Exemplo n.º 1
class TracingConfigs( BasePassConfigs ):

  Options = {
    "tracing" : 'none',
    "vcd_file_name" : "",
    "method_trace" : True,

  Checkers = {
    'tracing': Checker(
      lambda v: v in ['none', 'vcd', 'text_ascii', 'text_fancy' ],
      "expects a string in ['none', 'vcd', 'text_ascii', 'text_fancy']"

    'vcd_file_name': Checker(
      condition = lambda v: isinstance(v, str),
      error_msg = "expects a string"

    'method_trace': Checker(
      condition = lambda v: isinstance(v, bool),
      error_msg = "expects a boolean"

  PassName = 'passes.tracing.*'
Exemplo n.º 2
class VerilogTranslationConfigs(BasePassConfigs):

    Options = {
        # Translate the current instance?
        "enable": False,

        # Give an explicit file name to the translated source
        "explicit_file_name": "",

        # Give an explicit module name to the translated top level
        "explicit_module_name": "",

        # Remove module definition during synthesis
        # Note that this could be applied to non-top modules
        "no_synthesis": False,

        # This module does not have clk pin during synthesis
        # Note that this could be applied to non-top modules
        # This option can only be enabled if no_synthesis is True
        "no_synthesis_no_clk": False,

        # This module does not have reset pin during synthesis
        # Note that this could be applied to non-top modules
        # This option can only be enabled if no_synthesis is True
        "no_synthesis_no_reset": False,

    Checkers = {
        ("enable", "no_synthesis", "no_synthesis_no_clk", "no_synthesis_no_reset"):
        Checker(lambda v: isinstance(v, bool), "expects a boolean"),
        ("explicit_file_name", "explicit_module_name"):
        Checker(lambda v: isinstance(v, str), "expects a string")

    Pass = VerilogTranslationPass
Exemplo n.º 3
class PlaceholderConfigs(BasePassConfigs):

    Options = {
        # Should placeholder passes handle this instance?
        "is_valid": True,

        # Does the module to be imported has `clk` port?
        "has_clk": True,

        # Does the module to be imported has `reset` port?
        "has_reset": True,

        # Give an explicit name to the wrapper module
        # Use {top_module}_wrapper by default
        # "explicit_module_name" : "",

    Checkers = {
        ("is_valid", "has_clk", "has_reset"):
        Checker(lambda v: isinstance(v, bool), "expects a boolean"),

        # "explicit_module_name": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, str), "expects a string" ),

    PassName = 'PlaceholderConfigs'
Exemplo n.º 4
class PlaceholderConfigs( BasePassConfigs ):

  Options = {
    # Should placeholder passes handle this instance?
    "enable" : True,

    # Does the module to be imported has `clk` port?
    "has_clk" : True,

    # Does the module to be imported has `reset` port?
    "has_reset" : True,

  Checkers = {
    ("enable", "has_clk", "has_reset") :
      Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, bool), "expects a boolean" ),

  Pass = PlaceholderPass
Exemplo n.º 5
class VerilogPlaceholderConfigs(PlaceholderConfigs):

    VerilogOptions = {
        # Parameters
        # Map the names of parameters to their values
        # If {} is provided, use the parameters inferred from `construct` instead
        "params": {},

        # Port name mapping
        # Map PyMTL port names to external port names
        "port_map": {},

        # Expects the name of the top component in external source files
        # "" to use name of the current component to be imported
        "top_module": "",

        # Expects path of the file that contains the top module
        "src_file": "",

        # -f
        # Expects the path to the flist file; "" to disable this option
        "v_flist": "",

        # -v
        # Expects a list of paths to Verilog files; [] to disable this option
        "v_libs": [],

        # -I ( alias of -y and +incdir+ )
        # Expects a list of include paths; [] to disable this option
        "v_include": [],

        # The separator used for name mangling
        "separator": '__',

    VerilogCheckers = {
        ("params", "port_map"):
        Checker(lambda v: isinstance(v, dict), "expects a dict"),
        Checker(lambda v: isinstance(v, str) and v,
                "expects a non-empty string"),
            lambda v: isinstance(v, str) and
            (os.path.isfile(expand(v)) or not v),
            "src_file should be a path to a file or an empty string!"),
            lambda v: isinstance(v, str) and os.path.isfile(expand(v)) or v ==
            "", "expects a path to a file"),
            lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(
                os.path.exists(expand(p)) for p in v),
            "expects a list of paths to files"),
            lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(
                os.path.isdir(expand(p)) for p in v),
            "expects a list of paths to directory"),

