Exemplo n.º 1
def xor_rows_then_compare(grid, alt):
  if(len(grid) == 2):
      return 0
  grid = copy.deepcopy(grid)
  top = reduce(lambda a, b: a^b, grid[0])
  bot = reduce(lambda a, b: a^b, grid[2])
  a_top = reduce(lambda a, b: a&b, grid[0], top)
  a_bot = reduce(lambda a, b: a&b, grid[2], bot)
  top_xor = pymorph.open(top^a_top)
  bot_xor = pymorph.open(bot^a_bot)
  return similarity(top_xor, bot_xor)
Exemplo n.º 2
def xor_rows_then_compare(grid, alt):
    if (len(grid) == 2):
        return 0
    grid = copy.deepcopy(grid)
    top = reduce(lambda a, b: a ^ b, grid[0])
    bot = reduce(lambda a, b: a ^ b, grid[2])
    a_top = reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, grid[0], top)
    a_bot = reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, grid[2], bot)
    top_xor = pymorph.open(top ^ a_top)
    bot_xor = pymorph.open(bot ^ a_bot)
    return similarity(top_xor, bot_xor)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_open():
    img = np.array(pyplot.imread(path.join(_basedir, "img1.png")), dtype=bool)
    ref = np.array(pyplot.imread(path.join(_basedir, "b.png")), dtype=bool)
    expected = np.array(pyplot.imread(path.join(_basedir, "expected.png")), dtype=bool)

    se = pymorph.img2se(ref)
    res = pymorph.open(img, se)

    assert np.all(img[85:99, 280:289] == ref)
    assert np.all(res == expected)
def LowResSegmentation(image):
    """Perform a simple threshold after DoG filtering"""
    noBack = RemoveModalBackground(image)
    # print "from Segmeta noBack:",noBack.min(),noBack.mean()
    blurLowRes = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(noBack, 13)
    blurHiRes = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(noBack, 1)
    midPass = pymorph.subm(blurHiRes, 0.70 * blurLowRes)
    bin = midPass > 1.5 * midPass.mean()
    binLowRes = pymorph.open(bin, pymorph.sedisk(4))
    return binLowRes
Exemplo n.º 5
def LowResSegmentation(image):
    '''Perform a simple threshold after DoG filtering'''
    #print "from Segmeta noBack:",noBack.min(),noBack.mean()
    return binLowRes
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_open():
    img = np.array(pyplot.imread(path.join(_basedir, 'img1.png')), dtype=bool)
    ref = np.array(pyplot.imread(path.join(_basedir, 'b.png')), dtype=bool)
    expected = np.array(pyplot.imread(path.join(_basedir, 'expected.png')),

    se = pymorph.img2se(ref)
    res = pymorph.open(img, se)

