def generateui(state, number): global last_state if (last_state == state): winsound.PlaySound(None, winsound.SND_ASYNC) return elif (last_state == "Incoming" or last_state == "Outgoing" and state == "Idle"): winsound.PlaySound("nlla.mp3", winsound.SND_ASYNC) ms.alert(number, state, "Call Disconnected", None, 5000) else: if (state == "Incoming"): actiontxt = "Go Answer!" winsound.PlaySound(None, winsound.SND_ASYNC) winsound.PlaySound("BuildItUp1.wav", winsound.SND_ASYNC | winsound.SND_ALIAS) if (state == "Outgoing"): actiontxt = "call picked" winsound.PlaySound(None, winsound.SND_ASYNC) winsound.PlaySound("outgoing.wav", winsound.SND_ASYNC | winsound.SND_ALIAS) if (state == "answering"): actiontxt = "You are Talking To " + number winsound.PlaySound(None, winsound.SND_ASYNC) global actiontxt ms.alert(number, state, actiontxt, None, 30000) last_state = state
def update_robot(self, unused_addr, args): print("update robot") score = Robot.count("Soja") self.playerListBox.delete(0, tk.END) #self.playerListBox.insert(tk.END, player_name + " " + str(score)) print(self.players_list) for p in self.players_list: self.playerListBox.insert(tk.END, p + " " + str(self.players_list[p])) msg = osc_message_builder.OscMessageBuilder(address="/player") msg.add_arg(player_name) msg.add_arg(score) # msg = self.to_client_client.send(msg) if # I am the winner # lets tel that to ohters msg = osc_message_builder.OscMessageBuilder(address="/winner") msg.add_arg(player_name) msg.add_arg(score) msg = #self.to_client_client.send(msg) self.to_server_client.send(msg) alert(text = "Vous avez gagné la partie !")
def PlotBar(fileName, inpString=''): try: df = pd.read_excel(fileName) except: pymsgbox.alert('You have entered invalid file name!', 'Alert') return if (inpString != ''): df = df[df[inpString] == 'Yes'] departmentsNames = list(set(df['Department'])) departmentValues = [0] * len(departmentsNames) for j, i in enumerate(departmentsNames): departmentValues[j] = (list(df.Department).count(i)) print(departmentsNames, departmentValues) data1 = { 'departmentsNames': departmentsNames, 'departmentValues': departmentValues } df1 = DataFrame(data1, columns=['departmentsNames', 'departmentValues']) root = tk.Tk() figure1 = plt.Figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=100) ax1 = figure1.add_subplot(111) bar1 = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figure1, root) bar1.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH) df1 = df1[['departmentsNames', 'departmentValues']].groupby('departmentsNames').sum() df1.plot(kind='bar', legend=True, ax=ax1) ax1.set_title('Department Names Vs. {}'.format(inpString)) root.mainloop()
def signup(): if request.method == 'POST': fname = request.form['fname'] mname = request.form['mname'] lname = request.form['lname'] email = request.form['email'] phoneno = request.form['phoneno'] pswd = request.form['pswd'] DOB = request.form['DOB'] gender = request.form['gender'] question = request.form['question'] answer = request.form['answer'] uid = id_generator() cur = mysql.connection.cursor() cur.execute("select EXISTS(select email from user where email=%s)", [email]) res = cur.fetchone() if res[0] == 0: cur.execute("insert into user values(%s,%s,%s)", [uid, email, pswd]) cur.connection.commit() cur.execute( "insert into client values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", [ fname, lname, mname, gender, question, answer, phoneno, DOB, uid ]) cur.connection.commit() cur.close() return redirect(url_for("login")) else: pymsgbox.alert('Email id already Registered') return redirect(url_for("login")) return render_template('signup.html')
def matchFile(self, filename, userInput=True): try: title, artist, score = self._topresult(filename) print("") print("AcoustID Name: %s" % title) print("AcoustID Artist: %s" % artist) print("") "%s - %s" % (title, artist) ) # Plug back in our acoustID results into spotify search return self.spotifysearch.selectResult( 0) # Return the resulting spotify track except TypeError: # Again, If we could not identify a match # TODO: Work on the userInput exception handling... e.g. skip None Songs if userInput == True: pymsgbox.alert(text='Could not identify song automatically', title='Song ID Error', button='OK') userSongName = pymsgbox.prompt(text='Song Name', title='Enter Song Name') userSongArtist = pymsgbox.prompt(text='Artist', title='Enter Artist Name') "%s - %s" % (userSongName, userSongArtist) ) # Search spotify with user entered values return self.spotifysearch.selectResult( 0) # Return the resulting spotify track else: return None