    Pass = VerilogPlaceholderPass

    def __new__(cls, m):
        inst = super().__new__(cls)

        # Do not pollute the attributes of the parent class
        cls.Options = deepcopy(PlaceholderConfigs.Options)
        cls.Checkers = deepcopy(PlaceholderConfigs.Checkers)

        for key, val in cls.VerilogOptions.items():
            assert key not in cls.Options,\
              f'config {key} is duplicated between PlaceholderConfigs and VerilogPlaceholderConfigs'
            cls.Options[key] = val

        for cfgs, chk in cls.VerilogCheckers.items():
            if isinstance(cfgs, tuple):
                for cfg in cfgs:
                    inst._add_to_checkers(cls.Checkers, cfg, chk)
            elif isinstance(cfgs, str):
                inst._add_to_checkers(cls.Checkers, cfgs, chk)

        return inst

    # Override
    def check(s):

        # Exactly one of src_file and v_flist should be non-empty
        if (s.v_flist and os.path.isfile(expand(s.src_file))) or \
           (not s.v_flist and not os.path.isfile(expand(s.src_file))):
            raise InvalidPassOptionValue(
                'src_file', s.src_file, s.Pass.__name__,
                'exactly one of src_file and v_flist should be non-emtpy!')

    def get_port_map(s):
        pmap = {p._dsl._my_name: name for p, name in s.port_map.items()}
        return lambda name: pmap[name] if name in pmap else name

    def _add_to_checkers(s, checkers, cfg, chk):
        assert cfg not in checkers,\
          f'config {cfg} is duplicated between PlaceholderConfigs!'
        checkers[cfg] = chk
Exemplo n.º 6
class VerilogPlaceholderConfigs(PlaceholderConfigs):

    VerilogOptions = {
        # Parameters
        # Map the names of parameters to their values
        # If {} is provided, use the parameters inferred from `construct` instead
        "params": {},

        # Port name mapping
        # Map PyMTL port names to external port names
        "port_map": {},

        # Expects the name of the top component in external source files
        # "" to use name of the current component to be imported
        "top_module": "",

        # Expects path of the file that contains the top module
        "src_file": "",

        # -f
        # Expects the path to the flist file; "" to disable this option
        "v_flist": "",

        # -I ( alias of -y and +incdir+ )
        # Expects a list of include paths; [] to disable this option
        "v_include": [],

    VerilogCheckers = {
        ("params", "port_map"):
        Checker(lambda v: isinstance(v, dict), "expects a dict"),
        Checker(lambda v: isinstance(v, str) and v,
                "expects a non-empty string"),
            lambda v: isinstance(v, str) and
            (os.path.isfile(expand(v)) or not v),
            "src_file should be a path to a file or an empty string!"),
            lambda v: isinstance(v, str) and os.path.isfile(expand(v)) or v ==
            "", "expects a path to a file"),
            lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(
                os.path.isdir(expand(p)) for p in v),
            "expects a list of paths to directory"),

    PassName = 'VerilogPlaceholderConfigs'

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        inst = super().__new__(cls)
        assert len(args) == 0, "We only accept keyword arguments here."

        cls.Options = deepcopy(PlaceholderConfigs.Options)
        cls.Checkers = deepcopy(PlaceholderConfigs.Checkers)

        for key, val in cls.VerilogOptions.items():
            assert key not in cls.Options,\
              f'config {key} is duplicated between PlaceholderConfigs and VerilogPlaceholderConfigs'
            cls.Options[key] = val

        all_checkers = inst._get_all_checker_configs(cls)

        for cfgs, chk in cls.VerilogCheckers.items():
            if isinstance(cfgs, tuple):
                for cfg in cfgs:
                    inst._add_to_checkers(cls.Checkers, cfg, chk)
            elif isinstance(cfgs, str):
                inst._add_to_checkers(cls.Checkers, cfgs, chk)

        return inst

    # Override
    def check(s):

        # Exactly one of src_file and v_flist should be non-empty
        if (s.v_flist and os.path.isfile(expand(s.src_file))) or \
           (not s.v_flist and not os.path.isfile(expand(s.src_file))):
            raise InvalidPassOptionValue(
                'src_file', s.src_file, s.PassName,
                'exactly one of src_file and v_flist should be non-emtpy!')

    def get_port_map(s):
        pmap = s.port_map
        return lambda name: pmap[name] if name in pmap else name

    def _get_all_checker_configs(s, cls):
        ret = []
        for cfgs in cls.Checkers.keys():
            if isinstance(cfgs, tuple):
                for cfg in cfgs:
            elif isinstance(cfgs, str):
        return ret

    def _add_to_checkers(s, checkers, cfg, chk):
        assert cfg not in checkers,\
          f'config {cfg} is duplicated between PlaceholderConfigs!'
        checkers[cfg] = chk
Exemplo n.º 7
class VerilatorImportConfigs(BasePassConfigs):

