Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_specie_cifwriter(self):
        si4 = Specie("Si", 4)
        si3 = Specie("Si", 3)
        n = DummySpecie("X", -3)
        coords = list()
        coords.append(np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]))
        coords.append(np.array([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]))
        coords.append(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        lattice = Lattice(
            np.array([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00],
                      [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00],
                      [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]]))
        struct = Structure(lattice, [n, {si3: 0.5, n: 0.5}, si4], coords)
        writer = CifWriter(struct)
        ans = """# generated using pymatgen
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M   'P 1'
_cell_length_a   3.84019793
_cell_length_b   3.84019899
_cell_length_c   3.84019793
_cell_angle_alpha   119.99999086
_cell_angle_beta   90.00000000
_cell_angle_gamma   60.00000914
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number   1
_chemical_formula_structural   X1.5Si1.5
_chemical_formula_sum   'X1.5 Si1.5'
_cell_volume   40.04479464
_cell_formula_units_Z   1
  1  'x, y, z'
   X3-  -3.0
   Si3+  3.0
   Si4+  4.0
   X3-  X1  1  0.500000  0.500000  0.500000  1
   X3-  X2  1  0.750000  0.500000  0.750000  0.5
   Si3+  Si3  1  0.750000  0.500000  0.750000  0.5
   Si4+  Si4  1  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  1

        for l1, l2 in zip(str(writer).split("\n"), ans.split("\n")):
            self.assertEqual(l1.strip(), l2.strip())

        # test that mixed valence works properly
        s2 = Structure.from_str(ans, "cif")
        self.assertEqual(struct.composition, s2.composition)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_oxidation_states(self):
     ox = smact.oxidation_states.Oxidation_state_probability_finder()
         ox.compound_probability([Specie('Fe', +3),
                                  Specie('O', -2)]), 0.74280230326)
         ox.pair_probability(Species('Fe', +3), Species('O', -2)),
     self.assertEqual(len(ox.get_included_species()), 173)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    for i in range(8):
        s: Structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR')
        s.replace(i, species=Specie('Ca'), properties={'selective_dynamics': [True] * 3})
        for j in range(7, i, -1):
            s.replace(j, species=Specie('Ca'), properties={'selective_dynamics': [True] * 3})
            s.to('POSCAR', f'{i}{j}/POSCAR')
            s.replace(j, species=Specie('Bi'), properties={'selective_dynamics': [True] * 3})
Exemplo n.º 4
    def structure(self):
        Transform from LammpsData file to a pymatgen structure object

            A pymatgen structure object
        species_map = {}
        for i, sp in enumerate(self.masses['mass']):
            for el in Element:
                if abs(el.atomic_mass - sp) < 0.05:
                    species_map[i + 1] = el
        if (len(species_map.keys()) != len(self.masses['mass'])):
            raise RuntimeError('Psudo atom exists in data file')
        xhi, yhi, zhi = self.box_bounds[0][1] - self.box_bounds[0][0], self.box_bounds[1][1] - self.box_bounds[1][0], \
                        self.box_bounds[2][1] - self.box_bounds[0][0]
        xy, xz, yz = self.box_tilt if self.box_tilt is not None else [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        lattice = Lattice([[xhi, 0, 0], [xy, yhi, 0], [xz, yz, zhi]])
        species = []
        coords = self.atoms[['x', 'y', 'z']].values
        for i in range(1, len(self.atoms['type']) + 1):
            if 'q' in self.atoms:
                if self.atoms['q'][i] != 0:
                    species.append(Specie(species_map[self.atoms['type'][i]].symbol, self.atoms['q'][i]))

        return Structure(lattice, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
def ternary_smact_combos(position1, position2, position3, threshold=8):
    """ Combinatorially generate Pymatgen Species compositions using SMACT when up to three different
        lists are needed to draw species from (e.g. Ternary metal halides.)
        position(n) (list of species): Species to be considered iteratively for each
        threshold (int): Max stoichiometry threshold.
        species_comps (list): Compositions as tuples of Pymatgen Species objects.

