Exemplo n.º 1
def _is_post_ajax_request(request):
    if not request.is_ajax():
        debug_msg = "request is not a ajax request"
        return bad_request(debug_msg)

    if request.method != 'POST':
        debug_msg = "request method %r wrong, only POST allowed" % request.method
        return bad_request(debug_msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
     if must_post and request.method != 'POST':
         return bad_request(app_label=app_label, action=action,
             debug_msg="request method %r wrong, only POST allowed" % request.method
     if must_ajax and request.is_ajax() != True:
         return bad_request(app_label=app_label, action=action,
             debug_msg="request is not a ajax request"
     return view_function(request, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
     if must_post and request.method != 'POST':
         return bad_request(app_label=app_label, action=action,
             debug_msg="request method %r wrong, only POST allowed" % request.method
     if must_ajax and request.is_ajax() != True:
         return bad_request(app_label=app_label, action=action,
             debug_msg="request is not a ajax request"
     return view_function(request, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _sha_auth(request):
    login the user with username and sha values.
    form = ShaLoginForm(request.POST)
    if not form.is_valid():
        debug_msg = "ShaLoginForm is not valid: %r" % form.errors
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "_sha_auth() error", debug_msg)

        challenge = request.session.pop("challenge")
    except KeyError, err:
        debug_msg = "Can't get 'challenge' from session: %s" % err
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "_sha_auth() error", debug_msg)
Exemplo n.º 5
def _get_form(request):
    """ Send the comment form to via AJAX request """
        ctype = request.GET["content_type"].split(".", 1)
        model = models.get_model(*ctype)
    except Exception, err:
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "error", "Wrong content type: %s" % err)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _sha_auth(request):
    login the user with username and sha values.
    _NORMAL_ERROR_MSG = "_sha_auth() error"

    form = ShaLoginForm(request.POST)
    if not form.is_valid():
        debug_msg = "ShaLoginForm is not valid: %s" % repr(form.errors)
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, _NORMAL_ERROR_MSG, debug_msg)

        challenge = request.session.pop("challenge")
    except KeyError, err:
        debug_msg = "Can't get 'challenge' from session: %s" % err
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, _NORMAL_ERROR_MSG, debug_msg)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _login_view(request):
    if DEBUG:
        print("auth debug mode is on!")

    if not request.is_ajax():
        # Do nothing, if it's not a ajax request.
        if settings.DEBUG:
            messages.error(request, "Ignore login request, because it's not AJAX.")

    if request.method != 'GET':
        debug_msg = "request method %r wrong, only GET allowed" % request.method
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "_login_view() error", debug_msg) # Return HttpResponseBadRequest

    next_url = request.GET.get("next_url", request.path)

    if "//" in next_url: # FIXME: How to validate this better?
        # Don't redirect to other pages.
        debug_msg = "next url %r seems to be wrong!" % next_url
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "_login_view() error", debug_msg) # Return HttpResponseBadRequest

    form = ShaLoginForm()

    # create a new challenge and add it to session
    challenge = _get_challenge(request)

    context = {
        "challenge": challenge,
        "salt_len": crypt.SALT_LEN,
        "hash_len": crypt.HASH_LEN,
        "get_salt_url": request.path + "?auth=get_salt",
        "sha_auth_url": request.path + "?auth=sha_auth",
        "next_url": next_url,
        "form": form,
        "pass_reset_link": "#TODO",

    # IMPORTANT: We must do the following, so that the
    # CsrfViewMiddleware.process_response() would set the CSRF_COOKIE
    # see also # https://github.com/jedie/PyLucid/issues/61
    # XXX in Django => 1.4 we can use @ensure_csrf_cookie
    # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/csrf/#django.views.decorators.csrf.ensure_csrf_cookie
    request.META["CSRF_COOKIE_USED"] = True

    # return a string for replacing the normal cms page content
    return ajax_response(request, 'auth/sha_form.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 8
def _sha_auth(request):
    login the user with username and sha values.
    response = _is_post_ajax_request(request)
    if response is not None: # It's not a Ajax POST request
        return response # Return HttpResponseBadRequest

    form = ShaLoginForm(request.POST)
    if not form.is_valid():
        debug_msg = "ShaLoginForm is not valid: %r" % form.errors
        return bad_request(debug_msg)

        challenge = request.session.pop("challenge")
    except KeyError, err:
        debug_msg = "Can't get 'challenge' from session: %s" % err
        return bad_request(debug_msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
def http_get_view(request):
    Login+Logout view via GET parameters
    action = request.GET["poll"]

    if action == "vote":
        return _vote(request)
        debug_msg = "Wrong get view parameter!"
        return bad_request("pylucid_plugin.poll", "error", debug_msg) # Returns a HttpResponseBadRequest
Exemplo n.º 10
def http_get_view(request):
    Login+Logout view via GET parameters
    action = request.GET["poll"]

