Exemplo n.º 1
def makeATower(stats, level, box, wallMaterials, floorMaterials,
               glassMaterials, lightMaterials):
    width = box.maxx - box.minx
    height = box.maxy - box.miny
    depth = box.maxz - box.minz

    roofy = int(height / 4) * randint(2, 3)
    roofBox = BoundingBox((box.minx, box.maxy - roofy, box.minz),
                          (width, roofy, depth))
    makeASpire(stats, level, roofBox, wallMaterials, floorMaterials,
               glassMaterials, lightMaterials)

    y = 0
    while y < height - roofy:
        dy = randint(3, 5)
        dr = randint(3, 9)
        w = 2 + int(width / dr)
        d = 2 + int(depth / dr)

        h = dr
        baseBox = BoundingBox(
            (box.minx + (w >> 1), box.miny + y, box.minz + (d >> 1)),
            (width - w, h, depth - d))
        cylinderVertical(stats, level, baseBox, wallMaterials[0])
        baseBox = BoundingBox(
            (box.minx + (w >> 1) + 1, box.miny + y + 1, box.minz +
             (d >> 1) + 1), (width - w - 2, h - 2, depth - d - 2))
        cylinderVertical(stats, level, baseBox, (0, 0))
        y += dr
Exemplo n.º 2
def Fractal(level, box, options):
    method = "FRACTAL"
    print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
    (width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(box)
    centreWidth = (int)(width / 2)
    centreHeight = (int)(height / 2)
    centreDepth = (int)(depth / 2)
    AIR = (0, 0)

    schematic = level.extractSchematic(
        BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, depth)))

    for y in xrange(0, height):
        print '%s: Examining the selection area - step %s of %s' % (method, y,
                                                                    height - 1)
        for x in xrange(0, width):
            for z in xrange(0, depth):
                # If the current block is not air, blit the schematic into the corresponding area in space
                tempBlock = (schematic.blockAt(x, y, z),
                             schematic.blockDataAt(x, y, z))
                if tempBlock != AIR:
                        BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth)),
                        (box.minx + x * width, box.miny + y * height,
                         box.minz + z * height))

    print '%s: Ended at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, plot, **kwargs):
        self.plot = plot
        groundlevel = int( np.mean( [ plot.site.surfaceHeightAt(pos) for pos in bu.floor(plot).positions ] ) )
        self.box = BoundingBox( (plot.minx, groundlevel, plot.minz), plot.size )

        # front is towards the widest road
        if not plot.hasNeighbourWithTag('road'):
            self.front = random.choice( [Direction.North, Direction.East, Direction.South, Direction.West] )
            widestRoad = max( plot.neighboursWithTag('road'), key=lambda road: min(road.width, road.length))
            self.front = bu.touchDirection(plot, widestRoad)

        # lay out the building shell
        roomHeight = kwargs.get("roomHeight", 2)
        storeySize = Vector(self.box.width, roomHeight, self.box.length)
        self.storeys = []
        self.floors = []
        nStoreys = kwargs.get("nStoreys", 2)
        # split the house into a sequence alternating between height=one floors and height=x storeys
        for s in range(nStoreys):
            self.floors.append( BoundingBox(self.box.origin + (0, s*(roomHeight+1), 0), (self.box.width, 1, self.box.length)) )
            self.storeys.append( BoundingBox(self.box.origin + (0, s*(roomHeight+1) +1, 0), storeySize) )
        # update height of bounds
        self.box = bu.expandMax(self.box, dy = nStoreys*(roomHeight+1) - self.box.height)
        # the roof is the final, topmost 'floor'
        self.roof = BoundingBox(self.box.origin + (0, nStoreys*(roomHeight+1), 0), (self.box.width, 1, self.box.length))
Exemplo n.º 4
def BlockRandomiserThing(level, box, options):  # Prototype - works upwards
    AIR = (0, 0)
    method = "BlockRandomiserThing"
    print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
    # Rearranges the blocks in the selection, randomly, with a chance of leaving some of them out of the result
    (width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(box)
    schematic = level.extractSchematic(
        BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, depth)))
    for y in xrange(0, height):
        print '%s: Examining the selection area - step %s of %s' % (method, y,
                                                                    height - 1)
        for x in xrange(0, width):
            for z in xrange(0, depth):
                tempBlock = (schematic.blockAt(x, y, z),
                             schematic.blockDataAt(x, y, z))
                tempBlockBelow = (schematic.blockAt(x, y - 1, z),
                                  schematic.blockDataAt(x, y - 1, z))
                if y > 0:
                    if tempBlockBelow == AIR:
                        setBlock(schematic, AIR, x, y, z)
                if randint(0, 100) < options["Chance of air"]:
                    setBlock(schematic, AIR, x, y, z)
                         BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth)),
                         (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz))
Exemplo n.º 5
def perform(level, box, options):
	b.remove(0) # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics			