    assert np.all(img[85:99, 280:289] == ref)
    assert np.all(res == expected)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_opentransf():
    f = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                  [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                  [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], bool)
    ot = pymorph.opentransf(f, 'city-block')
    for y in xrange(ot.shape[0]):
        for x in xrange(ot.shape[1]):
            r = ot[y, x]
            t = f.copy()
            for k in xrange(1, r + 1):
                assert t[y, x]
                t = pymorph.open(f, pymorph.sedisk(k, 2, 'city-block'))
            assert not t[y, x]
Exemplo n.º 8
def GradBasedSegmentation(im):
    blur=nd.gaussian_filter(im, 16)
    rmax = pymorph.regmax(blur)
    T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(blur)
    bImg01=pymorph.close(bImg0, pymorph.sedisk(3))
    bImg=pymorph.open(bImg01, pymorph.sedisk(4))
    seeds,nr_nuclei = nd.label(rmax)
    return lab
def GradBasedSegmentation(im):
    blur = nd.gaussian_filter(im, 16)
    rmax = pymorph.regmax(blur)
    T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(blur)
    bImg0 = im > T
    # bImg01=nd.binary_closing(bImg0,iterations=2)
    bImg01 = pymorph.close(bImg0, pymorph.sedisk(3))
    bImg = pymorph.open(bImg01, pymorph.sedisk(4))
    # bImg=nd.binary_opening(bImg01,iterations=3)
    b = pymorph.edgeoff(bImg)
    d = distanceTranform(b)
    seeds, nr_nuclei = nd.label(rmax)
    lab = mahotas.cwatershed(d, seeds)
    return lab
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_opentransf():
    f = np.array([
            [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]], bool)
    ot = pymorph.opentransf( f, 'city-block')
    for y in xrange(ot.shape[0]):
        for x in xrange(ot.shape[1]):
            r = ot[y,x]
            t = f.copy()
            for k in xrange(1, r+1):
                assert t[y,x]
                t = pymorph.open(f, pymorph.sedisk(k, 2, 'city-block'))
            assert not t[y,x]
Exemplo n.º 11
def _getBlobs(im, minsize=10, opendisk=0):
    """ Find blobs in an image. 
    :param im: input image
    :type im: numpy array
    :param minsize: minimal size of detected blobs
    :type minsize: int
    :param opendisk: disk size for opening operation (ommitted when opendisk <= 0)
    :type opendisk: int
    :return: identifiers for areas with blobs > minsize and labeled image (lac,lab)
    if opendisk > 0:
        im = m.open(im.astype(np.int), m.sedisk(opendisk))
    n = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]])
    lab, nr = labeled.label(im, n)
    sizes = np.bincount(np.reshape(lab, (lab.shape[0] * lab.shape[1])))
    lac = np.nonzero(sizes > minsize)[0]
    return lac, lab
Exemplo n.º 12
def region_prop(fig, subfig):
  # Inspired by:
  # http://stackoverflow.com/a/9059648/621449
  c = subfig

# set up the 'FilledImage' bit of regionprops.
  FilledImage = np.zeros(fig.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8')
# set up the 'ConvexImage' bit of regionprops.
  ConvexImage = np.zeros(fig.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8')
# calculate some things useful later:
  m = cv2.moments(c)

# ** regionprops **
  Area          = m['m00']
  Perimeter     = cv2.arcLength(c,True)
# bounding box: x,y,width,height
  BoundingBox   = cv2.boundingRect(c)
# centroid    = m10/m00, m01/m00 (x,y)
  Centroid      = ( m['m10']/m['m00'],m['m01']/m['m00'] )

# EquivDiameter: diameter of circle with same area as region
  EquivDiameter = np.sqrt(4*Area/np.pi)
# Extent: ratio of area of region to area of bounding box
  Extent        = Area/(BoundingBox[2]*BoundingBox[3])

# FilledImage: draw the region on in white
  cv2.drawContours( FilledImage, [c], 0, color=255, thickness=-1 )
# calculate indices of that region..
  regionMask    = (FilledImage==255)
# FilledArea: number of pixels filled in FilledImage
  FilledArea    = np.sum(regionMask)
# PixelIdxList : indices of region.
# (np.array of xvals, np.array of yvals)
  PixelIdxList  = regionMask.nonzero()

# convex hull vertices
  ConvexHull    = cv2.convexHull(c)
  ConvexArea    = cv2.contourArea(ConvexHull)
# Solidity := Area/ConvexArea
  Solidity      = Area/ConvexArea
# convexImage -- draw on ConvexImage
  cv2.drawContours( ConvexImage, [ConvexHull], -1,
                    color=255, thickness=-1 )

# ELLIPSE - determine best-fitting ellipse.
  centre,axes,angle = cv2.fitEllipse(c)
  MAJ = np.argmax(axes) # this is MAJor axis, 1 or 0
  MIN = 1-MAJ # 0 or 1, minor axis
# Note: axes length is 2*radius in that dimension
  MajorAxisLength = axes[MAJ]
  MinorAxisLength = axes[MIN]
  Eccentricity    = np.sqrt(1-(axes[MIN]/axes[MAJ])**2)
  Orientation     = angle
  EllipseCentre   = centre # x,y

  Test = FilledImage.astype('uint8')
  mf = cv2.moments(Test)
  CentroidFilled = ( mf['m10']/mf['m00'],mf['m01']/mf['m00'] )