    Options = {
        # Enable verbose mode?
        "verbose": False,

        # Enable external line trace?
        # Once enabled, the `line_trace()` method of the imported component
        # will return a string read from the external `line_trace()` function.
        # This means your Verilog module has to have a `line_trace` function
        # that provides the line trace string which has less than 512 characters.
        # Default to False
        "vl_line_trace": False,

        # Enable all verilator coverage
        "vl_coverage": False,

        # Enable all verilator coverage
        "vl_line_coverage": False,

        # Enable all verilator coverage
        "vl_toggle_coverage": False,

        # Verilator code generation options
        # These options will be passed to verilator to generate the C simulator.
        # By default, verilator is called with `--cc`.

        # --Mdir
        # Expects the path of Makefile output directory;
        # "" to use `obj_dir_<translated_top_module>`
        "vl_mk_dir": "",

        # --assert
        # Expects a boolean value
        "vl_enable_assert": True,

        # Verilator optimization options

        # -O0/3
        # Expects a non-negative integer
        # Currently only support 0 (disable opt) and 3 (highest effort opt)
        "vl_opt_level": 3,

        # --unroll-count
        # Expects a non-negative integer
        # 0 to disable this option
        "vl_unroll_count": 1000000,

        # --unroll-stmts
        # Expects a non-negative integer
        # 0 to disable this option
        "vl_unroll_stmts": 1000000,

        # Verilator warning-related options

        # False to disable the warnings, True to enable
        "vl_W_lint": True,
        "vl_W_style": True,
        "vl_W_fatal": True,

        # Un-warn all warnings in the given list; [] to disable this option
        # The given list should only include strings that appear in `Warnings`
        "vl_Wno_list": ['UNOPTFLAT', 'UNSIGNED', 'WIDTH'],

        # Verilator misc options

        # What is the inital value of signals?
        # Should be one of ['zeros', 'ones', 'rand']
        "vl_xinit": "zeros",

        # --trace
        # Expects a boolean value
        "vl_trace": False,

        # The output filename of Verilator VCD tracing
        # default is {component_name}.verilator1
        "vl_trace_filename": "",

        # Passed to verilator tracing function
        "vl_trace_timescale": "10ps",

        # `vl_trace_cycle_time`*`vl_trace_timescale` is the cycle time of the
        # PyMTL clock that appears in the generated VCD
        # With the default options, the frequency of PyMTL clock is 1GHz
        "vl_trace_cycle_time": 100,

        # C-compilation options
        # These options will be passed to the C compiler to create a shared lib.

        # Additional flags to be passed to the C compiler.
        # By default, CC is called with `-O0 -fPIC -shared`.
        # "" to disable this option
        "c_flags": "",

        # Additional include search path of the C compiler.
        # [] to disable this option
        "c_include_path": [],

        # Additional C source files passed to the C compiler.
        # [] to compile verilator generated files only.
        "c_srcs": [],

        # `LDLIBS` will be listed after the primary target file whereas
        # `LDFLAGS` will be listed before.

        # We enforce the GNU makefile implicit rule that `LDFLAGS` should only
        # include non-library linker flags such as `-L`.
        "ld_flags": "",

        # We enforce the GNU makefile implicit rule that `LDLIBS` should only
        # include library linker flags/names such as `-lfoo`.
        "ld_libs": "",

    Checkers = {
      ("verbose", "vl_enable_assert", "vl_line_trace", "vl_W_lint", "vl_W_style",
       "vl_W_fatal", "vl_trace", "vl_coverage", "vl_line_coverage", "vl_toggle_coverage"):
        Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, bool), "expects a boolean" ),

      ("c_flags", "ld_flags", "ld_libs", "vl_trace_filename"):
        Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, str),  "expects a string" ),

      ("vl_opt_level", "vl_unroll_count", "vl_unroll_stmts"):
        Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, int) and v >= 0, "expects an integer >= 0" ),

      "vl_Wno_list": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(w in VerilogPlaceholderConfigs.Warnings for w in v),
                              "expects a list of warnings" ),

      "vl_xinit": Checker( lambda v: (v in ['zeros', 'ones', 'rand']) or isinstance(v, int),
                    "vl_xinit should be an integer or one of ['zeros', 'ones', 'rand']" ),

