Exemplo n.º 1
def fileOnMelPath( file ):
    Return True if this file is on the mel path.
    file = util.path(file)
    info = mel.whatIs( file.basename() ).split(': ', 1)
    if len(info) < 2:
        # If there wasn't a ':' character, the result was probably 'Unknown, or something similar -
        # anyway, not what we're looking for
        return False
    if info[0] not in ('Mel procedure found in', 'Script found in'):
        return False
    path = util.path(info[1])
    return path.samepath(file)
Exemplo n.º 2
def fileOnMelPath(file):
    Return True if this file is on the mel path.
    file = util.path(file)
    info = pm.mel.whatIs(file.basename()).split(': ', 1)
    if len(info) < 2:
        # If there wasn't a ':' character, the result was probably 'Unknown, or something similar -
        # anyway, not what we're looking for
        return False
    if info[0] not in ('Mel procedure found in', 'Script found in'):
        return False
    path = util.path(info[1])
    return path.samepath(file)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def source(cls, script, language='mel'):
        """use this to source mel or python scripts.

            language : {'mel', 'python'}
                When set to 'python', the source command will look for the
                python equivalent of this mel file, if it exists, and attempt
                to import it. This is particularly useful when transitioning
                from mel to python via `pymel.tools.mel2py`, with this simple
                switch you can change back and forth from sourcing mel to
                importing python.


        if language == 'mel':
            cls.eval( """source "%s";""" % script )

        elif language == 'python':
            script = util.path(script)
            modulePath = script.namebase
            folder = script.parent
            print modulePath
            if not sys.modules.has_key(modulePath):
                print "importing"
                module = __import__(modulePath, globals(), locals(), [''])
                sys.modules[modulePath] = module

            raise TypeError, "language keyword expects 'mel' or 'python'. got '%s'" % language
Exemplo n.º 4
    def source(cls, script, language='mel'):
        """use this to source mel or python scripts.

            language : {'mel', 'python'}
                When set to 'python', the source command will look for the
                python equivalent of this mel file, if it exists, and attempt
                to import it. This is particularly useful when transitioning
                from mel to python via `pymel.tools.mel2py`, with this simple
                switch you can change back and forth from sourcing mel to
                importing python.


        if language == 'mel':
            cls.eval("""source "%s";""" % script)

        elif language == 'python':
            script = util.path(script)
            modulePath = script.namebase
            folder = script.parent
            print modulePath
            if not sys.modules.has_key(modulePath):
                print "importing"
                module = __import__(modulePath, globals(), locals(), [''])
                sys.modules[modulePath] = module

            raise TypeError, "language keyword expects 'mel' or 'python'. got '%s'" % language
Exemplo n.º 5
def resolvePath(melobj,
    if passed a directory, get all mel files in the directory
    if passed a file, ensure it is a mel file
    if passed a procedure name, find its file

    Returns tuples of the form (moduleName, melfile).
    if basePackage is None:
        basePackage = ''
    files = []
    recursedResults = []
    filepath = util.path(melobj)
    if filepath.isfile():
        if filepath.ext == '.mel':
            files = [filepath.truepath()]
            log.warning("File is not a mel script: %s" % (filepath))
            files = []
    elif filepath.isdir():
        files = [f.truepath() for f in filepath.files('[a-zA-Z]*.mel')]
        if recurse:
            for dir in filepath.dirs():
                                basePackage=basePackage + '.' +
    #elif not filepath.exists():
        # see if it's a procedure that we can derive a path from
            info = pm.mel.whatIs(melobj).split(': ')[-1]
            assert info != 'Unknown', "If providing a procedure or a short file name, ensure the appropriate script is sourced"
            melfile = util.path(info)
            files = [melfile.truepath()]
        except Exception, msg:
            log.warning("Could not determine mel script from input '%s': %s." %
                        (filepath, msg))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def nameFromFile(self, pathname):
            fpPathObj = pu.path(pathname)
            fpFileObj = pu.path.basename(fpPathObj)
            fpFile = fpFileObj.split(".")
            fpName = fpFile[0]
            return fpName

            return "imgPlane"
Exemplo n.º 7
def _updateCurrentModules( newResults ):
    currentModules = melparse.batchData.currentModules
    for moduleName, melfile in newResults:
        if not isinstance(melfile, Path):
            melfile = util.path(melfile)
        if melfile in currentModules.values():
            oldModule = currentModules.get_key(melfile)
            if oldModule == moduleName:
            if moduleName.count('.') >= oldModule.count('.'):
        elif moduleName in currentModules:
            raise RuntimeError('two mel files result in same python module name: %s, %s => %s' % (currentModules[moduleName], melfile, moduleName))
        currentModules[moduleName] = melfile
Exemplo n.º 8
def resolvePath( melobj, recurse=False, exclude=(), melPathOnly=False, basePackage='' ):
    if passed a directory, get all mel files in the directory
    if passed a file, ensure it is a mel file
    if passed a procedure name, find its file

