Exemplo n.º 1
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune:
            # Tune scaling parameter
            self.scaling = tune(self.scaling,
                                self.accepted_sum / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted_sum[:] = 0

        delta = self.proposal_dist() * self.scaling

        if self.any_discrete:
            if self.all_discrete:
                delta = np.round(delta, 0).astype("int64")
                q0 = q0.astype("int64")
                q = (q0 + delta).astype("int64")
                delta[self.discrete] = np.round(delta[self.discrete], 0)
                q = q0 + delta
            q = floatX(q0 + delta)

        if self.elemwise_update:
            q_temp = q0.copy()
            # Shuffle order of updates (probably we don't need to do this in every step)
            for i in self.enum_dims:
                q_temp[i] = q[i]
                accept_rate_i = self.delta_logp(q_temp, q0)
                q_temp_, accepted_i = metrop_select(accept_rate_i, q_temp, q0)
                q_temp[i] = q_temp_[i]
                self.accept_rate_iter[i] = accept_rate_i
                self.accepted_iter[i] = accepted_i
                self.accepted_sum[i] += accepted_i
            q = q_temp
            accept_rate = self.delta_logp(q, q0)
            q, accepted = metrop_select(accept_rate, q, q0)
            self.accept_rate_iter = accept_rate
            self.accepted_iter = accepted
            self.accepted_sum += accepted

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "scaling": np.mean(self.scaling),
            "accept": np.mean(np.exp(self.accept_rate_iter)),
            "accepted": np.mean(self.accepted_iter),

        return RaveledVars(q, point_map_info), [stats]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def astep(self, q0: RaveledVars,
              logp) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        logp_q0 = logp(q0)
        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        # Convert adaptive_scale_factor to a jump probability
        p_jump = 1.0 - 0.5**self.scaling

        rand_array = nr.random(q0.shape)
        q = np.copy(q0)
        # Locations where switches occur, according to p_jump
        switch_locs = rand_array < p_jump
        q[switch_locs] = True - q[switch_locs]
        logp_q = logp(RaveledVars(q, point_map_info))

        accept = logp_q - logp_q0
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)
        self.accepted += accepted

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "p_jump": p_jump,

        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info)

        return q_new, [stats]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def astep(self, q0, logp):
        # sample from kernel based Gaussian proposal
        q_dist = self.construct_proposal(q0)
        q = np.ravel(q_dist.sample())
        # evaluate target log probability
        logp_q = logp(q)
        # MH accept/reject step
        if self.q_dist is None:
            q_new = q
            q_new = metrop_select(logp_q + q_dist.log_pdf(q0) \
                                  - self.log_pdf_target - self.q_dist.log_pdf(q), q, q0)
        # adapt
        if self.tune and not self.steps_until_tune:
            # tune scaling parameter using metropolis  method
            self.nu2 = tune(self.nu2, self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted = 0
        # update log-pdf and proposal distribution object on accept
        if any(q_new != q0):
            self.accepted += 1
            self.q_dist = q_dist
            self.log_pdf_target = logp_q

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        return q_new
Exemplo n.º 4
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        # same tuning scheme as DEMetropolis
        if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune:
            if self.tune_target == "scaling":
                self.scaling = tune(self.scaling,
                                    self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            elif self.tune_target == "lambda":
                self.lamb = tune(self.lamb,
                                 self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted = 0

        epsilon = self.proposal_dist() * self.scaling

        it = len(self._history)
        # use the DE-MCMC-Z proposal scheme as soon as the history has 2 entries
        if it > 1:
            # differential evolution proposal
            # select two other chains
            iz1 = np.random.randint(it)
            iz2 = np.random.randint(it)
            while iz2 == iz1:
                iz2 = np.random.randint(it)

            z1 = self._history[iz1]
            z2 = self._history[iz2]
            # propose a jump
            q = floatX(q0 + self.lamb * (z1 - z2) + epsilon)
            # propose just with noise in the first 2 iterations
            q = floatX(q0 + epsilon)

        accept = self.delta_logp(q, q0)
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)
        self.accepted += accepted

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "scaling": self.scaling,
            "lambda": self.lamb,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "accepted": accepted,

        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info)

        return q_new, [stats]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune:
            if self.tune == "scaling":
                self.scaling = tune(self.scaling,
                                    self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            elif self.tune == "lambda":
                self.lamb = tune(self.lamb,
                                 self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted = 0

        epsilon = self.proposal_dist() * self.scaling

        # differential evolution proposal
        # select two other chains
        ir1, ir2 = np.random.choice(self.other_chains, 2, replace=False)
        r1 = DictToArrayBijection.map(self.population[ir1])
        r2 = DictToArrayBijection.map(self.population[ir2])
        # propose a jump
        q = floatX(q0 + self.lamb * (r1.data - r2.data) + epsilon)

        accept = self.delta_logp(q, q0)
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)
        self.accepted += accepted

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "scaling": self.scaling,
            "lambda": self.lamb,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "accepted": accepted,

        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info)

        return q_new, [stats]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune:
            # Tune scaling parameter
            self.scaling = tune(self.scaling,
                                self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted = 0

        delta = self.proposal_dist() * self.scaling

        if self.any_discrete:
            if self.all_discrete:
                delta = np.round(delta, 0).astype("int64")
                q0 = q0.astype("int64")
                q = (q0 + delta).astype("int64")
                delta[self.discrete] = np.round(delta[self.discrete], 0)
                q = q0 + delta
            q = floatX(q0 + delta)

        accept = self.delta_logp(q, q0)
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)

        self.accepted += accepted

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "scaling": self.scaling,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "accepted": accepted,