    initial_comps_list = []
    for sp1, sp2, an in tqdm(itertools.product(position1, position2,
        e1, oxst1 = sp1.symbol, int(sp1.oxi_state)
        eneg1 = Element(e1).pauling_eneg
        e2, oxst2 = sp2.symbol, int(sp2.oxi_state)
        eneg2 = Element(e2).pauling_eneg
        e3, oxst3 = an.symbol, int(an.oxi_state)
        eneg3 = Element(e3).pauling_eneg

        symbols = [e1, e2, e3]
        ox_states = [oxst1, oxst2, oxst3]
        cn_e, cn_r = neutral_ratios(ox_states, threshold=threshold)

        if cn_e:
            enegs = [eneg1, eneg2, eneg3]
            eneg_ok = pauling_test(ox_states,
            if eneg_ok:
                for ratio in cn_r:
                    comp = (symbols, ox_states, list(ratio))
    print('Number of compositions before reduction:  {}'.format(

    # Create a list of pymatgen species for each comp
    print('Converting to Pymatgen Species...')
    species_comps = []
    for i in tqdm(initial_comps_list):
        comp = {}
        for sym, ox, ratio in zip(i[0], i[1], i[2]):
            comp[Specie(sym, ox)] = ratio
        comp_list = [[key] * val for key, val in comp.items()]
        comp_list = [item for sublist in comp_list for item in sublist]

    # Sort and ditch duplicates
        'Ditching duplicates (sorry to have got your hopes up with the big numbers)...'
    for i in species_comps:
        i.sort(key=lambda x: x.oxi_state, reverse=True)
    species_comps = list(set([tuple(i) for i in species_comps]))
    print('Total number of new compounds unique compositions: {0}'.format(
    return species_comps
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_unique_species(structures,
    """Given a set of pymatgen structures, in the form of dictionaries where the
    Structure is keyed as 'structure', returns a list of all the different
    Species present in that set.
        structures (list): Dictionaries containing pymatgen Structures.
        ordering('string'): How to order the Species:
            ptable: order by periodic table position.
            Can be set to None.
        reverse (bool): Whether to reverse the ordering (descending order).
        cation_only (bool): Whether to only consider species in positive oxidation
        metal_only (bool): Whether to only consider metal elements.
        species_list (list): Unique species that are exhibited in the structures.

    # Initially comb through the structures for all unique species
    species_list = []
    for i in structures:
        for sp in i['structure'].composition:
    species_list = list(set(species_list))

    ordered_el = ordered_elements(1, 103)
    # Turn into tuples for easy sorting
    species_list = [(i.symbol, i.oxi_state) for i in species_list]
    if ordering == 'ptable':
        species_list.sort(key=lambda x: (ordered_el.index(x[0]), x[1]),
        print("Species ordered by periodic table position.")
        print('Did not reorder the list of species...')

    # Turn back into Species objects
    species_list = [Specie(i[0], i[1]) for i in species_list]

    if metal_only:
        print('Metals only: ON')
        species_list = [i for i in species_list if (i.symbol in metals)]

    if cation_only:
        print('Cations only: ON')
        species_list = [i for i in species_list if (i.oxi_state > 0)]

    print("First species: {0}  last species: {1}".format(
        species_list[0], species_list[-1]))
    return species_list
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_items(self):
        Gets all structure predictions ready to run