    Returns tuples of the form (moduleName, melfile).
    if basePackage is None:
        basePackage = ''
    files = []
    recursedResults = []
    filepath = util.path( melobj )
    if filepath.isfile():
        if filepath.ext == '.mel':
            files = [ filepath.canonicalpath() ]
            log.warning( "File is not a mel script: %s" % (filepath) )
            files = []
    elif filepath.isdir():
        files = [ f.canonicalpath() for f in filepath.files( '[a-zA-Z]*.mel') ]
        if recurse:
            for dir in filepath.dirs():
                recursedResults.extend(resolvePath(dir, recurse=recurse,
                                         exclude=exclude, melPathOnly=melPathOnly,
                                         basePackage = basePackage + '.' + pythonizeName(dir.basename())))
    #elif not filepath.exists():
        # see if it's a procedure that we can derive a path from
            info = mel.whatIs( melobj ).split(': ')[-1]
            assert info != 'Unknown', "If providing a procedure or a short file name, ensure the appropriate script is sourced"
            melfile = util.path( info )
            files = [ melfile.canonicalpath() ]
        except Exception, msg:
            log.warning( "Could not determine mel script from input '%s': %s." % (filepath, msg) )
Exemplo n.º 9
def _updateCurrentModules(newResults):
    currentModules = melparse.batchData.currentModules
    for moduleName, melfile in newResults:
        if not isinstance(melfile, pm.Path):
            melfile = util.path(melfile)
        if melfile in currentModules.values():
            oldModule = currentModules.get_key(melfile)
            if oldModule == moduleName:
            if moduleName.count('.') >= oldModule.count('.'):
        elif moduleName in currentModules:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'two mel files result in same python module name: %s, %s => %s'
                % (currentModules[moduleName], melfile, moduleName))
        currentModules[moduleName] = melfile
Exemplo n.º 10
def findMelOnlyCommands():
    Using maya's documentation, find commands which were not ported to python.

    docs = util.path( _factories.mayaDocsLocation() )
    melCmds = set([ x.namebase for x in ( docs / 'Commands').files('*.html') ])
    pyCmds = set([ x.namebase for x in ( docs / 'CommandsPython').files('*.html') ])
    result = []
    for cmd in sorted(melCmds.difference(pyCmds)):
        typ = pymel.mel.whatIs(cmd)
        if typ.startswith( 'Script') or typ.startswith( 'Mel' ):
            typ = 'Mel'
            func = getattr( pymel, cmd)
            info = func.__module__
        except AttributeError:
            if hasattr( builtin_module, cmd):
                info = 'builtin'
                info = proc_remap.has_key( cmd )
        result.append( (cmd, typ, info ) )
    return result
Exemplo n.º 11
def findMelOnlyCommands():
    Using maya's documentation, find commands which were not ported to python.

    docs = util.path(_factories.mayaDocsLocation())
    melCmds = set([x.namebase for x in (docs / 'Commands').files('*.html')])
    pyCmds = set(
        [x.namebase for x in (docs / 'CommandsPython').files('*.html')])
    result = []
    for cmd in sorted(melCmds.difference(pyCmds)):
        typ = pymel.mel.whatIs(cmd)
        if typ.startswith('Script') or typ.startswith('Mel'):
            typ = 'Mel'
            func = getattr(pymel, cmd)
            info = func.__module__
        except AttributeError:
            if hasattr(melparse.builtin_module, cmd):
                info = 'builtin'
                info = melparse.proc_remap.has_key(cmd)
        result.append((cmd, typ, info))
    return result
Exemplo n.º 12
def mel2py(input,
    Batch convert an entire directory

            May be a directory, a list of directories, the name of a mel file, a list of mel files, or the name of a sourced procedure.
            If only the name of the mel file is passed, mel2py will attempt to determine the location
            of the file using the 'whatIs' mel command, which relies on the script already being sourced by maya.

        outputDir : `str`
            Directory where resulting python files will be written to

        pymelNamespace : `str`
            the namespace into which pymel will be imported.  the default is '', which means ``from pymel.all import *``

        forceCompatibility : `bool`
            If True, the translator will attempt to use non-standard python types in order to produce
            python code which more exactly reproduces the behavior of the original mel file, but which
            will produce "uglier" code.  Use this option if you wish to produce the most reliable code
            without any manual cleanup.