    if action == "vote":
        return _vote(request)
        debug_msg = "Wrong get view parameter!"
        return bad_request("pylucid_plugin.poll", "error",
                           debug_msg)  # Returns a HttpResponseBadRequest
Exemplo n.º 11
def http_get_view(request):
    Login+Logout view via GET parameters
    action = request.GET["pylucid_comments"]

    if action == "get_form":
        return _get_form(request)
    elif action == "submit":
        return _form_submission(request)
        debug_msg = "Wrong get view parameter!"
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "error", debug_msg) # Return HttpResponseBadRequest
Exemplo n.º 12
def http_get_view(request):
    Login+Logout view via GET parameters
    action = request.GET["auth"]

    if action == "login":
        return _login_view(request)
    elif action == "get_salt":
        return _get_salt(request)
    elif action == "sha_auth":
        return _sha_auth(request)
    elif action == "logout":
        return _logout_view(request)
        debug_msg = "Wrong get view parameter!"
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "http_get_view() error", debug_msg)  # Return HttpResponseBadRequest
Exemplo n.º 13
def http_get_view(request):
    Login+Logout view via GET parameters
    action = request.GET["auth"]

    if action == "login":
        return _login_view(request)
    elif action == "get_salt":
        return _get_salt(request)
    elif action == "sha_auth":
        return _sha_auth(request)
    elif action == "logout":
        return _logout_view(request)
        debug_msg = "Wrong get view parameter!"
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "http_get_view() error",
                           debug_msg)  # Return HttpResponseBadRequest
Exemplo n.º 14
def _login_view(request):
    For better JavaScript debugging: Enable settings.DEBUG and request the page
    via GET with: "...?auth=login"
    if DEBUG:
        print("auth debug mode is on!")

    if request.method != 'GET':
        debug_msg = "request method %r wrong, only GET allowed" % request.method
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "_login_view() error",
                           debug_msg)  # Return HttpResponseBadRequest

    next_url = request.GET.get("next_url", request.path)

    if "//" in next_url:  # FIXME: How to validate this better?
        # Don't redirect to other pages.
        debug_msg = "next url %r seems to be wrong!" % next_url
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "_login_view() error",
                           debug_msg)  # Return HttpResponseBadRequest

    form = ShaLoginForm()

    # create a new challenge and add it to session
    challenge = _get_challenge(request)

        # url from django-authopenid, only available if the urls.py are included
        reset_link = urlresolvers.reverse("auth_password_reset")
    except urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch:
            # DjangoBB glue plugin adds the urls from django-authopenid
            reset_link = PluginPage.objects.reverse("djangobb_plugin",
        except KeyError:
            # plugin is not installed
            reset_link = None
        except urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch:
            # plugin is installed, but not in used (no PluginPage created)
            reset_link = None

    loop_count = _get_loop_count()  # get "loop_count" from AuthPreferencesForm

    context = {
        "challenge": challenge,
        "old_salt_len": crypt.OLD_SALT_LEN,
        "salt_len": crypt.SALT_LEN,
        "hash_len": crypt.HASH_LEN,
        "loop_count": loop_count,
        "get_salt_url": request.path + "?auth=get_salt",
        "sha_auth_url": request.path + "?auth=sha_auth",
        "next_url": next_url,
        "form": form,
        "pass_reset_link": reset_link,

    # IMPORTANT: We must do the following, so that the
    # CsrfViewMiddleware.process_response() would set the CSRF_COOKIE
    # see also # https://github.com/jedie/PyLucid/issues/61
    # XXX in Django => 1.4 we can use @ensure_csrf_cookie
    # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/csrf/#django.views.decorators.csrf.ensure_csrf_cookie
    request.META["CSRF_COOKIE_USED"] = True

    # return a string for replacing the normal cms page content
    if not request.is_ajax():
        response = render_to_response('auth/sha_form_debug.html',
        response = ajax_response(request,

    return response
Exemplo n.º 15
        return _wrong_login(request, debug_msg)

    loop_count = _get_loop_count()  # get "loop_count" from AuthPreferencesForm

    sha_checksum = user_profile.sha_login_checksum
    sha_a = form.cleaned_data["sha_a"]
    sha_b = form.cleaned_data["sha_b"]
    cnonce = form.cleaned_data["cnonce"]

    # Simple check if 'nonce' from client used in the past.
    # Limitations:
    #  - Works only when run in a long-term server process, so not in CGI ;)
    #  - dict vary if more than one server process runs (one dict in one process)
    if cnonce in CNONCE_CACHE:
        debug_msg = "Client-nonce '%s' used in the past!" % cnonce
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, _NORMAL_ERROR_MSG, debug_msg)
    CNONCE_CACHE[cnonce] = None

    if DEBUG:
            "authenticate %r with: challenge: %r, sha_checksum: %r, sha_a: %r, sha_b: %r, cnonce: %r"
            % (user1, challenge, sha_checksum, sha_a, sha_b, cnonce))

