Exemplo n.º 1
    def _load_slacks(self, cons_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'slack'):
            self._pyomo_model.slack = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map
        reverse_con_map = self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map
        slack = self._pyomo_model.slack
        msk = self._mosek

        if cons_to_load is None:
            mosek_cons_to_load = range(self._solver_model.getnumcon())
            mosek_cons_to_load = set(
                [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load])

        Ax = [0] * len(mosek_cons_to_load)
        self._solver_model.getxc(self._whichsol, Ax)
        for con in mosek_cons_to_load:
            pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[con]
            Us = Ls = 0

            bk, lb, ub = self._solver_model.getconbound(con)

            if bk in [msk.boundkey.fx, msk.boundkey.ra, msk.boundkey.up]:
                Us = ub - Ax[con]
            if bk in [msk.boundkey.fx, msk.boundkey.ra, msk.boundkey.lo]:
                Ls = Ax[con] - lb

            if Us > Ls:
                slack[pyomo_con] = Us
                slack[pyomo_con] = -Ls
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _load_duals(self, cons_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'dual'):
            self._pyomo_model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map
        reverse_con_map = self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map
        dual = self._pyomo_model.dual

        if cons_to_load is None:
            linear_cons_to_load = self._solver_model.getConstrs()
            if self._version_major >= 5:
                quadratic_cons_to_load = self._solver_model.getQConstrs()
            gurobi_cons_to_load = set(
                [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load])
            linear_cons_to_load = gurobi_cons_to_load.intersection(
            if self._version_major >= 5:
                quadratic_cons_to_load = gurobi_cons_to_load.intersection(
        linear_vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("Pi", linear_cons_to_load)
        if self._version_major >= 5:
            quadratic_vals = self._solver_model.getAttr(
                "QCPi", quadratic_cons_to_load)

        for gurobi_con, val in zip(linear_cons_to_load, linear_vals):
            pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[gurobi_con]
            dual[pyomo_con] = val
        if self._version_major >= 5:
            for gurobi_con, val in zip(quadratic_cons_to_load, quadratic_vals):
                pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[gurobi_con]
                dual[pyomo_con] = val
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _load_slacks(self, cons_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'slack'):
            self._pyomo_model.slack = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map
        slack = self._pyomo_model.slack

        if cons_to_load is None:
            cons_to_load = con_map.keys()

        xpress_cons_to_load = [
            con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load
        vals = self._solver_model.getSlack(xpress_cons_to_load)

        for pyomo_con, xpress_con, val in zip(cons_to_load,
                                              xpress_cons_to_load, vals):
            if xpress_con in self._range_constraints:
                ## for xpress, the slack on a range constraint
                ## is based on the upper bound
                lb = con.lb
                ub = con.ub
                ub_s = val
                expr_val = ub - ub_s
                lb_s = lb - expr_val
                if abs(ub_s) > abs(lb_s):
                    slack[pyomo_con] = ub_s
                    slack[pyomo_con] = lb_s
                slack[pyomo_con] = val
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _apply_to(self, instance, tmp=False):
        """Apply the transformation.

            instance (Block): the block on which to search for x == y
                constraints. Note that variables may be located anywhere in
                the model.
            tmp (bool, optional): Whether the bound modifications will be


        if tmp and not hasattr(instance, '_tmp_propagate_original_bounds'):
            instance._tmp_propagate_original_bounds = Suffix(
        eq_var_map, relevant_vars = _build_equality_set(instance)
        processed = ComponentSet()
        # Go through each variable in an equality set to propagate the variable
        # bounds to all equality-linked variables.
        for var in relevant_vars:
            # If we have already processed the variable, skip it.
            if var in processed:

            var_equality_set = eq_var_map.get(var, ComponentSet([var]))

            #: variable lower bounds in the equality set
            lbs = [v.lb for v in var_equality_set if v.has_lb()]
            max_lb = max(lbs) if len(lbs) > 0 else None
            #: variable upper bounds in the equality set
            ubs = [v.ub for v in var_equality_set if v.has_ub()]
            min_ub = min(ubs) if len(ubs) > 0 else None

