print "Found headset with serial number: ", headset.serial_number info = pylsl.stream_info('Emotiv EEG', 'EEG', len(headset.channel_mask), headset.sampling_rate, pylsl.cf_int16, str(headset.serial_number)) info_desc = info.desc() info_desc.append_child_value("manufacturer", "Emotiv") channels = info_desc.append_child("channels") for ch in headset.channel_mask: channels.append_child("channel").append_child_value( "label", ch).append_child_value("unit", "microvolts").append_child_value( "type", "EEG") # Outgoing buffer size = 360 seconds, transmission chunk size = 32 samples outlet = pylsl.stream_outlet(info, 1, 32) while True: try: s = headset.get_sample() except epoc.EPOCTurnedOffError, e: print "Headset is turned off, waiting..." time.sleep(0.02) else: if s: outlet.push_sample(pylsl.vectori(s), pylsl.local_clock()) headset.disconnect()
"EEG", len(headset.channel_mask), headset.sampling_rate, pylsl.cf_int16, str(headset.serial_number), ) info_desc = info.desc() info_desc.append_child_value("manufacturer", "Emotiv") channels = info_desc.append_child("channels") for ch in headset.channel_mask: channels.append_child("channel").append_child_value("label", ch).append_child_value( "unit", "microvolts" ).append_child_value("type", "EEG") # Outgoing buffer size = 360 seconds, transmission chunk size = 32 samples outlet = pylsl.stream_outlet(info, 1, 32) while True: try: s = headset.get_sample() except epoc.EPOCTurnedOffError, e: print "Headset is turned off, waiting..." time.sleep(0.02) else: if s: outlet.push_sample(pylsl.vectori(s), pylsl.local_clock()) headset.disconnect()
from PIL import Image import struct info = pylsl.stream_info('VideoFrameCommandStream','Markers',1,0,pylsl.cf_string,'dgeyurtutu567sdf'); outlet = pylsl.stream_outlet(info) print("looking for video frame stream...") streams = pylsl.resolve_stream('type','VideoRaw') # create a new inlet to read from the stream inlet = pylsl.stream_inlet(streams[0]) print("now sending markers...") flatFrame = pylsl.vectori() i=0 while True: # choose a marker string randomly and store it as a pylsl.vectorstr (note that this is actually a list since there can be multiple channels in the sample, even though it is of little use for markers) mysample = pylsl.vectorstr([ 'Request Image' ]) # now send it and wait for a bit outlet.push_sample(mysample) if(inlet.pull_sample(flatFrame,1)): print 'got frame' buf = struct.pack('b'*len(flatFrame), *flatFrame) #It is possible to load the width and height from the stream header, but not implemented here. img = Image.frombuffer('RGB', (640,480), buf) if i==0: #this opens your default graphics program to show the image. Not wonderful.