Exemplo n.º 1
def pyoctree_volume(mesh):
        from pyoctree import pyoctree
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip("pyoctree not available")
        vertices = np.asarray(mesh.points, dtype=np.float64, order="C")
        faces = np.asarray(mesh.cells_dict["triangle"],
        octree = pyoctree.PyOctree(vertices, faces)
        return PyOctreeWrapper(vertices, faces, octree)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _in_volume_ray(points, volume):
    """ Uses pyoctree's raycsasting to test if points are within a given
    CATMAID volume.

    tree = getattr(volume, 'pyoctree', None)

    if not tree:
        # Create octree from scratch
        tree = pyoctree.PyOctree(
            np.array(volume.vertices, dtype=float, order='C'),
            np.array(volume.faces, dtype=np.int32, order='C'))
        volume.pyoctree = tree

    # Get min max of volume
    mx = np.array(volume.vertices).max(axis=0)
    mn = np.array(volume.vertices).min(axis=0)

    # Get points outside of bounding box
    out = (points > mx).any(axis=1) | (points < mn).any(axis=1)
    isin = ~out
    in_points = points[~out]

    # Perform ray intersection on points inside bounding box
    rayPointList = np.array([[[p[0], p[1], mn[2]], [p[0], p[1], mx[2]]]
                             for p in in_points],

    # Unfortunately rays are bidirectional -> we have to filter intersections
    # to those that occur "above" the point we are querying
    intersections = [
            i for i in tree.rayIntersection(ray) if i.p[2] >= in_points[k][2]
        ]) for k, ray in enumerate(rayPointList)

    # Count intersections and return True for odd counts
    # [i % 2 != 0 for i in intersections]
    isin[~out] = np.remainder(list(intersections), 2) != 0
    return isin
Exemplo n.º 3
def in_volume_pyoc(points: np.ndarray,
                   volume: Volume,
                   n_rays: Optional[int] = 1) -> Sequence[bool]:
    """Use pyoctree's raycasting to test if points are within a given volume."""
    if isinstance(n_rays, type(None)):
        n_rays = 1

    if not isinstance(n_rays, (int, np.integer)):
        raise TypeError(f'n_rays must be integer, got "{type(n_rays)}"')

    if n_rays <= 0:
        raise ValueError('n_rays must be > 0')

    tree = getattr(volume, 'pyoctree', None)

    if not tree:
        # Create octree from scratch
        tree = pyoctree.PyOctree(
            np.array(volume.vertices, dtype=float, order='C'),
            np.array(volume.faces, dtype=np.int32, order='C'))
        volume.pyoctree = tree  # type: ignore

    # Get min max of volume
    mx = np.array(volume.vertices).max(axis=0)
    mn = np.array(volume.vertices).min(axis=0)
    dm = mx - mn

    # Remove points outside of bounding box
    is_out = (points > mx).any(axis=1) | (points < mn).any(axis=1)

    # Cast rays
    # There is no point of vectorizing this because pyoctree's rayIntersection
    # does only take a single ray at a time...
    for i in range(n_rays):
        # Process only point that we think could be in
        in_points = points[~is_out]

        # If no in points left, break out
        if in_points.size == 0:

        # Pick a random point inside the volumes bounding box as origin
        origin = np.random.rand(3) * dm + mn

        # Generate ray point list:
        rayPointList = np.array([[origin, p] for p in in_points],

        # Get intersections and extract coordinates of intersection
        intersections = [
            np.array([i.p for i in tree.rayIntersection(ray)])
            for ray in rayPointList

        # In a few odd cases we can get the multiple intersections at the exact
        # same coordinate (something funny with the faces).
        unique_int = [
            np.unique(np.round(i), axis=0) if np.any(i) else i
            for i in intersections

        # Unfortunately rays are bidirectional -> we have to filter intersections
        # to those that occur "above" the point we are querying
        unilat_int = [
            i[i[:, 2] >= p] if np.any(i) else i
            for i, p in zip(unique_int, in_points[:, 2])

        # Count intersections
        int_count = [i.shape[0] for i in unilat_int]

        # Get even (= outside volume) numbers of intersections
        is_even = np.remainder(int_count, 2) == 0

        # Set outside points
        is_out[~is_out] = is_even

    return ~is_out
def texture_vis(model, image, data, v_t, mask):

    mesh = copy(_TEMPLATE_MESH)

    my_tex = np.zeros((1000, 1000, image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype)

