Exemplo n.º 1
    def _create_using(self, model, **kwds):
        Force all variables to lie in the nonnegative orthant.

        Required arguments:
            model       The model to transform.

        Optional keyword arguments:
          pos_suffix    The suffix applied to the 'positive' component of
                            converted variables. Default is '_plus'.
          neg_suffix    The suffix applied to the 'positive' component of
                            converted variables. Default is '_minus'.
        # Optional naming schemes
        pos_suffix = kwds.pop("pos_suffix", "_plus")
        neg_suffix = kwds.pop("neg_suffix", "_minus")
        # We first perform an abstract problem transformation. Then, if model
        # data is available, we instantiate the new model. If not, we construct
        # a mapping that can later be used to populate the new model.
        nonneg = model.clone()
        components = collectAbstractComponents(nonneg)

        # Map from variable base names to a {index, rule} map
        constraint_rules = {}

        # Map from variable base names to a rule defining the domains for that
        # variable
        domain_rules = {}

        # Map from variable base names to its set of indices
        var_indices = {}

        # Map from fully qualified variable names to replacement expressions.
        # For now, it is actually a map from a variable name to a closure that
        # must later be evaulated with a model containing the replacement
        # variables.
        var_map = {}

        # Get the constraints that enforce the bounds and domains of each
        # variable
        for var_name in components["Var"]:
            var = nonneg.__getattribute__(var_name)

            # Individual bounds and domains
            orig_bounds = {}
            orig_domain = {}

            # New indices
            indices = set()

            # Map from constraint names to a constraint rule.
            constraints = {}

            # Map from variable indices to a domain
            domains = {}

            for ndx in var:
                # Fully qualified variable name
                vname = create_name(str(var_name), ndx)

                # We convert each index to a string to avoid difficult issues
                # regarding appending a suffix to tuples.
                # If the index is None, this casts the index to a string,
                # which doesn't match up with how Pyomo treats None indices
                # internally. Replace with "" to be consistent.
                if ndx is None:
                    v_ndx = ""
                    v_ndx = str(ndx)

                # Get the variable bounds
                lb = value(var[ndx].lb)
                ub = value(var[ndx].ub)
                orig_bounds[ndx] = (lb, ub)

                # Get the variable domain
                if var[ndx].domain is not None:
                    orig_domain[ndx] = var[ndx].domain
                    orig_domain[ndx] = var.domain

                # Determine the replacement expression. Either a new single
                # variable with the same attributes, or a sum of two new
                # variables.
                # If both the bounds and domain allow for negative values,
                # replace the variable with the sum of nonnegative ones.

                bounds_neg = (orig_bounds[ndx] == (None, None)
                              or orig_bounds[ndx][0] is None
                              or orig_bounds[ndx][0] < 0)
                domain_neg = (orig_domain[ndx] is None
                              or orig_domain[ndx].bounds()[0] is None
                              or orig_domain[ndx].bounds()[0] < 0)
                if bounds_neg and domain_neg:
                    # Make two new variables.
                    posVarSuffix = "%s%s" % (v_ndx, pos_suffix)
                    negVarSuffix = "%s%s" % (v_ndx, neg_suffix)

                    new_indices = (posVarSuffix, negVarSuffix)

                    # Replace the original variable with a sum expression
                    expr_dict = {posVarSuffix: 1, negVarSuffix: -1}
                    # Add the new index. Lie if is 'None', since Pyomo treats
                    # 'None' specially as a key.
                    # More lies: don't let a blank index exist. Replace it with
                    # '_'. I don't actually have a justification for this other
                    # than that allowing "" as a key will eventually almost
                    # certainly lead to a strange bug.
                    if v_ndx is None:
                        t_ndx = "None"
                    elif v_ndx == "":
                        t_ndx = "_"
                        t_ndx = v_ndx

                    new_indices = (t_ndx, )

                    # Replace the original variable with a sum expression
                    expr_dict = {t_ndx: 1}

                # Add the new indices
                for x in new_indices:

                # Replace the original variable with an expression
                var_map[vname] = partial(self.sumRule, var_name, expr_dict)

                # Enforce bounds as constraints
                if orig_bounds[ndx] != (None, None):
                    cname = "%s_%s" % (vname, "bounds")
                    tmp = orig_bounds[ndx]
                    constraints[cname] = partial(self.boundsConstraintRule,
                                                 tmp[0], tmp[1], var_name,