        verbosity : `int`
            Set to non-zero for a *lot* of feedback

        test : `bool`
            After translation, attempt to import the modules to test for errors

        recurse : `bool`
            If the input is a directory, whether or not to recursively search subdirectories as well.
            Subdirectories will be converted into packages, and any mel files within those subdirectories
            will be submodules of that package.

        exclude : `str`
            A comma-separated list of files/directories to exclude from processing, if input is a directory.

        melPathOnly : `bool`
            If true, will only translate mel files found on the mel script path.

        basePackage : `str`
            Gives the package that all translated modules will be a part of; if None or an empty string, all
            translated modules are assumed to have no base package.
    if basePackage is None:
        basePackage = ''
    melparse.batchData = melparse.BatchData()
    batchData = melparse.batchData
    batchData.basePackage = basePackage
    if outputDir is not None:
        outputDir = util.path(outputDir)
    batchData.outputDir = outputDir

    if outputDir and not os.path.exists(outputDir):

    currentFiles = _getInputFiles(input,
    if not currentFiles:
        raise ValueError, "Could not find any scripts to operate on. Please pass a directory, a list of directories, the name of a mel file, a list of mel files, or the name of a sourced procedure"


    importCnt = 0
    succeeded = []
    for moduleName, melfile in batchData.currentModules.iteritems():
        print melfile, moduleName

        if melfile in batchData.scriptPath_to_moduleText:
            print "Using pre-converted mel script", melfile
            converted = batchData.scriptPath_to_moduleText[melfile]

            data = melfile.bytes()
            print "Converting mel script", melfile
                converted = mel2pyStr(data,
            except melparse.MelParseError, e:
                if e.file is None:
                    e.file = melfile

        header = """%s from mel file:
# %s

""" % (melparse.tag, melfile)

        converted = header + converted

        splitModule = moduleName.split('.')
        if outputDir is None:
            currOutDir = melfile.parent
            currOutDir = outputDir
            if len(splitModule) > 1:
                currOutDir = currOutDir.joinpath(*splitModule[:-1])

        pyfile = currOutDir.joinpath(splitModule[-1] + '.py')
        print "Writing converted python script: %s" % pyfile
Exemplo n.º 13
                             basePackage=basePackage + '.' +
 #elif not filepath.exists():
     # see if it's a procedure that we can derive a path from
         info = pm.mel.whatIs(melobj).split(': ')[-1]
         assert info != 'Unknown', "If providing a procedure or a short file name, ensure the appropriate script is sourced"
         melfile = util.path(info)
         files = [melfile.truepath()]
     except Exception, msg:
         log.warning("Could not determine mel script from input '%s': %s." %
                     (filepath, msg))
 if exclude:
     for i, badFile in enumerate(exclude):
         badFile = util.path(badFile).canonicalpath()
         if badFile.isdir():
             badFile = badFile + os.sep
         exclude[i] = badFile
     filteredFiles = []
     for f in files:
         fileGood = True
         for badFile in exclude:
             if f.samepath(badFile) \
                or (badFile.isdir()
                    and f.canonicalpath().startswith(badFile)):
                 fileGood = False
         if fileGood:
     files = filteredFiles
 if melPathOnly:
Exemplo n.º 14
def mel2py( input, outputDir=None,
            pymelNamespace='', forceCompatibility=False,
            verbosity=0 , test=False,
            recurse=False, exclude=(), melPathOnly=False,
    Batch convert an entire directory

            May be a directory, a list of directories, the name of a mel file, a list of mel files, or the name of a sourced procedure.
            If only the name of the mel file is passed, mel2py will attempt to determine the location
            of the file using the 'whatIs' mel command, which relies on the script already being sourced by maya.

        outputDir : `str`
            Directory where resulting python files will be written to

        pymelNamespace : `str`
            the namespace into which pymel will be imported.  the default is '', which means ``from pymel.all import *``

        forceCompatibility : `bool`
            If True, the translator will attempt to use non-standard python types in order to produce
            python code which more exactly reproduces the behavior of the original mel file, but which
            will produce "uglier" code.  Use this option if you wish to produce the most reliable code
            without any manual cleanup.

        verbosity : `int`
            Set to non-zero for a *lot* of feedback

        test : `bool`
            After translation, attempt to import the modules to test for errors

        recurse : `bool`
            If the input is a directory, whether or not to recursively search subdirectories as well.
            Subdirectories will be converted into packages, and any mel files within those subdirectories
            will be submodules of that package.

        exclude : `str`
            A comma-separated list of files/directories to exclude from processing, if input is a directory.

        melPathOnly : `bool`
            If true, will only translate mel files found on the mel script path.