            Generator of request and relevant structure templates to run structure prediction tasks
        self.logger.info("Structure Prediction Builder started")

        requests = self.requests.query(criteria={"state": "READY"})

        for request in requests:
            elements = request["elements"]
            oxi_states = request["element_oxidation_states"]
            threshold = request["threshold"]
            max_num_subs = request["max_num_subs"]

            original_species = [
                Specie(e, o) for e, o in zip(elements, map(int, oxi_states))

            request["original_species"] = original_species

            all_chemsys_to_consider = list(
                self.find_all_chemsys(original_species, threshold,
                f"Considering the following chemical systems: {all_chemsys_to_consider}"

            templates = [
                struct for struct in self.structure_templates.query(
                    {"chemsys": {
                        "$in": all_chemsys_to_consider

                f"Acquired {len(templates)} structure templates for {original_species}"

            yield {"request": request, "templates": templates}
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_I_mads(struc):
    # Add oxidation states
        struc = bva.get_oxi_state_decorated_structure(struc)
        #print (struc)
	# Check if a specific species is present 
    if (Specie('I',-1) in struc.species):
        ews = EwaldSummation(struc)
        print (ews)
        I_indices = [n  for n,site in enumerate(struc) if 
                             site.specie.symbol == 'I']
        I_mads = np.array([ews.get_site_energy(n) for n in I_indices])
        print (I_indices)
        print (I_mads)
        return I_mads
        return ews.total_energy
        print (ews.total_energy)
Exemplo n.º 9
def sort_species(species_list, ordering):
    """Given a list of pymatgen Species, will order them according to a given
    rule and return the ordered list.
    ordering is a string that can take values: 'ptable': order by periodic table position.
        species_list (list): Pymatgen species objects
    ordered_el = ordered_elements(1, 103)
    # Turn into tuples for easy sorting
    species_list = [(i.symbol, i.oxi_state) for i in species_list]
    if ordering == 'ptable':
        species_list.sort(key=lambda x: (ordered_el.index(x[0]), x[1]))
        print("Species ordered by periodic table position.")
        print('Did not reorder the list of species...')

    # Turn back into Species objects
    species_list = [Specie(i[0], i[1]) for i in species_list]
    print("First species: {0}  last species: {1}".format(
        species_list[0], species_list[-1]))
    return species_list
Thus always use the conventional unit cell.

# Calculation the Lattice Constant at 0 Kelvin
import os
import subprocess

from pymatgen import Structure, Lattice, Specie
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer

from pmg_lammps import RelaxSet, LammpsRun, LammpsData, LammpsPotentials

supercell = (5, 5, 5)
a = 4.1990858  # From evaluation of potential
lattice = Lattice.from_parameters(a, a, a, 90, 90, 90)
mg = Specie('Mg', 1.4)
o = Specie('O', -1.4)
atoms = [mg, o]
sites = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]
structure = Structure.from_spacegroup(225, lattice, atoms, sites)
spga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
structure = spga.get_primitive_standard_structure()

directory = 'runs/lattice'

lammps_potentials = LammpsPotentials(
        (mg, mg): '1309362.2766468062  0.104    0.0',
        (mg, o): '9892.357            0.20199  0.0',
        (o, o): '2145.7345           0.3      30.2222'
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_get_incar(self):
        incar = self.paramset.get_incar(self.struct)

        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0, 0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(incar['EDIFF'], 0.0012)

        incar = self.mitparamset.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [4.0, 0, 0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(incar['EDIFF'], 0.0012)

        incar_gga = self.mitggaparam.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertNotIn("LDAU", incar_gga)

        incar_static = self.mpstaticparamset.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar_static["NSW"], 0)

        incar_nscfl = self.mpnscfparamsetl.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar_nscfl["NBANDS"], 60)

        incar_nscfu = self.mpnscfparamsetu.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar_nscfu["ISYM"], 0)

        incar_hse = self.mphseparamset.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar_hse['LHFCALC'], True)
        self.assertEqual(incar_hse['HFSCREEN'], 0.2)

        incar_hse_bsl = self.mpbshseparamsetl.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar_hse_bsl['LHFCALC'], True)
        self.assertEqual(incar_hse_bsl['HFSCREEN'], 0.2)
        self.assertEqual(incar_hse_bsl['NSW'], 0)

        incar_hse_bsu = self.mpbshseparamsetu.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar_hse_bsu['LHFCALC'], True)
        self.assertEqual(incar_hse_bsu['HFSCREEN'], 0.2)
        self.assertEqual(incar_hse_bsu['NSW'], 0)

        incar_diel = self.mpdielparamset.get_incar(self.struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar_diel['IBRION'], 8)
        self.assertEqual(incar_diel['LEPSILON'], True)

        si = 14
        coords = list()
        coords.append(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        coords.append(np.array([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]))