                # Enforce the bounds of the domain as constraints
                if orig_domain[ndx] != None:
                    cname = "%s_%s" % (vname, "domain_bounds")
                    tmp = orig_domain[ndx].bounds()
                    constraints[cname] = partial(self.boundsConstraintRule,
                                                 tmp[0], tmp[1], var_name,

                # Domain will either be NonNegativeReals, NonNegativeIntegers,
                # or Binary. We consider Binary because some solvers may
                # optimize over binary variables.
                if var[ndx].is_continuous():
                    for x in new_indices:
                        domains[x] = NonNegativeReals
                elif var[ndx].is_binary():
                    for x in new_indices:
                        domains[x] = Binary
                elif var[ndx].is_integer():
                    for x in new_indices:
                        domains[x] = NonNegativeIntegers
                    logger.warning("Warning: domain '%s' not recognized, "
                                   "defaulting to 'NonNegativeReals'" %
                                   (var.domain, ))
                    for x in new_indices:
                        domains[x] = NonNegativeReals

            constraint_rules[var_name] = constraints
            domain_rules[var_name] = partial(self.exprMapRule, domains)
            var_indices[var_name] = indices

        # Remove all existing variables.
        toRemove = []
        for (attr_name, attr) in nonneg.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(attr, Var):
        for attr_name in toRemove:

        # Add the sets defining the variables, then the variables
        for (k, v) in var_indices.items():
            sname = "%s_indices" % k
            nonneg.__setattr__(sname, Set(initialize=v))
                    bounds=(0, None)))

        # Construct the model to get the variables and their indices
        # recognized in the model
        ##nonneg = nonneg.create()

        # Safe to evaluate the modifiedVars mapping
        for var in var_map:
            var_map[var] = var_map[var](nonneg)

        # Map from constraint base names to maps from indices to expressions
        constraintExprs = {}

        # Convert all modified variables in all constraints in the original
        # problem
        for conName in components["Constraint"]:
            con = nonneg.__getattribute__(conName)

            # Map from constraint indices to a corrected expression
            exprMap = {}

            for (ndx, cdata) in con._data.items():
                lower = _walk_expr(cdata.lower, var_map)
                body = _walk_expr(cdata.body, var_map)
                upper = _walk_expr(cdata.upper, var_map)

                # Lie if ndx is None. Pyomo treats 'None' indices specially.
                if ndx is None:
                    ndx = "None"

                # Cast indices to strings, otherwise tuples ruin everything
                exprMap[str(ndx)] = (lower, body, upper)

            # Add to list of expression maps
            constraintExprs[conName] = exprMap

        # Map from constraint base names to maps from indices to expressions
        objectiveExprs = {}

        # Convert all modified variables in all objectives in the original
        # problem
        for objName in components["Objective"]:
            obj = nonneg.__getattribute__(objName)

            # Map from objective indices to a corrected expression
            exprMap = {}

            for (ndx, odata) in obj._data.items():
                exprMap[ndx] = _walk_expr(odata.expr, var_map)

            # Add to list of expression maps
            objectiveExprs[objName] = exprMap

        # Make the modified original constraints
        for (conName, ruleMap) in constraintExprs.items():
            # Make the set of indices
            sname = conName + "_indices"
            _set = Set(initialize=ruleMap.keys())
            nonneg.__setattr__(sname, _set)

            # Define the constraint
            _con = Constraint(nonneg.__getattribute__(sname),
                              rule=partial(self.exprMapRule, ruleMap))
            nonneg.__setattr__(conName, _con)

        # Make the bounds constraints
        for (varName, ruleMap) in constraint_rules.items():
            conName = varName + "_constraints"
            # Make the set of indices
            sname = conName + "_indices"
            _set = Set(initialize=ruleMap.keys())
            nonneg.__setattr__(sname, _set)

            # Define the constraint
            _con = Constraint(nonneg.__getattribute__(sname),
                              rule=partial(self.delayedExprMapRule, ruleMap))
            nonneg.__setattr__(conName, _con)

        # Make the objectives
        for (objName, ruleMap) in objectiveExprs.items():
            # Make the set of indices
            sname = objName + "_indices"
            _set = Set(initialize=ruleMap.keys())
            nonneg.__setattr__(sname, _set)

            # Define the constraint
            _obj = Objective(nonneg.__getattribute__(sname),
                             rule=partial(self.exprMapRule, ruleMap))
            nonneg.__setattr__(objName, _obj)

        return nonneg
Exemplo n.º 2
def form_linearized_objective_constraints(instance_name,

