Exemplo n.º 1
def url_append_query(url, query):
    Appends query params to any existing query string in the URL
    and returns a properly formatted URL. URL fragments are preserved.

    This is the equivalent of doing::

        sorted(URL query parameters) + "&" + sorted(query)

    :param url:
        The URL into which the query parameters will be concatenated.
    :param query:
        A dictionary of query parameters or a query string.
        A URL with the query parameters concatenated.


        >>> url_append_query("http://example.com/foo?a=b#fragment", dict(c="d"))
    if not query:
        return url
    scheme, netloc, path, params, query_s, fragment = urlparse_normalized(url)
    query_s = (query_s + SYMBOL_AMPERSAND) if query_s else query_s
    query_s = query_s + urlencode_s(query_unflatten(query))
    return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query_s, fragment))
Exemplo n.º 2
def url_add_query(url, query, predicate=None):
    Adds additional query parameters to a URL while preserving existing ones.

    The URL will be normalized according to the OAuth specification with the
    exception that the URL fragment is preserved.

    :param url:
        The URL to add the additional query parameters to.
    :param query:
        The additional query parameters as a dictionary object or a query
    :param predicate:
        A callback that will be called for each query parameter and should
        return ``False`` or a falsy value if that parameter should not be
        included. By default, all query parameters are included. The function
        takes the following method signature::

            def predicate(name, value):
                return is_name_allowed(name) and is_value_allowed(value)
        A normalized URL with the fragment and existing query parameters
        preserved and with the extra query parameters added.
    scheme, netloc, path, params, query_s, fragment = urlparse_normalized(url)

    query_d = query_add(query_s, query)
    query_s = urlencode_s(query_d, predicate)
    return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query_s, fragment))
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_base_string(method, url, oauth_params):
    Calculates a signature base string based on the URL, method, and
    oauth parameters.

    Any query parameter by the name "oauth_signature" will be excluded
    from the base string.

    :see: Signature base string

    :param method:
        HTTP request method.
    :param url:
        The URL. If this includes a query string, query parameters are first
        extracted and encoded as well. All protocol-specific parameters
        will be ignored from the query string.
    :param oauth_params:
        Protocol-specific parameters must be specified in this dictionary.
        All non-protocol parameters will be ignored.
        Base string.
    allowed_methods = HTTP_METHODS
    method_normalized = method.upper()
    if method_normalized not in allowed_methods:
        raise InvalidHttpMethodError(
            "Method must be one of the HTTP methods %s: "\
            "got `%s` instead" % (allowed_methods, method))
    if not url:
        raise InvalidUrlError("URL must be specified: got `%r`" % url)
    if not isinstance(oauth_params, dict):
        raise InvalidOAuthParametersError("Dictionary required: got `%r`" %

    scheme, netloc, path, matrix_params, query, _ = urlparse_normalized(url)
    query_string = generate_base_string_query(query, oauth_params)
    normalized_url = urlunparse((
    return SYMBOL_AMPERSAND.join(map(percent_encode,
                           (method_normalized, normalized_url, query_string)))
Exemplo n.º 4
def oauth_url_sanitize(url, force_secure=True):
    Normalizes an OAuth URL and cleans up protocol-specific parameters
    from the query string.

    Used only in base string construction, Authorization headers construction
    and parsing, and OAuth requests.

    :param url:
        The OAuth URL to sanitize.
        Normalized sanitized URL.
    scheme, netloc, path, params, query, _ = urlparse_normalized(url)
    query = urlencode_s(query_remove_oauth(query))
    if force_secure and scheme != b("https"):
        raise InsecureOAuthUrlError(
            "OAuth specification requires the use of SSL/TLS for "\
            "inter-server communication.")
    elif not force_secure and scheme != b("https"):
            "INSECURE URL: OAuth specification requires the use of SSL/TLS "\
            "for credential requests.")
    return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, None))