    #cmesh = Mesh(_os.path.join(_os.path.dirname(__file__),
    #                           'template-bodyparts-corrected-labeled-split5.ply'))
    #mesh.vc = cmesh.vc.copy()

    mesh.vc = [0.91, 0.67, 0.91]
    model.betas[:len(data['betas'])] = data['betas']
    model.pose[:] = data['pose']
    model.trans[:] = data['trans']

    mesh.v = v_t


    mesh.v = np.array(
        _verts_core(model.pose, mesh.v, model.J, model.weights,


    #new_v_t =  _verts_core(model.pose, v_t, model.J, model.weights, model.kintree_table)

    #mesh.v = mesh.v + np.array(new_v_t)

    largura, altura = (image.shape[1], image.shape[0])

    data['cam_c'] = np.array([largura, altura]) / 2.

    tex_vt, tex_faces = Template_tex()

    vert = mesh.v + np.array(data['trans']).reshape((1, 3))

    faces = np.array(mesh.f.copy(), dtype='int32')
    tree = _pyoctree.PyOctree(vert, faces)

    cp = np.zeros((vert.shape[0], 4))

    #my_map_partes = np.zeros(vert.shape[0]).astype(int)

    for i, f in enumerate(mesh.f):

        #if ((i < 300) or (i > 5046)):
        #    continue

        I_VIS = True

        face_media = (vert[f[0]] + vert[f[1]] + vert[f[2]]) / 3.0

        rayList = np.array([np.zeros(3), face_media], dtype=np.float32)
        intersectionFound = tree.rayIntersection(rayList)

        if intersectionFound:
            if dist(intersectionFound[0].p, face_media) > 0.0001:
                I_VIS = False

        if I_VIS:

            tri1 = np.zeros((3, 2), np.float32)
            tri2 = np.zeros((3, 2), np.float32)

            tri1[0, 0] = (vert[f[0]][1] *
                          data['f']) / (vert[f[0]][2]) + data['cam_c'][1]

            tri1[0, 1] = (vert[f[0]][0] *
                          data['f']) / (vert[f[0]][2]) + data['cam_c'][0]

            tri1[1, 0] = (vert[f[1]][1] *
                          data['f']) / (vert[f[1]][2]) + data['cam_c'][1]

            tri1[1, 1] = (vert[f[1]][0] *
                          data['f']) / (vert[f[1]][2]) + data['cam_c'][0]

            tri1[2, 0] = (vert[f[2]][1] *
                          data['f']) / (vert[f[2]][2]) + data['cam_c'][1]

            tri1[2, 1] = (vert[f[2]][0] *
                          data['f']) / (vert[f[2]][2]) + data['cam_c'][0]

            cp[f[0]][0] = 1.0
            cp[f[0]][1] = tri1[0, 0]
            cp[f[0]][2] = tri1[0, 1]
            cp[f[0]][3] = vert[f[0]][2]

            cp[f[1]][0] = 1.0
            cp[f[1]][1] = tri1[1, 0]
            cp[f[1]][2] = tri1[1, 1]
            cp[f[1]][3] = vert[f[1]][2]

            cp[f[2]][0] = 1.0
            cp[f[2]][1] = tri1[2, 0]
            cp[f[2]][2] = tri1[2, 1]
            cp[f[2]][3] = vert[f[2]][2]

            tri2[0, 1] = (tex_vt[tex_faces[i][0]][0]) * 1000
            tri2[0, 0] = 1000 - (tex_vt[tex_faces[i][0]][1]) * 1000

            tri2[1, 1] = (tex_vt[tex_faces[i][1]][0]) * 1000
            tri2[1, 0] = 1000 - (tex_vt[tex_faces[i][1]][1]) * 1000

            tri2[2, 1] = (tex_vt[tex_faces[i][2]][0]) * 1000
            tri2[2, 0] = 1000 - (tex_vt[tex_faces[i][2]][1]) * 1000
            '''my_map_partes[f[0]] = (image[int(tri2[0,0]),int(tri2[0,1]),0])/15 if  (image[int(tri2[0,0]),int(tri2[0,1]),0])/15 > 0 else my_map_partes[f[0]] 
             my_map_partes[f[1]] = (image[int(tri2[1,0]),int(tri2[1,1]),0])/15 if  (image[int(tri2[1,0]),int(tri2[1,1]),0])/15 > 0 else my_map_partes[f[1]] 
             my_map_partes[f[2]] = (image[int(tri2[2,0]),int(tri2[2,1]),0])/15 if  (image[int(tri2[2,0]),int(tri2[2,1]),0])/15 > 0 else my_map_partes[f[2]] '''

