Exemplo n.º 1
    def _generate_model(self):
        self.model = ConcreteModel()
        model = self.model
        model._name = self.description

        model.f = Var()
        model.x = Var(bounds=(1,3))
        model.fi = Param([1,2,3],mutable=True)
        model.fi[1] = 1.0
        model.fi[2] = 2.0
        model.fi[3] = 0.0
        model.xi = Param([1,2,3],mutable=True)
        model.xi[1] = 1.0
        model.xi[2] = 2.0
        model.xi[3] = 3.0
        model.p = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
        model.n = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
        model.lmbda = Var([1,2,3])
        model.obj = Objective(expr=model.p+model.n)
        model.c1 = ConstraintList()
        model.c1.add(0.0 <= model.lmbda[1] <= 1.0)
        model.c1.add(0.0 <= model.lmbda[2] <= 1.0)
        model.c1.add(0.0 <= model.lmbda[3])
        model.c2 = SOSConstraint(var=model.lmbda, index=[1,2,3], sos=2)
        model.c3 = Constraint(expr=summation(model.lmbda) == 1)
        model.c4 = Constraint(expr=model.f==summation(model.fi,model.lmbda))
        model.c5 = Constraint(expr=model.x==summation(model.xi,model.lmbda))
        model.x = 2.75
        model.x.fixed = True

        # Make an empty SOSConstraint
        model.c6 = SOSConstraint(var=model.lmbda, index=[1,2,3], sos=2)
        assert len(list(model.c6.get_items())) == 0
Exemplo n.º 2
def _process_bilinear_constraints(block, v1, v2, var_values, bilinear_constrs):
    # TODO check that the appropriate variable bounds exist.
    if not (v2.has_lb() and v2.has_ub()):
            Attempting to transform bilinear term {v1} * {v2} using effectively
            discrete variable {v1}, but {v2} is missing a lower or upper bound:
            ({v2lb}, {v2ub}).
            """.format(v1=v1, v2=v2, v2lb=v2.lb, v2ub=v2.ub)).strip())
        return False
    blk = Block()
    unique_name = unique_component_name(
        block, ("%s_%s_bilinear" % (v1.local_name, v2.local_name)).replace(
            '[', '').replace(']', ''))
    block._induced_linearity_info.add_component(unique_name, blk)
    # TODO think about not using floats as indices in a set
    blk.valid_values = Set(initialize=sorted(var_values))
    blk.x_active = Var(blk.valid_values, domain=Binary, initialize=1)
    blk.v_increment = Var(blk.valid_values,
                          bounds=(v2.lb, v2.ub),
    blk.v_defn = Constraint(expr=v2 == summation(blk.v_increment))

    def v_lb(blk, val):
        return v2.lb * blk.x_active[val] <= blk.v_increment[val]

    def v_ub(blk, val):
        return blk.v_increment[val] <= v2.ub * blk.x_active[val]

    blk.select_one_value = Constraint(expr=summation(blk.x_active) == 1)
    # Categorize as case 1 or case 2
    for bilinear_constr in bilinear_constrs:
        # repn = generate_standard_repn(bilinear_constr.body)

        # Case 1: no other variables besides bilinear term in constraint. v1
        # (effectively discrete variable) is positive.
        # if (len(repn.quadratic_vars) == 1 and len(repn.linear_vars) == 0
        #         and repn.nonlinear_expr is None):
        #     _reformulate_case_1(v1, v2, discrete_constr, bilinear_constr)

        # NOTE: Case 1 is left unimplemented for now, because it involves some
        # messier logic with respect to how the transformation needs to happen.

        # Case 2: this is everything else, but do we want to have a special
        # case if there are nonlinear expressions involved with the constraint?
        _reformulate_case_2(blk, v1, v2, bilinear_constr)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _process_bilinear_constraints(block, v1, v2, var_values, bilinear_constrs):
    # TODO check that the appropriate variable bounds exist.
    if not (v2.has_lb() and v2.has_ub()):
            Attempting to transform bilinear term {v1} * {v2} using effectively
            discrete variable {v1}, but {v2} is missing a lower or upper bound:
            ({v2lb}, {v2ub}).
            """.format(v1=v1, v2=v2, v2lb=v2.lb, v2ub=v2.ub)).strip())
        return False
    blk = Block()
    unique_name = unique_component_name(
        block, ("%s_%s_bilinear" % (v1.local_name, v2.local_name))
        .replace('[', '').replace(']', ''))
    block._induced_linearity_info.add_component(unique_name, blk)
    # TODO think about not using floats as indices in a set
    blk.valid_values = Set(initialize=var_values)
    blk.x_active = Var(blk.valid_values, domain=Binary, initialize=1)
    blk.v_increment = Var(
        blk.valid_values, domain=v2.domain,
        bounds=(v2.lb, v2.ub), initialize=v2.value)
    blk.v_defn = Constraint(expr=v2 == summation(blk.v_increment))

    def v_lb(blk, val):
        return v2.lb * blk.x_active[val] <= blk.v_increment[val]

    def v_ub(blk, val):
        return blk.v_increment[val] <= v2.ub * blk.x_active[val]
    blk.select_one_value = Constraint(expr=summation(blk.x_active) == 1)
    # Categorize as case 1 or case 2
    for bilinear_constr in bilinear_constrs:
        # repn = generate_standard_repn(bilinear_constr.body)

        # Case 1: no other variables besides bilinear term in constraint. v1
        # (effectively discrete variable) is positive.
        # if (len(repn.quadratic_vars) == 1 and len(repn.linear_vars) == 0
        #         and repn.nonlinear_expr is None):
        #     _reformulate_case_1(v1, v2, discrete_constr, bilinear_constr)

        # NOTE: Case 1 is left unimplemented for now, because it involves some
        # messier logic with respect to how the transformation needs to happen.

