def debug_gps(): sleep(1) time = gga1 = pynmea2.GGA( 'GN', 'GGA', (time.strftime("%H%M%S"), '5231.059', 'N', '01324.946', 'E', '1', '04', '2.6', '69.00', 'M', '-33.9', 'M', '', '0000')) gga2 = pynmea2.GGA( 'GN', 'GGA', (time.strftime("%H%M%S"), '5231.058', 'N', '01324.946', 'E', '0', '04', '2.6', '73.00', 'M', '-33.9', 'M', '', '0000')) gga3 = pynmea2.GGA( 'GN', 'GGA', (time.strftime("%H%M%S"), '5231.057', 'N', '01324.946', 'E', '1', '04', '2.6', '73.00', 'M', '-33.9', 'M', '', '0000')) rmc1 = pynmea2.RMC( 'GN', 'RMC', (time.strftime("%H%M%S"), 'A', '5231.056', 'N', '01324.946', 'E', '0', '26.2', time.strftime("%d%m%y"), 'A')) rmc2 = pynmea2.RMC( 'GN', 'RMC', (time.strftime("%H%M%S"), 'A', '5231.060', 'N', '01324.946', 'E', '2', '324.2', time.strftime("%d%m%y"), 'A')) nmea = [gga1, rmc1, gga2, gga3, rmc2] return str(random.choice(nmea))
def gps_str(self, lat, lon, time): head = "$GPGGA" lat_dir = "N" lon_dir = "W" tail = "A" last = 0 newlat = self.conv_gps_deg([], lat) gps_str = [] for i, j, k in zip(newlat, lon, time): if i < 0: i = -i lat_dir = "S" else: lat_dir = "N" newi = "{:07.2F}".format(i) newj = "{:08.2F}".format(j) newk = str(k) msg = pynmea2.GGA("GP", "GGA", (newk, newi, lat_dir, newj, lon_dir, "1", "08", "0.9", "500000", "46.9")) # print str(msg) gps_str.append(str(msg)) return gps_str
def build_nmea_gpgaa_string(time, lat, lng, alt): ''' Build NEMA GPGAA message string from given UNIX universal time timestamp, latitude and longitude in the ISO 6709 string Annex H format and altiitude in meters above the sea level. ''' msg = ( 'GP', 'GGA', ( timestamp_to_gpstime(time), str(abs(lat)), latitude_to_hemisphere(lat), str(abs(lng)), longitude_to_hemisphere(lng), '1', '01', '1.0', # Fix quality, satelites num, HDOP str(alt), 'M', '0', 'M', # Height of geoid above WGS84 ellipsoid '', '0000')) # Time since DGPS last update and id return str(pynmea2.GGA(*msg))
def serial_def(): ser = serial.Serial() ser.port = "/dev/ttyUSB2" ser.baudrate = 115200 ser.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS #number of bits per bytes ser.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE #set parity check: no parity ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE #number of stop bits ser.timeout = 2 #timeout block read ser.xonxoff = False #disable software flow control ser.rtscts = False #disable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control ser.dsrdtr = False #disable hardware (DSR/DTR) flow control ser.writeTimeout = 2 if ser.isOpen(): print( + ' is open...') ser.write("AT+CGPSINFO=0"+"\r\n") ser.write("ATE1"+"\r\n") ser.write("ATI"+"\r\n") ser.write("AT+CGPS=1,1"+"\r\n") ser.write("AT+CGPSOUT=8"+"\r\n") ser.write("AT+CGPSINFO=5"+"\r\n") time.sleep(1) out='' while True: out += out2 = ser.readline() #print("out1: " + out) if re.match(r"CGPSINFO:", out2): print("out2: " + out2) print(out2.split(",")) out3 = ((out2.split(",")[0].split(": ")[1:] + out2.split(",")[1:-1] + out2.split(",")[-1].split("\r")[0:]))[0:-1] msg = pynmea2.GGA('GP', 'GSV', out3) lat = int(str(float(out3[0].strip()[:-1])/100).split(".")[0]) lng = int(str(float(out3[2].strip()[:-1])/100).split(".")[0]) latdec = float("." + str(float(out3[0].strip()[:-1])/100).split(".")[1]) * 60 lngdec = float("." + str(float(out3[2].strip()[:-1])/100).split(".")[1]) * 60 latmin = int(str(latdec).split(".")[0]) lngmin = int(str(lngdec).split(".")[0]) latsec = float("." + str(latdec).split(".")[1]) * 60 lngsec = float("." + str(lngdec).split(".")[1]) * 60 print(pynmea2.parse(str(msg))) print("Latitude: " + str(lat) + " Degrees " + str(latmin) + " Minutes " + str(latsec) + " Seconds ") #str( print("Longitude: " + str(lng) + " Degrees " + str(lngmin) + " Minutes " + str(lngsec) + " Seconds ") #str(msg.lon)) print("Alt: " + str(msg.altitude) + " Meters") #print(pynmea2.parse(out)) ser.close()
