Exemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(self, sample: dict) -> dict:
        # normalize first
        norm = MRFLabelNormalization(self.min_, self.max_)
        sample = norm(sample)

        maps = pymia_tfm.check_and_return(sample[pymia_def.KEY_LABELS],
        mask = pymia_tfm.check_and_return(sample[self.mask], np.ndarray)

        mask = np.concatenate([mask] * maps.shape[-1], -1)
        maps[mask == 0] = 0

        sample[pymia_def.KEY_LABELS] = maps
        return sample
    def __call__(self, sample: dict) -> dict:
        for entry in self.entries:
            if entry not in sample:
                raise ValueError(

            np_entry = pymia_tfm.check_and_return(sample[entry], np.ndarray)
            frame = np_entry[..., self.temporal_idx, :]
            if len(frame.shape) == 3:  # without batch dimension
                shape = frame[..., 0].shape  # spatial dimension
                # permute real and imaginary independently
                frame[..., 0] = np.random.permutation(
                    frame[..., 0].reshape(-1)).reshape(shape)
                frame[..., 1] = np.random.permutation(
                    frame[..., 1].reshape(-1)).reshape(shape)
                # we have the batch dimension
                shape = frame[0, ..., 0].shape  # spatial dimension
                for batch_idx in range(frame.shape[0]):
                    # permute real and imaginary independently
                    frame[batch_idx, ..., 0] = np.random.permutation(
                        frame[batch_idx, ..., 0].reshape(-1)).reshape(shape)
                    frame[batch_idx, ..., 1] = np.random.permutation(
                        frame[batch_idx, ..., 1].reshape(-1)).reshape(shape)

            np_entry[..., self.temporal_idx, :] = frame
            sample[entry] = np_entry

        return sample
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, sample: dict) -> dict:
        maps = pymia_tfm.check_and_return(sample[pymia_def.KEY_LABELS],

        for idx, entry in enumerate(self.min_.keys()):
            maps[..., idx] = (maps[..., idx] - self.min_[entry]) / (
                self.max_[entry] - self.min_[entry])  # normalize to 0..1

        sample[pymia_def.KEY_LABELS] = maps
        return sample
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __call__(self, sample: dict) -> dict:
        for entry in self.entries:
            if entry not in sample:
                raise ValueError(

            np_entry = pymia_tfm.check_and_return(sample[entry], np.ndarray)
            np_entry[..., self.temporal_idx, :] = 0
            sample[entry] = np_entry

        return sample
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __call__(self, sample: dict) -> dict:
        # unsqueeze samples to be 4-D tensors, as required by TorchIO
        for entry in self.entries:
            if entry not in sample:
                if tfm.raise_error_if_entry_not_extracted:
                    raise ValueError(tfm.ENTRY_NOT_EXTRACTED_ERR_MSG.format(entry))

            np_entry = tfm.check_and_return(sample[entry], np.ndarray)
            sample[entry] = np.expand_dims(np_entry, -1)

        # apply TorchIO transforms
        for t in self.transforms:
            sample = t(sample)

        # squeeze samples back to original format
        for entry in self.entries:
            np_entry = tfm.check_and_return(sample[entry].numpy(), np.ndarray)
            sample[entry] = np_entry.squeeze(-1)

        return sample
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self, sample: dict) -> dict:
        # unsqueeze samples to add a batch dimensions, as required by batchgenerators
        for entry in self.entries:
            if entry not in sample:
                if tfm.raise_error_if_entry_not_extracted:
                    raise ValueError(tfm.ENTRY_NOT_EXTRACTED_ERR_MSG.format(entry))

            np_entry = tfm.check_and_return(sample[entry], np.ndarray)
            sample[entry] = np.expand_dims(np_entry, 0)

        # apply batchgenerators transforms
        for t in self.transforms:
            sample = t(**sample)

        # squeeze samples back to original format
        for entry in self.entries:
            np_entry = tfm.check_and_return(sample[entry], np.ndarray)
            sample[entry] = np_entry.squeeze(0)

        return sample