c.nick(c.get_nickname() + "_") def on_welcome(self, c, e): c.join(self.channel) def on_pubmsg(self, c, e): a = e.arguments[0] pynab.pre.nzedbirc(a) def main(): channel = config.prebot.get("channel") nick = config.prebot.get("nick") server = config.prebot.get("server") port = config.prebot.get("port") log.info("Pre: Bot Nick - {}".format(nick)) bot = TestBot(channel, nick, server, port) bot.start() if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=pynab.__version__) if arguments["start"]: log_init("prebot") if config.prebot.get("nick"): main() else: log.warn("Pre: Bot nick not set in config, please update and restart the bot")
def on_welcome(self, c, e): c.join(self.channel) def on_pubmsg(self, c, e): a = e.arguments[0] pynab.pre.nzedbirc(a) def main(): channel = config.prebot.get('channel') nick = config.prebot.get('nick') server = config.prebot.get('server') port = config.prebot.get('port') log.info("Pre: Bot Nick - {}".format(nick)) bot = TestBot(channel, nick, server, port) bot.start() if __name__ == '__main__': arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=pynab.__version__) if arguments['start']: log_init('prebot') if config.prebot.get('nick'): main() else: log.warn( "Pre: Bot nick not set in config, please update and restart the bot" )
class TestBot(irc.bot.SingleServerIRCBot): def __init__(self, channel, nickname, server, port=6667): irc.bot.SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname) self.channel = channel def on_nicknameinuse(self, c, e): c.nick(c.get_nickname() + "_") def on_welcome(self, c, e): c.join(self.channel) def on_pubmsg(self, c, e): a = e.arguments[0] pynab.pre.nzedbirc(a) def main(): channel = "#nZEDbPRE" nickname = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for n in range(8)]) log.info("Pre: Bot Nick - {}".format(nickname)) bot = TestBot(channel, nickname, "irc.synirc.net", 6667) bot.start() if __name__ == '__main__': arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=pynab.__version__) if arguments['start']: log_init('prebot') main()
def main(mode='update', group=None, date=None): log_init(mode) log.info('scan: starting {}...'.format(mode)) groups = [] active_groups = {} if mode == 'backfill': log.info('scan: finding targets for backfill...') with pynab.server.Server() as server: with db_session() as db: if not group: groups = [group.name for group in db.query(Group).filter(Group.active == True).all()] else: if db.query(Group).filter(Group.name == group).first(): groups = [group] for group in groups: target = server.day_to_post(group, server.days_old(pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse(date))) if date else config.scan.get('backfill_days', 10) ) if target: active_groups[group] = target iterations = 0 while True: iterations += 1 data = [] # refresh the db session each iteration, just in case with db_session() as db: if db.query(Segment).count() > config.scan.get('early_process_threshold', 50000000): if mode == 'update': log.info('scan: backlog of segments detected, processing first') process() else: log.info('scan: backlog of segments detected during backfill, waiting until update has cleared them') time.sleep(config.scan.get('update_wait', 600)) continue # for scanning, we want to re-check active groups each iteration # we don't want to do that for backfilling, though if mode == 'update': if not group: active_groups = {group.name: None for group in db.query(Group).filter(Group.active == True).all()} else: if db.query(Group).filter(Group.name == group).first(): active_groups = {group: None} else: log.error('scan: no such group exists') return if active_groups: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(config.scan.get('update_threads', None)) as executor: # if maxtasksperchild is more than 1, everything breaks # they're long processes usually, so no problem having one task per child if mode == 'backfill': result = [executor.submit(backfill, active_group, date, target) for active_group, target in active_groups.items()] else: result = [executor.submit(update, active_group) for active_group in active_groups.keys()] for r in concurrent.futures.as_completed(result): data.append(r.result()) if mode == 'backfill': if all(data): return # don't retry misses during backfill, it ain't gonna happen if config.scan.get('retry_missed') and not mode == 'backfill': miss_groups = [group_name for