    # keep track and return what was added to the instance, so
    # it can be cleaned up if necessary.
    new_instance_attributes = []

    linearization_index_set_name = "PH_LINEARIZATION_INDEX_SET"
    linearization_index_set = instance.find_component(linearization_index_set_name)
    if linearization_index_set is None:
        linearization_index_set = Set(initialize=range(0, linearize_nonbinary_penalty_terms*2), dimen=1, name=linearization_index_set_name)
        instance.add_component(linearization_index_set_name, linearization_index_set)

    scenario = scenario_tree.get_scenario(instance_name)

    nodeid_to_vardata_map = instance._ScenarioTreeSymbolMap.bySymbol

    for tree_node in scenario._node_list[:-1]:

        xbar_dict = tree_node._xbars

        # if linearizing, then we have previously defined a variable
        # associated with the result of the linearized approximation
        # of the penalty term - this is simply added to the objective
        # function.
        linearized_cost_variable_name = "PHQUADPENALTY_"+str(tree_node._name)
        linearized_cost_variable = instance.find_component(linearized_cost_variable_name)

        # grab the linearization constraint associated with the
        # linearized cost variable, if it exists. otherwise, create it
        # - but an empty variety. the constraints are stage-specific -
        # we could index by constraint, but we don't know if that is
        # really worth the additional effort.
        linearization_constraint_name = "PH_LINEARIZATION_"+str(tree_node._name)
        linearization_constraint = instance.find_component(linearization_constraint_name)
        if linearization_constraint is not None:
            # clear whatever constraint components are there - there
            # may be fewer breakpoints, due to tolerances, and we
            # don't want to the old pieces laying around.
            # this is the first time the constraint is being added -
            # add it to the list of PH-specific constraints for this
            # instance.
            nodal_index_set_name = "PHINDEX_"+str(tree_node._name)
            nodal_index_set = instance.find_component(nodal_index_set_name)
            assert nodal_index_set is not None
            linearization_constraint = \
            instance.add_component(linearization_constraint_name, linearization_constraint)

        for variable_id in tree_node._variable_ids:

            # don't add weight terms for derived variables at the tree
            # node.
            if variable_id in tree_node._derived_variable_ids:

            if variable_id not in tree_node._minimums:
                variable_name, index = tree_node._variable_ids[variable_id]
                raise RuntimeError("No minimum value statistic found for variable=%s "
                                   "on tree node=%s; cannot form linearized PH objective"
                                   % (variable_name+indexToString(index),
            if variable_id not in tree_node._maximums:
                variable_name, index = tree_node._variable_ids[variable_id]
                raise RuntimeError("No maximums value statistic found for "
                                   "variable=%s on tree node=%s; cannot "
                                   "form linearized PH objective"
                                   % (variable_name+indexToString(index),

            xbar = xbar_dict[variable_id]
            node_min = tree_node._minimums[variable_id]
            node_max = tree_node._maximums[variable_id]

            instance_vardata = nodeid_to_vardata_map[variable_id]

            if (instance_vardata.stale is False) and (instance_vardata.fixed is False):

                # binaries have already been dealt with in the process of PH objective function formation.
                if isinstance(instance_vardata.domain, BooleanSet) is False:

                    x = instance_vardata

                    if x.lb is None or x.ub is None:
                        msg = "Missing bound for variable '%s'\n"         \
                              'Both lower and upper bounds required when' \
                              ' piece-wise approximating quadratic '      \
                              'penalty terms'
                        raise ValueError(msg % instance_vardata.name)
                    lb = value(x.lb)
                    ub = value(x.ub)

                    # compute the breakpoint sequence according to the specified strategy.
                        strategy = (compute_uniform_breakpoints,
                                    )[ breakpoint_strategy ]
                        args = ( lb, node_min, xbar, node_max, ub, \
                                     linearize_nonbinary_penalty_terms, tolerance )
                        breakpoints = strategy( *args )
                    except ValueError:
                        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
                        msg = 'A breakpoint distribution strategy (%s) '  \
                              'is currently not supported within PH!'
                        raise ValueError(msg % breakpoint_strategy)

                    for i in xrange(len(breakpoints)-1):

                        this_lb = breakpoints[i]
                        this_ub = breakpoints[i+1]

                        segment_tuple = create_piecewise_constraint_tuple(this_lb,

                        linearization_constraint.add((variable_id,i), segment_tuple)

    return new_instance_attributes