Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, target=None, listeners=None, name=None, service=None, cleanup_method=None, **kwargs):
        Constructs an ION process.

        You don't create one of these directly, the IonProcessThreadManager run by a container does this for
        you via the ProcManager interface. Call the container's spawn_process method and this method will run.

        @param  target          A callable to run in the PyonThread. If None (typical), will use the target method
                                defined in this class.
        @param  listeners       A list of listening endpoints attached to this thread.
        @param  name            The name of this ION process.
        @param  service         An instance of the BaseService derived class which contains the business logic for
                                an ION process.
        @param  cleanup_method  An optional callable to run when the process is stopping. Runs after all other
                                notify_stop calls have run. Should take one param, this instance.
        self._startup_listeners = listeners or []
        self.listeners          = []
        self.name               = name
        self.service            = service
        self._cleanup_method    = cleanup_method

        self.thread_manager     = ThreadManager(failure_notify_callback=self._child_failed) # bubbles up to main thread manager
        self._ctrl_queue        = Queue()
        self._ready_control     = Event()

        PyonThread.__init__(self, target=target, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
        Constructs an ION process.

        You don't create one of these directly, the IonProcessThreadManager run by a container does this for
        you via the ProcManager interface. Call the container's spawn_process method and this method will run.

        @param  target          A callable to run in the PyonThread. If None (typical), will use the target method
                                defined in this class.
        @param  listeners       A list of listening endpoints attached to this thread.
        @param  name            The name of this ION process.
        @param  service         An instance of the BaseService derived class which contains the business logic for
                                an ION process.
        @param  cleanup_method  An optional callable to run when the process is stopping. Runs after all other
                                notify_stop calls have run. Should take one param, this instance.
        @param  heartbeat_secs  Number of seconds to wait in between heartbeats.
        self._startup_listeners = listeners or []
        self.listeners = []
        self._listener_map = {}
        self.name = name
        self.service = service
        self._cleanup_method = cleanup_method

        self.thread_manager = ThreadManager(
        )  # bubbles up to main thread manager
        self._dead_children = []  # save any dead children for forensics
        self._ctrl_thread = None
        self._ctrl_queue = Queue()
        self._ready_control = Event()
        self._errors = []
        self._ctrl_current = None  # set to the AR generated by _routing_call when in the context of a call

        # processing vs idle time (ms)
        self._start_time = None
        self._proc_time = 0

        # for heartbeats, used to detect stuck processes
        self._heartbeat_secs = heartbeat_secs  # amount of time to wait between heartbeats
        self._heartbeat_stack = None  # stacktrace of last heartbeat
        self._heartbeat_time = None  # timestamp of heart beat last matching the current op
        self._heartbeat_op = None  # last operation (by AR)
        self._heartbeat_count = 0  # number of times this operation has been seen consecutively

        PyonThread.__init__(self, target=target, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
        self._startup_listeners = listeners or []
        self.listeners = []
        self.name = name
        self.service = service

        self.thread_manager = ThreadManager(
        )  # bubbles up to main thread manager
        self._ctrl_queue = Queue()

        PyonThread.__init__(self, target=target, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,
        Constructs the control part of an ION process.
        Used by the container's IonProcessThreadManager, as part of spawn_process.

        @param  target          A callable to run in the PyonThread. If None (typical), will use the target method
                                defined in this class.
        @param  listeners       A list of listening endpoints attached to this thread.
        @param  name            The name of this ION process.
        @param  service         An instance of the BaseService derived class which contains the business logic for
                                the ION process.
        @param  cleanup_method  An optional callable to run when the process is stopping. Runs after all other
                                notify_stop calls have run. Should take one param, this instance.
        @param  heartbeat_secs  Number of seconds to wait in between heartbeats.
        self._startup_listeners = listeners or []
        self.listeners = []
        self._listener_map = {}
        self.name = name
        self.service = service
        self._cleanup_method = cleanup_method

        self.thread_manager = ThreadManager(
        )  # bubbles up to main thread manager
        self._dead_children = []  # save any dead children for forensics
        self._ctrl_thread = None
        self._ctrl_queue = Queue()
        self._ready_control = Event()
        self._errors = []
        self._ctrl_current = None  # set to the AR generated by _routing_call when in the context of a call

        # processing vs idle time (ms)
        self._start_time = None
        self._proc_time = 0  # busy time since start
        self._proc_time_prior = 0  # busy time at the beginning of the prior interval
        self._proc_time_prior2 = 0  # busy time at the beginning of 2 interval's ago
        self._proc_interval_num = 0  # interval num of last record

        # for heartbeats, used to detect stuck processes
        self._heartbeat_secs = heartbeat_secs  # amount of time to wait between heartbeats
        self._heartbeat_stack = None  # stacktrace of last heartbeat
        self._heartbeat_time = None  # timestamp of heart beat last matching the current op
        self._heartbeat_op = None  # last operation (by AR)
        self._heartbeat_count = 0  # number of times this operation has been seen consecutively

        self._log_call_exception = CFG.get_safe(
            "container.process.log_exceptions", False)
        self._log_call_dbstats = CFG.get_safe("container.process.log_dbstats",
        self._warn_call_dbstmt_threshold = CFG.get_safe(
            "container.process.warn_dbstmt_threshold", 0)

        PyonThread.__init__(self, target=target, **kwargs)