      "vl_trace_timescale": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, str) and len(v) > 2 and v[-1] == 's' and \
                                      v[-2] in ['p', 'n', 'u', 'm'] and \
                                      all(c.isdigit() for c in v[:-2]),
                                      "expects a timescale string" ),

      "vl_trace_cycle_time": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, int) and (v % 2) == 0,
                                      "expects an integer `n` such that `n`*`vl_trace_timescale` is the cycle time" ),

      "vl_mk_dir": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, str), "expects a path to directory" ),

      "c_include_path": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(os.path.isdir(expand(p)) for p in v),
                                  "expects a list of paths to directories" ),

      "c_srcs": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(os.path.isfile(expand(p)) for p in v),
                         "expects a list of paths to files" )

    Warnings = [

    PassName = 'VerilatorImportConfigs'

    # Public APIs

    def setup_configs(s, m, m_tr_namespace):
        # VerilatorImportConfigs alone does not have the complete information about
        # the module to be imported. For example, we need to read from the placeholder
        # configuration to figure out the pickled file name and the top module name.
        # This method is meant to be called before calling other public APIs.

        s.translated_top_module = m_tr_namespace.translated_top_module
        s.translated_source_file = m_tr_namespace.translated_filename
        s.v_include = m.config_placeholder.v_include
        s.v_libs = m.config_placeholder.v_libs
        # s.src_file = m.config_placeholder.src_file
        s.port_map = m.config_placeholder.port_map
        s.params = m.config_placeholder.params

        if not s.vl_mk_dir:
            s.vl_mk_dir = f'obj_dir_{s.translated_top_module}'

    def get_vl_xinit_value(s):
        if s.vl_xinit == 'zeros':
            return 0
        elif s.vl_xinit == 'ones':
            return 1
        elif (s.vl_xinit == 'rand') or isinstance(s.vl_xinit, int):
            return 2
            raise InvalidPassOptionValue(
                "vl_xinit should be an int or one of 'zeros', 'ones', or 'rand'!"

    def get_vl_xinit_seed(s):
        if isinstance(s.vl_xinit, int):
            return s.vl_xinit
            return 0

    def get_c_wrapper_path(s):
        return f'{s.translated_top_module}_v.cpp'

    def get_py_wrapper_path(s):
        return f'{s.translated_top_module}_v.py'

    def get_shared_lib_path(s):
        return f'lib{s.translated_top_module}_v.so'

    # Command generation

    def create_vl_cmd(s):
        top_module = f"--top-module {s.translated_top_module}"
        src = s.translated_source_file
        mk_dir = f"--Mdir {s.vl_mk_dir}"
        # flist       = "" if s.is_default("v_flist") else \
        #               f"-f {s.v_flist}"
        # We don't need this since all v_libs appear in the translation result
        # vlibs       = "" if not s.v_libs else \
        #               " ".join([f"-v {lib}" for lib in s.v_libs])
        vlibs = ""
        include     = "" if not s.v_include else \
                      " ".join("-I" + path for path in s.v_include)
        en_assert = "--assert" if s.vl_enable_assert else ""
        opt_level = "-O3" if s.is_default('vl_opt_level') else "-O0"
        loop_unroll = "" if s.vl_unroll_count == 0 else \
                      f"--unroll-count {s.vl_unroll_count}"
        stmt_unroll = "" if s.vl_unroll_stmts == 0 else \
                      f"--unroll-stmts {s.vl_unroll_stmts}"
        trace = "--trace" if s.vl_trace else ""
        coverage = "--coverage" if s.vl_coverage else ""
        line_cov = "--coverage-line" if s.vl_line_coverage else ""
        toggle_cov = "--coverage-toggle" if s.vl_toggle_coverage else ""
        warnings = s._create_vl_warning_cmd()

        all_opts = [
            # stmt_unroll, trace, warnings, flist, src, coverage,

        return f"verilator --cc {' '.join(opt for opt in all_opts if opt)}"

    def create_cc_cmd(s):
        c_flags = "-O0 -fPIC -fno-gnu-unique -shared" + \
                 ("" if s.is_default("c_flags") else f" {expand(s.c_flags)}")
        c_include_path = " ".join("-I" + p for p in s._get_all_includes() if p)
        out_file = s.get_shared_lib_path()
        c_src_files = " ".join(s._get_c_src_files())
        ld_flags = expand(s.ld_flags)
        ld_libs = s.ld_libs
        coverage = "-DVM_COVERAGE" if s.vl_coverage or \
                                      s.vl_line_coverage or \
                                      s.vl_toggle_coverage else ""
        return f"g++ {c_flags} {c_include_path} {ld_flags}"\
               f" -o {out_file} {c_src_files} {ld_libs} {coverage}"

    def vprint(s, msg, nspaces=0, use_fill=False):
        if s.verbose:
            if use_fill:
                print(indent(fill(msg), " " * nspaces))
                print(indent(msg, " " * nspaces))