def fetch(url): print(f"Url being requested: {url}") # First try to fetch request without using proxy rotation try: req = requests.get(url) return req except: proxy_list = get_proxy_list() for proxy in proxy_list: try: print(f'Trying proxy: {proxy}') req = requests.get(url, proxies={'https': proxy}, timeout=5) return req except ConnectTimeout: print('Connection time out error. Trying next one') except ProxyError: print('Proxy Error. Trying next one') except SSLError: print( 'SSL Error. Maximum retries exceeded with url. Trying next one' ) # If nothing is returned, send error message to user pymsgbox.alert( f"Couldn't obtain a valid proxy. Please change api key for web scraping." ) exit()
def editprofile(): if request.method == 'POST': fname = request.form['fname'] mname = request.form['mname'] lname = request.form['lname'] email = request.form['email'] phoneno = request.form['phoneno'] pswd = request.form['pswd'] DOB = request.form['DOB'] gender = request.form['gender'] question = request.form['question'] answer = request.form['answer'] cur = mysql.connection.cursor() uid = session['uid'] cur.execute("update user set email=%s,pswd=%s where uid=%s", [email, pswd, uid]) cur.connection.commit() cur.execute( "update client set fname=%s,lname=%s,mname=%s,gender=%s,security_question=%s,answer=%s,phone_number=%s,dob=%s where uid=%s", [fname, lname, mname, gender, question, answer, phoneno, DOB, uid]) cur.connection.commit() cur.close() pymsgbox.alert('Profile Updated Successfully', 'Title') return redirect(url_for("homepage")) return render_template('editprofile.html')
def _do_work(self): """ Activated the first model on the recording from the queue if there is detection of keyword start the second model to identify the speaker :return: """ num = Queue.get() model = load_model('model.h5', compile=False) model.load_weights('model_weight.h5') reader = csv.reader(open('speech.csv', 'r')) labels_dict2 = {} for row in reader: k, v = row labels_dict2[k] = v file = audio2vector('temp/output' + str(num) + '.wav') file = file.reshape(1, 10, 4, 1) item_prediction = model.predict_classes(file) for i, j in labels_dict2.items(): if j == str(item_prediction[0]): pred = i print('keyword: {}'.format(i)) with open('Files/ID_Name.txt') as fp: for line in enumerate(fp): if (pred == line[1].strip()): model2 = load_model('model2.h5', compile=False) model2.load_weights('model_weight2.h5') file_name = 'temp/output' + str(num) + '.wav' audio2Image('temp', file_name, 0) train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1. / 255, shear_range=0.2, zoom_range=0.2, horizontal_flip=True) training_set = train_datagen.flow_from_directory( './data/test', target_size=(64, 64), batch_size=32, class_mode='categorical', shuffle=False) pred = model2.predict_generator(training_set, steps=10, verbose=1) filenames = training_set.filenames predicted_class_indices = np.argmax(pred, axis=1) labels = (training_set.class_indices) labels = dict((v, k) for k, v in labels.items()) predictions = [labels[k] for k in predicted_class_indices] predictions = predictions[:len(filenames)] print('speaker: {}'.format(predictions[0])) #Utils.lower_sound(1) pymsgbox.alert( ' {} is calling you.'.format(predictions[0]), 'Recognition') #Utils.lower_sound(0) self.flag = True self.sleep(1)
def get_color(self): boolean = True while boolean: try: red = int( prompt(text='Введите значение Red (от 0 до 255)', title='Ввод')) green = int( prompt(text='Введите значение Green (от 0 до 255)', title='Ввод')) blue = int( prompt(text='Введите значение Blue (от 0 до 255)', title='Ввод')) if (0 <= red <= 255 and 0 <= green <= 255 and 0 <= blue <= 255): boolean = False color = (red, green, blue) return color else: alert(text='Введите численное значение от 0 до 255', title='Ошибка ввода') except ValueError: alert(text='Введите численное значение от 0 до 255', title='Ошибка ввода') except TypeError: boolean = False
def b(): print(lista) nome_Funcionario = ui.leFuncionario.text() # string = '' # for i in lista: # string += f'{i}\n\n' # ui.lResultado.setText(string) numDate = date(,, weekday_name = ["Seg", "Ter", "Qua", "Qui", "Sex", "Sab", "Dom"] wkday = numDate.weekday() try: if lista: total = get_total(lista) write_banco( f'{nome_Funcionario} | {numDate.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")} {weekday_name[wkday]} | Adicional Noturno: {total}' ) lista.clear() ui.lResultado2.setText( f'{nome_Funcionario} | {numDate.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")} {weekday_name[wkday]} | Adicional Noturno: {total}' ) ui.leFuncionario.setText('') ui.label_3.setText('') else: raise except Exception: alert(text='Nada para calcular', title="ERRO", button="OK")