group_name, in db.query(Miss.group_name).group_by(Miss.group_name).all()] miss_result = [executor.submit(scan_missing, miss_group) for miss_group in miss_groups] # no timeout for these, because it could take a while for r in concurrent.futures.as_completed(miss_result): data = r.result() db.commit() if mode == 'update': process() # clean up dead binaries and parts if config.scan.get('dead_binary_age', 1) != 0: dead_time = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.now()).replace( tzinfo=None) - datetime.timedelta(days=config.scan.get('dead_binary_age', 3)) dead_binaries = db.query(Binary).filter(Binary.posted <= dead_time).delete() db.commit() log.info('scan: deleted {} dead binaries'.format(dead_binaries)) else: log.info('scan: no groups active, cancelling pynab.py...') break if mode == 'update': # vacuum the segments, parts and binaries tables log.info('scan: vacuuming relevant tables...') if iterations >= config.scan.get('full_vacuum_iterations', 288): # this may look weird, but we want to reset iterations even if full_vacuums are off # so it doesn't count to infinity if config.scan.get('full_vacuum', True): vacuum(mode='scan', full=True) iterations = 0 else: iterations = 0 db.close() # don't bother waiting if we're backfilling, just keep going if mode == 'update': # wait for the configured amount of time between cycles update_wait = config.scan.get('update_wait', 300) log.info('scan: sleeping for {:d} seconds...'.format(update_wait)) time.sleep(update_wait)
return '{}+{}{}'.format(colorama.Fore.GREEN, num, colorama.Fore.RESET) if num < 0: return '{}{}{}'.format(colorama.Fore.RED, num, colorama.Fore.RESET) def build_header(): """ Generate a header string. """ return '{:^21}|{:^21}|{:^21}|{:^21}'.format('Parts', 'Binaries', 'Releases', 'Other-Misc Releases') if __name__ == '__main__': log_init('stats', '%(message)s') colorama.init() config_time = os.stat(config.__file__).st_mtime logging_dir = config.log.get('logging_dir') csv_path = os.path.join(logging_dir, 'stats.csv') log.info(build_header()) i = 1 first = True last_parts = 0 last_binaries = 0 last_releases = 0 last_others = 0
def main(): log_init("postprocess") log.info("postprocess: starting post-processing...") # start with a quick post-process # log.info('postprocess: starting with a quick post-process to clear out the cruft that\'s available locally...') # scripts.quick_postprocess.local_postprocess() iterations = 0 while True: with db_session() as db: # delete passworded releases first so we don't bother processing them if config.postprocess.get("delete_passworded", True): query = db.query(Release) if config.postprocess.get("delete_potentially_passworded", True): query = query.filter((Release.passworded == "MAYBE") | (Release.passworded == "YES")) else: query = query.filter(Release.passworded == "YES") deleted = query.delete() db.commit() log.info("postprocess: deleted {} passworded releases".format(deleted)) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(4) as executor: threads = [] if config.postprocess.get("process_tvshows", True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_tvshows)) if config.postprocess.get("process_movies", True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_movies)) # grab and append nfo data to all releases if config.postprocess.get("process_nfos", True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_nfos)) # grab and append sfv data to all releases if config.postprocess.get("process_sfvs", False): threads.append(executor.submit(process_sfvs)) # check for passwords, file count and size if config.postprocess.get("process_rars", True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_rars)) # check for requests in local pre table if config.postprocess.get("process_requests", True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_requests)) # for t in concurrent.futures.as_completed(threads): # data = t.result() # every 25 iterations (roughly), reset the unwanted status on releases """ if iterations % 25 == 0: log.info('postprocess: resetting unwanted status') db.query(Release).filter(Release.unwanted==True).update({Release.unwanted: False}) db.commit() """ # rename misc->other and all ebooks scripts.rename_bad_releases.rename_bad_releases(8010) scripts.rename_bad_releases.rename_bad_releases(7020) # do a postproc deletion of any enabled blacklists # assuming