        if len(self._installpkgs) > 0:
        if len(self._excludepkgs) > 0:


        for tmpl in self.add_templates:
            self._runner.run(tmpl, **self.add_template_vars)

    def writepkglists(self, pkglistdir):
        '''debugging data: write out lists of package contents'''
        if not os.path.isdir(pkglistdir):
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        for pkgobj in q.installed():
            with open(joinpaths(pkglistdir, pkgobj.name), "w") as fobj:
                for fname in pkgobj.files:

    def postinstall(self):
        '''Do some post-install setup work with runtime-postinstall.tmpl'''
        # copy configdir into runtime root beforehand
        configdir = joinpaths(self._runner.templatedir,"config_files")
        configdir_path = "tmp/config_files"
        fullpath = joinpaths(self.vars.root, configdir_path)
        if os.path.exists(fullpath):
        copytree(configdir, fullpath)
        self._runner.run("runtime-postinstall.tmpl", configdir=configdir_path)

    def cleanup(self):
        '''Remove unneeded packages and files with runtime-cleanup.tmpl'''

    def verify(self):
        '''Ensure that contents of the installroot can run'''
        status = True

        ELF_MAGIC = b'\x7fELF'

        # Iterate over all files in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
        # For ELF files, gather them into a list and we'll check them all at
        # the end. For files with a #!, check them as we go
        elf_files = []
        usr_bin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/bin')
        usr_sbin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/sbin')
        for path in (str(x) for x in itertools.chain(usr_bin.iterdir(), usr_sbin.iterdir()) \
                     if x.is_file()):
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                magic = f.read(4)
                if magic == ELF_MAGIC:
                    # Save the path, minus the chroot prefix
                elif magic[:2] == b'#!':
                    # Reopen the file as text and read the first line.
                    # Open as latin-1 so that stray 8-bit characters don't make
                    # things blow up. We only really care about ASCII parts.
                    with open(path, "rt", encoding="latin-1") as f_text:
                        # Remove the #!, split on space, and take the first part
                        shabang = f_text.readline()[2:].split()[0]

                    # Does the path exist?
                    if not os.path.exists(self.vars.root + shabang):
                        logger.error('%s, needed by %s, does not exist', shabang, path)
                        status = False

        # Now, run ldd on all the ELF files
        # Just run ldd once on everything so it isn't logged a million times.
        # At least one thing in the list isn't going to be a dynamic executable,
        # so use execWithCapture to ignore the exit code.
        filename = ''
        for line in execWithCapture('ldd', elf_files, root=self.vars.root,
                log_output=False, filter_stderr=True).split('\n'):
            if line and not line[0].isspace():
                # New filename header, strip the : at the end and save
                filename = line[:-1]
            elif 'not found' in line:
                logger.error('%s, needed by %s, not found', line.split()[0], filename)
                status = False

        return status

    def writepkgsizes(self, pkgsizefile):
        '''debugging data: write a big list of pkg sizes'''
        fobj = open(pkgsizefile, "w")
        getsize = lambda f: os.lstat(f).st_size if os.path.exists(f) else 0
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        for p in sorted(q.installed()):
            pkgsize = sum(getsize(joinpaths(self.vars.root,f)) for f in p.files)
            fobj.write("{0.name}.{0.arch}: {1}\n".format(p, pkgsize))

    def generate_module_data(self):
        root = self.vars.root
        moddir = joinpaths(root, "lib/modules/")
        for kernel in findkernels(root=root):
            ksyms = joinpaths(root, "boot/System.map-%s" % kernel.version)
            logger.info("doing depmod and module-info for %s", kernel.version)
            runcmd(["depmod", "-a", "-F", ksyms, "-b", root, kernel.version])
            generate_module_info(moddir+kernel.version, outfile=moddir+"module-info")

    def create_squashfs_runtime(self, outfile="/var/tmp/squashfs.img", compression="xz", compressargs=None, size=2):
        """Create a plain squashfs runtime"""
        compressargs = compressargs or []

        # squash the rootfs
        return imgutils.mksquashfs(self.vars.root, outfile, compression, compressargs)

    def create_ext4_runtime(self, outfile="/var/tmp/squashfs.img", compression="xz", compressargs=None, size=2):
        """Create a squashfs compressed ext4 runtime"""
        # make live rootfs image - must be named "LiveOS/rootfs.img" for dracut
        compressargs = compressargs or []
        workdir = joinpaths(os.path.dirname(outfile), "runtime-workdir")
        os.makedirs(joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS"))

        # Catch problems with the rootfs being too small and clearly log them
            imgutils.mkrootfsimg(self.vars.root, joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS/rootfs.img"),
                                 "Anaconda", size=size)
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            if e.stdout and "No space left on device" in e.stdout:
                logger.error("The rootfs ran out of space with size=%d", size)