def update_robot(self, unused_addr, args): print("update robot") score = Robot.count("Soja") self.playerListBox.delete(0, tk.END) #self.playerListBox.insert(tk.END, player_name + " " + str(score)) print(self.players_list) for p in self.players_list: self.playerListBox.insert(tk.END, p + " " + str(self.players_list[p])) msg = osc_message_builder.OscMessageBuilder(address="/player") msg.add_arg(player_name) msg.add_arg(score) # msg = self.to_client_client.send(msg) if # I am the winner # lets tel that to ohters msg = osc_message_builder.OscMessageBuilder(address="/winner") msg.add_arg(player_name) msg.add_arg(score) msg = #self.to_client_client.send(msg) self.to_server_client.send(msg) alert(text="Vous avez gagné la partie !")
def clean(NoMedia=False): try: + TempPath + '"', shell=True) except FileNotFoundError: # 如果删除失败,就打开临时文件夹让用户自己删除 alert( error('ErrorOnRemoveTemp') + ' "' + str(TempPath) + '" ' + error('ErrorOnRemoveManual'), error('ErrorOnRemoveTitle')) with open(str(TempPath + separator + error('ErrorOnRemoveTip')), 'w'): pass # subprocess.Popen('explorer "' + TempPath + '"', shell=False) if NoMedia: try: + StorePath + '"', shell=True) except FileNotFoundError: alert( error('ErrorOnRemoveEmpty') + ' "' + str(StorePath) + '" ' + error('ErrorOnRemoveManual'), error('ErrorOnRemoveEmptyTitle')) with open( str(TempPath + separator + error('ErrorOnRemoveTip')), 'w'): pass openinexplorer(StorePath)
def test_alert(self): # no text t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print(('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert(), 'OK') # text t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print(('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert('Hello'), 'OK') # text and title t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print(('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert('Hello', 'Title'), 'OK') # text, title, and custom button t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print(('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert('Hello', 'Title', 'Button'), 'Button') # using keyword arguments t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print(('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno)); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert(text='Hello', title='Title', button='Button'), 'Button')
def get_phone_number(self, group_name): # Navigate to whatsapp webpage self.driver.get(self.url) try: element_present = EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'app')) WebDriverWait(self.driver, self.timeout).until(element_present) time.sleep(2) except: print("Timed out waiting for page to load") try: if not self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='app']/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div/canvas") is None: pymsgbox.alert('Por favor active su whatsapp en la computadora y después haz clic Ok!', 'Atención!') except:"Whastapp was already logged!") try: numbers = self.search_group(group_name) time.sleep(3) except: numbers = None"Problem accessing whatsapp group.") return numbers
def add_team(self): query = "insert into team values (default, %s, NULL, NULL, 'Нет', %s)" data = (self.lineEdit.text(), self.lineEdit_5.text()) cursor.execute(query, data) cnx.commit() pymsgbox.alert("Экипаж добавлен", "Инфо") self.setupAdminUi()
def delete_team(id): query = "delete from team where idteam = %s" data = (id, ) cursor.execute(query, data) cnx.commit() pymsgbox.alert("Экипаж удален", "Инфо") self.setupAdminUi()
def addNewUser(newUs, newPw, cityOne, stateTwo): global userData inputOne = str(newUs) inputTwo = str(newPw) inputThree = str(cityOne) inputFour = str(stateTwo) inDb = checkUser(inputOne) # checks if user already exists if (inDb == -1): # creates the new user with info new_row = { 'username': inputOne, 'password': inputTwo, 'city': inputThree, 'state_or_prov': inputFour } # adds new user userData = userData.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) userData.to_csv('chatbot_spreadsheet.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False) pymsgbox.alert('The account has been added!') else: pymsgbox.alert('Username already exists try new name!')