# # ** if an image is supplied with the fig:
# # Max/Min Intensity (only meaningful for a one-channel img..)
#   MaxIntensity  = np.max(img[regionMask])
#   MinIntensity  = np.min(img[regionMask])
# # Mean Intensity
#   MeanIntensity = np.mean(img[regionMask],axis=0)
# # pixel value
#   PixelValues   = img[regionMask]
  x0, y0, dx, dy = BoundingBox
  x1, y1 = x0 + dx, y0 + dy
  Image = fig[y0:y1, x0:x1]
  FilledImageFit = FilledImage[y0:y1, x0:x1]
  OImage = fig[y0-1:y1+1, x0-1:x1+1]
  NumPixels  = Image.sum()
  Fillity = (NumPixels+0.0)/FilledArea
  crx, cry = (CentroidFilled[0]-x0, CentroidFilled[1]-y0)
  dxc = crx-(x1-x0)/2.0
  dyc = cry-(y1-y0)/2.0
  CentLength = math.sqrt(dxc*dxc + dyc*dyc)

  e = lambda fig: pymorph.erode(fig)
  d = lambda fig: pymorph.dilate(fig)
  o = lambda fig: pymorph.open(fig)
  c = lambda fig: pymorph.close(fig)
  a = lambda fun, n: reduce(lambda f1, f2: lambda x: f1(f2(x)), [fun]*n, lambda x: x)

  Thin = pymorph.thin(OImage)
  if num_holes(Image) >= 2:
    Inner = removeOuter(Thin)
    Inner = (a(d,7))(Inner>0)
    Outer = OImage > Inner

  ret = dict((k,v) for k, v in locals().iteritems() if k[0].isupper())
  return ret
Exemplo n.º 13
import cv2
import numpy
import numpy as np
import scipy
import pylab as pl
import pylab
import pymorph
from scipy import misc

def s(fig): pl.imshow(fig); pl.gray(); pl.show()

e = lambda fig: pymorph.erode(fig)
d = lambda fig: pymorph.dilate(fig)
o = lambda fig: pymorph.open(fig)
c = lambda fig: pymorph.close(fig)
a = lambda fun, n: reduce(lambda f1, f2: lambda x: f1(f2(x)), [fun]*n, lambda x: x)

img= 255-cv2.imread('reps/2/2.png', cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
imgb = img > 128

# grab contours
cs,_ = cv2.findContours( BW.astype('uint8'), mode=cv2.RETR_LIST,
                             method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )
# set up the 'FilledImage' bit of regionprops.
filledI = np.zeros(BW.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8')
# set up the 'ConvexImage' bit of regionprops.
convexI = np.zeros(BW.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8')

# for each contour c in cs:
# will demonstrate with cs[0] but you could use a loop.
Exemplo n.º 14
def tentDetection_MM(strInputFile,

    # five step to do this
    # 1. opening-determine the square structure element (6-60 m2/resolution)
    # 2. opening by reconstruction
    # 3. top-hat by reconstruction
    # 4. lower threshold
    # 5. double threshold
    import pymorph as pymm

    objImg = osgeo.gdal.Open(strInputFile, GA_ReadOnly)
    nRasterCount = objImg.RasterCount
    poDataset = objImg.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float)
    geotransform = objImg.GetGeoTransform()
    pixelWidth = np.fabs(geotransform[1])
    pixelHeight = np.fabs(geotransform[5])
    resolution = pixelWidth * pixelHeight
    # NoDataValue = objImg.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

    # gray scale image
    if (nRasterCount == 1):
        objnImg = pymm.to_int32(poDataset)
    # RGB image
    elif (nRasterCount == 3):
        objnImg = pymm.to_gray(poDataset)
        print 'it only supports gray-scale or RGB image'

    # determine the structure element
    iNum = int(np.sqrt(maxTentArea) / resolution) + 1
    if (strShape == 'box'):
        objStructureElement = pymm.sebox(iNum)
    elif (strShape == 'cross'):
        objStructureElement = pymm.secross(iNum)
        objStructureElement = pymm.sedisk(iNum)