        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info)

        return q_new, [stats]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def astep_unif(self, q0: RaveledVars, logp) -> RaveledVars:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        dimcats = self.dimcats
        if self.shuffle_dims:

        q = RaveledVars(np.copy(q0), point_map_info)
        logp_curr = logp(q)

        for dim, k in dimcats:
            curr_val, q.data[dim] = q.data[dim], sample_except(k, q.data[dim])
            logp_prop = logp(q)
            q.data[dim], accepted = metrop_select(logp_prop - logp_curr, q.data[dim], curr_val)
            if accepted:
                logp_curr = logp_prop

        return q
Exemplo n.º 8
    def astep(self, q0: RaveledVars, logp: Callable[[RaveledVars], np.ndarray]) -> RaveledVars:

        order = self.order
        if self.shuffle_dims:

        q = RaveledVars(np.copy(q0.data), q0.point_map_info)

        logp_curr = logp(q)

        for idx in order:
            # No need to do metropolis update if the same value is proposed,
            # as you will get the same value regardless of accepted or reject
            if nr.rand() < self.transit_p:
                curr_val, q.data[idx] = q.data[idx], True - q.data[idx]
                logp_prop = logp(q)
                q.data[idx], accepted = metrop_select(logp_prop - logp_curr, q.data[idx], curr_val)
                if accepted:
                    logp_curr = logp_prop

        return q
Exemplo n.º 9
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
        """One MLDA step, given current sample q0"""
        # Check if the tuning flag has been changed and if yes,
        # change the proposal's tuning flag and reset self.accepted
        # This is triggered by _iter_sample while the highest-level MLDA step
        # method is running. It then propagates to all levels.
        if self.proposal_dist.tune != self.tune:
            self.proposal_dist.tune = self.tune
            # set tune in sub-methods of compound stepper explicitly because
            # it is not set within sample.py (only the CompoundStep's tune flag is)
            if isinstance(self.step_method_below, CompoundStep):
                for method in self.step_method_below.methods:
                    method.tune = self.tune
            self.accepted = 0

        # Set subchain_selection (which sample from the coarse chain
        # is passed as a proposal to the fine chain). If variance
        # reduction is used, a random sample is selected as proposal.
        # If variance reduction is not used, the last sample is
        # selected as proposal.
        if self.variance_reduction:
            self.subchain_selection = np.random.randint(
                0, self.subsampling_rate)
            self.subchain_selection = self.subsampling_rate - 1
        self.proposal_dist.subchain_selection = self.subchain_selection

        # Call the recursive DA proposal to get proposed sample
        # and convert dict -> numpy array
        q = self.proposal_dist(q0)

        # Evaluate MLDA acceptance log-ratio
        # If proposed sample from lower levels is the same as current one,
        # do not calculate likelihood, just set accept to 0.0
        if (q.data == q0.data).all():
            accept = np.float64(0.0)
            skipped_logp = True
            # NB! The order and sign of the first term are swapped compared
            # to the convention to make sure the proposal is evaluated last.
            accept = -self.delta_logp(q0.data, q.data) + self.delta_logp_below(
                q0.data, q.data)
            skipped_logp = False

        # Accept/reject sample - next sample is stored in q_new
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)
        if skipped_logp:
            accepted = False

        # if sample is accepted, update self.Q_last with the sample's Q value
        # runs only for VR or when store_Q_fine is True
        if self.variance_reduction or self.store_Q_fine:
            if accepted and not skipped_logp:
                self.Q_last = self.model.Q.get_value()

        # Variance reduction
        if self.variance_reduction:
            self.update_vr_variables(accepted, skipped_logp)

        # Adaptive error model - runs only during tuning.
        if self.tune and self.adaptive_error_model:
            self.update_error_estimate(accepted, skipped_logp)

        # Update acceptance counter
        self.accepted += accepted

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "accepted": accepted

        # Save the VR statistics to the stats dictionary (only happens in the
        # top MLDA level)
        if (self.variance_reduction
                or self.store_Q_fine) and not self.is_child:
            q_stats = {}
            if self.variance_reduction:
                m = self
                for level in range(self.num_levels - 1, 0, -1):
                    # save the Q differences for this level and iteration
                    q_stats[f"Q_{level}_{level - 1}"] = np.array(m.Q_diff)
                    # this makes sure Q_diff is reset for
                    # the next iteration
                    m.Q_diff = []
                    if level == 1:
                    m = m.step_method_below
                q_stats["Q_0"] = np.array(m.Q_base_full)
                m.Q_base_full = []
            if self.store_Q_fine:
                q_stats["Q_" + str(self.num_levels - 1)] = np.array(
            stats = {**stats, **q_stats}

        # Capture the base tuning stats from the level below.
        self.base_tuning_stats = []

        if isinstance(self.step_method_below, MLDA):
            self.base_tuning_stats = self.step_method_below.base_tuning_stats
        elif isinstance(self.step_method_below, MetropolisMLDA):
                {"base_scaling": self.step_method_below.scaling})
        elif isinstance(self.step_method_below, DEMetropolisZMLDA):
        elif isinstance(self.step_method_below, CompoundStep):
            # Below method is CompoundStep
            for method in self.step_method_below.methods:
                if isinstance(method, MetropolisMLDA):
                        {"base_scaling": method.scaling})
                elif isinstance(method, DEMetropolisZMLDA):
                        "base_scaling": method.scaling,
                        "base_lambda": method.lamb

        return q_new, [stats] + self.base_tuning_stats