        # authenticate with:
        # pylucid.system.auth_backends.SiteSHALoginAuthBackend
        user2 = auth.authenticate(user=user1,
Exemplo n.º 16
def _login_view(request):
    For better JavaScript debugging: Enable settings.DEBUG and request the page
    via GET with: "...?auth=login"
    if DEBUG:
        print ("auth debug mode is on!")

    if request.method != "GET":
        debug_msg = "request method %r wrong, only GET allowed" % request.method
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "_login_view() error", debug_msg)  # Return HttpResponseBadRequest

    next_url = request.GET.get("next_url", request.path)

    if "//" in next_url:  # FIXME: How to validate this better?
        # Don't redirect to other pages.
        debug_msg = "next url %r seems to be wrong!" % next_url
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "_login_view() error", debug_msg)  # Return HttpResponseBadRequest

    form = ShaLoginForm()

    # create a new challenge and add it to session
    challenge = _get_challenge(request)

        # url from django-authopenid, only available if the urls.py are included
        reset_link = urlresolvers.reverse("auth_password_reset")
    except urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch:
            # DjangoBB glue plugin adds the urls from django-authopenid
            reset_link = PluginPage.objects.reverse("djangobb_plugin", "auth_password_reset")
        except KeyError:
            # plugin is not installed
            reset_link = None
        except urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch:
            # plugin is installed, but not in used (no PluginPage created)
            reset_link = None

    loop_count = _get_loop_count()  # get "loop_count" from AuthPreferencesForm

    context = {
        "challenge": challenge,
        "old_salt_len": crypt.OLD_SALT_LEN,
        "salt_len": crypt.SALT_LEN,
        "hash_len": crypt.HASH_LEN,
        "loop_count": loop_count,
        "get_salt_url": request.path + "?auth=get_salt",
        "sha_auth_url": request.path + "?auth=sha_auth",
        "next_url": next_url,
        "form": form,
        "pass_reset_link": reset_link,

    # IMPORTANT: We must do the following, so that the
    # CsrfViewMiddleware.process_response() would set the CSRF_COOKIE
    # see also # https://github.com/jedie/PyLucid/issues/61
    # XXX in Django => 1.4 we can use @ensure_csrf_cookie
    # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/csrf/#django.views.decorators.csrf.ensure_csrf_cookie
    request.META["CSRF_COOKIE_USED"] = True

    # return a string for replacing the normal cms page content
    if not request.is_ajax():
        response = render_to_response("auth/sha_form_debug.html", context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        response = ajax_response(request, "auth/sha_form.html", context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

    return response
Exemplo n.º 17
        return _wrong_login(request, debug_msg)

    loop_count = _get_loop_count()  # get "loop_count" from AuthPreferencesForm

    sha_checksum = user_profile.sha_login_checksum
    sha_a = form.cleaned_data["sha_a"]
    sha_b = form.cleaned_data["sha_b"]
    cnonce = form.cleaned_data["cnonce"]

    # Simple check if 'nonce' from client used in the past.
    # Limitations:
    #  - Works only when run in a long-term server process, so not in CGI ;)
    #  - dict vary if more than one server process runs (one dict in one process)
    if cnonce in CNONCE_CACHE:
        debug_msg = "Client-nonce '%s' used in the past!" % cnonce
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, _NORMAL_ERROR_MSG, debug_msg)
    CNONCE_CACHE[cnonce] = None

    if DEBUG:
        print (
            "authenticate %r with: challenge: %r, sha_checksum: %r, sha_a: %r, sha_b: %r, cnonce: %r"
            % (user1, challenge, sha_checksum, sha_a, sha_b, cnonce)

        # authenticate with:
        # pylucid.system.auth_backends.SiteSHALoginAuthBackend
        user2 = auth.authenticate(
Exemplo n.º 18
@check_request(APP_LABEL, "_get_form() error", must_post=False, must_ajax=True)
def _get_form(request):
    """ Send the comment form to via AJAX request """
        ctype = request.GET["content_type"].split(".", 1)
        model = models.get_model(*ctype)
    except Exception, err:
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "error", "Wrong content type: %s" % err)

        object_pk = request.GET["object_pk"]
        target = model._default_manager.using(None).get(pk=object_pk)
    except Exception, err:
        return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "error", "Wrong object_pk: %s" % err)

    data = {}
    if not request.user.is_authenticated() and COOKIE_KEY in request.COOKIES:
        # Get user data from secure cookie, set in the past, see _form_submission()
        c = ClientCookieStorage(cookie_key=COOKIE_KEY)
            data = c.get_data(request)
        except ClientCookieStorageError, err:
                app_label=APP_LABEL, action="wrong cookie data", message="%s" % err,
            if settings.DEBUG:
                return bad_request(APP_LABEL, "error", "Wrong cookie data: %s" % err)

    form = comments.get_form()(target, initial=data)