            #if image[int(tri2[0,0]),int(tri2[0,1]),0] == 15:

            #tex_vt[tex_faces[i][0] - 1][1]

            #print tri1

            warp_tri(tri1, tri2, image, my_tex)

            #cv2.imshow('ImageWindow', my_tex)

    #np.savetxt('test.txt',  my_map_partes , delimiter='\n')

    return my_tex, cp
Exemplo n.º 5
def _in_volume_ray(points, volume, multi_ray=False):
    """Use pyoctree's raycsasting to test if points are within volume."""
    tree = getattr(volume, 'pyoctree', None)

    if not tree:
        # Create octree from scratch
        tree = pyoctree.PyOctree(
            np.array(volume.vertices, dtype=float, order='C'),
            np.array(volume.faces, dtype=np.int32, order='C'))
        volume.pyoctree = tree

    # Remove points outside of bounding box
    isin = _in_bbox(points, volume)
    in_points = points[isin]

    # mx = np.array(volume.vertices).max(axis=0)
    mn = np.array(volume.vertices).min(axis=0)

    # Perform ray intersection on points inside bounding box
    rayPointList = np.array([[[p[0], mn[1], mn[2]], p] for p in in_points],

    # Get intersections and extract coordinates of intersection
    intersections = [
        np.array([i.p for i in tree.rayIntersection(ray)])
        for ray in rayPointList

    # In a few odd cases we can get the multiple intersections at the exact
    # same coordinate (something funny with the faces).
    unique_int = [
        np.unique(np.round(i), axis=0) if np.any(i) else i
        for i in intersections

    # Unfortunately rays are bidirectional -> we have to filter intersections
    # to those that occur "above" the point we are querying
    unilat_int = [
        i[i[:, 2] >= p] if np.any(i) else i
        for i, p in zip(unique_int, in_points[:, 2])

    # Count intersections
    int_count = [i.shape[0] for i in unilat_int]

    # Get odd (= in volume) numbers of intersections
    is_odd = np.remainder(int_count, 2) != 0

    # If we want to play it safe, run the above again with two additional rays
    # and find a majority decision.
    if multi_ray:
        # Run ray from left back
        rayPointList = np.array([[[mn[0], p[1], mn[2]], p] for p in in_points],
        intersections = [
            np.array([i.p for i in tree.rayIntersection(ray)])
            for ray in rayPointList
        unique_int = [
            np.unique(i, axis=0) if np.any(i) else i for i in intersections
        unilat_int = [
            i[i[:, 0] >= p] if np.any(i) else i
            for i, p in zip(unique_int, in_points[:, 0])
        int_count = [i.shape[0] for i in unilat_int]
        is_odd2 = np.remainder(int_count, 2) != 0

        # Run ray from lower left
        rayPointList = np.array([[[mn[0], mn[1], p[2]], p] for p in in_points],
        intersections = [
            np.array([i.p for i in tree.rayIntersection(ray)])
            for ray in rayPointList
        unique_int = [
            np.unique(i, axis=0) if np.any(i) else i for i in intersections
        unilat_int = [
            i[i[:, 1] >= p] if np.any(i) else i
            for i, p in zip(unique_int, in_points[:, 1])
        int_count = [i.shape[0] for i in unilat_int]
        is_odd3 = np.remainder(int_count, 2) != 0

        # Find majority consensus
        is_odd = is_odd.astype(int) + is_odd2.astype(int) + is_odd3.astype(int)
        is_odd = is_odd >= 2

    isin[isin] = is_odd
    return isin
#Point coordinates is an Nx3 array representing the coordinates of the points
#connectivity is an Nx3 integer array describing which points are connected
mesh = trimesh.load_mesh('transectShape.ply')

f = np.array(mesh.faces).astype(np.int32)
v = np.array(mesh.vertices)

minX = np.min(v[:, 0])
minY = np.min(v[:, 1])
v[:, 0] += -minX
v[:, 1] += -minY

pointCoords = v
connectivity = f

tree = ot.PyOctree(pointCoords, connectivity)

# Choose some starting points, for example the positions of the cameras
import pandas as pd

pose = pd.read_csv(

X = pose['X'].values.reshape((-1, 1))
Y = pose['Y'].values.reshape((-1, 1))
Z = pose['Z'].values.reshape((-1, 1))

xyz_start = np.zeros((X.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32)
xyz_end = np.zeros((X.shape[0], 3), dtype=np.float32)