Exemplo n.º 1
class DirectoryService(BaseDirectoryService):

    Provides a directory of services and other resources specific to an Org.

    def on_init(self):
        self.directory = Directory()
        # For easier interactive debugging
        self.dss = None
        self.ds = self.directory.datastore
            self.dss = self.directory.datastore.server[self.directory.datastore.datastore_name]
        except Exception:

    def register(self, parent='/', key='', attributes={}):
        return self.directory.register(parent, key, **attributes)

    def unregister(self, parent='/', key=''):
        return self.directory.unregister(parent, key)

    def lookup(self, qualified_key=''):
        return self.directory.lookup(qualified_key)

    def find(self, parent='/', pattern=''):
        raise NotImplementedError()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_non_persistent(self):
        directory_service = Directory()

        root = directory_service.lookup("/")
        self.assertEquals(root, None)

        self.assertEquals(directory_service.register("/","temp"), None)

        # Create a node
        root = directory_service.lookup("/temp")
        self.assertEquals(root, {} )

        # The create case
        entry_old = directory_service.register("/temp", "entry1", foo="awesome")
        self.assertEquals(entry_old, None)
        entry_new = directory_service.lookup("/temp/entry1")
        self.assertEquals(entry_new, {"foo":"awesome"})

        # The update case
        entry_old = directory_service.register("/temp", "entry1", foo="ingenious")
        self.assertEquals(entry_old, {"foo":"awesome"})

        # The delete case
        entry_old = directory_service.unregister("/temp", "entry1")
        self.assertEquals(entry_old, {"foo":"ingenious"})
        entry_new = directory_service.lookup("/temp/entry1")
        self.assertEquals(entry_new, None)
Exemplo n.º 3
def lsdir(qname='/', truncate=True):
    """Prints all directory entries below the given node.
    @param qname the directory node (must start with '/')
    from pyon.directory.directory import Directory
    ds = Directory()
    delist = ds.find_entries(qname)
    detable = [(str(de._id), str(de.attributes)) for de in delist]

    if truncate:
        rows, columns = get_console_dimensions()
        col1wid = get_max_width(detable, 0)
        col1max = min(50 if columns>50 else 0, col1wid)
        print pprint_table(detable, trunc=[-col1max,columns-col1max-2 if columns>col1max+3 else 0])
        print "\n".join(["%s: %s" % tup for tup in detable])
Exemplo n.º 4
 def on_init(self):
     self.directory = Directory()
     # For easier interactive debugging
     self.dss = None
     self.ds = self.directory.datastore
         self.dss = self.directory.datastore.server[self.directory.datastore.datastore_name]
     except Exception:
Exemplo n.º 5
    def start(self):
        log.debug("Container starting...")

        # Check if this UNIX process already runs a Container.
        self.pidfile = "cc-pid-%d" % os.getpid()
        if os.path.exists(self.pidfile):
            raise Exception("Container.on_start(): Container is a singleton per UNIX process. Existing pid file found: %s" % self.pidfile)

        # write out a PID file containing our agent messaging name
        with open(self.pidfile, 'w') as f:
            from pyon.core.bootstrap import sys_name
            pid_contents = {'messaging': dict(CFG.server.amqp),
                            'container-agent': self.name,
                            'container-xp': sys_name }

        # set up abnormal termination handler for this container
        def handl(signum, frame):
                self._cleanup_pid()     # cleanup the pidfile first
                self.quit()             # now try to quit - will not error on second cleanup pidfile call
                signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._normal_signal)
                os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
        self._normal_signal = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handl)

        # Start ExchangeManager. In particular establish broker connection

        # TODO: Move this in ExchangeManager - but there is an error
        self.node, self.ioloop = messaging.make_node() # TODO: shortcut hack

        # Instantiate Directory singleton and self-register
        # TODO: At this point, there is no special config override
        self.directory = Directory()
        self.directory.register("/Containers", self.id, cc_agent=self.name)