    # opening
    objOpen = pymm.open(objnImg, objStructureElement)

    # opening by reconstruction
    objOpenRec = pymm.openrec(objOpen, objStructureElement,

    objtophat = pymm.openrecth(objnImg, objStructureElement,
    # objtophat = pymm.subm(objnImg, objOpenRec)

    # objTent = pymm.threshad(objtophat, 0.25 * objnImg, 0.40 * objnImg)
    # y = mean + k*std
    (minValue, maxValue, meanValue,
     stdValue) = objImg.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(0, 1)

    if (nRasterCount == 3):
        (minValue2, maxValue2, meanValue2,
         stdValue2) = objImg.GetRasterBand(2).GetStatistics(0, 1)
        (minValue3, maxValue3, meanValue3,
         stdValue3) = objImg.GetRasterBand(3).GetStatistics(0, 1)
        meanValue = 0.2989 * meanValue + 0.5870 * meanValue2 + 0.1140 * meanValue3
        maxValue = 0.2989 * maxValue + 0.5870 * maxValue2 + 0.1140 * maxValue3

    # meanValue = 438
    # maxValue = 2047
    threshad = meanValue + iThresh_coeff * stdValue

    objTent = pymm.threshad(objtophat, threshad, maxValue)

    data_list = []

    WriteOutputImage(strOutputFile, 1, data_list, 0, 0, 0, strInputFile)
Exemplo n.º 15
import pymorph as m
import mahotas
from numpy import where, reshape

image = mahotas.imread('B.png') # Load image

b1 = image[:,:,0] < 100 # Make a binary image from the thresholded red channel
b2 = m.erode(b1, m.sedisk(4)) # Erode to enhance contrast of the bridge
b3 = m.open(b2,m.sedisk(4)) # Remove the bridge
b4 = b2-b3 # Bridge plus small noise
b5 = m.areaopen(b4,1000) # Remove small areas leaving only a thinned bridge
b6 = m.dilate(b3)*b5 # Extend the non-bridge area slightly and get intersection with the bridge.

#b6 is image of end of bridge, now find single points
b7 = m.thin(b6, m.endpoints('homotopic')) # Narrow regions to single points.
labelled = m.label(b7) # Label endpoints.

x1, y1 = reshape(where(labelled == 1),(1,2))[0]
x2, y2 = reshape(where(labelled == 2),(1,2))[0]

outputimage = m.overlay(b1, m.dilate(b7,m.sedisk(5)))
mahotas.imsave('output.png', outputimage)
Exemplo n.º 16
def tentDetection_MM(strInputFile, maxTentArea, strOutputFile, strShape='box', iThresh_coeff=0):
    # five step to do this
    # 1. opening-determine the square structure element (6-60 m2/resolution)
    # 2. opening by reconstruction
    # 3. top-hat by reconstruction
    # 4. lower threshold
    # 5. double threshold
    import pymorph as pymm
    objImg = osgeo.gdal.Open(strInputFile, GA_ReadOnly)
    nRasterCount = objImg.RasterCount
    poDataset = objImg.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float)
    geotransform = objImg.GetGeoTransform()
    pixelWidth = np.fabs(geotransform[1])
    pixelHeight = np.fabs(geotransform[5])
    resolution = pixelWidth * pixelHeight
    # NoDataValue = objImg.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()
    # gray scale image
    if (nRasterCount == 1):  
        objnImg = pymm.to_int32(poDataset)
    # RGB image   
    elif(nRasterCount == 3):
        objnImg = pymm.to_gray(poDataset) 
        print 'it only supports gray-scale or RGB image'
    # determine the structure element
    iNum = int(np.sqrt(maxTentArea) / resolution) + 1
    if (strShape == 'box'):
        objStructureElement = pymm.sebox(iNum)
    elif (strShape == 'cross'):
        objStructureElement = pymm.secross(iNum)
        objStructureElement = pymm.sedisk(iNum)
    # opening
    objOpen = pymm.open(objnImg, objStructureElement)
    # opening by reconstruction
    objOpenRec = pymm.openrec(objOpen, objStructureElement, objStructureElement)
    objtophat = pymm.openrecth(objnImg, objStructureElement, objStructureElement)
    # objtophat = pymm.subm(objnImg, objOpenRec)
    # objTent = pymm.threshad(objtophat, 0.25 * objnImg, 0.40 * objnImg)
    # y = mean + k*std
    (minValue, maxValue, meanValue, stdValue) = objImg.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(0, 1)
    if (nRasterCount == 3):
       (minValue2, maxValue2, meanValue2, stdValue2) = objImg.GetRasterBand(2).GetStatistics(0, 1)
       (minValue3, maxValue3, meanValue3, stdValue3) = objImg.GetRasterBand(3).GetStatistics(0, 1)
       meanValue = 0.2989 * meanValue + 0.5870 * meanValue2 + 0.1140 * meanValue3
       maxValue = 0.2989 * maxValue + 0.5870 * maxValue2 + 0.1140 * maxValue3
    # meanValue = 438
    # maxValue = 2047
    threshad = meanValue + iThresh_coeff * stdValue
    objTent = pymm.threshad(objtophat, threshad, maxValue)
    data_list = []
    WriteOutputImage(strOutputFile, 1, data_list, 0, 0, 0, strInputFile)