it's enabled, of course if config.postprocess.get("delete_blacklisted_releases"): deleted = 0 for blacklist in db.query(Blacklist).filter(Blacklist.status == True).all(): # remap subject to name, since normal blacklists operate on binaries # this is on releases, and the attribute changes field = "search_name" if blacklist.field == "subject" else blacklist.field # filter by: # group_name should match the blacklist's # <field> should match the blacklist's regex # <field> is determined by blacklist's field (usually subject/name) # date (optimisation) query = ( db.query(Release) .filter( Release.group_id.in_( db.query(Group.id).filter(Group.name.op("~*")(blacklist.group_name)).subquery() ) ) .filter(getattr(Release, field).op("~*")(blacklist.regex)) ) if config.postprocess.get("delete_blacklisted_days"): query = query.filter( Release.posted >= ( datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc) - datetime.timedelta(days=config.postprocess.get("delete_blacklisted_days")) ) ) deleted += query.delete(False) log.info("postprocess: deleted {} blacklisted releases".format(deleted)) db.commit() if config.postprocess.get("delete_bad_releases", False): # kill unwanteds pass """ deletes = db.query(Release).filter(Release.unwanted==True).delete() deletes = 0 # and also kill other-miscs that we can't retrieve a rar for sub = db.query(Release.id).join(MetaBlack, Release.rar_metablack).\ filter(Release.category_id==8010).\ filter(MetaBlack.status=='IMPOSSIBLE').\ subquery() deletes += db.query(Release).filter(Release.id.in_(sub)).delete(synchronize_session='fetch') log.info('postprocess: deleted {} bad releases'.format(deletes)) db.commit() """ if config.postprocess.get("release_expiry_days", 0) > 0: expire_days = config.postprocess.get("release_expiry_days", 0) log.info("postprocess: expiring releases posted more than {} days ago.".format(expire_days)) deleted_releases = ( db.query(Release) .filter(Release.posted < (datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc) - datetime.timedelta(days=expire_days))) .delete(synchronize_session="fetch") ) log.info("postprocess: expired {} releases".format(deleted_releases)) # delete any orphan metablacks log.info("postprocess: deleting orphan metablacks...") # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone,PyComparisonWithNone,PyComparisonWithNone,PyComparisonWithNone,PyComparisonWithNone deleted_metablacks = ( db.query(MetaBlack) .filter( (MetaBlack.movie == None) & (MetaBlack.tvshow == None) & (MetaBlack.rar == None) & (MetaBlack.nfo == None) & (MetaBlack.sfv == None) ) .delete(synchronize_session="fetch") ) log.info("postprocess: deleted {} orphaned metablacks.".format(deleted_metablacks)) # delete any orphan nzbs log.info("postprocess: deleting orphan nzbs...") # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone deleted_nzbs = db.query(NZB.id).filter(NZB.release == None).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") log.info("postprocess: deleted {} orphaned nzbs.".format(deleted_nzbs)) # delete any orphan nfos log.info("postprocess: deleting orphan nfos...") # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone deleted_nfos = db.query(NFO.id).filter(NFO.release == None).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") log.info("postprocess: deleted {} orphaned nfos.".format(deleted_nfos)) # delete any orphan sfvs log.info("postprocess: deleting orphan sfvs...") # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone deleted_sfvs = db.query(SFV.id).filter(SFV.release == None).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") log.info("postprocess: deleted {} orphaned sfvs.".format(deleted_sfvs)) db.commit() # vacuum the segments, parts and binaries tables log.info("postprocess: vacuuming relevant tables...") if iterations >= config.scan.get("full_vacuum_iterations", 288): # this may look weird, but we want to reset iterations even if full_vacuums are off # so it doesn't count to infinity if config.scan.get("full_vacuum", True): vacuum(mode="postprocess", full=True) else: vacuum(mode="postprocess", full=False) iterations = 0 iterations += 1 # wait for the configured amount of time between cycles postprocess_wait = config.postprocess.get("postprocess_wait", 300) log.info("sleeping for {:d} seconds...".format(postprocess_wait)) time.sleep(postprocess_wait)