def update_backend_excel(self): # Get backend dictionary self.get_backend_dict() # Extract the data related to the selected ticker self.get_ticker_selection() ticker_data = None if self.ticker in self.bk_dict: ticker_data = self.bk_dict[self.ticker] else: pymsgbox.alert( f"Backend storage file doesn't yet contain data about {self.ticker}. Please update sheet first", "No data to be used") exit() # Get an iss translation list for the backend sheet result_dict = handler.translate_dict_keys(ticker_data['Value'], 'Backend') # initialize xlwings worksheet self.initialize_worksheet(sheet_type="backend") # Enter all required data using a for loop based on the named ranges for key, value in result_dict.items(): = value
def enroll_user(self): mycursor = self.mydb.cursor() erp = self.erp_ip.text() name = self.name_ip.text() pa = self.password_ip.text() cpa = self.cpassword_ip.text() #ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) if (erp.isalnum() and pa.isalnum() and cpa.isalnum()): if (len(pa) <= 8 and len(cpa)<=8 ): if pa == cpa: inputs = (erp,name,"NA","NULL",pa) query = "insert into library values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" mycursor.execute(query,inputs) self.mydb.commit() successfull_function(self) mycursor.close() self.mydb.close() else: error_function(self) else: pymsgbox.alert('Enter 8 alphanumeric characters only!') self.password_ip.clear() self.cpassword_ip.clear() else: pymsgbox.alert('Provide Alphanumeric Inputs Only!') return
def test_model(self): print('Starting Testing the Model ...') pymsgbox.alert('Starting Testing the Model ...', 'Message', timeout=1000) test_images = self.__get_dumped_model('test_images') test_labels = self.__get_dumped_model('test_labels') x_dimension, y_dimension = self.__get_image_dimensions() test_images = np.reshape( test_images, (test_images.shape[0], x_dimension, y_dimension, 1)) self.model = load_model(cnf.KERAS_PATH) # Loading the keras model pred_labels = [] pred_probabs = self.model.predict( test_images) # Predicitng the probabilities for pred_probab in pred_probabs: pred_labels.append(list(pred_probab).index(max(pred_probab))) # cm = confusion_matrix(test_labels, np.array(pred_labels)) classification_report = cfr(test_labels, np.array(pred_labels)) accuracy = accuracy_score( test_labels, np.array(pred_labels)) # getting the model score print('\n\nClassification Report') print('---------------------------') print(classification_report) pymsgbox.alert(classification_report, 'Classification Report') return accuracy * 100
def main(): enable = enableSystem() if enable: plateNumberRecognition() else: pymsgbox.alert('No Guard On Duty!', 'Alert!', timeout=5000) main()
def test_alert(self): # no text t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert(), 'OK') # text t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert('Hello'), 'OK') # text and title t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert('Hello', 'Title'), 'OK') # text, title, and custom button t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert('Hello', 'Title', 'Button'), 'Button') # using keyword arguments t = KeyPresses(['enter']) t.start() print('Line', inspect.currentframe().f_lineno); self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert(text='Hello', title='Title', button='Button'), 'Button')