        #Silicon structure for testing.
        latt = Lattice(
            np.array([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00],
                      [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00],
                      [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]]))
        struct = Structure(latt, [si, si], coords)
        incar = self.paramset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertNotIn("LDAU", incar)

        incar = self.mithseparamset.get_incar(self.struct)

        coords = list()
        coords.append([0, 0, 0])
        coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75])
        lattice = Lattice([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00],
                           [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00],
                           [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]])
        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "Mn"], coords)

        incar = self.paramset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertNotIn('LDAU', incar)

        #check fluorides
        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "F"], coords)
        incar = self.paramset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0])
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [5, 0.6])

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "F"], coords)
        incar = self.mitparamset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [4.0, 0])

        #Make sure this works with species.
        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe2+", "O2-"], coords)
        incar = self.paramset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0])

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "Mn"],
                           site_properties={'magmom': (5.2, -4.5)})
        incar = self.paramset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [-4.5, 5.2])
        incar = self.mpstaticparamset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [-4.5, 5.2])
        incar = self.mitparamset_unsorted.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [5.2, -4.5])

        struct = Structure(lattice, [Specie("Fe", 2, {'spin': 4.1}), "Mn"],
        incar = self.paramset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [5, 4.1])
        incar = self.mpnscfparamsetl.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar.get('MAGMOM', None), None)

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Mn3+", "Mn4+"], coords)
        incar = self.mitparamset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [4, 3])
        incar = self.mpnscfparamsetu.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar.get('MAGMOM', None), None)

            self.userparamset.get_incar(struct)['MAGMOM'], [100, 0.6])

        #sulfide vs sulfate test

        coords = list()
        coords.append([0, 0, 0])
        coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75])
        coords.append([0.25, 0.5, 0])

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "Fe", "S"], coords)
        incar = self.mitparamset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [1.9, 0])

        #Make sure Matproject sulfides are ok.
        self.assertNotIn('LDAUU', self.paramset.get_incar(struct))
        self.assertNotIn('LDAUU', self.mpstaticparamset.get_incar(struct))

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "S", "O"], coords)
        incar = self.mitparamset.get_incar(struct)
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [4.0, 0, 0])

        #Make sure Matproject sulfates are ok.
        self.assertEqual(self.paramset.get_incar(struct)['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0, 0])
            self.mpnscfparamsetl.get_incar(struct)['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0, 0])

            self.userparamset.get_incar(struct)['MAGMOM'], [10, -5, 0.6])
Exemplo n.º 12
from pymatgen import MPRester, Structure, Specie
from pymatgen.command_line.gulp_caller import GulpCaller, GulpIO
from matplotlib import pyplot

mpr = MPRester()
mono: Structure = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id('mp-352')
s = mpr.get_structures('ZrO2')
ortho: Structure = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id('mp-685097')
tetra: Structure = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id('mp-1018721')
for j, i in enumerate(mono.sites):
    if str(i.specie) == 'Hf':
        mono.replace(j, species=Specie('Zr'))
for j, i in enumerate(mono.sites):
    if str(i.specie) == 'Hf':
        mono.replace(j, species=Specie('Zr'))
for j, i in enumerate(tetra.sites):
    if str(i.specie) == 'Hf':
        tetra.replace(j, species=Specie('Zr'))
for j, i in enumerate(ortho.sites):
    if str(i.specie) == 'Hf':
        ortho.replace(j, species=Specie('Zr'))
for j, i in enumerate(ortho.sites):
    if str(i.specie) == 'Hf':
        ortho.replace(j, species=Specie('Zr'))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_get_incar(self):

        incar = self.mpset.incar

        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0, 0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(incar['EDIFF'], 0.0012)

        incar = self.mitset.incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [4.0, 0, 0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(incar['EDIFF'], 0.0012)

        si = 14
        coords = list()
        coords.append(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        coords.append(np.array([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]))