request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https' url = request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] + '://' if request.environ.get('HTTP_HOST'): url += request.environ['HTTP_HOST'] else: url += request.environ['SERVER_NAME'] if request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https': if request.environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443': url += ':' + request.environ['SERVER_PORT'] else: if request.environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80': url += ':' + request.environ['SERVER_PORT'] url += request.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') if route: url += route return url def main(): bottle.run(app=app, host=config.api.get('api_host', ''), port=config.api.get('api_port', 8080)) if __name__ == '__main__': log_init('api') main()
def main(): log_init('postprocess') log.info('postprocess: starting post-processing...') # start with a quick post-process #log.info('postprocess: starting with a quick post-process to clear out the cruft that\'s available locally...') #scripts.quick_postprocess.local_postprocess() iterations = 0 while True: with db_session() as db: # delete passworded releases first so we don't bother processing them if config.postprocess.get('delete_passworded', True): query = db.query(Release) if config.postprocess.get('delete_potentially_passworded', True): query = query.filter((Release.passworded == 'MAYBE') | (Release.passworded == 'YES')) else: query = query.filter(Release.passworded == 'YES') deleted = query.delete() db.commit() log.info('postprocess: deleted {} passworded releases'.format( deleted)) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(4) as executor: threads = [] if config.postprocess.get('process_tvshows', True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_tvshows)) if config.postprocess.get('process_movies', True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_movies)) # grab and append nfo data to all releases if config.postprocess.get('process_nfos', True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_nfos)) # grab and append sfv data to all releases if config.postprocess.get('process_sfvs', False): threads.append(executor.submit(process_sfvs)) # check for passwords, file count and size if config.postprocess.get('process_rars', True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_rars)) # check for requests in local pre table if config.postprocess.get('process_requests', True): threads.append(executor.submit(process_requests)) #for t in concurrent.futures.as_completed(threads): # data = t.result() # every 25 iterations (roughly), reset the unwanted status on releases """ if iterations % 25 == 0: log.info('postprocess: resetting unwanted status') db.query(Release).filter(Release.unwanted==True).update({Release.unwanted: False}) db.commit() """ # rename misc->other and all ebooks scripts.rename_bad_releases.rename_bad_releases(8010) scripts.rename_bad_releases.rename_bad_releases(7020) # do a postproc deletion of any enabled blacklists # assuming it's enabled, of course if config.postprocess.get('delete_blacklisted_releases'): deleted = 0 for blacklist in db.query(Blacklist).filter( Blacklist.status == True).all(): # remap subject to name, since normal blacklists operate on binaries # this is on releases, and the attribute changes field = 'search_name' if blacklist.field == 'subject' else blacklist.field # filter by: # group_name should match the blacklist's # <field> should match the blacklist's regex # <field> is determined by blacklist's field (usually subject/name) # date (optimisation) query = db.query(Release).filter( Release.group_id.in_( db.query(Group.id).filter( Group.name.op('~*')( blacklist.group_name)).subquery())).filter( getattr(Release, field).op('~*')( blacklist.regex)) if config.postprocess.get('delete_blacklisted_days'): query = query.filter(Release.posted >= ( datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc) - datetime.timedelta(days=config.postprocess.get( 'delete_blacklisted_days')))) deleted += query.delete(False) log.info('postprocess: deleted {} blacklisted releases'.format( deleted)) db.commit() if config.postprocess.get('delete_bad_releases', False): # kill unwanteds pass """ deletes = db.query(Release).filter(Release.unwanted==True).delete() deletes = 0 # and also kill other-miscs that we can't retrieve a rar for sub = db.query(Release.id).join(MetaBlack, Release.rar_metablack).