def PlotPie(fileName, inpString=""): try: df = pd.read_excel(fileName) except: pymsgbox.alert('You have entered invalid file name!', 'Alert') return if (inpString != ''): df = df[df[inpString] == 'Yes'] labels = list(set(df['Department'])) departmentValues = [0] * len(labels) for j, i in enumerate(labels): departmentValues[j] = (list(df.Department).count(i)) values = departmentValues explode = list() for k in labels: explode.append(0.1) root = tk.Tk() actualFigure = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=100) actualFigure.suptitle("Participation Stats", fontsize=22) pie = plt.pie(values, labels=labels, explode=explode, shadow=True, autopct='%1.1f%%') plt.legend(pie[0], labels, loc="upper corner") canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(actualFigure, root) canvas.get_tk_widget().pack() root.mainloop()
def run(ticker, bool_batch=False): # Let user choose the solution for getting the data: Either scraping or using API if not bool_batch: scraping_method = pymsgbox.confirm( f'What method do you want to use to get the financial data from {ticker}?', 'Select Option', buttons=['API', 'Web Scraping']) else: scraping_method = 'API' # Output folders work_directory = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() excel_output_folder = os.path.join(work_directory, '../financial_files', 'excel') json_output_folder = os.path.join(work_directory, '../financial_files', 'json') excel_output_path = os.path.join(excel_output_folder, ticker + '.xlsx') json_output_path = os.path.join(json_output_folder, ticker + '.json') if scraping_method == 'Web Scraping': pymsgbox.alert( "Be aware that this option my not work due to possible scraping restrictions from website." ) if not check_validity_output_file(excel_output_path) \ or not excel_sheet_exists(excel_output_path, source=scraping_method): links = links_constructor(ticker) df_fs = scrape_tables(links) else: df_fs = excel_to_dataframe(excel_output_path, source=scraping_method) else: if not check_validity_output_file(json_output_path) \ or not excel_sheet_exists(excel_output_path, source=scraping_method): json_file = get_api_request(ticker, bool_batch=bool_batch) save_json_request_to_file(json_file, json_output_path) else: with open(json_output_path, 'r') as file: json_file = json.load(file) df_fs = create_dataframe_from_api(json_file) # Get all the calculated ratios and relevant stock data results_df = get_rule_number1_ratios(df_fs, ticker) # Output all the financial data into an excel file dataframe_to_excel(excel_output_path, df_fs, ticker, source=scraping_method, bool_batch=True) # Output all the Rule #1 results into the excel file dataframe_to_excel(excel_output_path, results_df, ticker, source='filter_fs_data', bool_batch=bool_batch)
def calculate(): # asks the user to input the amount of the purchase price = float(pymsgbox.prompt('Please input the amount of the purchase to calculate the total cost for the item after taxes:', 'Price of Item')) total = float(price * s * c + price) #calculates full price with taxes and outputs it pymsgbox.alert("Your new price is: $" + str(total)) "OK" return again()
def valid_email_addr(email_addr: str) -> bool: regex = '^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$' if (, email_addr)): return True else: pgbox.alert('Invalid Email Address %s' % email_addr, 'Alert'); return False
def alertMeNegInt(): pymsgbox.alert("Process Failed! No Internet Connection. Please Try Again.") response = pymsgbox.password('Please enter password to confirm') print response if response == "None": alertMeNegInt() if not response: alertMeNegInt()
def __init__(self): self.mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host="localhost", username="******", passwd="", database="pccoe" ) pymsgbox.alert('Connected to Library Database!')