	buildingSize = options["Building Size"]
	width = box.maxx-box.minx
	depth = box.maxz-box.minz
	height = box.maxy-box.miny
	x = 0
	cursor = 0
	while x+buildingSize < width:
		z = 0	
		while z+buildingSize < depth:
			print "Building "+str(x)+","+str(z)
			p1 = (buildingSize,randint(height-1,height),buildingSize)
			#p1 = (buildingSize,height,buildingSize)
			buildingBox = BoundingBox((0,0,0),p1)
			buildingSchema = level.extractSchematic(BoundingBox((box.minx+x,box.miny,box.minz+z),p1))
			building(buildingSchema, buildingBox,options)
			level.copyBlocksFrom(buildingSchema, buildingBox, (box.minx+x, box.miny, box.minz+z ),b)
			z += buildingSize+options["Building Gap"]
		x += buildingSize+options["Building Gap"]
		cursor += 1
		if cursor%3 == 2:
			x += 2*options["Path Gap"] + options["Road Gap"]

Exemplo n.º 6
def Surface(level,box,spacing):
	op = "Surface"
	#level2 = level.extractSchematic(box) # Working set
	level2 = MCSchematic((box.width,box.height,box.length))
	box2 = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(box.width,box.height,box.length))

	airlevel = MCSchematic((box.width,box.height,box.length))
	airbox = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(box.width,box.height,box.length))
	for x in xrange(box.minx,box.maxx):
		if x%10 == 0:
			print str(time.ctime())+" Scanning for surfaces "+op+" "+str(x)
		for z in xrange(box.minz,box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny,box.maxy):
				if getBlock(level,x,y,z) != (0,0):
					for ddx in xrange(-1,2):
						for ddz in xrange(-1,2):
							for ddy in xrange(-1,2):
								if not (ddx == 0 and ddy == 0 and ddz == 0):
									if getBlock(level,x+ddx,y+ddy,z+ddz) == (0,0):
										setBlock(airlevel,(1,0),x-box.minx,y-box.miny,z-box.minz) # Adjacent to air / surface
					setBlock(airlevel,(2,0),x-box.minx,y-box.miny,z-box.minz) # Airblock here
	for x in xrange(box.minx,box.maxx):
		if x%10 == 0:
			print str(time.ctime())+" Running "+op+" "+str(x)

		for z in xrange(box.minz,box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny,box.maxy):
				if getBlock(airlevel,x-box.minx,y-box.miny,z-box.minz) == (1,0): # This is a surface block
	level.copyBlocksFrom(level2, box2, (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz ))
Exemplo n.º 7
def binaryPartition(box):
	partitions = []
	# create a queue which holds the next areas to be partitioned
	queue = []
	# for as long as the queue still has boxes to partition...
	count = 0
	while len(queue) > 0:
		count += 1
		splitMe = queue.pop(0)
		(width, height, depth) = utilityFunctions.getBoxSize(splitMe)
		# print "Current partition width,depth",width,depth 
		centre = 0
		# this bool lets me know which dimension I will be splitting on. It matters when we create the new outer bound size
		isWidth = False
		# find the larger dimension and divide in half
		# if the larger dimension is < 10, then block this from being partitioned
		minSize = 12
		if width > depth:
			# roll a random die, 1% change we stop anyways
			chance = random.randint(100)

			if depth < minSize or chance == 1:

			isWidth = True
			centre = width / 2
			chance = random.randint(10)
			if width < minSize or chance == 1:
			centre = depth / 2

		# a random modifier for binary splitting which is somewhere between 0 and 1/16 the total box side length
		randomPartition = random.randint(0, (centre / 8) + 1)

		# creating the new bound
		newBound = centre + randomPartition

		#creating the outer edge bounds
		outsideNewBounds = 0
		if isWidth:
			outsideNewBound = width - newBound - 1
			outsideNewBound = depth - newBound - 1

		# creating the bounding boxes
		# NOTE: BoundingBoxes are objects contained within pymclevel and can be instantiated as follows
		# BoundingBox((x,y,z), (sizex, sizey, sizez))
		# in this instance, you specifiy which corner to start, and then the size of the box dimensions
		# this is an if statement to separate out binary partitions by dimension (x and z)
		if isWidth:
			queue.append(BoundingBox((splitMe.minx, splitMe.miny, splitMe.minz), (newBound-1, 256, depth)))
			queue.append(BoundingBox((splitMe.minx + newBound + 1, splitMe.miny, splitMe.minz), (outsideNewBound - 1, 256, depth)))
			queue.append(BoundingBox((splitMe.minx, splitMe.miny, splitMe.minz), (width, 256, newBound - 1)))
			queue.append(BoundingBox((splitMe.minx, splitMe.miny, splitMe.minz + newBound + 1), (width, 256, outsideNewBound - 1)))
	return partitions
Exemplo n.º 8
def perform(level,box, options):
	''' Feedback to [email protected] '''
	# Local variables
	method = options["Operation"]
	(method, (width, height, depth), (centreWidth, centreHeight, centreDepth)) = FuncStart(level,box,options,method) # Log start

