Exemplo n.º 1
    def update(self, coords, lattice=None, absolute=False, update_mol=True):
        After the geometry relaxation, the returned atomic coordinates
        maybe rescaled to [0, 1] bound. In this case, we need to refind
        the molecular coordinates according to the original neighbor list. 
        If the list does not change, we return the new coordinates
        otherwise, terminate the calculation.
        from pyxtal.molecule import compare_mol_connectivity, Orientation
            from openbabel import pybel, openbabel
            import pybel, openbabel
        if lattice is not None:
            self.lattice = lattice
        if not absolute:
            coords = coords.dot(self.lattice.matrix)
        #mol = Molecule(self.symbols, coords-np.mean(coords, axis=0))
        center = self.molecule.get_center(coords)
        mol = Molecule(self.symbols, coords - center)

        #match, _ = compare_mol_connectivity(mol, self.mol, True)
        match, _ = compare_mol_connectivity(mol, self.mol)
        if match:
            #position = np.mean(coords, axis=0).dot(self.lattice.inv_matrix)
            position = center.dot(self.lattice.inv_matrix)
            #position -= np.floor(position)
            self.position = position - np.floor(position)
            if update_mol:
                self.orientation = Orientation(np.eye(3))
                self.mol = mol
                m1 = pybel.readstring('xyz', self.mol.to('xyz'))
                m2 = pybel.readstring('xyz', mol.to('xyz'))
                aligner = openbabel.OBAlign(True, False)
                if aligner.Align():
                    print("RMSD: ", aligner.GetRMSD())
                    rot = np.zeros([3, 3])
                    for i in range(3):
                        for j in range(3):
                            rot[i, j] = aligner.GetRotMatrix().Get(i, j)
                    if abs(np.linalg.det(rot) - 1) < 1e-2:
                        self.orientation.matrix = rot
                        self.orientation.r = R.from_matrix(rot)
                        raise ValueError("rotation matrix is wrong")
            import pickle
            with open('wrong.pkl', "wb") as f:
                pickle.dump([mol, self.mol], f)
                mol.to(filename='Wrong.xyz', fmt='xyz')
                self.mol.to(filename='Ref.xyz', fmt='xyz')
            raise ValueError("molecular connectivity changes! Exit")