    # Internal helpers

    def _create_vl_warning_cmd(s):
        lint = "" if s.is_default("vl_W_lint") else "--Wno-lint"
        style = "" if s.is_default("vl_W_style") else "--Wno-style"
        fatal = "" if s.is_default("vl_W_fatal") else "--Wno-fatal"
        wno = " ".join(f"--Wno-{w}" for w in s.vl_Wno_list)
        return " ".join(w for w in [lint, style, fatal, wno] if w)

    def _get_all_includes(s):
        includes = s.c_include_path

        # Try to obtain verilator include path either from environment variable
        # or from `pkg-config`
        vl_include_dir = os.environ.get("PYMTL_VERILATOR_INCLUDE_DIR")
        if vl_include_dir is None:
            get_dir_cmd = ["pkg-config", "--variable=includedir", "verilator"]
                vl_include_dir = \
                    subprocess.check_output(get_dir_cmd, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT).strip()
                vl_include_dir = vl_include_dir.decode('ascii')
            except OSError as e:
                vl_include_dir_msg = \
Cannot locate the include directory of verilator. Please make sure either \
$PYMTL_VERILATOR_INCLUDE_DIR is set or `pkg-config` has been configured properly!
                raise OSError(fill(vl_include_dir_msg)) from e

        # Add verilator include path
        s.vl_include_dir = vl_include_dir
        includes += [vl_include_dir, vl_include_dir + "/vltstd"]

        return includes

    def _get_c_src_files(s):
        srcs = s.c_srcs
        top_module = s.translated_top_module
        vl_mk_dir = s.vl_mk_dir
        vl_class_mk = f"{vl_mk_dir}/V{top_module}_classes.mk"

        # Add C wrapper

        # Add files listed in class makefile
        with open(vl_class_mk) as class_mk:
            srcs += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(class_mk, vl_mk_dir,
            srcs += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(class_mk, vl_mk_dir,
            srcs += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(class_mk, vl_mk_dir,
            srcs += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(class_mk, vl_mk_dir,
            srcs += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(class_mk, s.vl_include_dir,
            srcs += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(class_mk, s.vl_include_dir,

        return srcs

    def _get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(s, mk, path, label):
        """Return all files under `path` directory in `label` section of `mk`."""
        srcs, found = [], False
        for line in mk:
            if line.startswith(label):
                found = True
            elif found:
                if line.strip() == "":
                    found = False
                    file_name = line.strip()[:-2]
                    srcs.append(path + "/" + file_name + ".cpp")
        return srcs
Exemplo n.º 8
class VerilogVerilatorImportConfigs(BasePassConfigs):

    Options = {
        # Import this component?
        "enable": False,

        # Enable verbose mode?
        "verbose": False,

        # Enable external line trace?
        # Once enabled, the `line_trace()` method of the imported component
        # will return a string read from the external `line_trace()` function.
        # This means your Verilog module has to have a `line_trace` function
        # that provides the line trace string which has less than 512 characters.
        # Default to False
        "vl_line_trace": False,

        # Enable all verilator coverage
        "vl_coverage": False,

        # Enable all verilator coverage
        "vl_line_coverage": False,

        # Enable all verilator coverage
        "vl_toggle_coverage": False,

        # Verilator code generation options
        # These options will be passed to verilator to generate the C simulator.
        # By default, verilator is called with `--cc`.

        # --Mdir
        # Expects the path of Makefile output directory;
        # "" to use `obj_dir_<translated_top_module>`
        "vl_mk_dir": "",

        # --assert
        # Expects a boolean value
        "vl_enable_assert": True,

        # Verilator optimization options

        # -O0/3
        # Expects a non-negative integer
        # Currently only support 0 (disable opt) and 3 (highest effort opt)
        "vl_opt_level": 3,

        # --unroll-count
        # Expects a non-negative integer
        # 0 to disable this option
        "vl_unroll_count": 1000000,

        # --unroll-stmts
        # Expects a non-negative integer
        # 0 to disable this option
        "vl_unroll_stmts": 1000000,

        # Verilator warning-related options

        # False to disable the warnings, True to enable
        "vl_W_lint": True,
        "vl_W_style": True,
        "vl_W_fatal": True,