	level0 = level.extractSchematic(box) # Copy the area of interest into a working area, mostly for 'speed'
	box0 = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(width,height,depth))

	b.remove(0) # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics			

	if method == "Islands":
		for i in xrange(0,1000):
			print i
			radius = randint(10,50)
			centrex = randint(radius+2,width-radius-2)
			centrez = randint(radius+2,depth-radius-2)
			maxy = randint(radius+2,height-radius-2)
			theBox = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(2*radius-1,maxy-1,2*radius-1))
			theObj = MCSchematic((2*radius-1,maxy-1,2*radius-1))

			level0.copyBlocksFrom(theObj, theBox, (box0.minx+centrex-radius,box0.miny,box0.minz+centrez-radius),b)
	elif method == "Island":
		theBox = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(width,height,depth))
		theObj = MCSchematic((width,height,depth))
		island(theObj, theBox, options)	
		level0.copyBlocksFrom(theObj, theBox, (box0.minx,box0.miny,box0.minz),b)

	level.copyBlocksFrom(level0, box0, (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz ))	# Copy the working area back into the world
	FuncEnd(level,box,options,method) # Log end	
Exemplo n.º 9
def QuadraticSurface(level, box, options):
	print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
	(width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(box)
	centreWidth = (int)(width / 2)
	centreHeight = (int)(height / 2)
	centreDepth = (int)(depth / 2)
	AIR = (0,0)
	BLOCKID = options["Pick a block:"].ID
	BLOCKDATA = options["Pick a block:"].blockData
	VERTMAGSCALE = options["Vertical Magnification"]
	HORIZMAGSCALE = options["Horizontal Magnification"]
	TOLERANCE = options["Tolerance"]
	PARAMETERS = options["Random"]

	schematic = level.extractSchematic(BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, depth))) # Mirror the blocks - in memory working read only copy
	a = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	b = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	c = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	f = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	g = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	h = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	p = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	q = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	r = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	d = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	if PARAMETERS == False:
		a = options["a"]
		b = options["b"]
		c = options["c"]
		f = options["f"]
		g = options["g"]
		h = options["h"]
		p = options["p"]
		q = options["q"]
		r = options["r"]
		d = options["d"]
	for xx in xrange(-centreWidth, centreWidth):
		print '%s of %s' % (xx, centreWidth)
		for yy in xrange(-centreHeight, centreHeight):
			y = yy * VERTMAGSCALE
			for zz in xrange(-centreDepth, centreDepth):
				z = zz * HORIZMAGSCALE
				if abs(a*x*x+b*y*y+c*z*z+2*f*y*z+2*g*z*x+2*h*x*y+2*p*x+2*q*y+2*r*z+d) <= TOLERANCE:
					setBlock(schematic, (BLOCKID, BLOCKDATA), (int)(centreWidth+xx), (int)(centreHeight+yy), (int)(centreDepth+zz))
	level.copyBlocksFrom(schematic, BoundingBox((0,0,0),(width,height,depth)), (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz ))
	print 'a=%s b=%s c=%s f=%s g=%s h=%s p=%s q=%s r=%s d=%s' % (a,b,c,f,g,h,p,q,r,d) 
	print '%s: Ended at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
Exemplo n.º 10
def Fractal(level, box, options):
    method = "FRACTAL"
    print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
    (width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(box)
    centreWidth = (int)(width / 2)
    centreHeight = (int)(height / 2)
    centreDepth = (int)(depth / 2)
    AIR = (0, 0)

    XComponent = options["X Component?"]
    YComponent = options["Y Component?"]
    ZComponent = options["Z Component?"]
    Solid = options["Solid?"]

    schematic = level.extractSchematic(
        BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, depth)))

    for y in xrange(0, height):
        print '%s: Examining the selection area - step %s of %s' % (method, y,
                                                                    height - 1)
        for x in xrange(0, width):
            for z in xrange(0, depth):
                # If the current block is not air, blit the schematic into the corresponding area in space
                tempBlock = (schematic.blockAt(x, y, z),
                             schematic.blockDataAt(x, y, z))
                tempBlockAbove = (schematic.blockAt(x, y + 1, z),
                                  schematic.blockDataAt(x, y + 1, z))

                if tempBlock != AIR:
                    XModifier = 0
                    YModifier = 0
                    ZModifier = 0

