Exemplo n.º 1
def test_addm():
    f = to_uint8([255, 255, 0, 10, 0, 255, 250])
    g = to_uint8([0, 40, 80, 140, 250, 10, 30])
    y = addm(f, g)
    for fi, gi, yi in zip(f, g, y):
        assert yi >= fi
        assert yi >= gi
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_addm():
    f = to_uint8([255,   255,    0,   10,    0,   255,   250])
    g = to_uint8([ 0,    40,   80,   140,  250,    10,    30])
    y = addm(f,g)
    for fi,gi,yi in zip(f,g,y):
        assert yi >= fi
        assert yi >= gi
Exemplo n.º 3
def roysam_watershed(dna,thresh=None,blur_factor=3):
    Run watershed on mixed gradient & intensity image as suggested by Lin et al.

    dna:            DNA image
    thresh:         Gray value threshold (default: computed using Murphy's RC)
    blur_factor:    Blur factor (default: 3)
    Gang Lin, Umesh Adiga, Kathy Olson, John F. Guzowski, Carol A. Barnes, and Badrinath Roysam
    "A Hybrid 3-D Watershed Algorithm Incorporating Gradient Cues & Object Models for Automatic
        Segmentation of Nuclei in Confocal Image Stacks"
     Vol. 56A, No. 1, pp. 23-36 Cytometry Part A, November 2003.
    if thresh is None:
        thresh = 'murphy_rc'
    M = (ndimage.gaussian_filter(dna,4) > thresholding.threshold(dna,thresh))
    G = pymorph.gradm(dna)
    D = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(M)
    D *= np.exp(1-G/float(G.max()))
    T = ndimage.gaussian_filter(D.max() - D,blur_factor)
    if T.max() < 256:
        T = pymorph.to_uint8(T)
        T = pymorph.to_uint8(T*(256.0/T.max()))
    T *= M
    R = pymorph.regmin(T)
    R *= M
    R,N = ndimage.label(R)
    R[(R==0)&(M==0)] = N+1
    W,WL = mahotas.cwatershed(T,R,return_lines=True)
    W *= M
    return W,WL
def gray16_to8(im):
    i = 0.00390625 * im
    return pymorph.to_uint8(i)
def gray12_to8(im):
    i = 0.062271062 * im
    return pymorph.to_uint8(i)
Exemplo n.º 6
def gray16_to8(im):
    return pymorph.to_uint8(i)
Exemplo n.º 7
def gray12_to8(im):
    return pymorph.to_uint8(i)