Exemplo n.º 1
 def register_unit(cls, unit: UnitType) -> None:
     Registers the handed over unit in the set of the predefined units.
     :param unit: a single unit type.
     if unit.get_name() is not cls.name2unit.keys():
         cls.name2unit[unit.get_name()] = unit
Exemplo n.º 2
def handle_unit(unit_type):
    Handles a handed over unit by creating the corresponding unit-type, storing it in the list of predefined
    units, creating a type symbol and returning it.
    :param unit_type: a single sympy unit symbol
    :type unit_type: Symbol (sympy)
    :return: a new type symbol
    :rtype: type_symbol
    # first ensure that it does not already exists, if not create it and register it in the set of predefined units
    # first clean up the unit of not required components, here it is the 1.0 in front of the unit
    # e.g., 1.0 * 1 / ms. This step is not mandatory for correctness, but makes  reporting easier
    if isinstance(unit_type, units.Quantity) and unit_type.value == 1.0:
        to_process = unit_type.unit
        to_process = unit_type
    if str(to_process) not in PredefinedUnits.get_units().keys():
        unit_type_t = UnitType(name=str(to_process), unit=to_process)
    # now create the corresponding type symbol if it does not exists
    if PredefinedTypes.get_type(str(to_process)) is None:
        type_symbol = UnitTypeSymbol(
    return PredefinedTypes.get_type(name=str(to_process))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def register_unit(cls, unit):
     Registers a new astropy unit into the system
     :param unit: an astropy Unit object
     :type unit: astropy.units.core.Unit
     unit_type = UnitType(str(unit), unit)
     type_symbol = UnitTypeSymbol(unit=unit_type)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def register_unit(cls, unit):
     Registers a new sympy unit into the system
     :param unit: a sympy unit.
     :type unit: SympyUnit
     unit_type = UnitType(str(unit), unit)
     type_symbol = UnitTypeSymbol(unit=unit_type)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def register_units(cls):
        Registers all units in astropy.units (more specifically, from the si, cgs and astrophys submodules) as predefined units into NESTML.
        # first store all base units and the derived units without the prefix in a list
        cls.name2unit = {}

        for unit_str in dir(u.si) + dir(u.cgs) + dir(u.astrophys):
                unit = eval("u." + unit_str)  # grab the unit object
            except BaseException:
                unit = None

            if issubclass(type(unit), u.core.UnitBase):
                for unit_name in unit.names:
                    temp_unit = UnitType(name=str(unit_name), unit=unit)
                    cls.name2unit[str(unit_name)] = temp_unit
 def visit_ode_equation(self, node):
     Checks the coco.
     :param node: A single ode equation.
     :type node: ast_ode_equation
     variable_name = node.get_lhs().get_name()
     variable_symbol = node.get_lhs().get_scope().resolve_to_symbol(variable_name, SymbolKind.VARIABLE)
     variable_type = variable_symbol.type_symbol
     from pynestml.utils.unit_type import UnitType
     from pynestml.symbols.unit_type_symbol import UnitTypeSymbol
     inv_diff_order_unit_type = UnitType(name="inv_diff_order_unit_type_" + variable_name + "'" * node.get_lhs().get_differential_order(), unit=1 / units.s**node.get_lhs().get_differential_order())
     inv_diff_order_unit_type_symbol = UnitTypeSymbol(inv_diff_order_unit_type)
     lhs_type = variable_type * inv_diff_order_unit_type_symbol
     rhs_type = node.get_rhs().type
     if not rhs_type.is_castable_to(lhs_type):
         code, message = Messages.get_ode_needs_consistent_units(variable_name, node.get_lhs().get_differential_order(), lhs_type, rhs_type)
         Logger.log_message(error_position=node.get_source_position(), code=code,
                            message=message, log_level=LoggingLevel.ERROR)
 def test_unit_type(self):
     ms_unit = UnitType(name=str(units.ms), unit=units.ms)
     uts = UnitTypeSymbol(unit=ms_unit)
     result = convert(uts)
     self.assertEqual(result, 'double')
Exemplo n.º 8
 def register_units(cls):
     Registers all predefined units into th system.
     # first store all base units and the derived units without the prefix in a list
     cls.name2unit = {}
     cls.prefixless_units = list()
     cls.prefixes = list()
     # first construct the prefix
     for prefix in u.si_prefixes:
         cls.prefixes.append((prefix[0][0], prefix[1][0]))
     # now construct the prefix units
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('m', 'meter'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('g', 'gram'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('s', 'second'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('A', 'ampere'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('K', 'Kelvin'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('mol', 'mole'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('cd', 'candela'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('rad', 'radian'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('st', 'steradian'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('Hz', 'hertz'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('N', 'newton'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('Pa', 'Pascal'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('J', 'Joule'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('W', 'watt'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('C', 'coulomb'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('V', 'Volt'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('F', 'farad'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('Ohm', 'Ohm'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('S', 'Siemens'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('Wb', 'Weber'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('T', 'Tesla'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('H', 'Henry'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('lx', 'lux'))
     cls.prefixless_units.append(('lm', 'lumen'))
     # then generate all combinations with all prefixes
     for unit in cls.prefixless_units:
         for prefix in cls.prefixes:
             temp = eval(str('u.' + prefix[1] + unit[1]))
             temp_unit = UnitType(name=str(prefix[0] + unit[0]), unit=temp)
             cls.name2unit[str(prefix[0] + unit[0])] = temp_unit
         # add also without the prefix, e.g., s for seconds
         temp_unit = UnitType(name=str(unit[0]),
                              unit=eval(str('u.' + unit[1])))
         cls.name2unit[str(unit[0])] = temp_unit
     # additionally four units are not directly defined, we define them by hand, Bq,Gy,Sv,kat
     bq = u.def_unit(['Bq', 'Becquerel'], 1 / u.s)
     gy = u.def_unit(['Gy', 'Gray'], (u.meter**2) / (u.s**2))
     sv = u.def_unit(['Sv', 'Sievert'], (u.meter**2) / (u.s**2))
     kat = u.def_unit(['kat', 'Katal'], u.mol / u.s)
     for prefix in cls.prefixes:
         cls.name2unit[str(prefix[0] + str(bq.name))] = UnitType(
             name=str(prefix[0] + str(bq.name)), unit=bq)
         cls.name2unit[str(prefix[0] + str(gy.name))] = UnitType(
             name=str(prefix[0] + str(gy.name)), unit=gy)
         cls.name2unit[str(prefix[0] + str(sv.name))] = UnitType(
             name=str(prefix[0] + str(sv.name)), unit=sv)
         cls.name2unit[str(prefix[0] + str(kat.name))] = UnitType(
             name=str(prefix[0] + str(kat.name)), unit=kat)