Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    model = create_basic_model()
    solver = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt')
    solver.solve(model, tee=True)

    # build nlp initialized at the solution
    nlp = PyomoNLP(model)

    # get initial point
    x0 = nlp.get_primals()

    # vectors of lower and upper bounds
    xl = nlp.primals_lb()
    xu = nlp.primals_ub()

    # demonstrate use of compression from full set of bounds
    # to only finite bounds using masks
    xlb_mask = build_bounds_mask(xl)
    xub_mask = build_bounds_mask(xu)
    # get the compressed vector
    compressed_xl = full_to_compressed(xl, xlb_mask)
    compressed_xu = full_to_compressed(xu, xub_mask)
    # we can also build compression matrices
    Cx_xl = build_compression_matrix(xlb_mask)
    Cx_xu = build_compression_matrix(xub_mask)

    # lower and upper bounds residual
    res_xl = Cx_xl * x0 - compressed_xl
    res_xu = compressed_xu - Cx_xu * x0
    print("Residuals lower bounds x-xl:", res_xl)
    print("Residuals upper bounds xu-x:", res_xu)

    # set the value of the primals (we can skip the duals)
    # here we set them to the initial values, but we could
    # set them to anything

    # evaluate residual of equality constraints
    res_eq = nlp.evaluate_eq_constraints()
    print("Residuals of equality constraints:", res_eq)

    # evaluate residual of inequality constraints
    res_ineq = nlp.evaluate_ineq_constraints()

    # demonstrate the use of compression from full set of
    # lower and upper bounds on the inequality constraints
    # to only the finite values using masks
    ineqlb_mask = build_bounds_mask(nlp.ineq_lb())
    inequb_mask = build_bounds_mask(nlp.ineq_ub())
    # get the compressed vector
    compressed_ineq_lb = full_to_compressed(nlp.ineq_lb(), ineqlb_mask)
    compressed_ineq_ub = full_to_compressed(nlp.ineq_ub(), inequb_mask)
    # we can also build compression matrices
    Cineq_ineqlb = build_compression_matrix(ineqlb_mask)
    Cineq_inequb = build_compression_matrix(inequb_mask)

    # lower and upper inequalities residual
    res_ineq_lb = Cineq_ineqlb * res_ineq - compressed_ineq_lb
    res_ineq_ub = compressed_ineq_ub - Cineq_inequb * res_ineq
    print("Residuals of inequality constraints lower bounds:", res_ineq_lb)
    print("Residuals of inequality constraints upper bounds:", res_ineq_ub)

    feasible = False
    if np.all(res_xl >= 0) and np.all(res_xu >= 0) \
        and np.all(res_ineq_lb >= 0) and np.all(res_ineq_ub >= 0) and \
        np.allclose(res_eq, np.zeros(nlp.n_eq_constraints()), atol=1e-5):
        feasible = True

    print("Is x0 feasible:", feasible)

    return feasible
Exemplo n.º 2
    return m

model = create_basic_model()
solver = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt')
solver.solve(model, tee=True)

# build nlp initialized at the solution
nlp = PyomoNLP(model)

# get initial point
x0 = nlp.init_primals()

# vectors of lower and upper bounds
xl = nlp.primals_lb()
xu = nlp.primals_ub()

# demonstrate use of compression from full set of bounds
# to only finite bounds using masks
xlb_mask = build_bounds_mask(xl)
xub_mask = build_bounds_mask(xu)
# get the compressed vector
compressed_xl = full_to_compressed(xl, xlb_mask)
compressed_xu = full_to_compressed(xu, xub_mask)
# we can also build compression matrices
Cx_xl = build_compression_matrix(xlb_mask)
Cx_xu = build_compression_matrix(xub_mask)

# lower and upper bounds residual
res_xl = Cx_xl * x0 - compressed_xl
res_xu = compressed_xu - Cx_xu * x0
Exemplo n.º 3
class PyomoExternalCyIpoptProblem(CyIpoptProblemInterface):
    def __init__(self, pyomo_model, ex_input_output_model, inputs, outputs,
        Create an instance of this class to pass as a problem to CyIpopt.

        pyomo_model : ConcreteModel
           The ConcreteModel representing the Pyomo part of the problem. This
           model must contain Pyomo variables for the inputs and the outputs.

        ex_input_output_model : ExternalInputOutputModel
           An instance of a derived class (from ExternalInputOutputModel) that provides
           the methods to compute the outputs and the derivatives.

        inputs : list of Pyomo variables (_VarData)
           The Pyomo model needs to have variables to represent the inputs to the 
           external model. This is the list of those input variables in the order 
           that corresponds to the input_values vector provided in the set_inputs call.

        outputs : list of Pyomo variables (_VarData)
          The Pyomo model needs to have variables to represent the outputs from the
          external model. This is the list of those output variables in the order
          that corresponds to the numpy array returned from the evaluate_outputs call.

        outputs_eqn_scaling : list or array-like or None
          This sets the value of scaling parameters for the additional
          output equations that are generated. No scaling is done if this
          is set to None.
        self._pyomo_model = pyomo_model
        self._ex_io_model = ex_input_output_model