        # Un-warn all warnings in the given list; [] to disable this option
        # The given list should only include strings that appear in `Warnings`
        "vl_Wno_list": ['UNOPTFLAT', 'UNSIGNED', 'WIDTH'],

        # Verilator misc options

        # What is the inital value of signals?
        # Should be one of ['zeros', 'ones', 'rand']
        "vl_xinit": "zeros",

        # --trace
        # Expects a boolean value
        "vl_trace": False,

        # The output filename of Verilator VCD tracing
        # default is {component_name}.verilator1
        "vl_trace_filename": "",

        # Passed to verilator tracing function
        "vl_trace_timescale": "10ps",

        # `vl_trace_cycle_time`*`vl_trace_timescale` is the cycle time of the
        # PyMTL clock that appears in the generated VCD
        # With the default options, the frequency of PyMTL clock is 1GHz
        "vl_trace_cycle_time": 100,

        # C-compilation options
        # These options will be passed to the C compiler to create a shared lib.

        # Additional flags to be passed to the C compiler.
        # By default, CC is called with `-O0 -fPIC -shared`.
        # "" to disable this option
        "c_flags": "",

        # Additional include search path of the C compiler.
        # [] to disable this option
        "c_include_path": [],

        # Additional C source files passed to the C compiler.
        # [] to compile verilator generated files only.
        "c_srcs": [],

        # `LDLIBS` will be listed after the primary target file whereas
        # `LDFLAGS` will be listed before.

        # We enforce the GNU makefile implicit rule that `LDFLAGS` should only
        # include non-library linker flags such as `-L`.
        "ld_flags": "",

        # We enforce the GNU makefile implicit rule that `LDLIBS` should only
        # include library linker flags/names such as `-lfoo`.
        "ld_libs": "",

    Checkers = {
      ("enable", "verbose", "vl_enable_assert", "vl_line_trace", "vl_W_lint", "vl_W_style",
       "vl_W_fatal", "vl_trace", "vl_coverage", "vl_line_coverage", "vl_toggle_coverage"):
        Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, bool), "expects a boolean" ),

      ("c_flags", "ld_flags", "ld_libs", "vl_trace_filename"):
        Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, str),  "expects a string" ),

      ("vl_opt_level", "vl_unroll_count", "vl_unroll_stmts"):
        Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, int) and v >= 0, "expects an integer >= 0" ),

      "vl_Wno_list": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(w in VerilogPlaceholderConfigs.Warnings for w in v),
                              "expects a list of warnings" ),

      "vl_xinit": Checker( lambda v: (v in ['zeros', 'ones', 'rand']) or isinstance(v, int),
                    "vl_xinit should be an integer or one of ['zeros', 'ones', 'rand']" ),

      "vl_trace_timescale": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, str) and len(v) > 2 and v[-1] == 's' and \
                                      v[-2] in ['p', 'n', 'u', 'm'] and \
                                      all(c.isdigit() for c in v[:-2]),
                                      "expects a timescale string" ),

      "vl_trace_cycle_time": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, int) and (v % 2) == 0,
                                      "expects an integer `n` such that `n`*`vl_trace_timescale` is the cycle time" ),

      "vl_mk_dir": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, str), "expects a path to directory" ),

      "c_include_path": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(os.path.isdir(expand(p)) for p in v),
                                  "expects a list of paths to directories" ),

      "c_srcs": Checker( lambda v: isinstance(v, list) and all(os.path.isfile(expand(p)) for p in v),
                         "expects a list of paths to files" )

    Warnings = [

    Pass = VerilogVerilatorImportPass

    # Public APIs

    def setup_configs(s, m, tr_pass, ph_pass):
        # VerilatorImportConfigs alone does not have the complete information about
        # the module to be imported. For example, we need to read from the placeholder
        # configuration to figure out the pickled file name and the top module name.
        # This method is meant to be called before calling other public APIs.

        s.translated_top_module = m.get_metadata(tr_pass.translated_top_module)
        s.translated_source_file = m.get_metadata(tr_pass.translated_filename)

        ph_cfg = m.get_metadata(ph_pass.placeholder_config)
        s.v_include = ph_cfg.v_include
        s.v_libs = ph_cfg.v_libs
        s.src_file = ph_cfg.src_file
        s.port_map = ph_cfg.port_map
        s.params = ph_cfg.params