\ filter(Release.category_id==8010).\ filter(MetaBlack.status=='IMPOSSIBLE').\ subquery() deletes += db.query(Release).filter(Release.id.in_(sub)).delete(synchronize_session='fetch') log.info('postprocess: deleted {} bad releases'.format(deletes)) db.commit() """ if config.postprocess.get('release_expiry_days', 0) > 0: expire_days = config.postprocess.get('release_expiry_days', 0) log.info( 'postprocess: expiring releases posted more than {} days ago.' .format(expire_days)) deleted_releases = db.query(Release).filter(Release.posted < ( datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc) - datetime.timedelta(days=expire_days))).delete( synchronize_session='fetch') log.info('postprocess: expired {} releases'.format( deleted_releases)) # delete any orphan metablacks log.info('postprocess: deleting orphan metablacks...') # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone,PyComparisonWithNone,PyComparisonWithNone,PyComparisonWithNone,PyComparisonWithNone deleted_metablacks = db.query(MetaBlack).filter( (MetaBlack.movie == None) & (MetaBlack.tvshow == None) & (MetaBlack.rar == None) & (MetaBlack.nfo == None) & (MetaBlack.sfv == None)).delete(synchronize_session='fetch') log.info('postprocess: deleted {} orphaned metablacks.'.format( deleted_metablacks)) # delete any orphan nzbs log.info('postprocess: deleting orphan nzbs...') # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone deleted_nzbs = db.query(NZB).filter(NZB.release == None).delete( synchronize_session='fetch') log.info( 'postprocess: deleted {} orphaned nzbs.'.format(deleted_nzbs)) # delete any orphan nfos log.info('postprocess: deleting orphan nfos...') # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone deleted_nfos = db.query(NFO).filter(NFO.release == None).delete( synchronize_session='fetch') log.info( 'postprocess: deleted {} orphaned nfos.'.format(deleted_nfos)) # delete any orphan sfvs log.info('postprocess: deleting orphan sfvs...') # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone deleted_sfvs = db.query(SFV).filter(SFV.release == None).delete( synchronize_session='fetch') log.info( 'postprocess: deleted {} orphaned sfvs.'.format(deleted_sfvs)) db.commit() # vacuum the segments, parts and binaries tables log.info('postprocess: vacuuming relevant tables...') if iterations >= config.scan.get('full_vacuum_iterations', 288): # this may look weird, but we want to reset iterations even if full_vacuums are off # so it doesn't count to infinity if config.scan.get('full_vacuum', True): vacuum(mode='postprocess', full=True) else: vacuum(mode='postprocess', full=False) iterations = 0 iterations += 1 # wait for the configured amount of time between cycles postprocess_wait = config.postprocess.get('postprocess_wait', 300) log.info('sleeping for {:d} seconds...'.format(postprocess_wait)) time.sleep(postprocess_wait)
""" Pynab XMPP PubSub Starts a JSON listener and XMPP bot that use pubsub to report new releases to an XMPP server. Config in config.py. Usage: pubsub.py start Options: -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version. """ from docopt import docopt import pynab.xmpp from pynab import log_init if __name__ == '__main__': arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=pynab.__version__) if arguments['start']: log_init('pubsub') server = pynab.xmpp.JSONPub() server.start()
return '{}.{}'.format(colorama.Fore.GREEN, colorama.Fore.RESET) if num > 0: return '{}+{}{}'.format(colorama.Fore.GREEN, num, colorama.Fore.RESET) if num < 0: return '{}{}{}'.format(colorama.Fore.RED, num, colorama.Fore.RESET) def build_header(): """ Generate a header string. """ return '{:^21}|{:^21}|{:^21}|{:^21}'.format('Parts', 'Binaries', 'Releases', 'Other-Misc Releases') if __name__ == '__main__': log_init('stats', '%(message)s') colorama.init() config_time = os.stat(config.__file__).st_mtime logging_dir = config.log.get('logging_dir') csv_path = os.path.join(logging_dir, 'stats.csv') log.info(build_header()) i = 1 first = True last_parts = 0 last_binaries = 0 last_releases = 0 last_others = 0