        # verify that the inputs and outputs were passed correctly
        self._inputs = [v for v in inputs]
        for v in self._inputs:
            if not isinstance(v, _VarData):
                raise RuntimeError('Argument inputs passed to PyomoExternalCyIpoptProblem must be'
                                   ' a list of VarData objects. Note: if you have an indexed variable, pass'
                                   ' each index as a separate entry in the list (e.g., inputs=[m.x[1], m.x[2]]).')

        self._outputs = [v for v in outputs]
        for v in self._outputs:
            if not isinstance(v, _VarData):
                raise RuntimeError('Argument outputs passed to PyomoExternalCyIpoptProblem must be'
                                   ' a list of VarData objects. Note: if you have an indexed variable, pass'
                                   ' each index as a separate entry in the list (e.g., inputs=[m.x[1], m.x[2]]).')

        # we need to add a dummy variable and constraint to the pyomo_nlp
        # to make sure it does not remove variables that do not
        # appear in the pyomo part of the model - also ensure unique name in case model
        # is used in more than one instance of this class
        # ToDo: Improve this by convincing Pyomo not to remove the inputs and outputs
        dummy_var_name = unique_component_name(self._pyomo_model, '_dummy_variable_CyIpoptPyomoExNLP')
        dummy_var = Var()
        setattr(self._pyomo_model, dummy_var_name, dummy_var)
        dummy_con_name = unique_component_name(self._pyomo_model, '_dummy_constraint_CyIpoptPyomoExNLP')
        dummy_con = Constraint(
            expr = getattr(self._pyomo_model, dummy_var_name) == \
               sum(v for v in self._inputs) + sum(v for v in self._outputs)
        setattr(self._pyomo_model, dummy_con_name, dummy_con)

        # initialize the dummy var to the right hand side
        dummy_var_value = 0
        for v in self._inputs:
            if v.value is not None:
                dummy_var_value += value(v)
        for v in self._outputs:
            if v.value is not None:
                dummy_var_value += value(v)
        dummy_var.value = dummy_var_value

        # make an nlp interface from the pyomo model
        self._pyomo_nlp = PyomoNLP(self._pyomo_model)
        # create initial value vectors for primals and duals
        init_primals = self._pyomo_nlp.init_primals()
        init_duals_pyomo = self._pyomo_nlp.init_duals()
        if np.any(np.isnan(init_duals_pyomo)):
            # set initial values to 1 for any entries that we don't get
            # (typically, all are set, or none are set)
            init_duals_pyomo[np.isnan(init_duals_pyomo)] = 1.0
        init_duals_ex = np.ones(len(self._outputs), dtype=np.float64)
        init_duals = BlockVector(2)
        init_duals.set_block(0, init_duals_pyomo)
        init_duals.set_block(1, init_duals_ex)

        # build the map from inputs and outputs to the full x vector
        self._input_columns = self._pyomo_nlp.get_primal_indices(self._inputs)
        #self._input_x_mask = np.zeros(self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals(), dtype=np.float64)
        #self._input_x_mask[self._input_columns] = 1.0
        self._output_columns = self._pyomo_nlp.get_primal_indices(self._outputs)
        #self._output_x_mask = np.zeros(self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals(), dtype=np.float64)
        #self._output_x_mask[self._output_columns] = 1.0
        # create caches for primals and duals
        self._cached_primals = init_primals.copy()
        self._cached_duals = init_duals.clone(copy=True)
        self._cached_obj_factor = 1.0

        # set the initial values for the pyomo primals and duals
        # set the initial values for the external inputs
        ex_inputs = self._ex_io_inputs_from_full_primals(self._cached_primals)

        # create the lower and upper bounds for the complete problem
        pyomo_nlp_con_lb = self._pyomo_nlp.constraints_lb()
        ex_con_lb = np.zeros(len(self._outputs), dtype=np.float64)
        self._gL = np.concatenate((pyomo_nlp_con_lb, ex_con_lb))
        pyomo_nlp_con_ub = self._pyomo_nlp.constraints_ub()
        ex_con_ub = np.zeros(len(self._outputs), dtype=np.float64)
        self._gU = np.concatenate((pyomo_nlp_con_ub, ex_con_ub))

        # create the scaling parameters if they are provided
        self._obj_scaling = self._pyomo_nlp.get_obj_scaling()
        self._primals_scaling = self._pyomo_nlp.get_primals_scaling()
        pyomo_constraints_scaling = self._pyomo_nlp.get_constraints_scaling()
        self._constraints_scaling = None
        # check if we need constraint scaling, and if so, add in the
        # outputs_eqn_scaling
        if pyomo_constraints_scaling is not None or outputs_eqn_scaling is not None:
            if pyomo_constraints_scaling is None:
                pyomo_constraints_scaling = np.ones(self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals(), dtype=np.float64)
            if outputs_eqn_scaling is None:
                outputs_eqn_scaling = np.ones(len(self._outputs), dtype=np.float64)
            if type(outputs_eqn_scaling) is list:
                outputs_eqn_scaling = np.asarray(outputs_eqn_scaling, dtype=np.float64)
            self._constraints_scaling = np.concatenate((pyomo_constraints_scaling,