def alertMeNegK(): pymsgbox.alert("Process Failed! Web and net is up, but there is no secure K drive Connection. Please Try Again.") response = pymsgbox.password('Please enter password to confirm') print response if response == "None": alertMeNegK() if not response: alertMeNegK()
def alertMePos(): pymsgbox.alert("Success! Photo Roster Data from Canvas has been UPDATED for today!") response = pymsgbox.password('Please enter password to confirm') print response if response == "None": alertMePos() if not response: alertMePos()
def messageTest(): if msg.confirm(text='CONFIRM_TEXT', title='CONFIRM_TITLE', buttons=['OK', 'Cancel']) == 'OK': msg.alert(text='u r pressed OK', title='ALERT_TITLE', button='OK') else: msg.alert(text='u r pressed CANCEL', title='ALERT_TITLE', button='OK') msg.password(text='', title='', default='', mask='*')
def hi(): CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = '' #download and insert your own secret file of google calender API_NAME = 'calendar' API_VERSION = 'v3' SCOPES = [''] service = Create_Service(CLIENT_SECRET_FILE, API_NAME, API_VERSION, SCOPES) syear = sy.get() smon = sm.get() sdate = sd.get() eyear = ey.get() emon = em.get() edate = ed.get() stime = sh.get() smin = smi.get() etime = eh.get() emin = emi.get() event_name = en.get() edes = ed1.get() stime, smin = time(stime, smin) etime, emin = time(etime, emin) #Create calendar_id_party = '' ##insert your own id event_request_body = { 'start': { 'dateTime': convert_to_RFC_datetime(int(syear), int(smon), int(sdate), int(stime), int(smin)), 'timeZone': 'Asia/Kolkata', }, 'end': { 'dateTime': convert_to_RFC_datetime(int(eyear), int(emon), int(edate), int(etime), int(emin)), 'timeZone': 'Asia/Kolkata', }, 'summary': event_name, 'description': edes, 'colorId': 5, 'status': 'confirmed', 'transparency': 'opaque', 'visibility': 'public' } response =, body=event_request_body).execute() eventId = response['id'] pymsgbox.alert(text='Your event is created successfully', title='Confirmation', button='OK')
self.BookButton.setIconSize(QSize(40,20)) self.list.removeItem(idx) else: bookmarks.append(url) b = open("bookmarks.txt","wb") pickle.dump(bookmarks,b) b.close() self.BookButton.setIcon(QIcon('icons/bookmark.png')) self.BookButton.setIconSize(QSize(40,20)) self.list.addItem(url) def handle_bookmarks(self, choice): global url url = choice self.url_input.setText(url) self.Enter() if(__name__ == '__main__'): network_available = False while(network_available == False): network_available = check_connection() if(network_available == False): pymsgbox.alert(text = "No Internet Connection found !", title = "Alert", button = "Retry") app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = Main() window.showMaximized() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def pop_message(): pymsgbox.alert(text=u"Found %s, go get it" % pokename, title=u"Super Rare Mon")
drama_and_episode = line.split(",") drama_dict[drama_and_episode[0]] = int(drama_and_episode[1]) file.close() filedata = None with open('dramaList.txt', 'r') as file : filedata = for div_class in site.findAll('div',{'class':'col-md-3 item-list-lager sub'}): #sorts out the subbed drama from the raws for part in div_class.findAll('span'): #looks for the drama in the webpage for dramaOnline in part.strings: #tags are currently 1 char; have to convert to strings (part.strings) for drama_entries in drama_dict: #drama_entries; looks the drama in the dictionary/dramaList if drama_entries in dramaOnline: #dramaOnline is the drama online; format is DRAMA NAME EPISODE # try: curr_episode = int(dramaOnline[-2:]) #looks for last two digits of dramaOnline for the episode # except TypeError: #in case the episode # isn't double digits (ie. 1, 2, 3...) curr_episode = int(dramaOnline[-1:]) if int(drama_dict[drama_entries]) < curr_episode: #if recorded drama episode is less than the one on the site drama_dict[drama_entries] = str(drama_dict[drama_entries]) curr_episode = str(curr_episode) filedata = filedata.replace(drama_dict[drama_entries], curr_episode) pymsgbox.alert(drama_entries + " episode " + curr_episode + " is now available.") #pop-up code goes here with open('dramaList.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(filedata) #print("Finished!")