            # Check  for error due to bound cross-over
            if max_lb is not None and min_ub is not None and max_lb > min_ub:
                # the lower bound is above the upper bound. Raise a ValueError.
                # get variable with the highest lower bound
                v1 = next(v for v in var_equality_set if v.lb == max_lb)
                # get variable with the lowest upper bound
                v2 = next(v for v in var_equality_set if v.ub == min_ub)
                raise ValueError(
                    'Variable {} has a lower bound {} '
                    ' > the upper bound {} of variable {}, '
                    'but they are linked by equality constraints.'
                    .format(v1.name, value(v1.lb), value(v2.ub), v2.name))

            for v in var_equality_set:
                if tmp:
                    # TODO warn if overwriting
                    instance._tmp_propagate_original_bounds[v] = (
                        v.lb, v.ub)

Exemplo n.º 5
    def suffix(self, name):
        Declare a suffix with the specified name.  Suffixes are values 
        returned by the solver, which are typically associated constraints.

        suffix : str
            The suffix that is returned from the solver.
        setattr(self.model, name, Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _load_rc(self, vars_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'rc'):
            self._pyomo_model.rc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map
        ref_vars = self._referenced_variables
        rc = self._pyomo_model.rc
        if vars_to_load is None:
            vars_to_load = var_map.keys()

        for var in vars_to_load:
            if ref_vars[var] > 0:
                rc[var] = var_map[var].Rc
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _load_duals(self, cons_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'dual'):
            self._pyomo_model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map
        dual = self._pyomo_model.dual

        if cons_to_load is None:
            cons_to_load = con_map.keys()

        xpress_cons_to_load = [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load]
        vals = self._solver_model.getDual(xpress_cons_to_load)

        for pyomo_con, val in zip(cons_to_load, vals):
            dual[pyomo_con] = val
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _load_duals(self, objs_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'dual'):
            self._pyomo_model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map
        reverse_con_map = self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map
        cone_map = self._pyomo_cone_to_solver_cone_map
        #reverse_cone_map = self._solver_cone_to_pyomo_cone_map
        dual = self._pyomo_model.dual

        if objs_to_load is None:
            # constraints
            mosek_cons_to_load = range(self._solver_model.getnumcon())
            vals = [0.0]*len(mosek_cons_to_load)
            self._solver_model.gety(self._whichsol, vals)
            for mosek_con, val in zip(mosek_cons_to_load, vals):
                pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[mosek_con]
                dual[pyomo_con] = val
            """TODO wrong length, needs to be getnumvars()
            # cones
            mosek_cones_to_load = range(self._solver_model.getnumcone())
            vals = [0.0]*len(mosek_cones_to_load)
            self._solver_model.getsnx(self._whichsol, vals)
            for mosek_cone, val in zip(mosek_cones_to_load, vals):
                pyomo_cone = reverse_cone_map[mosek_cone]
                dual[pyomo_cone] = val
            mosek_cons_to_load = []
            mosek_cones_to_load = []
            for obj in objs_to_load:
                if obj in con_map:
                    # assume it is a cone
            # constraints
            mosek_cons_first = min(mosek_cons_to_load)
            mosek_cons_last = max(mosek_cons_to_load)
            vals = [0.0]*(mosek_cons_last - mosek_cons_first + 1)
            for mosek_con in mosek_cons_to_load:
                slice_index = mosek_con - mosek_cons_first
                val = vals[slice_index]
                pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[mosek_con]
                dual[pyomo_con] = val
            """TODO wrong length, needs to be getnumvars()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _load_rc(self, vars_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'rc'):
            self._pyomo_model.rc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map
        ref_vars = self._referenced_variables
        rc = self._pyomo_model.rc
        if vars_to_load is None:
            vars_to_load = var_map.keys()

        gurobi_vars_to_load = [var_map[pyomo_var] for pyomo_var in vars_to_load]
        vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("Rc", gurobi_vars_to_load)

        for var, val in zip(vars_to_load, vals):
            if ref_vars[var] > 0:
                rc[var] = val
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _load_slacks(self, cons_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'slack'):
            self._pyomo_model.slack = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map
        reverse_con_map = self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map
        slack = self._pyomo_model.slack

        gurobi_range_con_vars = set(self._solver_model.getVars()) - set(

        if cons_to_load is None:
            linear_cons_to_load = self._solver_model.getConstrs()
            if self._version_major >= 5:
                quadratic_cons_to_load = self._solver_model.getQConstrs()
            gurobi_cons_to_load = set(
                [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load])
            linear_cons_to_load = gurobi_cons_to_load.intersection(
            if self._version_major >= 5:
                quadratic_cons_to_load = gurobi_cons_to_load.intersection(
        linear_vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("Slack", linear_cons_to_load)
        if self._version_major >= 5:
            quadratic_vals = self._solver_model.getAttr(
                "QCSlack", quadratic_cons_to_load)