        ### setup the jacobian structures
        self._jac_pyomo = self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_jacobian()

        # We will be mapping the dense external jacobian (doutputs/dinputs)
        # to the correct columns from the full x vector
        ex_start_row = self._pyomo_nlp.n_constraints()

        jac_ex = self._ex_io_model.evaluate_derivatives()

        # the jacobian returned from the external model is in the
        # space of the external model only. We need to shift
        # the rows down and shift the columns appropriately
        jac_ex_irows = np.copy(jac_ex.row)
        jac_ex_irows += ex_start_row
        jac_ex_jcols = np.copy(jac_ex.col)
        for z,col in enumerate(jac_ex_jcols):
            jac_ex_jcols[z] = self._input_columns[col]
        jac_ex_data = np.copy(jac_ex.data)

        # CDL: this code was for the dense version of evaluate_derivatives
        # for i in range(len(self._outputs)):
        #     for j in range(len(self._inputs)):
        #         jac_ex_irows.append(ex_start_row + i)
        #         jac_ex_jcols.append(self._input_columns[j])
        #         jac_ex_data.append(jac_ex[i,j])

        jac_ex_output_irows = list()
        jac_ex_output_jcols = list()
        jac_ex_output_data = list()

        # add the jac for output variables from the extra equations
        for i in range(len(self._outputs)):
           jac_ex_output_irows.append(ex_start_row + i)

        self._full_jac_irows = np.concatenate((self._jac_pyomo.row, jac_ex_irows, jac_ex_output_irows))
        self._full_jac_jcols = np.concatenate((self._jac_pyomo.col, jac_ex_jcols, jac_ex_output_jcols))
        self._full_jac_data = np.concatenate((self._jac_pyomo.data, jac_ex_data, jac_ex_output_data))

        # currently, this interface does not do anything with Hessians

    def load_x_into_pyomo(self, primals):
        Use this method to load a numpy array of values into the corresponding
        Pyomo variables (e.g., the solution from CyIpopt)

        primals : numpy array
           The array of values that will be given to the Pyomo variables. The
           order of this array is the same as the order in the PyomoNLP created
        pyomo_variables = self._pyomo_nlp.get_pyomo_variables()
        for i,v in enumerate(primals):

    def _set_primals_if_necessary(self, primals):
        if not np.array_equal(primals, self._cached_primals):
            ex_inputs = self._ex_io_inputs_from_full_primals(primals)
            self._cached_primals = primals.copy()

    def _set_duals_if_necessary(self, duals):
        if not np.array_equal(duals, self._cached_duals):

    def _set_obj_factor_if_necessary(self, obj_factor):
        if obj_factor != self._cached_obj_factor:
            self._cached_obj_factor = obj_factor

    def x_init(self):
        return self._pyomo_nlp.init_primals()

    def x_lb(self):
        return self._pyomo_nlp.primals_lb()
    def x_ub(self):
        return self._pyomo_nlp.primals_ub()

    def g_lb(self):
        return self._gL.copy()

    def g_ub(self):
        return self._gU.copy()

    def scaling_factors(self):
        return self._obj_scaling, self._primals_scaling, self._constraints_scaling

    def objective(self, primals):
        return self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_objective()

    def gradient(self, primals):
        return self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_grad_objective()

    def constraints(self, primals):
        pyomo_constraints = self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_constraints()
        ex_io_outputs = self._ex_io_model.evaluate_outputs()
        ex_io_constraints = ex_io_outputs - self._ex_io_outputs_from_full_primals(primals)
        constraints = BlockVector(2)
        constraints.set_block(0, pyomo_constraints)
        constraints.set_block(1, ex_io_constraints)
        return constraints.flatten()

    def jacobianstructure(self):
        return self._full_jac_irows, self._full_jac_jcols
    def jacobian(self, primals):
        pyomo_data = self._jac_pyomo.data
        ex_io_deriv = self._ex_io_model.evaluate_derivatives()
        # CDL: dense version: ex_io_deriv = self._ex_io_model.evaluate_derivatives().flatten('C')
        self._full_jac_data[0:len(pyomo_data)] = pyomo_data
        self._full_jac_data[len(pyomo_data):len(pyomo_data)+len(ex_io_deriv.data)] = ex_io_deriv.data
        # CDL: dense version: self._full_jac_data[len(pyomo_data):len(pyomo_data)+len(ex_io_deriv)] = ex_io_deriv

        # the -1s for the output variables should still be  here
        return self._full_jac_data

    def hessianstructure(self):
        return np.zeros(0), np.zeros(0)
        #raise NotImplementedError('No Hessians for now')

    def hessian(self, x, y, obj_factor):
        raise NotImplementedError('No Hessians for now')

    def _ex_io_inputs_from_full_primals(self, primals):
        return primals[self._input_columns]
        #return np.compress(self._input_x_mask, primals)

    def _ex_io_outputs_from_full_primals(self, primals):
        return primals[self._output_columns]
        #return  np.compress(self._output_x_mask, primals)