Exemplo n.º 17
import scipy
import pylab as pl
import pylab
import pymorph
from scipy import misc

def s(fig):

e = lambda fig: pymorph.erode(fig)
d = lambda fig: pymorph.dilate(fig)
o = lambda fig: pymorph.open(fig)
c = lambda fig: pymorph.close(fig)
a = lambda fun, n: reduce(lambda f1, f2: lambda x: f1(f2(x)), [fun] * n, lambda
                          x: x)

img = 255 - cv2.imread('reps/2/2.png', cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
imgb = img > 128
BW = imgb

# grab contours
cs, _ = cv2.findContours(BW.astype('uint8'),
# set up the 'FilledImage' bit of regionprops.
filledI = np.zeros(BW.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8')
# set up the 'ConvexImage' bit of regionprops.
Exemplo n.º 18
    def alternative_solution(self,
        a: original image in graylevel
        H, W = a.shape
        if orientation == 'coronal':
            # UL = mm.limits(a)[1]  # upper limit
            UL = 255

            b = 1 - iacircle(a.shape, H / 3, (1.4 * H / 3, W / 2))  # Circle
            b = b[0:70, W / 2 - 80:W / 2 + 80]  # Rectangle
            # if outimg:
            #     b_ = 0 * a; b_[0:70, W / 2 - 80:W / 2 + 80] = UL * b  # b_ only for presentation
            #     b_[:, W / 2 - linethickness / 2:W / 2 + linethickness / 2] = UL  # b_ only for presentation

            c = a + 0
            c[:, W / 2 - linethickness / 2:W / 2 + linethickness / 2] = UL
            c[0:70, W / 2 - 80:W / 2 +
              80] = (1 - b) * c[0:70, W / 2 - 80:W / 2 + 80] + b * UL
            c[0:40, W / 2 - 70:W / 2 + 70] = UL

            d = mm.open(c, mm.img2se(mm.binary(np.ones((20, 10)))))

            e = mm.close(d, mm.seline(5))

            f = mm.close_holes(e)

            g = mm.subm(f, d)

            h = mm.close_holes(g)

            i = mm.areaopen(h, 1000)

            j1, j2 = iaotsu(i)
            # j = i > j1
            ret, j = cv2.threshold(cv2.GaussianBlur(i, (7, 7), 0), j1, 255,

            k = mm.open(j, mm.seline(20, 90))

            l = mm.areaopen(k, 1000)

            # m = mm.label(l)

            res = np.vstack(
                [np.hstack([c, d, e, f, g]),
                 np.hstack([h, i, j, k, l])])
            cv2.imshow('Result', res)