        for gurobi_con, val in zip(linear_cons_to_load, linear_vals):
            pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[gurobi_con]
            if pyomo_con in self._range_constraints:
                lin_expr = self._solver_model.getRow(gurobi_con)
                for i in reversed(range(lin_expr.size())):
                    v = lin_expr.getVar(i)
                    if v in gurobi_range_con_vars:
                        Us_ = v.X
                        Ls_ = v.UB - v.X
                        if Us_ > Ls_:
                            slack[pyomo_con] = Us_
                            slack[pyomo_con] = -Ls_
                slack[pyomo_con] = val
        if self._version_major >= 5:
            for gurobi_con, val in zip(quadratic_cons_to_load, quadratic_vals):
                pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[gurobi_con]
                slack[pyomo_con] = val
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _load_rc(self, vars_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'rc'):
            self._pyomo_model.rc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map
        ref_vars = self._referenced_variables
        rc = self._pyomo_model.rc
        if vars_to_load is None:
            vars_to_load = var_map.keys()

        mosek_vars_to_load = [var_map[pyomo_var] for pyomo_var in vars_to_load]
        vals = [0.0] * len(mosek_vars_to_load)
        self._solver_model.getreducedcosts(self._whichsol, 0,
                                           len(mosek_vars_to_load), vals)

        for var, val in zip(vars_to_load, vals):
            if ref_vars[var] > 0:
                rc[var] = val
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _load_UnbdRay(self, vars_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'UnbdRay'):
            self._pyomo_model.UnbdRay = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map
        ref_vars = self._referenced_variables
        UnbdRay = self._pyomo_model.UnbdRay
        if vars_to_load is None:
            vars_to_load = var_map.keys()

        gurobi_vars_to_load = [
            var_map[pyomo_var] for pyomo_var in vars_to_load
        vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("UnbdRay", gurobi_vars_to_load)

        for var, val in zip(vars_to_load, vals):
            if ref_vars[var] > 0:
                UnbdRay[var] = val
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds)
        if config.tmp and not hasattr(instance, '_tmp_propagate_original_bounds'):
            instance._tmp_propagate_original_bounds = Suffix(
        eq_var_map, relevant_vars = _build_equality_set(instance)
        processed = ComponentSet()
        # Go through each variable in an equality set to propagate the variable
        # bounds to all equality-linked variables.
        for var in relevant_vars:
            # If we have already processed the variable, skip it.
            if var in processed:

            var_equality_set = eq_var_map.get(var, ComponentSet([var]))

            #: variable lower bounds in the equality set
            lbs = [v.lb for v in var_equality_set if v.has_lb()]
            max_lb = max(lbs) if len(lbs) > 0 else None
            #: variable upper bounds in the equality set
            ubs = [v.ub for v in var_equality_set if v.has_ub()]
            min_ub = min(ubs) if len(ubs) > 0 else None

            # Check for error due to bound cross-over
            if max_lb is not None and min_ub is not None and max_lb > min_ub:
                # the lower bound is above the upper bound. Raise an exception.
                # get variable with the highest lower bound
                v1 = next(v for v in var_equality_set if v.lb == max_lb)
                # get variable with the lowest upper bound
                v2 = next(v for v in var_equality_set if v.ub == min_ub)
                raise InfeasibleConstraintException(
                    'Variable {} has a lower bound {} '
                    '> the upper bound {} of variable {}, '
                    'but they are linked by equality constraints.'
                    .format(v1.name, value(v1.lb), value(v2.ub), v2.name))

            for v in var_equality_set:
                if config.tmp:
                    # TODO warn if overwriting
                    instance._tmp_propagate_original_bounds[v] = (
                        v.lb, v.ub)

Exemplo n.º 14
    def _load_duals(self, cons_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'dual'):
            self._pyomo_model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map
        reverse_con_map = self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map
        dual = self._pyomo_model.dual

        if cons_to_load is None:
            mosek_cons_to_load = range(self._solver_model.getnumcon())
            mosek_cons_to_load = set(
                [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load])

        vals = [0.0] * self._solver_model.getnumcon()
        self._solver_model.gety(self._whichsol, vals)

        for mosek_con, val in zip(mosek_cons_to_load, vals):
            pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[mosek_con]
            dual[pyomo_con] = val
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _load_slacks(self, cons_to_load=None):
        if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'slack'):
            self._pyomo_model.slack = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map
        slack = self._pyomo_model.slack
        if cons_to_load is None:
            cons_to_load = ComponentSet(con_map.keys())