        # Case 2: this is everything else, but do we want to have a special
        # case if there are nonlinear expressions involved with the constraint?
        _reformulate_case_2(blk, v1, v2, bilinear_constr)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _generate_model(self):
        self.model = None
        self.model = ConcreteModel()
        model = self.model
        model._name = self.description

        n = 7
        m = 7
        model.N = RangeSet(1,n)
        model.M = RangeSet(1,m)

        model.c = Param(model.N, rule=c_rule)

        model.b = Param(model.M, rule=b_rule)

        model.A = Param(model.M, model.N, rule=A_rule)

        model.x = Var(model.N, within=NonNegativeReals)
        model.y = Var(model.M, within=NonNegativeReals)

        model.cost = Objective(expr=summation(model.c, model.x))

        model.primalcon = Constraint(model.M, rule=primalcon_rule)

        #model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        #model.rc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        model.slack = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        model.urc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        model.lrc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _generate_model(self):
        self.model = None
        self.model = ConcreteModel()
        model = self.model
        model._name = self.description

        n = 7
        m = 7
        model.N = RangeSet(1,n)
        model.M = RangeSet(1,m)

        model.c = Param(model.N, rule=c_rule)

        model.b = Param(model.M, rule=b_rule)

        model.A = Param(model.M, model.N, rule=A_rule)

        model.x = Var(model.N, within=NonNegativeReals)
        model.y = Var(model.M, within=NonNegativeReals)

        model.cost = Objective(expr=summation(model.c, model.x))

        model.primalcon = Constraint(model.M, rule=primalcon_rule)

        #model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        #model.rc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        model.slack = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        model.urc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
        model.lrc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
Exemplo n.º 6
def res_global_cost_limit_rule(m):
    if math.isinf(m.global_prop_dict["value"][min(m.stf), "Cost limit"]):
        return pyomo.Constraint.Skip
    elif m.global_prop_dict["value"][min(m.stf), "Cost limit"] >= 0:
        return (pyomo.summation(m.costs) <=
                m.global_prop_dict["value"][min(m.stf), "Cost limit"])
        return pyomo.Constraint.Skip
Exemplo n.º 7
def res_global_cost_limit_rule(m):
    if math.isinf(m.global_prop_dict["value"]["Cost limit"]):
        return pyomo.Constraint.Skip
    elif m.global_prop_dict["value"]["Cost limit"] >= 0:
        return(pyomo.summation(m.costs) <= m.global_prop_dict["value"]
               ["Cost limit"])
        return pyomo.Constraint.Skip
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _generate_model(self):
        self.model = ConcreteModel()
        model = self.model
        model._name = self.description

        model.a = Param(initialize=0.1)
        model.x = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
        model.y = Var([1, 2], within=NonNegativeReals)

        model.obj = Objective(expr=model.x + model.y[1] + 2 * model.y[2])
        model.c1 = Constraint(expr=model.a <= model.y[2])
        model.c2 = Constraint(expr=2.0 <= model.x <= 10.0)
        model.c3 = SOSConstraint(var=model.y, index=[1, 2], sos=1)
        model.c4 = Constraint(expr=summation(model.y) == 1)

        # Make an empty SOSConstraint
        model.c5 = SOSConstraint(var=model.y, index=[1, 2], sos=1)
        model.c5.set_items([], [])
        assert len(list(model.c5.get_items())) == 0
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _generate_model(self):
        self.model = ConcreteModel()
        model = self.model
        model._name = self.description

        model.a = Param(initialize=0.1)
        model.x = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
        model.y = Var([1,2],within=NonNegativeReals)

        model.obj = Objective(expr=model.x + model.y[1]+2*model.y[2])
        model.c1 = Constraint(expr=model.a <= model.y[2])
        model.c2 = Constraint(expr=2.0 <= model.x <= 10.0)
        model.c3 = SOSConstraint(var=model.y, index=[1,2], sos=1)
        model.c4 = Constraint(expr=summation(model.y) == 1)

