def pairwise_dist(sel1, sel2, max_dist, output="N", output_filename="", sidechain="N", show="N"): """ usage: pairwise_dist sel1, sel2, max_dist, [output=S/P/N, [sidechain=N/Y, [show=Y/N]]] sel1 and sel2 can be any to pre-existing or newly defined selections max_dist: maximum distance in Angstrom between atoms in the two selections --optional settings: output: accepts Screen/Print/None (default N) sidechain: limits (Y) results to sidechain atoms (default N) show: shows (Y) individual distances in pymol menu (default=N) """ print "" cmd.delete("dist*") extra = "" if sidechain == "Y": extra = " and not name c+o+n" #builds models m1 = cmd.get_model(sel2 + " around " + str(max_dist) + " and " + sel1 + extra) m1o = cmd.get_object_list(sel1) m2 = cmd.get_model(sel1 + " around " + str(max_dist) + " and " + sel2 + extra) m2o = cmd.get_object_list(sel2) #defines selections"__tsel1a", sel1 + " around " + str(max_dist) + " and " + sel2 + extra)"__tsel1", "__tsel1a and " + sel2 + extra)"__tsel2a", sel2 + " around " + str(max_dist) + " and " + sel1 + extra)"__tsel2", "__tsel2a and " + sel1 + extra)"IntAtoms_" + max_dist, "__tsel1 or __tsel2")"IntRes_" + max_dist, "byres IntAtoms_" + max_dist) #controlers-1 if len(m1o) == 0: print "warning, '" + sel1 + extra + "' does not contain any atoms." return if len(m2o) == 0: print "warning, '" + sel2 + extra + "' does not contain any atoms." return #measures distances s = "" counter = 0 for c1 in range(len(m1.atom)): for c2 in range(len(m2.atom)): distance = math.sqrt( sum( map(lambda f: (f[0] - f[1])**2, zip(m1.atom[c1].coord, m2.atom[c2].coord)))) if distance < float(max_dist): s += "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s to %s/%s/%s/%s/%s: %.3f\n" % ( m1o[0], m1.atom[c1].chain, m1.atom[c1].resn, m1.atom[c1].resi, m1.atom[c1].name, m2o[0], m2.atom[c2].chain, m2.atom[c2].resn, m2.atom[c2].resi, m2.atom[c2].name, distance) counter += 1 if show == "Y": cmd.distance( m1o[0] + " and " + m1.atom[c1].chain + "/" + m1.atom[c1].resi + "/" + m1.atom[c1].name, m2o[0] + " and " + m2.atom[c2].chain + "/" + m2.atom[c2].resi + "/" + m2.atom[c2].name) #controler-2 if counter == 0: print "warning, no distances were measured! Check your selections/max_dist value" return #outputs if output == "S": print s if output == "P": f = open(output_filename, 'w') f.write("Number of distances calculated: %s\n" % (counter)) f.write(s) f.close() print "Results saved in %s" % output_filename print "Number of distances calculated: %s" % (counter) cmd.hide("lines", "IntRes_*") if show == "Y":"lines", "IntRes_" + max_dist) cmd.deselect()"__tsel2", "__tsel2a and " + sel1 + extra)"IntAtoms_" + max_dist, "__tsel1 or __tsel2")"IntRes_" + max_dist, "byres IntAtoms_" + max_dist) s = "" counter = 0 atomlist = [] for c1 in range(len(m1.atom)): for c2 in range(len(m2.atom)): distance = math.sqrt( sum( map( lambda f: (f[0] - f[1])**2, zip( m1.atom[c1].coord, m2.atom[c2].coord)))) if distance < float(max_dist): # s += "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s to %s/%s/%s/%s/%s: %.3f\n" % ( # m1o[0], m1.atom[c1].chain, m1.atom[c1].resn, # m1.atom[c1].resi, m1.atom[c1].name, m2o[0], # m2.atom[c2].chain, m2.atom[c2].resn, # m2.atom[c2].resi, # m2.atom[c2].name, distance) counter += 1 atomlist.append(distance) finList = round(min(atomlist), 1) goodRuns = goodRuns + 1
def pairwise_dist(pdbfile,sel1, sel2, max_dist, output="P", sidechain="N", show="N",outfile="./"): """ usage: pairwise_dist sel1, sel2, max_dist, [output=S/P/N, [sidechain=N/Y, [show=Y/N]]] sel1 and sel2 can be any to pre-existing or newly defined selections max_dist: maximum distance in Angstrom between atoms in the two selections --optional settings: output: accepts Screen/Print/None (default N) sidechain: limits (Y) results to sidechain atoms (default N) show: shows (Y) individual distances in pymol menu (default=N) """ print "" cmd.delete ("dist*") extra="" if sidechain=="Y": extra=" and not name c+o+n" #builds models m1=cmd.get_model(sel2+" around "+str(max_dist)+" and "+sel1+extra) m1o=cmd.get_object_list(sel1) m2=cmd.get_model(sel1+" around "+str(max_dist)+" and "+sel2+extra) m2o=cmd.get_object_list(sel2) #defines selections"__tsel1a", sel1+" around "+str(max_dist)+" and "+sel2+extra)"__tsel1", "__tsel1a and "+sel2+extra)"__tsel2a", sel2+" around "+str(max_dist)+" and "+sel1+extra)"__tsel2", "__tsel2a and "+sel1+extra)"IntAtoms_"+str(max_dist), "__tsel1 or __tsel2")"IntRes_"+str(max_dist), "byres IntAtoms_"+str(max_dist)) #controlers-1 if len(m1o)==0: print "warning, '"+sel1+extra+"' does not contain any atoms." return if len(m2o)==0: print "warning, '"+sel2+extra+"' does not contain any atoms." return #measures distances s="" counter=0 for c1 in range(len(m1.atom)): for c2 in range(len(m2.atom)): distance=math.sqrt(sum(map(lambda f: (f[0]-f[1])**2, zip(m1.atom[c1].coord,m2.atom[c2].coord)))) if distance<float(max_dist): s+="%s/%s/%s/%s/%s to %s/%s/%s/%s/%s: %.3f\n" % (m1o[0],m1.atom[c1].chain,m1.atom[c1].resn,m1.atom[c1].resi,m1.atom[c1].name,m2o[0],m2.atom[c2].chain,m2.atom[c2].resn,m2.atom[c2].resi,m2.atom[c2].name, distance) counter+=1 if show=="Y": cmd.distance (m1o[0]+" and "+m1.atom[c1].chain+"/"+m1.atom[c1].resi+"/"+m1.atom[c1].name, m2o[0]+" and "+m2.atom[c2].chain+"/"+m2.atom[c2].resi+"/"+m2.atom[c2].name) #controler-2 if counter==0: print "warning, no distances were measured! Check your selections/max_dist value" return #outputs if output=="S": print s if output=="P": filename=os.getcwd()+'/interface_analyzer/'+pdbfile+'_distance'+str(max_dist) f=open(filename,'w') f.write("Number of distances calculated: %s\n" % (counter)) f.write(s) f.close() print "Results saved in _%s" % filename print "Number of distances calculated: %s" % (counter) cmd.hide("lines", "IntRes_*") if show=="Y":"lines","IntRes_"+max_dist) cmd.deselect()