        reverse_con_map = {}
        for pyomo_con, con in con_map.items():
            reverse_con_map[con] = pyomo_con

        for gurobi_con in self._solver_model.getConstrs():
            pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[gurobi_con]
            if pyomo_con in cons_to_load:
                slack[pyomo_con] = gurobi_con.Slack

        if self._version_major >= 5:
            for gurobi_con in self._solver_model.getQConstrs():
                pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[gurobi_con]
                if pyomo_con in cons_to_load:
                    slack[pyomo_con] = gurobi_con.QCSlack
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(
        input_vars: list
            List of variables sent to this system by the outer solver
        external_vars: list
            List of variables that are solved for internally by this system
        residual_cons: list
            List of equality constraints whose residuals are exposed to
            the outer solver
        external_cons: list
            List of equality constraints used to solve for the external
        use_cyipopt: bool
            Whether to use CyIpopt to solve strongly connected components of
            the implicit function that have dimension greater than one.
        solver: Pyomo solver object
            Used to solve strongly connected components of the implicit function
            that have dimension greater than one. Only used if use_cyipopt
            is False.

        if use_cyipopt is None:
            use_cyipopt = cyipopt_available
        if use_cyipopt and not cyipopt_available:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Constructing an ExternalPyomoModel with CyIpopt unavailable. "
                "Please set the use_cyipopt argument to False.")
        if solver is not None and use_cyipopt:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Constructing an ExternalPyomoModel with a solver specified "
                "and use_cyipopt set to True. Please set use_cyipopt to False "
                "to use the desired solver.")
        elif solver is None and not use_cyipopt:
            solver = SolverFactory("ipopt")
        # If use_cyipopt is True, this solver is None and will not be used.
        self._solver = solver
        self._use_cyipopt = use_cyipopt

        # We only need this block to construct the NLP, which wouldn't
        # be necessary if we could compute Hessians of Pyomo constraints.
        self._block = create_subsystem_block(
            residual_cons + external_cons,
            input_vars + external_vars,
        self._block._obj = Objective(expr=0.0)
        self._nlp = PyomoNLP(self._block)

        self._scc_list = list(

        if use_cyipopt:
            # Using CyIpopt allows us to solve inner problems without
            # costly rewriting of the nl file. It requires quite a bit
            # of preprocessing, however, to construct the ProjectedNLP
            # for each block of the decomposition.

            # Get "vector-valued" SCCs, those of dimension > 0.
            # We will solve these with a direct IPOPT interface, which requires
            # some preprocessing.
            self._vector_scc_list = [(scc, inputs)
                                     for scc, inputs in self._scc_list
                                     if len(scc.vars) > 1]

            # Need a dummy objective to create an NLP
            for scc, inputs in self._vector_scc_list:
                scc._obj = Objective(expr=0.0)

                # I need scaling_factor so Pyomo NLPs I create from these blocks
                # don't break when ProjectedNLP calls get_primals_scaling
                scc.scaling_factor = Suffix(direction=Suffix.EXPORT)
                # HACK: scaling_factor just needs to be nonempty.
                scc.scaling_factor[scc._obj] = 1.0

            # These are the "original NLPs" that will be projected
            self._vector_scc_nlps = [
                PyomoNLP(scc) for scc, inputs in self._vector_scc_list
            self._vector_scc_var_names = [[
                var.name for var in scc.vars.values()
            ] for scc, inputs in self._vector_scc_list]
            self._vector_proj_nlps = [
                ProjectedNLP(nlp, names) for nlp, names in zip(
                    self._vector_scc_nlps, self._vector_scc_var_names)

            # We will solve the ProjectedNLPs rather than the original NLPs
            self._cyipopt_nlps = [
                CyIpoptNLP(nlp) for nlp in self._vector_proj_nlps
            self._cyipopt_solvers = [
                CyIpoptSolver(nlp) for nlp in self._cyipopt_nlps
            self._vector_scc_input_coords = [
                nlp.get_primal_indices(inputs) for nlp, (scc, inputs) in zip(
                    self._vector_scc_nlps, self._vector_scc_list)

        assert len(external_vars) == len(external_cons)

        self.input_vars = input_vars
        self.external_vars = external_vars
        self.residual_cons = residual_cons
        self.external_cons = external_cons

        self.residual_con_multipliers = [None for _ in residual_cons]
        self.residual_scaling_factors = None