def DataConverterAndWriter(lne): msg = pynmea2.parse(lne) idx = msg.name_to_idx[idx["gps_qual"]] = '1'[idx["timestamp"]] = "%s.00" %[idx["timestamp"]][:6] msg = pynmea2.GGA('GP', 'GGA', sys.stdout.write(str(msg)+"\n") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(2) return
def get_nmea_string(longitude, latitude, date_value, time_value): msg = pynmea2.GGA( 'GP', 'GGA', ((datetime.datetime.strptime(time_value, '%H:%M:%S').time().strftime("%H%M%S.00")), ('%03i%02.5f' % (int(float(math.floor(abs(latitude)))), (abs(latitude) - float(math.floor(abs(latitude)))) * 60.00)), ('S' if latitude < 0 else 'N'), ('%03i%02.5f' % (int(float(math.floor(abs(longitude)))), (abs(longitude) - float(math.floor(abs(longitude)))) * 60.00)), ('W' if longitude < 0 else 'E'), '1', '04', '2.6', '100.00', 'M', '-33.9', 'M', '', '0000')) return msg
def decode(self, cl, id, length, payload): data = [] try: format = MSGFMT_INV[((cl, id), length)] data.append(dict(zip(format[1], struct.unpack(format[0], payload)))) except KeyError: try: # Try if this is one of the variable field messages format = MSGFMT_INV[((cl, id), None)] fmt_base = format[:3] fmt_rep = format[3:] # Check if the length matches if (length - fmt_base[0]) % fmt_rep[0] != 0: logging.error( "Variable length message class 0x%x, id 0x%x has wrong length %i" % (cl, id, length)) return data.append( dict( zip(fmt_base[2], struct.unpack(fmt_base[1], payload[:fmt_base[0]])))) for i in range(0, (length - fmt_base[0]) // fmt_rep[0]): offset = fmt_base[0] + fmt_rep[0] * i data.append( dict( zip( fmt_rep[2], struct.unpack( fmt_rep[1], payload[offset:offset + fmt_rep[0]])))) except KeyError:"Unknown message class 0x%x, id 0x%x, length %i" % (cl, id, length)) return logging.debug("Got UBX packet of type %s: %s" % (format[-1], data)) if (not "ITOW" in data[0]): return if (self.lastsolution["ITOW"] == None): self.lastsolution["ITOW"] = data[0]["ITOW"] if (self.lastsolution["ITOW"] != data[0]["ITOW"]): # dump output for current ITOW here if ("NAV-PVT" in self.lastsolution): currentTime = datetime.strptime( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["year"], self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["month"], self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["day"], self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["hour"], self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["min"], self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["sec"]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") currentTime += timedelta( microseconds=self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["nano"] / 1000) lon = 1.0 * self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["lon"] / 10**7 lat = 1.0 * self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["lat"] / 10**7 #pp.pprint(self.lastsolution) if ("NAV-DOP" in self.lastsolution): hDOP = 1.0 * self.lastsolution["NAV-DOP"]["hDOP"] logging.debug("Using proper hDOP " + str(hDOP)) else: hDOP = 1.0 * self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["pDOP"] logging.debug("Using fake pDOP " + str(hDOP)) hDOP /= 100 if (self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["fixType"] != "" and self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["fixType"] in ubxToNMEAGGAFix): self.outfd.write( str( pynmea2.GGA('GN', 'GGA', ( currentTime.strftime("%H%M%S") + ".%02d" % (currentTime.microsecond / 10000), "%02d%08.5f" % (divmod(abs(lat) * 60, 60.0)), ('S', 'N')[lat >= 0.0], '%03d%08.5f' % (divmod(abs(lon) * 60, 60.0)), ('W', 'E')[lon >= 0.0], ubxToNMEAGGAFix[ self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["fixType"]], "%02d" % self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["numSV"], "%03.1f" % (hDOP), "%.1f" % (1.0 * self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["hMSL"] / 1000), 'M', "%.1f" % (1.0 * self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["height"] / 1000), 'M', '', '0000'))) + "\n") self.outfd.write( str( pynmea2.GGA('GN', 'ZDA', ( currentTime.strftime("%H%M%S") + ".