        # Infer vl_line_trace by scanning through the source file
            trim = lambda s: ''.join(s.split())
            if not s.vl_line_trace:
                with open(s.src_file) as fd:
                    for line in fd.readlines():
                        if "`VC_TRACE_BEGIN" in trim(line):
                            s.vl_line_trace = True
        except OSError:

        if not s.vl_mk_dir:
            s.vl_mk_dir = f'obj_dir_{s.translated_top_module}'

    def get_vl_xinit_value(s):
        if s.vl_xinit == 'zeros':
            return 0
        elif s.vl_xinit == 'ones':
            return 1
        elif (s.vl_xinit == 'rand') or isinstance(s.vl_xinit, int):
            return 2
            raise InvalidPassOptionValue(
                "vl_xinit should be an int or one of 'zeros', 'ones', or 'rand'!"

    def get_vl_xinit_seed(s):
        if isinstance(s.vl_xinit, int):
            return s.vl_xinit
            return 0

    def get_c_wrapper_path(s):
        return f'{s.translated_top_module}_v.cpp'

    def get_py_wrapper_path(s):
        return f'{s.translated_top_module}_v.py'

    def get_shared_lib_path(s):
        return f'lib{s.translated_top_module}_v.so'

    # Command generation

    def create_vl_cmd(s):
        top_module = f"--top-module {s.translated_top_module}"
        src = s.translated_source_file
        mk_dir = f"--Mdir {s.vl_mk_dir}"
        # flist       = "" if s.is_default("v_flist") else \
        #               f"-f {s.v_flist}"
        # We don't need this since all v_libs appear in the translation result
        # vlibs       = "" if not s.v_libs else \
        #               " ".join([f"-v {lib}" for lib in s.v_libs])
        vlibs = ""
        include     = "" if not s.v_include else \
                      " ".join("-I" + path for path in s.v_include)
        en_assert = "--assert" if s.vl_enable_assert else ""
        opt_level = "-O3" if s.is_default('vl_opt_level') else "-O0"
        loop_unroll = "" if s.vl_unroll_count == 0 else \
                      f"--unroll-count {s.vl_unroll_count}"
        stmt_unroll = "" if s.vl_unroll_stmts == 0 else \
                      f"--unroll-stmts {s.vl_unroll_stmts}"
        trace = "--trace" if s.vl_trace else ""
        coverage = "--coverage" if s.vl_coverage else ""
        line_cov = "--coverage-line" if s.vl_line_coverage else ""
        toggle_cov = "--coverage-toggle" if s.vl_toggle_coverage else ""
        warnings = s._create_vl_warning_cmd()

        all_opts = [
            # stmt_unroll, trace, warnings, flist, src, coverage,

        return f"verilator --cc {' '.join(opt for opt in all_opts if opt)}"

    def create_cc_cmd(s):
        # Shunning: GCC has a family of optimizations on the SSA tree -ftree-***.
        # It belongs to -O1, and takes a lot of time to execute when I compile the verilated C++.
        # However, the compiled code has worse performance after applying those tree optimizations.
        # I guess it's because verilator already emits very regular and low-level code in the form of C++.
        # Also gcc -O1, -O2, -O3 result in the same compilation time after all optimization flags are turned off
        # gcc -O0 still has shorter compilation time than O1-3 with all flags off
        # My guess is that -O1 has some hidden optimization that the user cannot turn off, and -O2-3 inherit that part
        # the difference between O1-3 is just flags
        # so right now I'm using "-O1 with all options off" to get the fastest compilation time and good performance
        # !!! -fno-tree-forwprop is removed due to:
        # In file included from /usr/include/fcntl.h:290:0,
        #                   from /usr/local/share/verilator/include/verilated_vcd_c.cpp:29:
        # In function ‘int open(const char*, int, ...)’,
        #     inlined from ‘virtual bool VerilatedVcdFile::open(const string&)’ at
        # /usr/local/share/verilator/include/verilated_vcd_c.cpp:116:18:
        # /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl2.h:44:26: error: call to
        # ‘__open_too_many_args’ declared with attribute error: open can be called either
        # with 2 or 3 arguments, not more
        #       __open_too_many_args ();
        #       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
        # /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl2.h:50:24: error: call to
        # ‘__open_missing_mode’ declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT or
        # O_TMPFILE in second argument needs 3 arguments
        #     __open_missing_mode ();
        #     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
        c_flags = "-O1 -fno-guess-branch-probability -fno-reorder-blocks -fno-if-conversion -fno-if-conversion2 -fno-dce -fno-delayed-branch -fno-dse -fno-auto-inc-dec -fno-branch-count-reg -fno-combine-stack-adjustments  -fno-cprop-registers -fno-forward-propagate -fno-inline-functions-called-once -fno-ipa-profile -fno-ipa-pure-const -fno-ipa-reference -fno-move-loop-invariants -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-split-wide-types -fno-tree-bit-ccp -fno-tree-ccp -fno-tree-ch -fno-tree-coalesce-vars -fno-tree-copy-prop -fno-tree-dce -fno-tree-dominator-opts -fno-tree-dse  -fno-tree-fre -fno-tree-phiprop -fno-tree-pta -fno-tree-scev-cprop -fno-tree-sink -fno-tree-slsr -fno-tree-sra -fno-tree-ter -fno-tree-reassoc -fPIC -fno-gnu-unique -shared" + \
                 ("" if s.is_default("c_flags") else f" {expand(s.c_flags)}")
        c_include_path = " ".join("-I" + p for p in s._get_all_includes() if p)
        out_file = s.get_shared_lib_path()
        c_src_files = " ".join(s._get_c_src_files())
        ld_flags = expand(s.ld_flags)
        ld_libs = s.ld_libs
        coverage = "-DVM_COVERAGE" if s.vl_coverage or \
                                      s.vl_line_coverage or \
                                      s.vl_toggle_coverage else ""
        return f"g++ {c_flags} {c_include_path} {ld_flags}"\
               f" -o {out_file} {c_src_files} {ld_libs} {coverage}"