                    if XComponent == True:
                        XModifier = x * width
                    if YComponent == True:
                        YModifier = y * height
                    if ZComponent == True:
                        ZModifier = z * depth

                    if Solid == False or (Solid == True
                                          and tempBlockAbove == AIR):
                            BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth)),
                            (box.minx + XModifier, box.miny + YModifier,
                             box.minz + ZModifier))
                    elif Solid == True and tempBlockAbove != AIR:
                        fill(level, tempBlockAbove,
                             (box.minx + XModifier, box.miny + YModifier,
                              box.minz + ZModifier), (width, height, depth))

    print '%s: Ended at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
Exemplo n.º 11
def cantorCity(level, box, options, RAND, iter):
    print iter, box
    width = box.maxx - box.minx
    depth = box.maxz - box.minz
    height = box.maxy - box.miny
    # Draw the current layer

    if height > 0:
        material = getBlockFromOptions(options, "Material:")

        floorHeight = options["Floor Height:"]
        if floorHeight < 1:
            floorHeight = RAND.randint(1, 16)
            if iter > floorHeight and RAND.random() > 0.1:
                floorHeight = iter - floorHeight
        for y in xrange(box.miny, box.miny + floorHeight):
            for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
                for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
                    setBlock(level, material, x, y, z)  # Draw draw draw!

        # Now spawn the NEXT layer up in each corner
        if True:
            if height > 1:
                RATIO = options["Ratio:"]
                if RATIO < 1.0:
                    RATIO = 1.0 + random()  # Random splits!
                widthThird = int(width / RATIO)
                depthThird = int(depth / RATIO)
                MINDIM = options["Min Dimension:"]
                if widthThird >= MINDIM and depthThird >= MINDIM:  # We stop when either dimension trends to 0
                    CHANCE = options["Chance:"]
                    y = y + 1
                    if y < box.maxy:
                        # Conditionally create a new box and build the next layer
                        NewBox1 = BoundingBox(
                            (box.minx, y, box.minz),
                            (widthThird, box.maxy - y, depthThird))
                        NewBox2 = BoundingBox(
                            (box.maxx - widthThird, y, box.minz),
                            (widthThird, box.maxy - y, depthThird))
                        NewBox3 = BoundingBox(
                            (box.maxx - widthThird, y, box.maxz - depthThird),
                            (widthThird, box.maxy - y, depthThird))
                        NewBox4 = BoundingBox(
                            (box.minx, y, box.maxz - depthThird),
                            (widthThird, box.maxy - y, depthThird))
                        if RAND.random() < CHANCE:
                            cantorCity(level, NewBox1, options, RAND, iter + 1)
                        if RAND.random() < CHANCE:
                            cantorCity(level, NewBox2, options, RAND, iter + 1)
                        if RAND.random() < CHANCE:
                            cantorCity(level, NewBox3, options, RAND, iter + 1)
                        if RAND.random() < CHANCE:
                            cantorCity(level, NewBox4, options, RAND, iter + 1)
Exemplo n.º 12
def tileWindow(level,WINDOW):
	b.remove(0) # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics			
	y = 0
	while y < level.Height:
		x = 0
		while x < (level.Width)>>1:
			level.copyBlocksFrom(WINDOW, BoundingBox((0,0,0),(WINDOW.Width,WINDOW.Height,WINDOW.Length)),(x,y,0),b)			
			level.copyBlocksFrom(WINDOW, BoundingBox((0,0,0),(WINDOW.Width,WINDOW.Height,WINDOW.Length)),(level.Width-WINDOW.Width-x,y,0),b)
			x += WINDOW.Width
		y += WINDOW.Height
Exemplo n.º 13
def jiggle(olevel, obox, level, box, options):
    method = "Jiggle"
    (method, (width, height, depth),
     (centreWidth, centreHeight,
      centreDepth)) = FuncStart(level, box, options, method)  # Log start

    # Displace each column in the level into the original level according to the operation
    DX = options["Delta X:"]
    DY = options["Delta Y:"]
    DZ = options["Delta Z:"]
    OP = options["Operation:"]
    DEL = options["Delete source?"]