        # squash the live rootfs and clean up workdir
        rc = imgutils.mksquashfs(workdir, outfile, compression, compressargs)
        return rc

    def finished(self):
        """ Done using RuntimeBuilder

        Close the dnf base object
Exemplo n.º 3
class RuntimeBuilder(object):
    '''Builds the anaconda runtime image.'''
    def __init__(self, product, arch, dbo, templatedir=None,
        root = dbo.conf.installroot
        # use a copy of product so we can modify it locally
        product = product.copy()
        product.name = product.name.lower()
        self.vars = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, dbo=dbo, root=root,
                               basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir)
        self.dbo = dbo
        self._runner = LoraxTemplateRunner(inroot=root, outroot=root,
                                           dbo=dbo, templatedir=templatedir)
        self.add_templates = add_templates or []
        self.add_template_vars = add_template_vars or {}
        self._installpkgs = installpkgs or []
        self._runner.defaults = self.vars

    def _install_branding(self):
        release = None
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        a = q.available()
        for pkg in a.filter(provides='/etc/system-release'):
            if pkg.name.startswith('generic'):
                release = pkg.name

        if not release:
            logger.error('could not get the release')

        # release
        logger.info('got release: %s', release)

        # logos
        release, _suffix = release.split('-', 1)
        self._runner.installpkg('%s-logos' % release)

    def install(self):
        '''Install packages and do initial setup with runtime-install.tmpl'''
        if len(self._installpkgs) > 0:
        for tmpl in self.add_templates:
            self._runner.run(tmpl, **self.add_template_vars)

    def writepkglists(self, pkglistdir):
        '''debugging data: write out lists of package contents'''
        if not os.path.isdir(pkglistdir):
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        for pkgobj in q.installed():
            with open(joinpaths(pkglistdir, pkgobj.name), "w") as fobj:
                for fname in pkgobj.files:

    def postinstall(self):
        '''Do some post-install setup work with runtime-postinstall.tmpl'''
        # copy configdir into runtime root beforehand
        configdir = joinpaths(self._runner.templatedir,"config_files")
        configdir_path = "tmp/config_files"
        fullpath = joinpaths(self.vars.root, configdir_path)
        if os.path.exists(fullpath):
        copytree(configdir, fullpath)
        self._runner.run("runtime-postinstall.tmpl", configdir=configdir_path)

    def cleanup(self):
        '''Remove unneeded packages and files with runtime-cleanup.tmpl'''

    def verify(self):
        '''Ensure that contents of the installroot can run'''
        status = True

        ELF_MAGIC = b'\x7fELF'

        # Iterate over all files in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
        # For ELF files, gather them into a list and we'll check them all at
        # the end. For files with a #!, check them as we go
        elf_files = []
        usr_bin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/bin')
        usr_sbin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/sbin')
        for path in (str(x) for x in itertools.chain(usr_bin.iterdir(), usr_sbin.iterdir()) \
                     if x.is_file()):
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                magic = f.read(4)
                if magic == ELF_MAGIC:
                    # Save the path, minus the chroot prefix
                elif magic[:2] == b'#!':
                    # Reopen the file as text and read the first line.
                    # Open as latin-1 so that stray 8-bit characters don't make
                    # things blow up. We only really care about ASCII parts.
                    with open(path, "rt", encoding="latin-1") as f_text:
                        # Remove the #!, split on space, and take the first part
                        shabang = f_text.readline()[2:].split()[0]

                    # Does the path exist?
                    if not os.path.exists(self.vars.root + shabang):
                        logger.error('%s, needed by %s, does not exist', shabang, path)
                        status = False

        # Now, run ldd on all the ELF files
        # Just run ldd once on everything so it isn't logged a million times.
        # At least one thing in the list isn't going to be a dynamic executable,
        # so use execWithCapture to ignore the exit code.
        filename = ''
        for line in execWithCapture('ldd', elf_files, root=self.vars.root,
                log_output=False, filter_stderr=True).split('\n'):
            if line and not line[0].isspace():
                # New filename header, strip the : at the end and save
                filename = line[:-1]
            elif 'not found' in line:
                logger.error('%s, needed by %s, not found', line.split()[0], filename)
                status = False

        return status

    def writepkgsizes(self, pkgsizefile):
        '''debugging data: write a big list of pkg sizes'''
        fobj = open(pkgsizefile, "w")
        getsize = lambda f: os.lstat(f).st_size if os.path.exists(f) else 0
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        for p in sorted(q.installed()):
            pkgsize = sum(getsize(joinpaths(self.vars.root,f)) for f in p.files)
            fobj.write("{0.name}.{0.arch}: {1}\n".format(p, pkgsize))