    def vprint(s, msg, nspaces=0, use_fill=False):
        if s.verbose:
            if use_fill:
                print(indent(fill(msg), " " * nspaces))
                print(indent(msg, " " * nspaces))

    # Internal helpers

    def _create_vl_warning_cmd(s):
        lint = "" if s.is_default("vl_W_lint") else "--Wno-lint"
        style = "" if s.is_default("vl_W_style") else "--Wno-style"
        fatal = "" if s.is_default("vl_W_fatal") else "--Wno-fatal"
        wno = " ".join(f"--Wno-{w}" for w in s.vl_Wno_list)
        return " ".join(w for w in [lint, style, fatal, wno] if w)

    def _get_all_includes(s):
        includes = copy.copy(s.c_include_path)

        # Try to obtain verilator include path either from environment variable
        # or from `pkg-config`
        vl_include_dir = os.environ.get("PYMTL_VERILATOR_INCLUDE_DIR")
        if vl_include_dir is None:
            get_dir_cmd = ["pkg-config", "--variable=includedir", "verilator"]
                vl_include_dir = \
                    subprocess.check_output(get_dir_cmd, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT).strip()
                vl_include_dir = vl_include_dir.decode('ascii')
            except OSError as e:
                vl_include_dir_msg = \
Cannot locate the include directory of verilator. Please make sure either \
$PYMTL_VERILATOR_INCLUDE_DIR is set or `pkg-config` has been configured properly!
                raise OSError(fill(vl_include_dir_msg)) from e

        # Add verilator include path
        s.vl_include_dir = vl_include_dir
        includes += [vl_include_dir, vl_include_dir + "/vltstd"]

        return includes

    def _get_c_src_files(s):
        top_module = s.translated_top_module
        vl_mk_dir = s.vl_mk_dir
        vl_class_mk = f"{vl_mk_dir}/V{top_module}_classes.mk"

        # Add C wrapper
        fast = copy.copy(s.c_srcs)
        slow = []

        # Add files listed in class makefile
        with open(vl_class_mk) as class_mk:
            all_lines = class_mk.readlines()
            fast += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(all_lines, vl_mk_dir,
            fast += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(all_lines, vl_mk_dir,
            fast += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(all_lines, s.vl_include_dir,
            slow += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(all_lines, vl_mk_dir,
            slow += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(all_lines, vl_mk_dir,
            slow += s._get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(all_lines, s.vl_include_dir,

        with open(f"{top_module}_v__ALL_pickled.cpp", 'w') as out:
            out.write('\n'.join([f'#include "{x}"' for x in fast]))

            # Apply no optimization for SLOW files
            if slow:
                out.write('\n#pragma GCC push_options')
                out.write('\n#pragma GCC optimize ("O0")\n')
                out.write('\n'.join([f'#include "{x}"' for x in slow]))
                out.write('\n#pragma GCC pop_options\n')

        return [f"{top_module}_v__ALL_pickled.cpp"]

    def _get_srcs_from_vl_class_mk(s, all_lines, path, label):
        """Return all files under `path` directory in `label` section of `mk`."""
        srcs, found = [], False
        for line in all_lines:
            if line.startswith(label):
                found = True
            elif found:
                if line.strip() == "":
                    found = False
                    file_name = line.strip()[:-2]
                    srcs.append(path + "/" + file_name + ".cpp")
        return srcs