    # fill the original selection box
    if DEL == True:
        olevel.fillBlocks(obox, alphaMaterials.Air)

    abox = BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (1, height, 1))
    for iterX in xrange(0, width):
        if iterX % 10 == 0:
            print iterX
        for iterZ in xrange(0, depth):
            # Extract a column of blocks from the copy of the original space
            cbox = BoundingBox((iterX, 0, iterZ), (1, height, 1))

            clevel = level.extractSchematic(cbox)  # Working set

            dx = DX
            dy = DY
            dz = DZ
            if OP == "Random":
                if dx > 0:
                    dx = randint(0, dx)
                elif dx < 0:
                    dx = randint(dx, 0)
                if dy > 0:
                    dy = randint(0, dy)
                elif dy < 0:
                    dy = randint(dy, 0)
                if dz > 0:
                    dz = randint(0, dz)
                elif dz < 0:
                    dz = randint(dz, 0)
            #print cbox
            #print obox
            olevel.copyBlocksFrom(clevel, abox,
                                  (obox.minx + iterX + dx, obox.miny + dy,
                                   obox.minz + iterZ + dz))

    FuncEnd(level, box, options, method)
Exemplo n.º 14
def perform(level, box, options):
    minY = findBottom(level, box)
    fillBox = BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz),
                          (box.width, max(minY - box.miny, 1), box.length))
    box = BoundingBox((box.minx, minY, box.minz),
                      (box.width, options["Max Height"], box.length))
    utilityFunctions.fillBox(level, box, (0, 0))
    utilityFunctions.fillBoxEmpty(level, fillBox, (alphaMaterials.Grass.ID, 0))

    (houses, roads) = idonknowPartition(box)
    test, house_matrix = getPlanMatrix(level, box, houses)
    for house in houses:
        chooseHouse(level, house, options)
    for road in roads:
        utilityFunctions.fillBox(level, road, (208, 0))
            CutBar(road, 0, 0, 0, 0, options["Max Height"], 1).middle, (0, 0))

    # build road
    # house_matrix = getPlanMatrix(level, box, houses)
    global tm
    tm = detectMap(level, box, options, house_matrix)
    global width
    width = box.maxx - box.minx
    global height
    height = box.maxz - box.minz
    for i in range(len(test_map)):
        for j in range(len(test_map[0])):
            if (test_map[i][j] == '*'):
                print i, j
                                          (options["Road Material"].ID, 0),
                                          box.minx + j, box.miny, box.minz + i)
                if box.minx + j + 1 < box.maxx:
                                              (options["Road Material"].ID, 0),
                                              box.minx + j + 1, box.miny,
                                              box.minz + i)
                if box.minz + i + 1 < box.maxz:
                                              (options["Road Material"].ID, 0),
                                              box.minx + j, box.miny,
                                              box.minz + i + 1)
Exemplo n.º 15
def perform(level, box, options):
    print "ALife generation: Start."

    width = box.maxx - box.minx
    height = box.maxy - box.miny
    depth = box.maxz - box.minz
    material = getBlockFromOptions(options, "Material:")
    b = range(4096)
        0)  # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics

    planes = []
    prevTickPlane = MCSchematic((width, height, depth))
    print options["Mode"]
    if options["Mode"] == "Randomise":
        # Randomise to initialise
        initialise(prevTickPlane, options["Initial chance:"], material)
    elif options["Mode"] == "Load image":
        # Use black pixels to seed the generation
            prevTickPlane, options["File path"], material,
            (options["Red"], options["Green"], options["Blue"]))
    else:  # Use what's in the lowest plane of the selection box (i.e. the SOUTH most layer). Not air equals an alive cell.
        prevTickPlane = level.extractSchematic(
            BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, 1)))

    numTicksToRun = options["Number of ticks"]
    if numTicksToRun > depth:
        numTicksToRun = depth
                         BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, 1)),
                         (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), b)  #First layer
    for z in xrange(1, numTicksToRun):
        print "Ticking", z
        TickPlane = MCSchematic((width, height, depth))
        calculateLifeTick(prevTickPlane, TickPlane, material)
        # planes.append(TickPlane) # History
                             BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, 1)),
                             (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz + z), b)
        prevTickPlane = TickPlane

    if options[
            "Mode"] == "File path":  # Save the last plane so it can be the next input if required.
        img.save(options["File path"] + "_end.png")

    print "ALife generation: Done."
    print "Complete!"
Exemplo n.º 16
def create(generatorName, level, boxGlobal, box, agents, allStructures,
           materialScans, agent):
    print "Building a", generatorName, "at", box, " by ", str(agent)

    areas = GEN_Cottage.create(generatorName, level, boxGlobal, box, agents,
                               allStructures, materialScans, agent)

    # Create a chimney or two
    for i in xrange(0, randint(1, 2)):
        size = randint(0, 1)
        for area in areas:
            width = area.maxx - area.minx
            depth = area.maxz - area.minz
            cx = (area.maxx + area.minx) >> 1
            cz = (area.maxz + area.minz) >> 1

            px = cx
            pz = cz
            if size > 0 and width > 3 and depth > 3:
                px = randint(area.minx + size, area.maxx - 1 - size)
                pz = randint(area.minz + size, area.maxz - 1 - size)

            height = box.maxy - area.miny
            chimneyHeight = randint(2 * height, 3 * height) + 1
            chimneybox = BoundingBox(
                (px - size, area.miny, pz - size),
                (size * 2 + 1, chimneyHeight, size * 2 + 1))

