Exemplo n.º 1
def core_energy(core_atom,
    Parses the structure and OUTCAR files for the core level energy. Check the 
    validity of nearest neighbour method on the bulk structure before using it 
    on slabs.

        core_atom (`str`, optional): The symbol of atom the core state energy 
            level should be parsed from.  
        bulk_nn (`list`, optional): The symbols of the nearest neighbours of the 
        orbital (`str`, optional): The orbital of core state. Defaults to 1s.
        ox_states (``None``, `list` or  `dict`, optional): Add oxidation states 
            to the structure. Different types of oxidation states specified will 
            result in different pymatgen functions used. The options are: 
            * if supplied as ``list``: The oxidation states are added by site 
                    e.g. ``[3, 2, 2, 1, -2, -2, -2, -2]``
            * if supplied as ``dict``: The oxidation states are added by element
                    e.g. ``{'Fe': 3, 'O':-2}``
            * if ``None``: The oxidation states are added by guess.  

            Defaults to ``None``.
        nn_method (`class` instance, optional): The coordination number 
            algorithm used. Because the ``nn_method`` is a class, the class 
            needs to be imported from pymatgen.analysis.local_env before it 
            can be instantiated here. Defaults to ``CrystalNN()``.
        outcar (`str`, optional): Path to the OUTCAR file. Defaults to
        structure (`str`, optional): Path to the structure file in any format 
            supported by pymatgen. Defaults to ``./POSCAR``. Can also accept a
            pymaten.core.Structure object directly.  

        Core state energy 
    struc = _instantiate_structure(structure)
    struc = oxidation_states(struc, ox_states)
    bonded_struc = nn_method.get_bonded_structure(struc)
    bulk_nn_str = ' '.join(bulk_nn)

    # Get the nearest neighbours info, the c-coordinate and index number
    # for each atom
    list_of_dicts = []
    for n, pos in enumerate(struc):
        if pos.specie.symbol == core_atom:
            nn_info = bonded_struc.get_connected_sites(n)
            slab_nn_list = []
            for d in nn_info:
                nn = d.site.specie.symbol
            slab_nn = ' '.join(slab_nn_list)
            list_of_dicts.append({'atom': n, 'nn': slab_nn, 'c_coord': pos.c})

    # Make pandas Dataframe, query the interquartile range of fractional
    # coordinates of atoms whose nearest neighbour environment is same as the
    # bulk nearest neighbours provided, get the atom that is the nearest to the
    # median of the interquartile range
    df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_dicts)
    low, high = df['c_coord'].quantile([0.25, 0.75])
    df = df.query('@low<c_coord<@high and nn==@bulk_nn_str')
    atom = df['atom'].quantile(interpolation='nearest')

    # Check if the df from query isn't empty - if it is it returns
    # a nan as core energy, otherwise it attempts to extract from OUTCAR
    if type(atom) is np.float64:
        core_energy = np.nan
        # Read OUTCAR, get the core state energy
        otc = Outcar(outcar)
        core_energy_dict = otc.read_core_state_eigen()
            core_energy = core_energy_dict[atom][orbital][-1]
        except IndexError:
            core_energy = np.nan

    return core_energy
Exemplo n.º 2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ao = "1s"
zvals = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]

foutcars = ["CL_%3.1f/OUTCAR" % z for z in zvals]

clz = list()
clz_e = list()

lines = "# Clz eps_i(1s) for all atoms\n"
for zval, foutcar in zip(zvals, foutcars):
    # print("OUTCAR = ", foutcar)
    out = Outcar(foutcar)
    cl = out.read_core_state_eigen()
    clz_e.append(cl[0][ao][-1] + out.efermi)
    line = "%5f" % zval
    for cl_at in cl:
        line += "%12.4f" % cl_at[ao][-1]
    print("%4.1f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" %
          (zval, out.efermi, cl[0][ao][-1], cl[0][ao][-1] + out.efermi))

    lines += line + "\n"

with open("cl.dat", "w") as f: