Exemplo n.º 1
class TestProcessInt(IonIntegrationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.pid = self.container.spawn_process('fake',
        self.fsclient = RPCClient(to_name='fake_service')

    @unittest.skip("timeouts removed 18 oct 2012")
    def test_timeout_with_messaging(self):
        with self.assertRaises(IonTimeout) as cm:
            self.fsclient.request({}, op='takes_too_long', timeout=5)

        self.assertIn('execute in allotted time', cm.exception.message)

    @unittest.skipIf(os.getenv('CEI_LAUNCH_TEST', False),
                     "Test reaches into container, doesn't work with CEI")
    @unittest.skip("heartbeat failing process is disabled")
    def test_heartbeat_failure(self):
            'pyon.ion.process.CFG', {
                'cc': {
                    'timeout': {
                        'heartbeat_proc_count_threshold': 2,
                        'heartbeat': 1.0

        svc = self.container.proc_manager.procs[self.pid]
        ip = svc._process
        stopar = AsyncResult()
            lambda *args: stopar.set(args))

        noticear = AsyncResult()  # notify us when the call has been made
        ar = ip._routing_call(svc.takes_too_long, None, noticear=noticear)

        noticear.get(timeout=10)  # wait for the call to be made

        # heartbeat a few times so we trigger the failure soon
        for x in xrange(2):

        # wait for ip thread to kick over

        # now wait for notice proc got canned
        stopargs = stopar.get(timeout=5)

                          (svc, ProcessStateEnum.FAILED, self.container))

        # should've shut down, no longer in container's process list
        self.assertEquals(len(self.container.proc_manager.procs), 0)
 def register_dataset(self, data_product_id=''):
     procs,_ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_resources(restype=RT.Process, id_only=True)
     pid = None
     for p in procs:
         if 'registration_worker' in p:
             pid = p
     if not pid: 
         log.warning('No registration worker found')
     rpc_cli = RPCClient(to_name=pid)
     rpc_cli.request({'data_product_id':data_product_id}, op='register_dap_dataset')
    def register_dataset(self, dataset_id='', external_data_product_name=''):
        dataset_obj = self.read_dataset(dataset_id)
        dataset_obj.registered = True
        external_data_product_name = external_data_product_name or dataset_obj.name

        procs,_ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_resources(restype=RT.Process, id_only=True)
        pid = None
        for p in procs:
            if 'registration_worker' in p:
                pid = p
        if not pid: 
            log.warning('No registration worker found')
        rpc_cli = RPCClient(to_name=pid)
        rpc_cli.request({'dataset_id':dataset_id, 'data_product_name':external_data_product_name}, op='register_dap_dataset')
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="CC Control script")
    parser.add_argument("pidfile", help="pidfile to use. If not specified, uses the first one found.")
    parser.add_argument("command", help="command to send to the container agent", choices=IContainerAgent.names())
    parser.add_argument("commandargs", metavar="arg", nargs="*", help="arguments to the command being sent")

    opts = parser.parse_args()

    pidfile = opts.pidfile
    if not pidfile:
        raise Exception("No pidfile specified")

    parms = {}
    with open(pidfile, "r") as pf:
        parms = msgpack.loads(pf.read())

    assert parms, "No content in pidfile"

    node, ioloop = make_node(parms["messaging"])
    cc = RPCClient(node=node, name=(parms["container-xp"], parms["container-agent"]))

    # make a manual call - this is to avoid having to have the IonObject for the call
    methdefs = [x[1] for x in IContainerAgent.namesAndDescriptions() if x[0] == opts.command]
    assert len(methdefs) == 1

    arg_names = methdefs[0].positional  # ('name', 'module', 'cls', 'config')
    msg_args = msgpack.dumps(
        dict(zip(arg_names, opts.commandargs))
    )  # ('name', <usrinp1>, 'cls', <usrinp2>) -> { 'name' : <usrinp1>, 'cls': <usrinp2> }
    retval = cc.request(msg_args, op=opts.command)

    print "Returned", retval
Exemplo n.º 5
class TestProcessInt(IonIntegrationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.pid = self.container.spawn_process('fake', 'pyon.ion.test.test_process', 'FakeService')
        self.fsclient = RPCClient(to_name='fake_service')

    @unittest.skip("timeouts removed 18 oct 2012")
    def test_timeout_with_messaging(self):
        with self.assertRaises(IonTimeout) as cm:
            self.fsclient.request({}, op='takes_too_long', timeout=5)

        self.assertIn('execute in allotted time', cm.exception.message)

    @unittest.skipIf(os.getenv('CEI_LAUNCH_TEST', False), "Test reaches into container, doesn't work with CEI")
    @unittest.skip("heartbeat failing process is disabled")
    def test_heartbeat_failure(self):
        self.patch_cfg('pyon.ion.process.CFG', {'cc':{'timeout':{'heartbeat_proc_count_threshold':2, 'heartbeat':1.0}}})

        svc = self.container.proc_manager.procs[self.pid]
        ip = svc._process
        stopar = AsyncResult()
        self.container.proc_manager.add_proc_state_changed_callback(lambda *args: stopar.set(args))

        noticear = AsyncResult()        # notify us when the call has been made
        ar = ip._routing_call(svc.takes_too_long, None, noticear=noticear)

        noticear.get(timeout=10)        # wait for the call to be made

        # heartbeat a few times so we trigger the failure soon
        for x in xrange(2):

        # wait for ip thread to kick over

        # now wait for notice proc got canned
        stopargs = stopar.get(timeout=5)

        self.assertEquals(stopargs, (svc, ProcessStateEnum.FAILED, self.container))

        # should've shut down, no longer in container's process list
        self.assertEquals(len(self.container.proc_manager.procs), 0)
    def register_dataset(self, dataset_id='', external_data_product_name=''):
        dataset_obj = self.read_dataset(dataset_id)
        dataset_obj.registered = True
        external_data_product_name = external_data_product_name or dataset_obj.name

        procs, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_resources(
            restype=RT.Process, id_only=True)
        pid = None
        for p in procs:
            if 'registration_worker' in p:
                pid = p
        if not pid:
            log.warning('No registration worker found')
        rpc_cli = RPCClient(to_name=pid)
                'dataset_id': dataset_id,
                'data_product_name': external_data_product_name
Exemplo n.º 7
 def stats(cls,pid):
     RPC Method for querying a Transform's internal statistics
     rpc_cli = RPCClient(to_name=pid)
     return rpc_cli.request({},op='_stat')
Exemplo n.º 8
 def stats(cls, pid):
     RPC Method for querying a Transform's internal statistics
     rpc_cli = RPCClient(to_name=pid)
     return rpc_cli.request({}, op='_stat')