            # l_ = mm.blob(k,'AREA','IMAGE')
            # l = l_ == max(ravel(l_))

            # m = mm.open(l, mm.sedisk(3))  # VERIFICAR O MELHOR ELEMENTO ESTRUTURANTE AQUI

            # n = mm.label(m)

            if outimg:
                if not os.path.isdir('outimg'):

                def N(x):
                    # y = uint8(ianormalize(x, (0, 255)) + 0.5)
                    y = (ianormalize(x, (0, 255)) + 0.5).astype(np.uint8)
                    return y

                adwrite('outimg/a.png', N(a))
                adwrite('outimg/b.png', N(b_))
                adwrite('outimg/c.png', N(c))
                adwrite('outimg/d.png', N(d))
                adwrite('outimg/e.png', N(e))
                adwrite('outimg/f.png', N(f))
                adwrite('outimg/g.png', N(g))
                adwrite('outimg/h.png', N(h))
                adwrite('outimg/i.png', N(i))
                adwrite('outimg/j.png', N(j))
                adwrite('outimg/k.png', N(k))
                adwrite('outimg/l.png', N(l))
                adwrite('outimg/m.png', N(m))
                # adwrite('outimg/n.png', N(n))

            return m

            b = mm.areaopen(a, 500)

            c = mm.close(b, mm.sebox(3))

            d = mm.close_holes(c)

            e = mm.subm(d, c)

            f = mm.areaopen(e, 1000)

            # g = f > 5
            ret, g = cv2.threshold(cv2.GaussianBlur(f, (5, 5), 0), 3, 255,
            # ret, g = cv2.threshold(
            #     cv2.GaussianBlur(f, (7, 7), 0),
            #     5, 255,
            #     cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)

            h = mm.asf(g, 'CO', mm.sedisk(5))

            i = mm.close_holes(h)

            res = np.vstack(
                [np.hstack([a, b, c, d, e]),
                 np.hstack([f, g, h, i, a])])
            cv2.imshow('Result', res)

            if outimg:
                if not os.path.isdir('outimg'):

                def N(x):
                    y = (ianormalize(x, (0, 255)) + 0.5).astype(np.uint8)
                    return y

                adwrite('outimg/a.png', N(a))
                adwrite('outimg/b.png', N(b))
                adwrite('outimg/c.png', N(c))
                adwrite('outimg/d.png', N(d))
                adwrite('outimg/e.png', N(e))
                adwrite('outimg/f.png', N(f))
                adwrite('outimg/g.png', N(g))
                adwrite('outimg/h.png', N(h))
                adwrite('outimg/i.png', N(i))

            return i
glom_hed = rgb2hed(glom_rgb) #hed
glom_h =  glom_hed[:, :, 0] #hematoxylim
glom_h = ia.ianormalize(glom_h)
selem = disk(10) #elemento estruturante
glom_h = np.array(glom_h) 
glom_h = 255 - uint8(glom_h)

glom_by_reconsTopHat = morph.closerecth(glom_h,selem) #reconstrução morfológicas de fechamento

global_thresh = threshold_otsu(glom_by_reconsTopHat) #Otsu
glom_bin = glom_by_reconsTopHat > global_thresh + global_thresh*0.1 
glom_bin = img_as_ubyte(glom_bin)
selem = disk(3)    
glom_seg = morph.open(glom_bin, selem)
glom_seg = morph.close(glom_seg, selem) #Fechamento final

#Mostra as etapas
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(14, 10))
fig.suptitle('Preprocessing, segmentation') 
ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6 = axes.ravel()
ax1.imshow(glom_rgb, vmin=0, vmax=255, cmap=plt.cm.gray); ax1.set_title("RGB")
ax2.imshow(glom_hed, vmin=0, vmax=255, cmap=plt.cm.gray); ax2.set_title("HED") 
ax3.imshow(glom_h,  cmap=plt.cm.gray); ax3.set_title("255 - H (Hematoxylin)") 
ax4.imshow(glom_by_reconsTopHat, vmin=0, vmax=255, cmap=plt.cm.gray); ax4.set_title("Closing-by-reconstruction top-hat") 
ax5.imshow(glom_bin, vmin=0, vmax=255, cmap=plt.cm.gray); ax5.set_title("Otsu Thresholding") 
ax6.imshow(glom_seg, vmin=0, vmax=255, cmap=plt.cm.gray); ax6.set_title("Opening") 
#Feature Extraction
print "Feature Extraction:"