    def generate_module_data(self):
        root = self.vars.root
        moddir = joinpaths(root, "lib/modules/")
        for kver in os.listdir(moddir):
            ksyms = joinpaths(root, "boot/System.map-%s" % kver)
            logger.info("doing depmod and module-info for %s", kver)
            runcmd(["depmod", "-a", "-F", ksyms, "-b", root, kver])
            generate_module_info(moddir+kver, outfile=moddir+"module-info")

    def create_runtime(self, outfile="/var/tmp/squashfs.img", compression="xz", compressargs=None, size=2):
        # make live rootfs image - must be named "LiveOS/rootfs.img" for dracut
        compressargs = compressargs or []
        workdir = joinpaths(os.path.dirname(outfile), "runtime-workdir")
        os.makedirs(joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS"))

        imgutils.mkrootfsimg(self.vars.root, joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS/rootfs.img"),
                             "Anaconda", size=size)

        # squash the live rootfs and clean up workdir
        imgutils.mksquashfs(workdir, outfile, compression, compressargs)

    def finished(self):
        """ Done using RuntimeBuilder

        Close the dnf base object
Exemplo n.º 4
class RuntimeBuilder(object):
    '''Builds the anaconda runtime image.'''
    def __init__(self, product, arch, dbo, templatedir=None,
        root = dbo.conf.installroot
        # use a copy of product so we can modify it locally
        product = product.copy()
        product.name = product.name.lower()
        self.vars = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, dbo=dbo, root=root,
                               basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir)
        self.dbo = dbo
        self._runner = LoraxTemplateRunner(inroot=root, outroot=root,
                                           dbo=dbo, templatedir=templatedir)
        self.add_templates = add_templates or []
        self.add_template_vars = add_template_vars or {}
        self._installpkgs = installpkgs or []
        self._runner.defaults = self.vars

    def _install_branding(self):
        release = None
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        a = q.available()
        for pkg in a.filter(provides='/etc/system-release'):
            if pkg.name.startswith('generic'):
                release = pkg.name

        if not release:
            logger.error('could not get the release')

        # release
        logger.info('got release: %s', release)

        # logos
        release, _suffix = release.split('-', 1)
        self._runner.installpkg('%s-logos' % release)

    def install(self):
        '''Install packages and do initial setup with runtime-install.tmpl'''
        if len(self._installpkgs) > 0:
        for tmpl in self.add_templates:
            self._runner.run(tmpl, **self.add_template_vars)

    def writepkglists(self, pkglistdir):
        '''debugging data: write out lists of package contents'''
        if not os.path.isdir(pkglistdir):
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        for pkgobj in q.installed():
            with open(joinpaths(pkglistdir, pkgobj.name), "w") as fobj:
                for fname in pkgobj.files:

    def postinstall(self):
        '''Do some post-install setup work with runtime-postinstall.tmpl'''
        # copy configdir into runtime root beforehand
        configdir = joinpaths(self._runner.templatedir,"config_files")
        configdir_path = "tmp/config_files"
        fullpath = joinpaths(self.vars.root, configdir_path)
        if os.path.exists(fullpath):
        copytree(configdir, fullpath)
        self._runner.run("runtime-postinstall.tmpl", configdir=configdir_path)

    def cleanup(self):
        '''Remove unneeded packages and files with runtime-cleanup.tmpl'''

    def writepkgsizes(self, pkgsizefile):
        '''debugging data: write a big list of pkg sizes'''
        fobj = open(pkgsizefile, "w")
        getsize = lambda f: os.lstat(f).st_size if os.path.exists(f) else 0
        q = self.dbo.sack.query()
        for p in sorted(q.installed()):
            pkgsize = sum(getsize(joinpaths(self.vars.root,f)) for f in p.files)
            fobj.write("{0.name}.{0.arch}: {1}\n".format(p, pkgsize))

    def generate_module_data(self):
        root = self.vars.root
        moddir = joinpaths(root, "lib/modules/")
        for kver in os.listdir(moddir):
            ksyms = joinpaths(root, "boot/System.map-%s" % kver)
            logger.info("doing depmod and module-info for %s", kver)
            runcmd(["depmod", "-a", "-F", ksyms, "-b", root, kver])
            generate_module_info(moddir+kver, outfile=moddir+"module-info")

    def create_runtime(self, outfile="/var/tmp/squashfs.img", compression="xz", compressargs=None, size=2):
        # make live rootfs image - must be named "LiveOS/rootfs.img" for dracut
        compressargs = compressargs or []
        workdir = joinpaths(os.path.dirname(outfile), "runtime-workdir")
        os.makedirs(joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS"))

        imgutils.mkrootfsimg(self.vars.root, joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS/rootfs.img"),
                             "Anaconda", size=size)

        # squash the live rootfs and clean up workdir
        imgutils.mksquashfs(workdir, outfile, compression, compressargs)

    def finished(self):
        """ Done using RuntimeBuilder

        Close the dnf base object