Exemplo n.º 1
    def calcOutput(self, t, controller_output, sensor_output):
        if self.firstRun:
            self.lin = Linearization(self.settings['lin state'],
                                     self.settings['lin tau'])

            self.A = self.lin.A
            self.B = self.lin.B
            self.C = self.lin.C
            L_T = self.lin.ackerSISO(self.lin.A.transpose(),
            self.L = L_T.transpose()

            self.solver = ode(self.stateFuncApprox)
            self.solver.set_integrator('dopri5', method=self.settings['Method'], \
            self.solver.set_initial_value(self.settings['initial state'])

            self.x0 = self.settings['initial state']  #TODO set to zero
            self.nextObserver_output = self.x0
            self.firstRun = False

        self.observer_output = self.nextObserver_output
        self.sensor_output = sensor_output
        self.controller_output = controller_output

        # sim_core Timer ist bereits einen Zeitschritt weiter
        self.nextObserver_output = self.solver.integrate(t)

        return self.observer_output
Exemplo n.º 2
    def calcOutput(self, t, controller_output, sensor_output):
        if self.firstRun:
            self.lin = Linearization(self.settings['lin state'],
                                     self.settings['lin tau'])

            self.A = self.lin.A
            self.B = self.lin.B
            self.C = self.lin.C
            L_T = self.lin.ackerSISO(self.lin.A.transpose(),
            self.L = L_T.transpose()

            self.x0 = self.settings['initial state']  #TODO set to zero
            self.nextObserver_output = np.array([self.x0]).reshape(4, 1)
            self.firstRun = False

        self.observer_output = self.nextObserver_output
        self.sensor_output = sensor_output
        self.controller_output = controller_output

        # sim_core Timer ist bereits einen Zeitschritt weiter
        dt = self.settings['tick divider'] * self.step_width
        dy = self.stateFuncApprox(t, self.observer_output)

        self.nextObserver_output = self.observer_output + dt * dy
        return [
            float(self.observer_output[i, 0])
            for i in range(self.observer_output.shape[0])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def calcOutput(self, t, controller_output, sensor_output):
        if self.firstRun:
            self.lin = Linearization(self.settings['lin state'],
                                     self.settings['lin tau'])

            self.A = self.lin.A
            self.B = self.lin.B
            self.C = self.lin.C

            n = self.A.shape[0]
            r = self.C.shape[0]

            if self.C.shape != (1, 4):
                raise Exception(
                    'LuenbergerObserverReduced only useable for SISO')

            # which cols and rows must be sorted
            self.switch = 0
            for i in range(self.C.shape[1]):
                if self.C[0, i] == 1:
                    self.switch = i

            # sort A,B,C for measured and unmeasured states
            self.A = self.swap_cols(self.A, 0, self.switch)
            #            print 'A', self.A
            self.A = self.swap_rows(self.A, 0, self.switch)
            #            print 'A', self.A
            self.C = self.swap_cols(self.C, 0, self.switch)

            self.B = self.swap_rows(self.B, 0, self.switch)

            # get reduced system
            self.A_11 = self.A[0:r, 0:r]
            self.A_12 = self.A[0:r, r:n]
            self.A_21 = self.A[r:n, 0:r]
            self.A_22 = self.A[r:n, r:n]

            self.B_1 = self.B[0:r, :]
            self.B_2 = self.B[r:n, :]

            L_T = self.lin.ackerSISO(self.A_22.transpose(),
            self.L = L_T.transpose()

            # init observer
            self.x0 = self.settings['initial state']
            self.nextObserver_output = np.array([self.x0]).reshape(4, 1)
            self.firstRun = False

        self.observer_output = self.nextObserver_output

        # ObserverOdeSolver reduced to EULER --> better performance
        # the output is calculated in a reduced transformated system

        dt = self.settings['tick divider'] * self.step_width

        n = self.A.shape[0]
        r = self.C.shape[0]

        # transform ((un-)measured) and collect necessary from observer_output
        x_o = self.observer_output
        x_o = self.swap_rows(x_o, 0, self.switch)
        x_o = x_o[r:n, :]

        u = controller_output
        # FIXME: sensor_output is here a (1,4) list but should only be the
        # measured value and check sensor_output order after transformation
        y = np.array(sensor_output)
        # here: y is r, the distance
        y = y[0]

        # transform system, so you dont need ydot
        x_oTransf = x_o - self.L * y
        dy = np.dot(self.A_22 - np.dot(self.L, self.A_12), x_oTransf)\
            + (self.A_21 - np.dot(self.L, self.A_11) + np.dot(self.A_22 - np.dot(self.L, self.A_12), self.L)) * y\
            + (self.B_2 - np.dot(self.L, self.B_1)) * u

        # EULER integration
        x_oTransf_next = x_oTransf + dt * dy
        # transform system back to original observer coordinates
        x_o_next = x_oTransf_next + self.L * y

        observerOut = np.concatenate((np.array([[y]]), x_o_next), axis=0)

        # change state order back to the original order
        self.nextObserver_output = self.swap_rows(observerOut, 0, self.switch)
        # we have the convention to return a list with shape (1, 4)
        return [
            float(self.observer_output[i, 0])
            for i in range(self.observer_output.shape[0])