def test_timeout(self): # Note: If these test's fail, the unit tests will hang. self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.alert('timeout test', timeout=1000), pymsgbox.TIMEOUT_TEXT) self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.confirm('timeout test', timeout=1000), pymsgbox.TIMEOUT_TEXT) self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.prompt('timeout test', timeout=1000), pymsgbox.TIMEOUT_TEXT) self.assertEqual(pymsgbox.password('timeout test', timeout=1000), pymsgbox.TIMEOUT_TEXT)
def event_func(msg): #print "Current Time:",time.time(),'msg:',msg #httpHandler = urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1) #httpsHandler = urllib2.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=1) #opener = urllib2.build_opener(httpHandler, httpsHandler) #urllib2.install_opener(opener) header = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} #header = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/31.0.1650.63 Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36"} url_str = '' content = open_url(url_str, None, header, 10) if content == '': return category_id = re.findall(r"facetParams\[\"category-id\"\] = \"(.+?)\"", content, re.S) if len(category_id) == 0: #items are gone! print "category_id empty!" return #POST message obtained via wireshark postdata = { 'category-id':category_id[0], 'sort-criteria':'0', 'FacetDropDownOrientation':'vertical', 'page-index':'1', 'page-size':'100', 'facet-3':'14', #T series 'facet-3':'18', #W series 'facet-3':'21', #Y series 'facet-6':'1', #CPU i7 #'facet-6':'2', #CPU i5 #'facet-6':'3', #CPU i3 #'facet-9':'4', #memory 4GB-5.99GB #'facet-9':'5', #memory 6GB-7.99GB 'facet-9':'6', #memory 8GB-9.9GB 'keyword-facet':'', 'update-facet-id':'1' } data = urllib.urlencode(postdata) url_str = '' content = open_url(url_str, data, header, 10) if content == '': print "Searching condition does not match." return #get the category part of the url item_url = re.findall(r"url:\'//(.+?)\',", content) list_length = len(item_url) if list_length == 0: print 'error: no valid url.' raise SystemExit url_head = 'http://' + item_url[0] +'&page=1&itemid='; #log_write(url_head) #print url_head #get the item part of the url item_id_str = re.findall(r"var fitems = \[(.+?)\];", content, re.S); list_length = len(item_id_str) if list_length == 0: print 'error: no items.' #log_write('error: no items.') else: item_list = re.findall(r"'(.+?)',", item_id_str[0], re.S); indicator = 0 if len(item_list) == 0: print "no item found, check the browser response." #log_write("no item found or request blocked") #k = 0; for idx in item_list: item_url_full = url_head + idx #print item_url_full #log_write(item_url_full) content = open_url(item_url_full, None, header, 10) if content == '': print "Item list is empty." return #dump_file('item'+str(k), content) #k += 1 flag_found = filter_item(content) if flag_found != 0: #print item_url_full #leads to the webpage for adding to shopping cart content = open_url(item_url_full, None, header, 10) key_words = re.findall('Sold out', content, re.S); if content == '': #print "The loaded webpage is lost..." return elif len(key_words) != 0: #print "The item was sold out..." continue #find the item url #tmp_found = re.findall(r"<div class=\"fbr-detailslink\">(.+?)Model details</a>", content, re.S) # #if len(tmp_found) != 0: # new_url = re.findall(r"<a href=\"/(.+?)\">", tmp_found[0], re.S) # # new_full_url = ''+new_url[0] # print new_full_url # #add to shopping cart tmp_found = re.findall(r"<div class=\"action\">(.+?)Add to cart</span>", content, re.S) if len(tmp_found) != 0: new_url = re.findall(r"<a href=\"(.+?)\" class=", tmp_found[0], re.S) new_addtocart_url = 'http:'+new_url[0] #print new_full_url #web_controller = webbrowser.get('firefox') else: print "The deal was found but lost before adding to shopping cart..." indicator = indicator | flag_found #end of for if indicator != 0: #print "Item Found!" if indicator & 0b000001: print "Y510 Found in Lenovo Outlet!" log_write('Y510 Found in Lenovo Outlet') if indicator & 0b000010: print "T540 Found in Lenovo Outlet!" log_write('T540 Found in Lenovo Outlet') if indicator & 0b000100: print "Y50 Found in Lenovo Outlet!" log_write('Y50 Found in Lenovo Outlet') if indicator & 0b001000: print "T440 Found in Lenovo Outlet!" log_write('T440 Found in Lenovo Outlet') if indicator & 0b010000: print "W540 Found in Lenovo Outlet!" log_write('W5X0 Found in Lenovo Outlet') if indicator & 0b100000: print "P400 Found in Lenovo Outlet!" log_write('P400 Found in Lenovo Outlet') pymsgbox.alert('Items are now in store in Lenovo Outlet!', 'Warning')