        #Silicon structure for testing.
        latt = Lattice(
            np.array([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00],
                      [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00],
                      [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]]))
        struct = Structure(latt, [si, si], coords)
        incar = MPRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertNotIn("LDAU", incar)

        coords = list()
        coords.append([0, 0, 0])
        coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75])
        lattice = Lattice([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00],
                           [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00],
                           [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]])
        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "Mn"], coords)

        incar = MPRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertNotIn('LDAU', incar)

        #check fluorides
        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "F"], coords)
        incar = MPRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0])
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [5, 0.6])

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "F"], coords)
        incar = MITRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [4.0, 0])

        #Make sure this works with species.
        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe2+", "O2-"], coords)
        incar = MPRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0])

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "Mn"],
                           site_properties={'magmom': (5.2, -4.5)})
        incar = MPRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [-4.5, 5.2])

        incar = MITRelaxSet(struct, sort_structure=False).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [5.2, -4.5])

        struct = Structure(lattice, [Specie("Fe", 2, {'spin': 4.1}), "Mn"],
        incar = MPRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [5, 4.1])

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Mn3+", "Mn4+"], coords)
        incar = MITRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['MAGMOM'], [4, 3])

        userset = MPRelaxSet(
            user_incar_settings={'MAGMOM': {
                "Fe": 10,
                "S": -5,
                "Mn3+": 100
        self.assertEqual(userset.incar['MAGMOM'], [100, 0.6])

        #sulfide vs sulfate test

        coords = list()
        coords.append([0, 0, 0])
        coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75])
        coords.append([0.25, 0.5, 0])

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "Fe", "S"], coords)
        incar = MITRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [1.9, 0])

        #Make sure Matproject sulfides are ok.
        self.assertNotIn('LDAUU', MPRelaxSet(struct).incar)

        struct = Structure(lattice, ["Fe", "S", "O"], coords)
        incar = MITRelaxSet(struct).incar
        self.assertEqual(incar['LDAUU'], [4.0, 0, 0])

        #Make sure Matproject sulfates are ok.
        self.assertEqual(MPRelaxSet(struct).incar['LDAUU'], [5.3, 0, 0])
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_specie_cifwriter(self):
        si4 = Specie("Si", 4)
        si3 = Specie("Si", 3)
        n = Specie("N", -3)
        coords = list()
        coords.append(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
        coords.append(np.array([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]))
        coords.append(np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]))
        lattice = Lattice(
            np.array([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00],
                      [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00],
                      [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]]))
        struct = Structure(lattice, [si4, {si3: 0.5, n: 0.5}, n], coords)
        writer = CifWriter(struct)
        ans = """#\#CIF1.1
#               Crystallographic Information Format file
#               Produced by PyCifRW module
#  This is a CIF file.  CIF has been adopted by the International
#  Union of Crystallography as the standard for data archiving and
#  transmission.
#  For information on this file format, follow the CIF links at
#  http://www.iucr.org

_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M          'P 1'
_cell_length_a                          3.8401979337
_cell_length_b                          3.84019899434
_cell_length_c                          3.84019793372
_cell_angle_alpha                       119.999990864
_cell_angle_beta                        90.0
_cell_angle_gamma                       60.0000091373
_chemical_name_systematic               'Generated by pymatgen'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number             1
_chemical_formula_structural            Si1.5N1.5
_chemical_formula_sum                   'Si1.5 N1.5'
_cell_volume                            40.0447946443
_cell_formula_units_Z                   0
   1  'x, y, z'