%02d" % (currentTime.microsecond / 10000), "%02d" % self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["day"], "%02d" % self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["month"], "%04d" % self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["year"], "", ""))) + "\n") self.outfd.write( str( pynmea2.GGA('GN', 'RMC', ( currentTime.strftime("%H%M%S") + ".%02d" % (currentTime.microsecond / 10000), ('A', 'V')[ubxToNMEAGGAFix[ self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["fixType"]] == "0"], "%02d%08.5f" % (divmod(abs(lat) * 60, 60.0)), ('S', 'N')[lat >= 0.0], "%03d%08.5f" % (divmod(abs(lon) * 60, 60.0)), ('W', 'E')[lon >= 0.0], "%05.1f" % (1.0 * self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["gSpeed"] / 514.444), "%05.1f" % (1.0 * self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["headMot"] / 10**5), "%02d%02d%s" % (self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["day"], self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["month"], str(self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["year"])[-2:] ), "%05.1f" % abs(self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["magDec"]), ('E', 'W')[self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"] ["magDec"] >= 0.0]))) + "\n") if ("NAV-SVINFO" in self.lastsolution): reportedSVsbyConstellation = {} # this is preparation for NMEA 4.x reporting for i in range(1, len(self.lastsolution["NAV-SVINFO"])): (talkerID, satID) = ubxToNMEASatNum( args.NMEAversion[0], self.lastsolution["NAV-SVINFO"][i]["SVID"]) if (talkerID == None): talkerID = "None" if (not talkerID in reportedSVsbyConstellation): reportedSVsbyConstellation[talkerID] = {} if (satID != None): reportedSVsbyConstellation[talkerID][satID] = i for con in sorted(reportedSVsbyConstellation): satsToReport = len(reportedSVsbyConstellation[con]) NMEAcon = (con, '')[con == "None"] minQI = 4 lockedSats = 0 sats = [ s for s in sorted(reportedSVsbyConstellation[con]) if self.lastsolution["NAV-SVINFO"][ reportedSVsbyConstellation[con][s]]["QI"] >= minQI ] NMEAGSVreportsPerMsg = 3 if (len(sats) > 0): satsReports = flatten([[ "%02d" % x, "%-02d" % self.lastsolution["NAV-SVINFO"][ reportedSVsbyConstellation[con][x]]["Elev"], "%03d" % self.lastsolution["NAV-SVINFO"][ reportedSVsbyConstellation[con][x]]["Azim"], "%02d" % self.lastsolution["NAV-SVINFO"][ reportedSVsbyConstellation[con][x]]["CNO"] ] for x in sats]) if ("NAV-PVT" in self.lastsolution): if (len(sats) != self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["numSV"]): "Inconsistency in number of satellites observed: NAV-PVT reported %d, while NAV-SVINFO indicated %d with minimum QI of %d" % (self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["numSV"], len(sats), minQI)) lockedSats = self.lastsolution["NAV-PVT"]["numSV"] else: lockedSats = len(sats) for i in range(0, len(satsReports), NMEAGSVreportsPerMsg * 4): self.outfd.write( str( pynmea2.GSV(NMEAcon, 'GSV', ( "%d" % len(sats), "%d" % (i / (NMEAGSVreportsPerMsg * 4) + 1), "%d" % lockedSats, ",".join( satsReports[i:i + NMEAGSVreportsPerMsg * 4])))) + "\n") # end of dump self.lastsolution = {} self.lastsolution["ITOW"] = data[0]["ITOW"] if (format[-1] == "NAV-SVINFO" or format[-1] == "RXM-SVSI"): self.lastsolution[format[-1]] = data #pass else: self.lastsolution[format[-1]] = data[0]
speedKmh = speedMeterPerSeconds * 3600 / 1000 time = f"{point.time:%H%M%S.%f}"[:-3] lat, lon = sd_to_dm(point.latitude, point.longitude) # Génération des traces NMEA msg = pynmea2.GGA( "GP", "GGA", ( time, lat[0], lat[1], lon[0], lon[1], "1", "00", "", f"{point.elevation:.1f}", "M", "0.0", "M", "", "0000", ), ) nmea_buffer.write(f"{msg}\r\n") msg = pynmea2.RMC( "GP", "RMC", ( time, # Timestamp