        # Start the CC-Agent API
        rsvc = ProcessRPCServer(node=self.node, name=self.name, service=self, process=self)

        # Start an ION process with the right kind of endpoint factory
        self.proc_manager.proc_sup.spawn((CFG.cc.proctype or 'green', None), listener=rsvc)
        rsvc.get_ready_event().wait(timeout=10)   # @TODO: no hardcode
        log.info("Container started, OK.")
Exemplo n.º 6
class Container(BaseContainerAgent):
    The Capability Container. Its purpose is to spawn/monitor processes and services
    that do the bulk of the work in the ION system.

    node        = None
    id          = None
    name        = None
    pidfile     = None
    instance    = None

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        BaseContainerAgent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # set id and name (as they are set in base class call)
        self.id = string.replace('%s_%d' % (os.uname()[1], os.getpid()), ".", "_")
        self.name = "cc_agent_%s" % self.id

        Container.instance = self

        # TODO: Bug: Replacing CFG instance not work because references are already public. Update directly
        dict_merge(CFG, kwargs)
        from pyon.core import bootstrap
        bootstrap.sys_name = CFG.system.name or bootstrap.sys_name
        log.debug("Container (sysname=%s) initializing ..." % bootstrap.sys_name)

        # Keep track of the overrides from the command-line, so they can trump app/rel file data
        self.spawn_args = DictModifier(CFG, kwargs)

        # Load object and service registry

        # Create this Container's specific ExchangeManager instance
        self.ex_manager = ExchangeManager(self)

        # Create this Container's specific ProcManager instance
        self.proc_manager = ProcManager(self)

        # Create this Container's specific AppManager instance
        self.app_manager = AppManager(self)
        log.debug("Container initialized, OK.")

    def start(self):
        log.debug("Container starting...")

        # Check if this UNIX process already runs a Container.
        self.pidfile = "cc-pid-%d" % os.getpid()
        if os.path.exists(self.pidfile):
            raise Exception("Container.on_start(): Container is a singleton per UNIX process. Existing pid file found: %s" % self.pidfile)

        # write out a PID file containing our agent messaging name
        with open(self.pidfile, 'w') as f:
            from pyon.core.bootstrap import sys_name
            pid_contents = {'messaging': dict(CFG.server.amqp),
                            'container-agent': self.name,
                            'container-xp': sys_name }

        # set up abnormal termination handler for this container
        def handl(signum, frame):
                self._cleanup_pid()     # cleanup the pidfile first
                self.quit()             # now try to quit - will not error on second cleanup pidfile call
                signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._normal_signal)
                os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
        self._normal_signal = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handl)

        # Start ExchangeManager. In particular establish broker connection

        # TODO: Move this in ExchangeManager - but there is an error
        self.node, self.ioloop = messaging.make_node() # TODO: shortcut hack

        # Instantiate Directory singleton and self-register
        # TODO: At this point, there is no special config override
        self.directory = Directory()
        self.directory.register("/Containers", self.id, cc_agent=self.name)



        # Start the CC-Agent API
        rsvc = ProcessRPCServer(node=self.node, name=self.name, service=self, process=self)

        # Start an ION process with the right kind of endpoint factory
        self.proc_manager.proc_sup.spawn((CFG.cc.proctype or 'green', None), listener=rsvc)
        rsvc.get_ready_event().wait(timeout=10)   # @TODO: no hardcode
        log.info("Container started, OK.")

    def serve_forever(self):
        """ Run the container until killed. """
        log.debug("In Container.serve_forever")
        if not self.proc_manager.proc_sup.running:
            # This just waits in this Greenlet for all child processes to complete,
            # which is triggered somewhere else.
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) as ex:
            log.info('Received a kill signal, shutting down the container.')
            log.exception('Unhandled error! Forcing container shutdown')

    def _cleanup_pid(self):
        if self.pidfile:
            log.debug("Cleanup pidfile: %s", self.pidfile)
            except Exception, e:
                log.warn("Pidfile could not be deleted: %s" % str(e))
            self.pidfile = None