   Si4+  4.0
   N3-  -3.0
   Si3+  3.0

   Si4+  Si1  1  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0  .  1
   N3-  N2  1  0.750000  0.500000  0.750000  0  .  0.5
   Si3+  Si3  1  0.750000  0.500000  0.750000  0  .  0.5
   N3-  N4  1  0.500000  0.500000  0.500000  0  .  1
        for l1, l2 in zip(str(writer).split("\n"), ans.split("\n")):
            self.assertEqual(l1.strip(), l2.strip())
 def test_descriptor_ionic_radii_from_composition(self):
     cscl = Composition({Specie("Cs", 1): 1, Specie("Cl", -1): 1})
     ionic_radii = get_pymatgen_descriptor(cscl, "ionic_radii")
     self.assertEqual(ionic_radii, [1.81, 1.67])
     ionic_radii_2 = get_pymatgen_descriptor("Cs+1Cl-1", "ionic_radii")
     self.assertEqual(ionic_radii, ionic_radii_2)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def structure_from_string(data):
        Parses a rndstr.in or lat.in file into pymatgen's
        Structure format.

        :param data: contents of a rndstr.in or lat.in file
        :return: Structure object

        data = data.splitlines()
        data = [x.split() for x in data if x]  # remove empty lines

        # following specification/terminology given in manual
        if len(data[0]) == 6:  # lattice parameters
            a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = map(float, data[0])
            coord_system = Lattice.from_parameters(a, b, c,
                                                   alpha, beta, gamma).matrix
            lattice_vecs = np.array([
                [data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2]],
                [data[2][0], data[2][1], data[2][2]],
                [data[3][0], data[3][1], data[3][2]]
            ], dtype=float)
            first_species_line = 4
            coord_system = np.array([
                [data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2]],
                [data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2]],
                [data[2][0], data[2][1], data[2][2]]
            ], dtype=float)
            lattice_vecs = np.array([
                [data[3][0], data[3][1], data[3][2]],
                [data[4][0], data[4][1], data[4][2]],
                [data[5][0], data[5][1], data[5][2]]
            ], dtype=float)
            first_species_line = 6

        scaled_matrix = np.matmul(coord_system, lattice_vecs)
        lattice = Lattice(scaled_matrix)

        all_coords = []
        all_species = []
        for l in data[first_species_line:]:

            all_coords.append(np.array([l[0], l[1], l[2]], dtype=float))

            species_strs = "".join(l[3:])  # join multiple strings back together
            species_strs = species_strs.replace(" ", "")  # trim any white space
            species_strs = species_strs.split(",")  # comma-delimited

            species = {}

            for species_str in species_strs:
                species_str = species_str.split('=')
                if len(species_str) == 1:
                    # assume occupancy is 1.0
                    species_str = [species_str[0], 1.0]
                    species[Specie(species_str[0])] = float(species_str[1])
                except Exception:
                    species[DummySpecie(species_str[0])] = float(species_str[1])


        return Structure(lattice, all_species, all_coords)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_find_codopant(self):
     self.assertEqual(_find_codopant(Specie("Fe", 2), 1), Specie("Cu", 1))
     self.assertEqual(_find_codopant(Specie("Fe", 2), 3), Specie("In", 3))
Exemplo n.º 18
#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
import os

from pymatgen import Specie, PMGJSONEncoder
from pymatgen.analysis.bond_valence import BondValenceParam

param = []
species_set = []
with open('bvparm2011', 'r') as f:
    for l in f:
        toks = l.split()
        sp1 = Specie(toks[0], int(toks[1]))
        sp2 = Specie(toks[2], int(toks[3]))
        species = frozenset([sp1, sp2])
        if species not in species_set and toks[7] != "unchecked":
                BondValenceParam([sp1, sp2], float(toks[4]), float(toks[5])))

with open(os.path.join("..", "pymatgen", "analysis", "bvparm2011.json"),
          "w") as f:
    json.dump(param, f, cls=PMGJSONEncoder)