def main(mode='update', group=None, date=None): log_init(mode) log.info('scan: starting {}...'.format(mode)) groups = [] active_groups = {} if mode == 'backfill': log.info('scan: finding targets for backfill...') with pynab.server.Server() as server: with db_session() as db: if not group: groups = [group.name for group in db.query(Group).filter(Group.active == True).all()] else: if db.query(Group).filter(Group.name == group).first(): groups = [group] for group in groups: target = server.day_to_post(group, server.days_old(pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse(date))) if date else config.scan.get('backfill_days', 10) ) if target: active_groups[group] = target iterations = 0 while True: iterations += 1 data = [] # refresh the db session each iteration, just in case with db_session() as db: if db.query(Segment).count() > config.scan.get('early_process_threshold', 50000000): if mode == 'update': log.info('scan: backlog of segments detected, processing first') process() else: log.info('scan: backlog of segments detected during backfill, waiting until update has cleared them') time.sleep(config.scan.get('update_wait', 600)) continue # for scanning, we want to re-check active groups each iteration # we don't want to do that for backfilling, though if mode == 'update': if not group: active_groups = {group.name: None for group in db.query(Group).filter(Group.active == True).all()} else: if db.query(Group).filter(Group.name == group).first(): active_groups = [group] else: log.error('scan: no such group exists') return if active_groups: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(config.scan.get('update_threads', None)) as executor: # if maxtasksperchild is more than 1, everything breaks # they're long processes usually, so no problem having one task per child if mode == 'backfill': result = [executor.submit(backfill, active_group, date, target) for active_group, target in active_groups.items()] else: result = [executor.submit(update, active_group) for active_group in active_groups.keys()] for r in concurrent.futures.as_completed(result): data.append(r.result()) if mode == 'backfill': if all(data): return # don't retry misses during backfill, it ain't gonna happen if config.scan.get('retry_missed') and not mode == 'backfill': miss_groups = [group_name for group_name, in db.query(Miss.group_name).group_by(Miss.group_name).all()] miss_result = [executor.submit(scan_missing, miss_group) for miss_group in miss_groups] # no timeout for these, because it could take a while for r in concurrent.futures.as_completed(miss_result): data = r.result() db.commit() if mode == 'update': process() # clean up dead binaries and parts if config.scan.get('dead_binary_age', 1) != 0: dead_time = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.now()).replace( tzinfo=None) - datetime.timedelta(days=config.scan.get('dead_binary_age', 3)) dead_binaries = db.query(Binary).filter(Binary.posted <= dead_time).delete() db.commit() log.info('scan: deleted {} dead binaries'.format(dead_binaries)) else: log.info('scan: no groups active, cancelling pynab.py...') break if mode == 'update': # vacuum the segments, parts and binaries tables log.info('scan: vacuuming relevant tables...') if iterations >= config.scan.get('full_vacuum_iterations', 288): # this may look weird, but we want to reset iterations even if full_vacuums are off # so it doesn't count to infinity if config.scan.get('full_vacuum', True): pynab.db.vacuum(mode='scan', full=True) iterations = 0 else: iterations = 0 db.close() # don't bother waiting if we're backfilling, just keep going if mode == 'update': # wait for the configured amount of time between cycles update_wait = config.scan.get('update_wait', 300) log.info('scan: sleeping for {:d} seconds...'.format(update_wait)) time.sleep(update_wait)
url = request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] + '://' if request.environ.get('HTTP_HOST'): url += request.environ['HTTP_HOST'] else: url += request.environ['SERVER_NAME'] if request.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https': if request.environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443': url += ':' + request.environ['SERVER_PORT'] else: if request.environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80': url += ':' + request.environ['SERVER_PORT'] url += request.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') if route: url += route return url def main(): bottle.run(app=app, host=config.api.get('api_host', ''), port=config.api.get('api_port', 8080)) if __name__ == '__main__': log_init('api') main()