            Settlevolver.fill(level, chimneybox, (45, 0))  # Bricks
            if size > 0:
                chimneybox = BoundingBox((px, area.miny, pz),
                                         (1, chimneyHeight, 1))
                Settlevolver.fill(level, chimneybox, (0, 0))  # Bricks
                chimneybox = BoundingBox((px - size, area.miny, pz),
                                         (size * 2 + 1, 1, 1))
                Settlevolver.fill(level, chimneybox, (0, 0))  # Air
                chimneybox = BoundingBox((px, area.miny, pz - size),
                                         (1, 1, size * 2 + 1))
                Settlevolver.fill(level, chimneybox, (0, 0))  # Air
                level.setBlockAt(px, area.miny + chimneyHeight, pz,
                                 145)  # Anvil
                level.setBlockDataAt(px, area.miny + chimneyHeight, pz,
                                     randint(0, 11))
            if level.blockAt(px, area.miny - 1, pz) != 0:
                level.setBlockAt(px, area.miny, pz, 61)  # Furnace
                level.setBlockDataAt(px, area.miny, cz, randint(2, 5))

    return areas
Exemplo n.º 17
def analyse(level):
    ''' Examine the object in the schematic for min, max non-empty co-ordinates so we can pack-them-in! '''

    # Find the bounding box for the object within this schematic. i.e. clip empty space
    method = "MINETEXT"
    print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())

    box = level.bounds
    (width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(level.bounds)

    print 'ANALYSE %s %s %s' % (width, height, depth)

    minX = width
    minY = height
    minZ = depth
    maxX = 0
    maxY = 0
    maxZ = 0
    found = False

    for iterY in xrange(0, height):
        for iterX in xrange(0, width):
            for iterZ in xrange(0, depth):
                if level.blockAt(iterX, iterY, iterZ) != 0:
                    #print 'ANALYSING %s %s %s' % (iterX, iterY, iterZ)
                    if iterX > maxX:
                        maxX = iterX
                    if iterY > maxY:
                        maxY = iterY
                    if iterZ > maxZ:
                        maxZ = iterZ

                    if iterX < minX:
                        minX = iterX
                    if iterY < minY:
                        minY = iterY
                    if iterZ < minZ:
                        minZ = iterZ

                    found = True

    print 'ANALYSE RESULT %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY,
    print '%s: Ended at %s' % (method, time.ctime())

    if found == False:
        return BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth))
        return BoundingBox((minX, 0, minZ), (maxX + 1, maxY + 1, maxZ + 1))
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _getWorldBounds(self):
        if len(self.allChunks) == 0:
            return BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))

        allChunks = numpy.array(list(self.allChunks))
        min_cx = (allChunks[:, 0]).min()
        max_cx = (allChunks[:, 0]).max()
        min_cz = (allChunks[:, 1]).min()
        max_cz = (allChunks[:, 1]).max()

        origin = (min_cx << 4, 0, min_cz << 4)
        size = ((max_cx - min_cx + 1) << 4, self.Height,
                (max_cz - min_cz + 1) << 4)

        return BoundingBox(origin, size)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def drawToolReticle(self):

        if self.level is None:

        GL.glPolygonOffset(DepthOffset.CloneMarkers, DepthOffset.CloneMarkers)

        color = self.color
        if self.destPoint is not None:
            color = (self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], 0.06)
            box = self.getDestBox()
            if self.draggingFace is not None:
                o = list(self.draggingOrigin())
                s = list(box.size)
                for i in range(3):
                    if i == self.draggingFace >> 1:
                    o[i] -= 1000
                    s[i] += 2000
                guideBox = BoundingBox(o, s)

                color = self.draggingColor
                GL.glColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.33)
                with gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND, GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                    drawFace(guideBox, self.draggingFace ^ 1)
            box = self.getReticleBox()
            if box is None:
        self.drawRepeatedCube(box, color)

        GL.glPolygonOffset(DepthOffset.CloneReticle, DepthOffset.CloneReticle)
        if self.destPoint:
            box = self.getDestBox()
            if self.draggingFace is not None:
                face = self.draggingFace
                box = BoundingBox(self.draggingOrigin(), box.size)
            face, point = self.boxFaceUnderCursor(box)
            if face is not None:

                drawFace(box, face)
Exemplo n.º 20
            def getChunk(self, cx, cz):
                if (cx, cz) in self.chunkCache:
                    return self.chunkCache[cx, cz]

                class FakeBrushChunk(pymclevel.level.FakeChunk):
                    Entities = []
                    TileEntities = []

                f = FakeBrushChunk()
                f.world = self
                f.chunkPosition = (cx, cz)