        basePackage : `str`
            Gives the package that all translated modules will be a part of; if None or an empty string, all
            translated modules are assumed to have no base package.
    if basePackage is None:
        basePackage = ''
    melparse.batchData = BatchData()
    batchData = melparse.batchData
    batchData.basePackage = basePackage
    if outputDir is not None:
        outputDir = util.path(outputDir)
    batchData.outputDir = outputDir

    if outputDir and not os.path.exists(outputDir):

    currentFiles = _getInputFiles( input, recurse=recurse, exclude=exclude, melPathOnly=melPathOnly, basePackage=basePackage )
    if not currentFiles:
        raise ValueError, "Could not find any scripts to operate on. Please pass a directory, a list of directories, the name of a mel file, a list of mel files, or the name of a sourced procedure"


    importCnt = 0
    succeeded = []
    for moduleName, melfile in batchData.currentModules.iteritems():
        print melfile, moduleName

        if melfile in batchData.scriptPath_to_moduleText:
            print "Using pre-converted mel script", melfile
            converted = batchData.scriptPath_to_moduleText[melfile]

            data = melfile.bytes()
            print "Converting mel script", melfile
                converted = mel2pyStr( data, moduleName, pymelNamespace=pymelNamespace, verbosity=verbosity )
            except MelParseError, e:
                if e.file is None:
                    e.file = melfile

        header = """%s from mel file:
# %s

""" % (tag, melfile)

        converted = header + converted

        splitModule = moduleName.split('.')
        if outputDir is None:
            currOutDir = melfile.parent
            currOutDir = outputDir
            if len(splitModule) > 1:
                currOutDir = currOutDir.joinpath(*splitModule[:-1])

        pyfile = currOutDir.joinpath(splitModule[-1] + '.py')
        print "Writing converted python script: %s" % pyfile
        succeeded.append( pyfile )
Exemplo n.º 15
             recursedResults.extend(resolvePath(dir, recurse=recurse,
                                      exclude=exclude, melPathOnly=melPathOnly,
                                      basePackage = basePackage + '.' + pythonizeName(dir.basename())))
 #elif not filepath.exists():
     # see if it's a procedure that we can derive a path from
         info = mel.whatIs( melobj ).split(': ')[-1]
         assert info != 'Unknown', "If providing a procedure or a short file name, ensure the appropriate script is sourced"
         melfile = util.path( info )
         files = [ melfile.canonicalpath() ]
     except Exception, msg:
         log.warning( "Could not determine mel script from input '%s': %s." % (filepath, msg) )
 if exclude:
     for i, badFile in enumerate(exclude):
         badFile = util.path(badFile).canonicalpath()
         if badFile.isdir():
             badFile = badFile + os.sep
         exclude[i] = badFile
     filteredFiles = []
     for f in files:
         fileGood = True
         for badFile in exclude:
             if f.samepath(badFile) \
                or (badFile.isdir()
                    and f.startswith(badFile)):
                 fileGood = False
         if fileGood:
     files = filteredFiles
 if melPathOnly:
Exemplo n.º 16
def resolvePath(melobj,
    if passed a directory, get all mel files in the directory
    if passed a file, ensure it is a mel file
    if passed a procedure name, find its file

    Returns tuples of the form (moduleName, melfile).
    if basePackage is None:
        basePackage = ''
    files = []
    recursedResults = []
    filepath = util.path(melobj)
    if filepath.isfile():
        if filepath.ext == '.mel':
            files = [filepath.truepath()]
            log.warning("File is not a mel script: %s" % (filepath))
            files = []
    elif filepath.isdir():
        files = [f.truepath() for f in filepath.files('[a-zA-Z]*.mel')]
        if recurse:
            for dir in filepath.dirs():
                                basePackage=basePackage + '.' +
    # elif not filepath.exists():
        # see if it's a procedure that we can derive a path from
            info = pm.mel.whatIs(melobj).split(': ')[-1]
            assert info != 'Unknown', "If providing a procedure or a short file name, ensure the appropriate script is sourced"
            melfile = util.path(info)
            files = [melfile.truepath()]
        except Exception as msg:
            log.warning("Could not determine mel script from input '%s': %s." %
                        (filepath, msg))
    if exclude:
        for i, badFile in enumerate(exclude):
            badFile = util.path(badFile).canonicalpath()
            if badFile.isdir():
                badFile = badFile + os.sep
            exclude[i] = badFile
        filteredFiles = []
        for f in files:
            fileGood = True
            for badFile in exclude:
                if f.samepath(badFile) \
                   or (badFile.isdir()
                       and f.canonicalpath().startswith(badFile)):
                    fileGood = False
            if fileGood:
        files = filteredFiles
    if melPathOnly:
        files = [x for x in files if fileOnMelPath(x)]
    if basePackage and basePackage[-1] != '.':
        basePackage = basePackage + '.'
    return [(basePackage + melparse.getModuleBasename(x), x)
            for x in files] + recursedResults