Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
                number of weeks to wait
                number of days to wait
                number of hours to wait
                number of minutes to wait
                number of seconds to wait
                (int) verbosity level
        # Options passed to the scheduler.
        self.sched_options = AttrDict(
            weeks=kwargs.pop("weeks", 0),
            days=kwargs.pop("days", 0),
            hours=kwargs.pop("hours", 0),
            minutes=kwargs.pop("minutes", 0),
            seconds=kwargs.pop("seconds", 0),
            #start_date=kwargs.pop("start_date", None),

        if all(not v for v in self.sched_options.values()):
            raise ValueError("Wrong set of options passed to the scheduler.")

        self.mailto = kwargs.pop("mailto", None)
        self.verbose = int(kwargs.pop("verbose", 0))

        self.REMINDME_S = float(kwargs.pop("REMINDME_S", 24 * 3600))
        self.MAX_NUM_PYEXCS = int(kwargs.pop("MAX_NUM_PYEXCS", 0))
        self.MAX_NUM_ABIERRS = int(kwargs.pop("MAX_NUM_ABIERRS", 0))
        self.SAFETY_RATIO = int(kwargs.pop("SAFETY_RATIO", 3))
        #self.MAX_ETIME_S = kwargs.pop("MAX_ETIME_S", )

        if kwargs:
            raise ValueError("Unknown arguments %s" % kwargs)

        from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler

        self.sched = Scheduler(standalone=True)

        self.nlaunch = 0
        self.num_reminders = 1

        # Used to keep track of the exceptions raised while the scheduler is running
        self.exceptions = collections.deque(maxlen=self.MAX_NUM_PYEXCS + 10)

        # Used to push additional info during the execution.
        self.history = collections.deque(maxlen=100)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        # Initialize abivars with the default values.
        self.abivars = self._default_vars

        # Overwrite the keys with the args and kwargs passed to constructor.
        self.abivars.update(*args, **kwargs)

        self.abivars = AttrDict(self.abivars)

        for k in self.abivars:
            if k not in self._default_vars:
                raise ValueError("%s: No default value has been provided for key %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, k))

        for k in self.abivars:
            if k is MANDATORY:
                raise ValueError("%s: No default value has been provided for the mandatory key %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, k))