                mask = createBrushMask(
                    brushSize, brushStyle, (0, 0, 0),
                    BoundingBox((cx << 4, 0, cz << 4), (16, self.Height, 16)))
                f.Blocks = numpy.zeros(mask.shape, dtype='uint8')
                f.Data = numpy.zeros(mask.shape, dtype='uint8')
                f.BlockLight = self.zerolight
                f.SkyLight = self.zerolight

                if blockInfo.ID:
                    f.Blocks[mask] = blockInfo.ID
                    f.Data[mask] = blockInfo.blockData

                    f.Blocks[mask] = 255
                self.chunkCache[cx, cz] = f
                return f
def perform(originalLevel, originalBox, options):
    ''' Feedback to [email protected] '''
    # Local variables
    method = options["Operation"]
    (method, (width, height, depth),
     (centreWidth, centreHeight,
      centreDepth)) = FuncStart(originalLevel, originalBox, options,
                                method)  # Log start
    SUCCESS = False
    level = originalLevel.extractSchematic(originalBox)  # Working set
    box = BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth))
    # Operations go here - switch to the function based on selected operation

    SUCCESS = Bridge(level, box, options)

    # Conditionally copy back the working area into the world
    if SUCCESS == True:  # Copy from work area back into the world
        b = range(4096)
        )  # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics
            level, box, (originalBox.minx, originalBox.miny, originalBox.minz),

    FuncEnd(originalLevel, box, options, method)  # Log end
Exemplo n.º 22
    def perform(self, recordUndo=True):
        if recordUndo:
            self.undoLevel = self.extractUndo(self.level, self.box)

        self.filter.perform(self.level, BoundingBox(self.box), self.options)

Exemplo n.º 23
def buildSimpleFarmHouse(level, box, options):
    #fencesBox = CutBar(box,1,1,1,1,boxSize[1]).middle
    #baseBox = CutBar(fencesBox, 2,2,2,2, boxSize[1]).middle
    #build fences and base
    #fenceLeft, fenceRight,fenceFront, fenceBack = buildFence(level, fencesBox, options,1) 
    centerX = (box.minx+box.maxx)//2
    centerZ = (box.minz + box.minz)//2
    for y in range(0, 250):
        if level.blockAt(centerX, y, centerZ) != 0 and level.blockAt(centerX, y+1, centerZ)==0:
            minY = y
    box = BoundingBox((box.minx, minY+1, box.minz),(box.width, box.height, box.length))
    utilityFunctions.fillBox(level, CutBar(box,0,0,0,0,options["Max Height"],2).middle,(0,0))

    wallPartBox = buildBase(level,box,(options["Base"].ID, 0), 1)
    floorBoxes = buildWall(level, wallPartBox,(options["Base"].ID, 0), random.randint(5,25))
    for i in range(size(floorBoxes)-1):
        fillFrame(level, floorBoxes[i], (45,0), floorBoxes[i].height)
    #build the wall of the house
    if size(floorBoxes)>=2:
        buildRoof(level,AddBar(floorBoxes[-1],2,2,3,3).full, (options["Roof"].ID, 0),1, 10) 
        buildRoof(level,AddBar(floorBoxes[-1],2,2,3,3).full, (options["Roof"].ID, 0),1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 24
def tryToPlaceStructure(level, box, allStructures, potentialStructureSize,
                        potentialStructureLocation, resource, recurse):
    (resourceBlockID, resourceBlockData), (resourceX, resourceY,
                                           resourceZ) = resource
    szx, szy, szz = potentialStructureSize
    pslx, psly, pslz = potentialStructureLocation
    if not (pslx < box.minx or pslx + szx >= box.maxx or pslz < box.minz
            or pslz + szz >= box.maxz):
        # Ok to try to position this structure. Check for height here
        y = psly
        # Some past solutions I've seen to this problem don't work with the existing terrain and, instead, create a bit of urban sprawl.
        if not (y < box.miny or y + szy >= box.maxy):
            # It can fit in the allocated space! Check for collisions
            newBox = BoundingBox((pslx, y, pslz), (szx, szy, szz))
            collidesWith = checkForCollisions(newBox, allStructures)
            if len(collidesWith) == 0:
                return newBox  # All good - pop this thing here
            else:  # Else... Merge? Stack? Ignore?
                # Try stacking
                topY = newBox.maxy
                topBox = newBox
                for t, b in collidesWith:
                    if b.maxy > topY:
                        topBox = b
                if topBox != newBox and recurse == True:  # Found a new box. Try to place this one on top of it.
                    tryToPlaceStructure(level, box, allStructures,
                                        (pslx, topY, pslz), resource, recurse)
                    return None  # We cannot place this box, sadly.
Exemplo n.º 25
    def perform(self, recordUndo=True):
        sourceBox = self.sourceBox

        if recordUndo:
            self.undoLevel = self.extractUndo(
                self.level, BoundingBox(self.destPoint, self.sourceBox.size))