        # Make an empty SOSConstraint
        model.c5 = SOSConstraint(var=model.y, index=[1,2], sos=1)
        assert len(list(model.c5.get_items())) == 0
Exemplo n.º 10
def _constraint7_rule(model):
    expr = model.gamma * model.A_pick - \
           summation(model.Lambda_pick, model.zeta_pick)
    return (None, expr, 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
def _constraint4_rule(model):
    expr = model.gamma * model.A_put - \
           summation(model.Lambda_put, model.zeta_put)
    return (None, expr, 0)
Exemplo n.º 12
def _constraint2_rule(model):
    return (summation(model.theta_pick), 1)
Exemplo n.º 13
def _constraint1_rule(model):
    return (summation(model.theta_put), 1)
Exemplo n.º 14
def _objectiveB_rule(model):
    expr = model.Ca * (model.alpha_put + model.alpha_pick) + \
           summation(model.Cth_put, model.theta_put) + \
           summation(model.Cth_pick, model.theta_pick)
    return (expr, model.FirstStageCost)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _generate_model(self):
        self.model = None
        self.model = ConcreteModel()
        model = self.model
        model._name = self.description

        model.s = Set(initialize=[1,2])

        model.x_unused = Var()
        model.x_unused.stale = False

        model.x_unused_initialy_stale = Var()
        model.x_unused_initialy_stale.stale = True

        model.X_unused = Var(model.s)
        model.X_unused_initialy_stale = Var(model.s)
        for i in model.s:
            model.X_unused[i].stale = False
            model.X_unused_initialy_stale[i].stale = True

        model.x = Var()
        model.x.stale = False

        model.x_initialy_stale = Var()
        model.x_initialy_stale.stale = True

        model.X = Var(model.s)
        model.X_initialy_stale = Var(model.s)
        for i in model.s:
            model.X[i].stale = False
            model.X_initialy_stale[i].stale = True

        model.obj = Objective(expr= model.x + \
                                    model.x_initialy_stale + \
                                    summation(model.X) + \

        model.c = ConstraintList()
        model.c.add( model.x          >= 1 )
        model.c.add( model.x_initialy_stale    >= 1 )
        model.c.add( model.X[1]       >= 0 )
        model.c.add( model.X[2]       >= 1 )
        model.c.add( model.X_initialy_stale[1] >= 0 )
        model.c.add( model.X_initialy_stale[2] >= 1 )

        # Test that stale flags do not get updated
        # on inactive blocks (where "inactive blocks" mean blocks
        # that do NOT follow a path of all active parent blocks
        # up to the top-level model)
        flat_model = model.clone()
        model.b = Block()
        model.B = Block(model.s)
        model.b.b = flat_model.clone()
        model.B[1].b = flat_model.clone()
        model.B[2].b = flat_model.clone()

        assert model.b.active is False
        assert model.B[1].active is False
        assert model.B[1].active is False
        assert model.b.b.active is True
        assert model.B[1].b.active is True
        assert model.B[2].b.active is False
Exemplo n.º 16
def obj_rule(m):
    return pyomo.summation(m.costs)
Exemplo n.º 17
def obj_expression_cost(m):

    return summation(m.P1) * m.C[1] + summation(m.P2) * m.C[2]
Exemplo n.º 18
 def obj_rule(m):
     # Return sum of total costs over all cost types.
     # Simply calculates the sum of m.costs over all m.cost_types.
     return pyen.summation(m.costs)
Exemplo n.º 19
def obj_rule(m):
    return pyomo.summation(m.costs)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _generate_model(self):
        self.model = ConcreteModel()
        model = self.model
        model._name = self.description

        model.s = Set(initialize=[1,2])

        model.x_unused = Var(within=Integers)
        model.x_unused.stale = False

        model.x_unused_initialy_stale = Var(within=Integers)
        model.x_unused_initialy_stale.stale = True

        model.X_unused = Var(model.s, within=Integers)
        model.X_unused_initialy_stale = Var(model.s, within=Integers)
        for i in model.s:
            model.X_unused[i].stale = False
            model.X_unused_initialy_stale[i].stale = True

        model.x = Var(within=IntegerInterval(bounds=(None,None)))
        model.x.stale = False

        model.x_initialy_stale = Var(within=Integers)
        model.x_initialy_stale.stale = True

        model.X = Var(model.s, within=Integers)
        model.X_initialy_stale = Var(model.s, within=Integers)
        for i in model.s:
            model.X[i].stale = False
            model.X_initialy_stale[i].stale = True

        model.obj = Objective(expr= model.x + \
                                    model.x_initialy_stale + \
                                    summation(model.X) + \

        model.c = ConstraintList()
        model.c.add( model.x          >= 1 )
        model.c.add( model.x_initialy_stale    >= 1 )
        model.c.add( model.X[1]       >= 0 )
        model.c.add( model.X[2]       >= 1 )
        model.c.add( model.X_initialy_stale[1] >= 0 )
        model.c.add( model.X_initialy_stale[2] >= 1 )

        # Test that stale flags do not get updated
        # on inactive blocks (where "inactive blocks" mean blocks
        # that do NOT follow a path of all active parent blocks
        # up to the top-level model)
        flat_model = model.clone()
        model.b = Block()
        model.B = Block(model.s)
        model.b.b = flat_model.clone()
        model.B[1].b = flat_model.clone()
        model.B[2].b = flat_model.clone()

        assert model.b.active is False
        assert model.B[1].active is False
        assert model.B[1].active is False
        assert model.b.b.active is True
        assert model.B[1].b.active is True
        assert model.B[2].b.active is False