        blocksToCopy = None
        if not (self.copyAir and self.copyWater):
            blocksToCopy = range(pymclevel.materials.id_limit)
            if not self.copyAir:
            if not self.copyWater:
            if not self.copyWater:

        with setWindowCaption("Copying - "):
            i = self.level.copyBlocksFromIter(
                _("Copying {0:n} blocks...").format(self.sourceBox.volume), i)
def perform(originalLevel, originalBox, options):
    ''' Feedback to [email protected] '''
    # Local variables
    method = "perform"
    (method, (width, height, depth),
     (centreWidth, centreHeight,
      centreDepth)) = FuncStart(originalLevel, originalBox, options,
                                method)  # Log start
    SUCCESS = True
    level = originalLevel.extractSchematic(originalBox)  # Working set
    box = BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth))

    stairSmooth(level, box, options)

    if SUCCESS == True:  # Copy from work area back into the world
        b = range(4096)
        )  # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics
            level, box, (originalBox.minx, originalBox.miny, originalBox.minz),

    FuncEnd(originalLevel, box, options, method)  # Log end
Exemplo n.º 27
    def selectionBoxForCorners(self, p1, p2):
        ''' considers p1,p2 as the marked corners of a selection.
        returns a BoundingBox containing all the blocks within.'''

        if self.editor.level is None:
            return None

        p1, p2 = list(p1), list(p2)
        # d = [(a-b) for a,b in zip(p1,p2)]
        for i in range(3):
            if p1[i] > p2[i]:
                t = p2[i]
                p2[i] = p1[i]
                p1[i] = t

            p2[i] += 1

        size = list(map(lambda a, b: a - b, p2, p1))

        if p1[1] < 0:
            size[1] += p1[1]
            p1[1] = 0

        h = self.editor.level.Height
        if p1[1] >= h:
            p1[1] = h - 1
            size[1] = 1

        if p1[1] + size[1] >= h:
            size[1] = h - p1[1]

        return BoundingBox(p1, size)
Exemplo n.º 28
def makePyramid(level, box, options, floors):
    [cx,cy,cz]=[(box.minx+box.maxx)/2, (box.miny+box.maxy)/2, (box.minz+box.maxz)/2]
    boxSize = utilityFunctions.getBoxSize(box)
    minWidth = min(boxSize[0], boxSize[2])
    step = 2
    for floor in range(floors-1):
        subBox = BoundingBox((box.minx+floor,floor+box.miny,box.minz+floor),(boxSize[0]-step*floor, 1, boxSize[2]-step*floor))
        if subBox.width>1 and subBox.length>1:
            utilityFunctions.setSquareFrame(level,(options["Wall"].ID,0), subBox.minx, subBox.miny, subBox.minz, subBox.length,subBox.width)    
            count += 1
    subBox = BoundingBox((box.minx+count,count+box.miny,box.minz+count),(boxSize[0]-step*count, 1, boxSize[2]-step*count))
    print subBox
    makeFloor(level, subBox, options)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def perform(self, recordUndo=True):
        if self.level.saving:
            alert(_("Cannot perform action while saving is taking place"))

        if recordUndo:
            self.canUndo = True
            self.undoLevel = self.extractUndo(
                self.level, BoundingBox(self.destPoint, self.sourceBox.size))

        blocksToCopy = None
        if not (self.copyAir and self.copyWater):
            blocksToCopy = range(pymclevel.materials.id_limit)
            if not self.copyAir:
            if not self.copyWater:
            if not self.copyWater:

        with setWindowCaption("Copying - "):
            i = self.level.copyBlocksFromIter(
                _("Copying {0:n} blocks...").format(self.sourceBox.volume), i)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def processCoords(coords):
        newcoords = collections.deque()

        for (x, y, z) in coords:
            for _dir, offsets in pymclevel.faceDirections:
                dx, dy, dz = offsets
                p = (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)

                nx, ny, nz = p
                b = op.level.blockAt(nx, ny, nz)
                if indiscriminate:
                    if b == 2:
                        b = 3
                if b == doomedBlock:
                    if checkData:
                        if op.level.blockDataAt(nx, ny, nz) != doomedBlockData:

                    saveUndoChunk(nx // 16, nz // 16)
                    op.level.setBlockAt(nx, ny, nz, op.options['Block'].ID)
                    op.level.setBlockDataAt(nx, ny, nz, op.options['Block'].blockData)
                    if tileEntity:
                        if op.level.tileEntityAt(nx, ny, nz):
                            op.level.removeTileEntitiesInBox(BoundingBox((nx, ny, nz), (1, 1, 1)))
                        tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity, (nx, ny, nz))
                        createTileEntities(tileEntityObject, op.level)

        return newcoords